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Devstream #98 Overview


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I used zenurik alot when focus first came in, I have 1000s of pads and Arcane energize so zenurik doesn't help much anymore ...  So i switched to naramon for permanent invis, lvling frames or increasing survivability... But I can dodge and fight now pretty well and don't really need in this to survive for most frames, so i switched largely to vazrin to pick people up, which is what i have up most times now.  I actually don't use focus skills all that much anymore,  I rarely even use it until someone dies then pop it right over there corpse to pick them up.  A new system could be fun.

Edited by (PS4)Eluminary
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13 hours ago, YatoNeko said:

mmmm the only plausible thing would be to unite focus and operator mode in the war within...so you should just get operator creation in second dream ?

That kinda breaks the lore and mechanical aspect of what the War Within entailed to us. Plus Operator Mode has a full blown tutorial story mode in the War Within.

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I used both zenurik and naramon. While shadowstep removal is not a big deal for me, the energy overflow was crucial for some builds.
Hopefully they'll make arcanes/mods/whatsoever allowing us to gain energy overtime, because for some frames no energy restore will lead to huge limitation on how to build them, leading to limiting their potential. Mag comes to mind, she is very energy hungry having to use her powers quite often to be effective. But it is not just mag but all casters.

Removing energy overflow, giving no equivallent is an indirect nerf to all caster frames. Making them almost useless without Trinity/Harrow nearby.

RIP solo players and PuG enthusiasts.


Make arcane not based on RNG, giving energy over time.


Buff Energy Siphon maybe to 3-4 energy per second instead of 0.6 which helps in nothing (1000 seconds to restore 600 energy (almost 17 minutes)) making it a useless aura.


Give secondary passives to warframes like:

> all tank frames - restores 5 HP and 1 energy every 1 s

> all caster frames - restores 4 Energy every 1 s

> all Exalted Weapon frames - 2HP and 2 energy every 1 s + 1 Rage every 1 s when the weapon summoned (the energy spend on maintained weapon attacks buffs the damage by 1 energy to 0.5% damage increase.)

or something like this.



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Looks like DE is getting closer to bringing me back to the fold. I have not played in months. I log in every once and a while and trade or build the new tech and frame but have yet to level them. The game at one point got so pointless to play for me. I am MR23 with 3000 plus hours of play so the grind was over the top boring.

 Keep it up DE the game is starting to look like something to play again.

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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)BULLS 0N PAR4DE said:

Looks like DE is getting closer to bringing me back to the fold. I have not played in months. I log in every once and a while and trade or build the new tech and frame but have yet to level them. The game at one point got so pointless to play for me. I am MR23 with 3000 plus hours of play so the grind was over the top boring.

 Keep it up DE the game is starting to look like something to play again.

you do knw that consoles will almost definitely not get Plains Of Eidelon straight away. just saying since your name does have (Xbox One) in it.

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1 hour ago, Aeon66 said:

Welp, then i have to redo basically all my warframe builds :/

i know right....its been part of the game long enough that MANY build revolve around the energy regen....maybe if they, oh i dont know, made ALL auras act like a full squad with no benefits of stacking (like it currently is) it would be better and lessen the huge blow...and let us not rely on a specific aura for squad content (looking at you CP)

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18 hours ago, Sargeant_Q said:

"We answered something like this earlier, but based on the recurring interest we are definitely looking to include aspects of the loved Focus passives possible in the overhauled Arcanes."

until we see what they will plan to fix it..well

I like this guy's idea:

yes, we have energy orbs..but as one poster says, you can go for quite a bit where you DONT get energy orbs.

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20 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

Exactly. With a plentiful energy economy, everyone spends energy knowing they can easily get more. With a scarce energy economy, abilities are used either because they are essential, or because they are a last resort.

Octavia comes to mind: No more recasting mallet because it isn't exactly where you want it. No casting Resonator, ever, because it isn't worth the energy cost. Only casting Metronome when your invisibility wears off, rather than as soon as the ability ends. No more casting Amp all over the place, instead only using it when you can afford to.

I don't think DE fully recognizes how important a plentiful energy economy is for Warframe. Without energy, all you have is another horde shooter with a slightly larger weapon pool and slightly more variation in health stats for the characters.

So...you WANT the game to play more like a generic Third person Shooter or Destiny clone, where ability use is scarce and only used when its absolutely necessary?

Because LOTS of games offer experiences similar to that. And ALL of them do it better than this one. 

Warframe needs to be WARFRAME, and more and more, its moving away from everything that makes it great.

