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Coming Soon: Devstream #100!


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1. Can we get a little love for the Seer? Its not supposed to be a super great pistol, but its zoom is painful to work with, and could easily be replaced with a scope, making it a good introduction to sniper pistols for new players. Also, you can't recolor its gold and that makes me sad.

2. Is it possible to expand on the options for operator cosmetics, and no I don't mean new cosmetics. I mean, why can't my tenno wear earrings and glasses at the same time? Its a bit one or the other right now, even though all facial cosmetics fall into three easy categories. Ears, Eyes, and Forehead (except Baro's atmos mask...). Is this a server load issue?

3. When/If other landscapes happen, it would be really cool if we could travel between them without having to use the orbiter. In a year or two could we see Orokin Void gates out in the landscapes to do such a job? ;)

4. SQUAD VISITING ORBITERS WHEN. My place is so amazing looking and I am DYING to show it off! (also Orbiter Captura maybe?)

5. Can we see more pure infested weaponry? I personally love things like the Caustacyst and the Hema, but the market and dojo labs are loaded with corpus and grineer tech. (not that I don't enjoy those either.)

6. This is a big one. Throughout the four years of Warframe history, there were many Events that built lore and story for the game, and many of the older players managed to experience that. However, as a new(ish) player with barely 350 days under my belt, I was unable to experience this, and had to go look it up on the wiki to know ANYTHING about Alad V. and his cure. Can we maybe see some of these lore building events come back as short quests to bridge the grind on the star chart? Ambulas for example is really cool, but for a new player to suddenly be told by some stranger (glast) to kill it and grab its amino processors with no context, might be a bit jarred.


7. After some shower thoughts, what about some Zenith/zenistar/azima/sigma themed Void Amp as a day 800 log in reward? Maybe super special armor and syandana as day 1k?

8. Are Daily Log in Milestones ever going to hit an upper limit? 1000 days sounds like a great place to stop making new content afterwards. If so, though could we see the drops from daily log in rewards become more valuable, like chances at reactors, catalysts, and such?


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I know that there's a lot of stuff pipelined, but are there any news of new warframe augment mods? I quite miss the breath of fresh air they add to gameplay.

Regarding open world content, is your next plan expanding on Plains of Eidolon or start working on new open world areas?

Would you kindly give Graxx skins a break from tennogen roundups? Ever since they first showed up they've been present in every tennogen release, not everyone likes them and they're taking the spot of other entries.

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When will Lanx get there own AI? 
Will we see more Conclave skins in the future?
And new Conclave maps? (Lunaro arenas for every syndicate? Corpus gas city map for annihilation?)
Will the Conclave variants be back? (so Quick Steel and co.)
Beam weapons and melee revisit when will we see them?
And along with this question Will the Synoid Heliocor Finaly see a buff to the Specters so we can for example copy Eximus units.
Also if a Heliocor Specter dies it doesnt reset the timer,will we see a fix for that? (happens mostly with Volatile Runners)
Can we have an aggresiver Specter behavior for Specters with low live expectations? (so that they will not seek cover for 1/2 of their duration)
More Infested Bosses? An overhaul for Lech Kril so that he will have a seperate live bar for this kryo-backpack?

Can we get some Love for the Corpus?

So that it is reflected that there are many different Corpus companys like Anoy Corp (maybe change the style of the units for the differnt corporations).
Will Pluto and Neptune get an overhaul, because currently we have high level Venus and mix of Corpus tile set.
Where are the spidertanks and could Corpus Snipers be changed to use the Snipertron and also drop the Bp?
Will we see more Corpus unis use the newer Corpus weaponry?
Will the Sergeant Finaly get his overhaul to Anoy The Void Prophet?

Will Infested Ancients finaly loose there Grapple hook, since most small Infested can now shoot.
Will we get Infested variances for their units? (so a Corpus Charger or a Grineer Runner, etc.) So that we wont see 100 Charges in a Corpus tile set.
Can we get a Phiorid 2.0 so that he actually respects the tile set (so that he spawns at Corpus outpost on Venus and not on the Gineer Asteroid tile set)

When can we expect to see the Kingpin System and new Dojo rooms, decorations etc.


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Could we get some tweaks to how much focus it costs to fully unlock a tree? I'm hearing somewhere that it takes over a year to unlock all that focus, and people are pretty apathetic on that point.

