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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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6 minutes ago, Dhashruman said:

So sorry if this question has already been asked but I may have missed it coz this thread it quite long. So with the Apostasy thing and all wet do you guys think The Sacrifice will be live? Some time in Jan or Feb ish or later in the year?

Jan/Feb would be way too soon. Just to be safe I'd say April/May is more realistic. 

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When they release umbra as a "completely new frame" that is more powerful than prime, Then people would only play umbra.

What will happen to the prime access then? To excalibur prime?.

I didn't say it was just a skin, I said that you can switch to umbra from the prime version which makes people buy/farm them.

The umbra will have it's own design, stats, abilities, MR points, and skins to use it with.

And they should change that prime passive, Not everyone plays in the void/derelict, 250 energy when they get in contact with a death orb is completely useless as we have other ways to get energy (Zenurik, Arcanes, Plates and some WF abilities), We need a new passive that works anytime, anywhere.

Otherwise, Players will only focus on acquiring umbra.

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On 1/1/2018 at 10:33 PM, CaptainStrawberry said:

Is the scarf on his torso part of his body or just one loooooong scarf?




The front of his scarf connects to his body as if it is part of it but you can see in this that it actually is indeed one long scarf, and that it works with skins as well. 

What is interesting about this is that the scarf’s color is determined by the secondary color.

Edited by (XB1)OTF SERENiTY
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14 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

Set a precedent that a Warframe can be required to be removed from your inventory in order to acquire more MR? When there are a load of Warframes that can't be re-acquired because their locked behind unrepeatable quests (that wouldn't even re-award the parts anyway)

I don't think you're paying attention to DE's history of cost/benefit analysis. I'm quite happy to say "Nah, not happening"

And players flexing their new Umbra Warframe can't use it to go Eidolon hunting? That DE are literally expanding on right now... again, nah, not happening. 

Stop thinking about what you think would be "cool" from (your interpretation of) a lore perspective and think about the work required and the utility of the mechanic.

Some players don't like the operators, that's true, it's also a fact that DE don't care, because it's done and it's staying. Their only interest is making them more interesting to sway as many as they can, there is simply too much investment in them now.

Who would sacrifice a frame they can't get again 

Quests will hopefully be replayable in the future 


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As I said; I don't expect this to be reality. I would love it to, personally, but I doubt it. Reason being, well, I'm either a pessimist, a realist or a sceptic, take your pick.Thing is, if Excal Umbra is the same as Excal, everyone's going to be disappointed; the Founders who loser their unqueness, those expecting new abilities, everyone who had hoped for something. The only ones NOT disappointed would be those with absolutely NO HYPE at all. Not the kind of people you seek to impress really. And, even such a group of people, wouldn't be enthused, just not disappointed. Which is a big distance from going 'HELL YES'.

I just hate wasting resources, as a person. I consider every idea that has been thrown in a half-drunk, late-night brainstorming session about something new to be a resource. So, to me, this could be their way to use those resources, the new ideas, the strange or hard ideas, the ideas that were never made real. The ideas gathered from the Forums, from Reddit, from Twitter, from the employees who just don't work at the right position to put them forth. Maybe someone out there from DE listens and obliges. Maybe not. At least I won't spend hours of my day thinking "should I write this or not" anymore.

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We could make Chroma Umbra have his first ability trashed, (No one really uses it anyway) and instead replaced with something like quiver for Ivara or Vauban's minelayer. For Chroma though, it would switch between his four elements. This is something that I am sure everyone would want. I mean, Chroma is already an amazing frame, but I really just want this to be a thing. I'm sure alot of us do. He seems very limited in his potential. I have never met a Chroma main once in-game or out, just people that use him for certain tasks like Eidolon hunting/capping, certain types of missions like defense or interception, but I have never, not once, met someone who mains him. I think that if he could switch between his elements, this might happen. Maybe make his passive ability something like based on which element he is using, the elemental caster frame would gain some kind of buff like energy regen. For example, Chroma has ice active. If there is a Frost in the squad, Frost will regenerate energy or gain some kind of immunity (To cold damage probably). If there is an Ember and Chroma has fire equipped, Ember will regenerate energy or gain some kind of immunity. (To heat damage, probably.) 

What do you guys think of this? I think that all of the elemental caster frames need to get Umbra variants. They have so much potential... (The elemental caster frames are my personal favorites. Except Chroma. I've never really liked his kit much. I think that this ability change could make it alot better.)

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vor 22 Stunden schrieb kuciol:

Why are you overhyping yourselves so much? Umbra is most likely just a replacement for prime. You are setting yourself up for disappointment.

That is the most sane post regarding this topic that I've read in a while. Kudos to you, good sir/madame!

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On 5.01.2018 at 7:46 PM, (PS4)X-x-X_8_O-o-O said:

-The umbras should not be a different warframe it should be like a slider/switch that you can toggle ONLY with prime warframes when you acquire the umbra version, So you can't use umbra unless you have the prime version, with the only exception to this is excalibur umbra.

This is bait, right?