That's not to say abilities dont need a balance pass. Just like enemies and weapons, and they absolutely do. But drastically cutting down on their use and turning this into a primarily gear based shooter is a tragic mistake at possibly the WORST time to move this game in that direction.

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

So...you WANT the game to play more like a generic Third person Shooter or Destiny clone, where ability use is scarce and only used when its absolutely necessary?

Because LOTS of games offer experiences similar to that. And ALL of them do it better than this one. 

Warframe needs to be WARFRAME, and more and more, its moving away from everything that makes it great.

That's not to say abilities dont need a balance pass. Just like enemies and weapons, and they absolutely do. But drastically cutting down on their use and turning this into a primarily gear based shooter is a tragic mistake at possibly the WORST time to move this game in that direction.

Sorry I wasn't clear, but I want a full, healthy energy economy. I main Octavia these days, and the idea of only using powers occasionally is almost frightening.

I have no desire to see Warframe turn into another CoD clone. I love the current energy economy of the game. I am worried that the scenario I illustrated will become reality.

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6 minutes ago, Cortanis said:

In regards to the map, when Reb pulled up the larger version it didn't really show all that much given how much more space their actually is. Will this be changed to have a full on map access that shows the entire thing?

I'm not sure if I understand your question, you can correct me if I'm not answering the right thing, but from what I remember from watching the recent gameplay demo, she said something about a discovery feature, where once you find an area for the first time, it will permanently be a part of your map from then on when you visit the plains. 

Sorry if I didn't understand your question right. 

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11 minutes ago, Cortanis said:

In regards to the map, when Reb pulled up the larger version it didn't really show all that much given how much more space their actually is. Will this be changed to have a full on map access that shows the entire thing?

Hopefully we can get a map zoom feature for an overview and maybe move the map (scroll around) for navigation purposes.

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Thinking about it maybe unused capacity on our warframes could contribute to energy regen? Like .1 (or .05) per extra capacity cause as is it's only 5 energy per extra capacity at mission start. Adding that onto energy siphon you can get some regen going caster frames at worst just forma more. 10 capacity is 1 energy per second.

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3 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I'm not sure if I understand your question, you can correct me if I'm not answering the right thing, but from what I remember from watching the recent gameplay demo, she said something about a discovery feature, where once you find an area for the first time, it will permanently be a part of your map from then on when you visit the plains. 

Sorry if I didn't understand your question right. 


3 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Hopefully we can get a map zoom feature for an overview and maybe move the map (scroll around) for navigation purposes.

PsiWarp hits a more detailed description of the issue here. You can't see the entire map... or really anywhere close to what appears to be half of it if I'm not mistaken. It needs some sort of real map navigation aspect to it.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

Thinking about it maybe unused capacity on our warframes could contribute to energy regen? Like .1 (or .05) per extra capacity cause as is it's only 5 energy per extra capacity at mission start. Adding that onto energy siphon you can get some regen going caster frames at worst just forma more. 10 capacity is 1 energy per second.

i would like that...particularly since it already gives you i think its 5 or 10 energy per unused mod point at mission start. though i would say 10:1 is bit large...5:1 is much more reasonable on forma costs.

Edited by Kalvorax
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3 hours ago, Kalvorax said:

i would like that...particularly since it already gives you i think its 5 or 10 energy per unused mod point at mission start. though i would say 10:1 is bit large...5:1 is much more reasonable on forma costs.

 True but you have to look at maximization. 78 capacity os a warframe at most meants 10: 1 it's 7.8 regen at 5:1 it's 15.6 per second. If something like this is implemented DE would likely quickly figure out that perhaps someone would remove a mod or two just for regen and that could get way out into power spam insanity lol.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

 True but you have to look at maximization. 78 capacity os a warframe at most meants 10: 1 it's 7.8 regen at 5:1 it's 15.6 per second. If something like this is implemented DE would likely quickly figure out that perhaps someone would remove a mod or two just for regen and that could get way out into power spam insanity lol.

ah true...im so used to running at near max cap that i forgot haha...this isnt melee where we tend to have extra points

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17 minutes ago, KappaDarius said:

When will this update be released?

They aren't giving a release date this time, probably because people always get upset at them for giving release dates and then not meeting the deadline. 

However, it is probably relatively close, I would guess within a month or so at most, as they have said there will be no more little updates until then, unless they desperately need to fix something broken. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

They aren't giving a release date this time, probably because people always get upset at them for giving release dates and then not meeting the deadline. 

However, it is probably relatively close, I would guess within a month or so at most, as they have said there will be no more little updates until then, unless they desperately need to fix something broken. 

Thank you for the quick response I appreciate it

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