Reducing costs is fine, but what about focus for completing objectives/or missions? Give us 50k flat focus for, say, doing a mission on Sedna outside of the focus cap. Pluto would be 50k. Neptune, Uranus 40k, ect. Would make it a little more worth or even manageable to farm up those trees outside of Operator Passives, while also giving us a variety of missions so we don't burn out. (All nodes on the planet gives that flat 50k, not more for an endless or a non-endless. All that would do is incentivize people going for more endless missions over and over again)

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Currently, the health on excavation drills remains static regardless of mission level, meaning that as enemy level increases, they get easier and easier to kill. I hate to make such a direct request, but is there any chance you can give the drills some kind of health scaling, the way other defense objectives (rescue hostages, mobile defense terminals, etc.) have? It doesn't have to be a lot, but 2500 health doesn't last long when you get up to sortie levels--or, depending on your warframe choice, even before then.

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@[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Steve

This questions pertains to the braton and lato vandal


You keep saying that you are bringing them back and that's fine with me, but what i want to know is what about those who already have them?

Unlike previous vandal/wraith weapons these were given out for closed beta and open beta weekend. Are you at least going to give skins to the people who already own them? It only seems fair considering the amazing externals(even if the project is being put on hold) alpha players got an alpha testing skin as well as markings in their profiles on the forums and in games indicating their early access .

Please at least let us know something. It dosen't seem fair to give these away without at least considering those who actually have them and like to use them for the sake of showing off how long they have played the game (and how much they love it).

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This is an old quality of life issue that may have been visited, but thought it was worth mentioning. Awhile back, Vacuum was changed from a carrier prime ability to a mod, making other sentinels viable for use. Unfortunately, this still left Kubrows (and Kavats) annoying to use, unless you mind missing out on loot (even the retriever doesn't retrieve fast enough to be worth using).

Any plans to add a vacuum mod to Kubrows or, preferably, simply integrate it as part of the default game mechanics for any companion (so no mod would be needed)?

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There's my list of evergreen questions, but given that this stream's likely to be entirely PoE-centric, I'll pass on the textwall.

* Solo extraction from the plains is now a thing, and I'm thrilled not to have to deal with situations like this.
That said, I'm not sure which of these [url=https://i.imgur.com/otIIrwt.jpg]situations[/url] is more frustrating.

Can anything be done about it?
(e.g. if a player has a fishing spear or mining tool equipped when a bounty stage completes, they get automatically migrated to a solo lobby, sans said reward, and with bounty failed.)

* Many people have spoken eloquently about Focus 2.0's costs, so I'll just add my 2 cents:
At over 4k profile hours, all the gear, everything formatatoed, plat spent on collectables, etc. and not suffering from burnout, I think it fair to say that I'm a dedicated Warframe player.
However, I utterly loath watching paint dry.

I saw the new costs of Focus 2.0, and I saw the progress made in any non-meta-farming scenario (2k unboosted per orb if you're lucky, 800-1k in mid-to-high star chart missions, ~80-120 without), and I've written Focus 2.0 off.

I understand wanting it to be a long term goal.
I understand long term goals being capable of serving as a motivator.
But for that the goal needs to be perceived as attainable.

If one intends to pretend to develop the Focus trees, one's essentially forced into Hydron/Bere/etc. meta-afk farming, or into the rote execution of sleep -> stealth exterminates, which are so monotonous, so invariable as to be mindnumbing.

Possibly the disparity between semi/casual play and farming needs to be decreased, possibly the base rate needs to be increased, possibly something else. Either way, however, Convergence is a linchpin in what's crippling 'earn as you play' Focus progress. (So is lenses gear-locking you, but that's a lesser offender, if meta/stealth farming weren't so much more lucerative.)

* In a similar vein:
Warframe's got a solid track record of huge %drop disparity between reward tiers.
According to the drop tables, rare bounty rewards follow the standard 151:44:4:1 ratio.
As I mention above, I hate watching paint dry. Between that and the ~2% of a rare reward, with 3 of 6? mission types turning into 'stand here for 3 minutes', regardless of how great or little a threat the enemy are, I've basically written off bounty missions (and the associated Eidolon Lens and set mods), now that I've gotten all the Gara parts.

But this is already more 'feedback' than 'devstream question', so:
Do your analytics indicate this as a potential a wider-spread issue, or am I simply not getting sufficiently into the grindmore Warframe spirit?

There was math on Reddit during the leadup to PoE's launch on kuva-per-time (edit: [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/733wtd/devstream_reveal_225_focus_lenses_released_with/dnnwckg/?context=3]found it[/url]), showing that (even) 4k kuva is a poor reward for 20 minutes of Sortie missions.
1.1k kuva for 15-20 minutes of a Bounty 5 isn't a better proposition. (tl;dr 2 siphons for ~10 minutes, or 1 flood for ~5, assuming no boosters.)

