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Wtf is this melee Riven


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"Synthisize a Simaris target without using traps or abilities while having a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped alone". Why don't you write me a book DE? I can understand riven mods being difficult, but this is just going out of your way to add content where there really isn't any. This is kind of being ridiculous don't you think?

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Choose Lowest level mission where scan is possible

Rhino activating IronSkin at mission start

Activate scanner

Follow trail

scan it

Still having troubles? Bring a huras Kubrow with only the hp and stalk mod.

Carry a melee with reliable KD slam attacks over a wide radius and take heavy damage mods out of it.

Still having troubles? Bring a ranged weapon with high status equipped for high status (but lowest damage) and status duration(important)  but only equipped for Ice damage.


Edited by Padre_Akais
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use rhino (iron skin right at start shouldn't fail you as said) or inaros and take the ferrox as a weapon because it's 'alt fire' acts the same as the trap even on synthesis targets (or it did when I had the exact same requirements a while back) :)

Edited by LSG501
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Most Riven Challenges are gear and game mechanics knowledge (abuse) checks. Do you have the correct Warframe/Weapons to trivialize the task? Do you understand how to use that Warframe, Weapon, or just basic game mechanic in such a way to make the task trivial?

If you look at a Riven and think "this is impossible" or "this is ridiculously difficult", then it means you either don't have the "cheeze" frames for it or don't really understand what you can do with all the various game mechanics at your disposal.

10 minutes ago, Fluff-E-Kitty said:

I have one that is to have a 3x mella combo up for at lest 30 secdons when an active sentinel is present.

For example, this one has alway said to me to find a high-range, multi-hit weapon.... with very low damage. Because you want to keep the enemy "dummies" alive and in reach as long as possible, and hopefully stun locked in your melee combo. Of course, this is also a "gear check" for Drifting Contact (which drops from Nightmare missions). You can also increase this by having a high status (still low damage) Slashing melee weapon with Relentless Combination to stack Combo faster.

Edited by Brasten
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2 minutes ago, Penguinbuddy91 said:

Can I get advice for this riven with the can't take dmg one? Cause that's what I got.

I've used Ivara. Use some blue pizzas, cast Prowl and roll and aim glide with the Scanner equipped. As long as there are no alarms active and you do not recast anything as you are scanning the target, you will get this done in no time.

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17 hours ago, BtheLee said:

"Synthisize a Simaris target without using traps or abilities while having a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped alone". Why don't you write me a book DE? I can understand riven mods being difficult, but this is just going out of your way to add content where there really isn't any. This is kind of being ridiculous don't you think?

Duration prowl on Ivara after energy restores and before moving (prowl augment helps move faster).

Take a stroll through the map and steal a few things, find your target and scan it, AND THEN KILL E'RYONE FOR THE LULZ...er, I mean "mission objective".

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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2 hours ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

I've used Ivara. Use some blue pizzas, cast Prowl and roll and aim glide with the Scanner equipped. As long as there are no alarms active and you do not recast anything as you are scanning the target, you will get this done in no time.

That doesent work anymore. I tried that yesterday and as soon as i activate invis i fail the challange. Spawned in used pads didnt move used prowl challange failed. Did it 1 more time to confirm.

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1 minute ago, -HoB-Tokan said:

That doesent work anymore. I tried that yesterday and as soon as i activate invis i fail the challange. Spawned in used pads didnt move used prowl challange failed. Did it 1 more time to confirm.

Did you make sure to have the Hobbled Key? If it wasn't that, then prolly have to rely on the Huras' Invisibility?

Wonder when can I get my hands on another veiled Riven with these conditions to see for myself.

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