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Almost 4 months of non stop Plato Lua


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I've killed so many Conculysts that Hunhow shouldn't really exist anymore...

My Nekros has desecrated them too many times to count...

But after all that...

I STILL don't have a Vengeful Revenant!

Why? what am I doing wrong?

Edit: I don't have Ivara...I don't like running spy missions...

Edited by (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng
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The biggest pitfall anyone makes while trying to farm these is NOT aborting. It's infinitely faster but most people can't accept it. If you can do 3 runs in the time it takes to do 1, why not? Abort often folks, and as others have said, Ivara.

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4 months? god damn, you have a lot of patience to go that long, most people complain after 4 minutes, but 4 months? nobody can say you haven't tried.

you should be able to find it on trading, I got one for 50p, and this was not long after it came out. Swooping Falcon on the other hand, now that was a pain for me to get.

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On 1/30/2018 at 5:58 AM, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

I've killed so many Conculysts that Hunhow shouldn't really exist anymore...

My Nekros has desecrated them too many times to count...

But after all that...

I STILL don't have a Vengeful Revenant!

Why? what am I doing wrong?

Edit: I don't have Ivara...I don't like running spy missions...

*laughs horrendously* I’ve been doing this for over a year already. Still not a single one. I know Lua inside and out and I know how to do all the Drift rooms. Most of my time is dedicated to playing on Lua.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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47 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Time is money. You wasted a ton of time for a mod that you can get for only 60p. 

Why is it wasted, though? The sole point of the game is to farm for all the item, weapons and warframes you want. There's nothing else to do. Spending plat to buy things that has been vaulted I can understand. But buying things that are farmable in the game? That's spending plat to avoid actually playing the game. The day I do that is the day I uninstall the game, because obviously I would no longer want to play the game then.

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