Is this intentional, or does it simply under the heading of 'lack of economy degrees among DE'?

* Was making Sentient cores (and associated drops) A) not subject to vacuum, and B) actual drops to begin with, rather than given to the player directly, a la Kuva a conscious choice? If so, What is the design goal behind it?

* Distance and direction affecting audio was implemented.. what? 4 months ago? And is paying huge dividends in PoE, between fishing, Teralyst tracking, and the Grineer.
Good job.
Just thought I'd mention that.

If a question's needed: Was that intended, or simply an opportunity that presented itself - and was capitalized on?

* As far as modding Warframes go, I'm a max Range fanatic.
An ability is useless if it doesn't actually affect your target, and this was in the fairly enclosed pre-PoE tilesets.

With the wide-openness of PoE, allowing enemies to engage from a couple hundred meters away - and teammates to spread as far or farther; and in multiple directions limiting both non-self buff/debuff and nuke application, do you think that ability ranges need to be rethought?

On a similar note: Does it still make sense for the affinity sharing range to be 50m, given PoE's expansiveness?

And, in a tangent, the expansiveness of PoE makes the increased pickup range that Vacuum imparts almost-literally invaluable.
Have there been any further thoughts on increasing the frames' default pickup range? (Possibly tied to movement, via triggering off idle animation, or a special 'gather' emote, or some other method.)
Or, failing that, Univac?
(I specifically thawed and started formatatoing my Chesa, since my sentinels tended not to survive the Teralyst fight.
Was hoping to keep Animal Instinct along with a cheap-knockoff Vacuum. Stopped after 2 forma - Retrieve is utterly ineffectual when you're as wide-ranging as one is in PoE.)

* Fishing is, to my honest surprise, quite fun.
That said, unlike mining, where you can incidentally mine nodes as you come across them in your roaming, between spears disabling your weapons and abilities on one hand, and fish not spawning unless you're ADSing with a spear, there's no such thing as 'incidental fishing', no 'Well, I'm otw to this hotspot, but ooh, look at that fish! ... The mission can wait a minute >_>.'
Needing to dedicate yourself to fishing is inconvenient. Not an integral part of your roam, but rather extraneous.

Why do I raise this? Because Skywing.

Skywing consumables require fish. Meaning you're setting up a conflict of opportunity cost: Time running from A to B vs. the time spent fishing those fish.
If Skywing, once deployed, were usable for the duration of an instance, this would be worthwhile. Given that it isn't, however, parkouring the 600-1km between stages of a bounty takes less time than gathering the fish for the consumables that each and every such travel would.
This makes skywing an emergency 'HUSTLE, people!' tool.
Which is a shame, because - regardless of how I feel about Arching/Sharkwing, Skywing is pretty darn awesome.

Do you agree or disagree with this assessement? If so, is this 'working as intended'? Or again a casualty of 'no economists'?

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I recently started after I noticed the Game on Twitch.

Overall, the Game seems to allow a fair progress without spending like crazy. However, there are 2 exceptions, which annoy me quite a lot:

1. Some Frames are Vaulted, which I can understand. However, I think putting a Frame like Loki Prime in the Vault, which is rather unique in it's playstyle seems rather unfortunate to me.


2. Even worse than that, a lot of mods which are required for certain builds are extremely limited (= unobtainable), what makes their prices skyrocket. A prime example is Maiming Strike, which goes for 750~1000 platin (according to chat) and it's THE mod for a sliding build with those Tonkas.

I can only speak for myself, but obtaining the mod seems so unrealistic, that I've given up on this build right away... which means giving up on a entire weapon class and playstyle to me.


I realize artificial scarcity is a thing in game development, but I think it has to be within reason... it seems rather unlikely to me that anyone would spend 45€ just for one mod which has rather limited uses.

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I just wanted to congratulate you guys on the huge milestone. 

I've been here since the beginning and although I do take breaks from the game here and there, seeing you guys grow has been amazing. 



As for feedback/questions; I believe the login reward system could use another look at. 


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1 hour ago, I_MIKE_I said:

I recently started after I noticed the Game on Twitch.

Overall, the Game seems to allow a fair progress without spending like crazy. However, there are 2 exceptions, which annoy me quite a lot:

1. Some Frames are Vaulted, which I can understand. However, I think putting a Frame like Loki Prime in the Vault, which is rather unique in it's playstyle seems rather unfortunate to me.