Edited by Sarge_Tarmus
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9 hours ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:


We already know every frame will have it's umbra, but I think having it stats better or worse than the primes does not matter, why? because if Umbra is a new set of warframes then they are actually that.. a new set of warframes.. it is not Excalibur prime.. even that excalibur prime is not avaible to anyone else it is still prime.. and if DE makes something like..  Sentient set of warframes for EXEMPLE, and those new set of warframes are supposed to be better than the prime ones, then Excalibur Sentient will be better than Excalibur prime and there should not be *@##$ing about it, it would make no sense at all to all the Sentient set of warframes be stronger than the prime ones but just Excalibur sentient alone be weaker.

So let's say all Umbra will be stronger than prime, then Excalibur Umbra should as well, now let's suppose we change the lore and make Excalibur Prime the ultimate warframe that always have it's power updated by an unknown prime source, than all other alternatives of Excalibur should as well have it's powers updated by an unknown umbra or whatever new set of future frames unknown source we have on the future, S#&$, maybe one day a new set of warframes will be stronger than umbra and so on if this game continues to have a stronger community and space for whatever lore.

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11 minutes ago, -Ringed-Umbra- said:

We already know every frame will have it's umbra, but I think having it stats better or worse than the primes does not matter, why? because if Umbra is a new set of warframes then they are actually that.. a new set of warframes.. it is not Excalibur prime.. even that excalibur prime is not avaible to anyone else it is still prime.. and if DE makes something like..  Sentient set of warframes for EXEMPLE, and those new set of warframes are supposed to be better than the prime ones, then Excalibur Sentient will be better than Excalibur prime and there should not be *@##$ing about it, it would make no sense at all to all the Sentient set of warframes be stronger than the prime ones but just Excalibur sentient alone be weaker.

So let's say all Umbra will be stronger than prime, then Excalibur Umbra should as well, now let's suppose we change the lore and make Excalibur Prime the ultimate warframe that always have it's power updated by an unknown prime source, than all other alternatives of Excalibur should as well have it's powers updated by an unknown umbra or whatever new set of future frames unknown source we have on the future, S#&$, maybe one day a new set of warframes will be stronger than umbra and so on if this game continues to have a stronger community and space for whatever lore.

I think the issue isn't really about Excalibur Umbra.

Since Excalibur Prime isn't available to the masses, if Excalibur Umbra turns out same or better than Excalibur Prime, the impact will only be on Founders who now have 3 Excaliburs with same abilities and slightly tweaked but frankly unnoticable changes.

Come the next Umbra is when things are going to be a huge problem.

Since Excalibur Umbra will set the precedence, if indeed Umbra frames are just meant to surpass Primes or be same as Primes and assuming they are easier to farm than via void relics, there will be no incentive to ever buy Prime Access or farm relics for Prime because eventually Umbra version will come out and it will be better or same anyway.

This also mean anyone trying to sell Prime parts will basically lose most of his/her income he moment an Umbra version of whatever he/she is selling is announced.

Since we do not know if there will be vaulting of Umbras, assuming there isn't, anyone selling say Ember Prime or Loki Prime for 1000 platinum will need to drastically drop the price permanently once DE announces Ember Umbra or Loki Umbra since those will be permanently available for farming for and will be better or same.

Actually, if Umbras were the same as Primes, it will be even more pointless than if they were slightly better.

Esentially, a reskin of a reskin is a rather pointless thing but the impact will first be felt by Founders and only on second Umbra will everyone feel it.

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3 hours ago, Myscho said:

Look like even DE still don't know what Umbra suppose to be and how he fit into lore and between non and Excal Prime, that's why all those delays


Not to mention they've never shown any interest towards the subject at all, or at least backed up statements you would think otherwise of.

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3 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


Not to mention they've never shown any interest towards the subject at all, or at least backed up statements you would think otherwise of.

DE has said they want Umbra to be special and they don't want to spoil anything or give any "nuggets" because it might be second dream level in information

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19 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

Who would sacrifice a frame they can't get again 

Quests will hopefully be replayable in the future 


Wuo would sell a frame that they can't get again? Support tickets say: plenty of people.

Quest replayability is something DE want but have had large problems implementing, which means it's hard, which means it has a high dev cost, which means it's unlikely.

Also DE have said that they don't want quest replayability to result in being able to re-acquire the rewards, I double that you say that if giving up Warframes was on their mind.

Edited by SilentMobius
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14 hours ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

I think the issue isn't really.. (...)


True words but, even if umbras are not the same or are the same or even powerful than, they are still pointless then.. Unless there is something new to Umbra.. so even tho they are one of those option, if there is something that makes Umbra different as something like a place where only umbras can penetrate, then that could remove the pointless of Umbra.. All I hope is that they are not pointless.

7 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

They've said a lot of things.


They don't want to spoil it not only because they want umbra to be new and special, but because there was so many data mining on umbra related stuff.

As well as Umbra supposed to be after wukong in a time period of 30 days after China release, but their China stuff did not let em, The war within supposed to have umbra, it didn't happen, people somehow made Excal umbra playable, DE got mad about it and it got delayed again.

Now wanna make Umbra special? link em with the way how Lotus vanished with Ballas.. if Umbra is somehow linked with Lotus gone, then believe me, this will be something very special.

Edited by -Ringed-Umbra-
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