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Developer Workshop: Saryn Revisited 2.0


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1 minute ago, Zabzikk said:

Deleting comment nice one guys! :clap:

Left a criticism comment......deleted

How do you want us to leave feedback???

Only positive? Only good? No criticism?

Hi Tenno!

To clarify: 


Thanks DE for ruining another frame gj!

does not qualify as constructive criticism and is therefore not welcome on our forums. If you read the posts of others here you will see there are many posts that provide thoughtful and insightful feedback on the proposed changes to Saryn. Most of these comments come with a mixture of positive and negative feedback, but even when feedback is only negative, it is conveyed from a place of sound reasoning. 

We do not use these forums to let people hurl context-less insults at the work of our developers, we use them to provide an outlet for players to provide meaningful feedback. If you have further questions, please review our Community Guidelines, or send someone on the Community team a message! As always, you are free to rephrase your feedback according to our guidelines, but simply saying something is "ruined" without any explanation and in a sarcastic tone is just not helpful to anyone.


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Let's get our facts straight here before you guy all have a panic attack.

DE is killing the cheese.  They have been working steadily, the game is not intended to sit in one spot and nuke the map.  Do not be so surprised by this, its not a nerf, its a balance.

Saryn always gets used in weird ways, fist she was a Miasma bomb, then they changed that and she became viral proc spammer.  Now they are taking her in a different direction.

I don't play Saryn as a caster, I find her stats are better suited to being a shock trooper, this kit further solidifies that.  She comes into a group of enemies, does a massive amount of damage, drops a molt and a miasma, and gets out of there before she gets wrecked.  The big there here is the change from viral to corrosive.  I think you are getting ahead of yourself in assuming this will be ineffective.  Corrosive is one of the most universally useful damage types, many tough units are susceptible to corrosive damage, and the constant corrosive procs mean that armor can be handled easily with her.  You need many corrosive procs for it to be effective.  Miasma provides a blast of viral damage and procs, you only need on viral proc, and this skill will continuously inflict it, not to mention Saryn's passive.  Sure you wont just be debuff that walks around, but instead continuously be a nightmare for heavy and high threat enemies.

The toxic lash change desperately needed to happen as well.  Even before however it did significant damage, as it 33% of you weapon's damage every second for seven seconds (i think that was the duration) meaning that in time each strike actually did an additional 200% damage...we are just too impatient to wait for all of that...not that same characteristic will be dealt with guns.  Meaning that a sniper rifle can do some disgusting damage...and since it is toxin damage, say goodbye to Corpus.

This all being said, these changes will make her more versatile in the long run and put her back into the hands that appreciate combat and out of the hands of exploiters.

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People who complain about the rework dont have any idea what they are talking about.. If this gets added Saryn is just going to be next level of amazing...
If you don't like the changes it's probs cuz you dont play Saryn enough. While her spores dont do much to corpus, molt+miasma synergy will be a thing and since molt actually scales now it's going to be amazing.

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Whatever you decide to do, do not, I repeat... DO NOT change spore's and miasma's damage type around. Corrosive Projection already exists and is far more effective than just using corrosive spores. Viral at least gives spores the ability to be versatile against all factions. Grineer at high levels have always been fought with bringing Corrosive Projection into the aura slot. Making Spores into corrosive proc stacking will not be a change for the better against any faction since Viral already helps with working against all factions by halving the health. If you want Miasma to be the corrosive proc stacking ability, just change Miasma to deal the damage more frequently in smaller numbers rather than a few ticks with larger numbers. More corrosive procs on Miasma would be a much better decision than ruining Spores.


Edited by Harper
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1 minute ago, MunsuLight said:

And casting Miasma need a ton of energy .. and is instant.. And the Viral procs  will probably not last long enough ..I dont want to waste 100 + Energy each let say 8 sec just to maintain Viral.. this is just madness

Guys you're forgeting that now that spore reduces armor, the damage of Viral will end up being much higher so it is actually vible to use this ability on higher leves than ever before,also she has a decent health pool and armor, you can use hunter adrenaline or rage to get energy back.

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Oof, don't know about that viral->corrosive/spores->miasma change, it was a great cheap, map wide debuff, miasma though is too expensive to spam for the debuff (and it doesn't have the same potential to spread it).

Also removing the spore casting on molt is just bad, it's a great tool and to remove it just cause "It's not clear that you can do it" is a baffling decision, for example, many people don't know about freeze on chilling globe synergy, might as well remove that too, huh? I'm being sarcastic of course.

I'm pretty skeptical as of now, but there's more good than bad in this proposed rework, so I'll wait and see how it is when it's available.

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I'm mostly worried about teaching myself not to keep recasting Spore as new enemies show up. There is muscle memory involved here, folks. 

Also worried about the voice thing. Do not want voices on my warframes. It's just a thing I deal with. 

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8 minutes ago, TheAmazingEternal said:

corrosive is good against all health types, it has no drawbacks, just proc miasma to give viral proc ez

I was referring solely to the fact the Corrosive Proc are only useful against armored enemies where as Viral Procs are universally useful.

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Seems like i will put her to Ember and Banshee in the"was great once" loadout... RIP almost all my favourite frames...

Meanwhile Titania still has an absolute useless 2nd and 3th ability, but since she isnt very common i dont think this will be changed till her prime arrives.

