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Opposite gender skins for frames?


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Please pardon me if this is more of a General Feedback topic; I was split between putting it there and here, but ultimately this forum edged it out in my mind.


I recently got my hands on Ash, and I rather like him a lot. Looking into him, though, I've found out that at some point in development he was originally slated to be a 'Female' Warframe. This got me thinking, and I came to realize several points:


  • Warframes have no voicelines associated with them, the only player controlled character which speaks is the Operator.
  • Warframes are already able to equip the animations of every other Warframe just fine, as an optional feature.
  • While the 'Original' Warframes of each type are implied to have had distinct personalities and traits (See the questlines for frames such as Limbo/Inaros/Harrow), the skins already available delve into what-if scenarios. Prominent examples would be the Gersemi skin for Valkyr, where she never was experimented on, and the universal 'Graxx' skin theme where the chosen frame has apparently allied with the Grineer.


All of these (rigging, voice, character) are already present solutions to the most common issues for presenting opposite gender skins. It seems to be an easier implementation than genders for the Operator, all things considered. Perhaps not as a simple selection like the Operator, but maybe as another potential variation as more skins are introduced?


Imagine the thematic possibilities. Concept Art Ash! Sekmet Inaros! Hexxus Saryn! I don't really see a reason why not all things considered, if simply to add a little bit more to play with when customizing. And goodness knows, do players love their customization

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Some do have voice lines. Valkyr and Rhino specially. How ever on the subject of "Alt gender skins" DE has stated time and time again, in dev streams primarily and long ago, that they would never do that, what they want to do is make frames of the same theme but different genders. An example would be the "Trickster" theme, which we have...two frames that have that theme, Mirage and Loki in my opinion are...the only frames that follow this line of thinking from DE.

Personally...i'd love to alt gender skins, but on the flip side i'm also curious about the second frames of same theme but different stats/powers as well...

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7 minutes ago, OriVerda said:

I wonder if TennoGen could create genderbender 'frames.

Basically not really. Can't edit the model in any way, and you can only do so much with normal map shading (flat chests will still be flat even with "fake" shadows, and it's even harder to hide wide hips and breasts.) 

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15 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

The effort on making alternate skin meshes per gender could be used on making completely new frames. Its not worth it.

It's the same amount of effort as creating any other Premium skin, and at an absolute worst it could be "outsourced" to the steam Workshop.

Money is not an issue at this point.

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7 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

Basically not really. Can't edit the model in any way, and you can only do so much with normal map shading (flat chests will still be flat even with "fake" shadows, and it's even harder to hide wide hips and breasts.) 

Tennogen does not allow custom models? I primarily asked this question in the first place because, if it was not in the cards for the standard development team, that would seem like something which people would be likely to create and submit for possibility via the Steam workshop on their own time/resources.


Heck, My current Limbo is apparently sporting a head from the workshop right now. Am I just getting confused here?

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20 minutes ago, Sickerton said:

Ah, alright. Pardon for the retread then, I am fairly new and have no idea what has been covered already.

No need to apologize. Anybody with two working neurones should be able to tell you're new around, thus unfamiliar with the long story this discussion had.

The constant resurface of this topic is nothing but an indicative of what players expect. Creating an alt skin has nothing to do with creating a new frame, where they have to design and balance powers and stats for a wide range of scenarios.

If anything, as already stated, this would be comparable to making an alt/deluxe skin, and personally I have never seen anything wrong about having more aesthetic options. The way this has been denied right from the start from DE hints more at a purely political decision. After witnessing them almost fully model the Nezha deluxe skin live in zbrush or w/e program they used, I find the "economical/time/effort" point as a feeble excuse.

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Im not opposed to the idea. But if this ever would happen, it would require lots of work. Its like making a new frame model. The workload would be much greater than speargun animations for each frame animation set. We are talking about producing a deluxe-like skin for every frame. And how would that blend in with all the other skins? Would all skins in the game need to be translated to the other model? It would be nice to have it but its so unrealistic that it will never happen unless some brave Tenno donated DE with a metric tone of cash to make it possible.

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As a founder, I'm obviously aware of how many times this topic has been covered, but I still want to throw my $0.50 in the hat and remark that I think it's a shame DE is so opposed to this idea. Especially after making the


Tenno themselves so androgynous.

I'd pay exorbitant amounts of money for female skins for Ash, Excalibur, Frost, Nezha, and Rhino. Really. $25 a pop.

Make it happen DE. Don't you like money? (・ω・´)

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19 minutes ago, Sickerton said:

Tennogen does not allow custom models? I primarily asked this question in the first place because, if it was not in the cards for the standard development team, that would seem like something which people would be likely to create and submit for possibility via the Steam workshop on their own time/resources.


Heck, My current Limbo is apparently sporting a head from the workshop right now. Am I just getting confused here?

To clarify, Tennogen doesn't allow custom models for bodies. Currently only custom helms, syandanas, and skins for certain weapon types.

Maybe someday in the future they'll allow for bodies too (and at that point, genderbending doesn't seem like that much of a stretch), but I wouldn't count on it anytime soon.

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Yeah id rather they focus on pushing the game forward, rather then stalling out making new skins for all the existing frames.  A new  skin here and there is fine, but doing like Armored Warfare, and basically putting the brakes on game development all to chase the next buck by reskinning every fking tank in the game and then reselling it in a new 80 dollar bundle.....no, just no...

New Prime packs, thats fine, since every frame deserves a prime at least, but just making female/male versions of each frame...naw...



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What a lot of people seem to forget while they complain about this topic coming back is that the main reason it hasn't happened is commercial viability.

Originally every frame was going to have male and female options, that's why there is concept art for a lot of the original line up, but DE decided it would be better to use those models as separate frames and cut down on the model making work load.  This led to the female Excalibur being turned into Nyx and the other alt-gender designs gathering dust. 

This was back before we had deluxe skins though, Proto Excalibur was then made as a limited edition test to see if people would pay almost as much as some warframes for only a new model for one.  People bought it, it was a success and now we are getting deluxe skins faster than we are getting new warframes.  The artists are making models faster than the game needs them.  (Remember, different departments can work on different things and at different rates.)

Every time this topic comes up people say they'd be happy to pay for it and all it needs for it to happen is DE to believe that.  The female Ash concept art has a lot of fans, I imagine it could sell quite well if released at deluxe level price.

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