2. Even worse than that, a lot of mods which are required for certain builds are extremely limited (= unobtainable), what makes their prices skyrocket. A prime example is Maiming Strike, which goes for 750~1000 platin (according to chat) and it's THE mod for a sliding build with those Tonkas.

I can only speak for myself, but obtaining the mod seems so unrealistic, that I've given up on this build right away... which means giving up on a entire weapon class and playstyle to me.


I realize artificial scarcity is a thing in game development, but I think it has to be within reason... it seems rather unlikely to me that anyone would spend 45€ just for one mod which has rather limited uses.

While frames are Vaulted, they aren't unobtainable. Some of their parts still float around in players hands, though at high price. However, every 6 months or so, DE will open the vault for a few weeks for a certain frame. For example, around early summer, Rhino and Mag were unvaulted for a little while, making them drop in relics and could be bought in prime access. Its actually believed Loki is coming again soon.


And yes some mods only drop from specific sources, Maiming strike was just struck with a massive blow due to Riven mods, since they have a chance to replicate the same exact text that Maiming strike does. Though, I understand Argon scope and some others are REALLY hard to come by, The Acolytes (enemies who drop them) seem to pop up at least once a year.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)codoo17 said:

1. can we have a double RESOURCE weekend to celebrate?


Wouldn't really be fair.. we already had one this year yet we had no double affinity weekend so far

We had one 2x resource and one 2x credit

Double affinity or riot! :crylaugh:

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I'm going to utter the dirty phrase: Convergence Orbs

We need to talk about them.

I don't know whether this was your intent but I heard someone saying the point of Convergence Orbs was to combat camping and static play. to force players to move around

If this was your intent, it has failed spectacularly. Or at bare minimum it has attempted to fight a problem that is a severe edge case with no benefit because focus already has a daily cap.

Meanwhile, Convergence orbs add wrench after wrench after wrench after wrench after wrench after wrench into the system of gaining xp for focus, making a system that already has a grind on the scale of years clunky and painful.

This is not acceptable.

Convergence Orbs are a failed experiment that needs to be removed from the game, and base focus rates be adjusted up accordingly.

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So I got some questions to add to the pile I guess.

1) Zenurik was the most popular focus tree in 1.0 because of the great energy regeneration it could get you, thus allowing you to interact more with one of the fundamental aspects of the game (Powers). This was apparently considered a bit much (I mean 4/s sounds like a lot tbh), so passive energy regeneration was stricken from Zenurik with 2.0. But the energy regeneration is still there, and indeed, even more powerful. It just now requires you to hop into your operator, do a dash, then hop back in your warframe.

What was the logic behind this decision? If it was meant to be a 'nerf', then it's only a nerf in the sense that it's more annoying to use, while someone determined enough to use it every 30s will have even greater energy regeneration than before.

2) Why is Focus so heavily, heavily slanted towards Operators, when Operators are such a tertiary, vestigial aspect of the game? Focus was touted as a way to improve ourselves outside of gear and mods when it was first being designed, but now so much of it doesn't actually come into contact with the majority of the game. It feels like a waste of effort.

3) Unairu's Void Spines is straight-up 100% useless due to how damage and hp scale, and it's a prerequisite to the ENTIRE rest of the tree. This isn't a question, but a question doesn't need to be asked with a statement such as this.

4) The game is called Warframe, people are brought to the game to play with Warframes, and the Warframes are what people get more attached to (Since they are the vehicle through which we actually explore the world). We've had a lot going on and on about the Operators, but are we actually going to get any story content related to the Warframes themselves? They've been self-aware in the past, and things like the different animation sets and such imply that there is still some aspect of that inside them. It'd be really nice, especially for the people like myself who just... are really not fond of Operators at all on multiple levels, if this could be explored a bit.

5) While I'm not fond of Operators, I've accepted the fact that they're probably not going anywhere. One reason I dislike them however, is how bad I find them to look. In aid of this, could we get Operator outfit parts added to the items you can get from various syndicates? They seem like the perfect way to introduce various outfits in the different styles the solar system has to offer. Steel Meridian for Grineer-styled outfits, Perrin for Corpus-style, Suda for an outfit that entirely removes the appearance of being human and makes you look like a humanoid-shaped Cephalon-projection comprised of hexagons... That sort of thing. I mean I can't lie I'd like Operators a lot more if I could pretend to be a Cephalon. Suda already said I'd make a good one, and normal people becoming Cephalons IS apparently a thing!

6) Last one, and again not really a question. I just wanna say I really loved Octavia's Anthem. That's how you get me to care, DE. Use of established characters and heroic deeds, not disrupting my immersion into the world like with Second Dream.

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