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I'd like to suggest testing her abilities on enemies at least level 80 and above (no point if she can't perform good in extreme high level missions solo), and test performance on old equipment (if they are good on the ancient then new equipment won't have problem)

- Her spores... spread only if enemy dies? Sounds like she will be killed first in very high level missions when spores don't kill the enemy fast enough and hence cannot spread to other enemies ya?

- Molt... actually the usual gameplay is people spam her spores on the molt rather than a set-and-forget as what you said. Anyway, it seems no point spamming spores after this rework too, as it won't be so spam-able.


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The Saryn 3.0 rework is looking absolutely amazing so far, swapping miasma and spores damage types around just makes sense in the long run since you only needed 1 viral proc to gain the full benefit whereas you'll need many corrosive procs to see a significant difference. Toxic lash now affecting all weapons is also an absolutely amazing change and will no doubt increase the usage of that power. I still feel that Saryn's regenerative molt should just be part of her base kit and not an augment and I really wish that her passive of 25% bonus status duration got bumped even more or changed entirely to something else but overall as a Saryn enthusiast I welcome all of these changes.

Edited by (PS4)TheRainbowTurt1e
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2 minutes ago, [DE]Aidan said:

We do not use these forums to let people hurl context-less insults at the work of our developers, we use them to provide an outlet for players to provide meaningful feedback. If you have further questions, please review our Community Guidelines, or send someone on the Community team a message! As always, you are free to rephrase your feedback according to our guidelines, but simply saying something is "ruined" without any explanation and in a sarcastic tone is just not helpful to anyone.


You tell them [DE]Aidan. This actually made my day and it is so satisfying to see that guy get schooled by you [DE]Aidan. Applause to you sir :clap:

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1 minute ago, Crimson_S said:

Not exactly, theirs a fair amount of corpus units with armor. And damage still hurts them regardless.

Yes, and the toxin procs that transfer along with Spores will still bypass shields. The base damage of Spores was always pitiful, except against sub-level-20 enemies.

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1 minute ago, Neo3602 said:

I was referring solely to the fact the Corrosive Proc are only useful against armored enemies where as Viral Procs are universally useful.

the procs themselves yeah, but as a damage type corrosive is better universally

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Spores becoming an Armor stripper will make Saryn far stronger against Grineer and Corrupted while freeing her aura slot from Corrosive Projection. If the escalating damage stacks favorably and rapidly, the loss of Viral might be worthwhile (we could always proc it with Miasma anyway).

Molt’s survivability, yes! There was no point in a long duration since it pops so quickly in high level missions. I’m sad to see Spores + Molt going away, since it is often an easier vector for spreading  infection if I can’t find any enemies in sight.

Toxic Lash always did feel lacklustre, wasteful if I don’t feel like melee-ing at the moment. Now all my weapons will bypass Shields with Toxin, sounds good for Venuscape!

Miasma’s damage and duration  buffs are awesome. Constant Viral procs should make melting enemies nearby an easy task.

All in all, looking forward to the return of the Queen of Poison.


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1 hour ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

When will the non-popular frames like Wukong and Titania for example, be looked at as well? They are in dire need of an overview more than Saryn to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Saryn is getting changes, it’s just that certain frames need to need be looked at more than others.

Saryn Feedback:

  • Stat Increase
    • Good change to make her a bit more more survivable.
  • Spores
    • Sounds pretty good so far, hopefully it’s good in the game.
  • Molt
    • Reading the changes to Molt seem quite incredible, can’t wait to see how it is in-game.
  • Toxic Lash
    • Changing the ability to work for all weapons is a really great change.
  • Miasma
    • The damage buff to Miasma is an extremely good buff.
  • Audio Change
    • Won’t say no to new audio, can’t wait to hear the new sounds!

I’m not a Saryn main, nor have I used her, but overall, the new Saryn rework looks quite good, nothing really to complain here.

What is your problem with wukong and titania?

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I can't help but think the only reason for this rework is that DE doesn't want people using Saryn to shred through Sanctuary Onslaught. I also feel like the viral to corrosive damage swap will make Spores a worse ability overall, since for the most part the only enemy type corrosive procs really hurt are the grineer. All other major factions only have a few enemies with enough armor to warrant corrosive procs over viral procs. The change might make her stronger against some bosses with a lot of armor but her forte is CC not single target damage, you'd still be better off bringing a different frame for boss encounters.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)DeluxeKnight831 said:

why is saryn being reworked when far more frames deserve changes ?


44 minutes ago, [DE]Aidan said:

Hey all! Just a quick reminder that this thread is for discussing THIS rework. Questions like "what about X frame, they could use some work" are not on-topic here and should be asked in the Warframe & Abilities Feedback section of the Forums. Crowding this thread with such responses won't help us gauge feedback to this rework.


Edited by --Q--Voltage
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il y a 4 minutes, DreadWarlock a dit :

Guys you're forgeting that now that spore reduces armor, the damage of Viral will end up being much higher so it is actually vible to use this ability on higher leves than ever before,also she has a decent health pool and armor, you can use hunter adrenaline or rage to get energy back.

You forget that some optimized team run 4 Corrosive projection and dont need the Corrosive from the New Spores ..  Viral is still the most potent Damage type once Armor is removed .. and is still good against Corpus (which Corrosive isnt) 

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