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Slots - This should be gone like paid Revives.


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So we moved from time when we had to pay fro Revives. So why are Slots are still here?

Im talking about all kinds of slots:

- Warframe slots

- Weapon Slots

- Archwing Slots

- Archwing Weapons Slots

- Riven slots

- Companion Slots

- Amps slots


Well I would argue if warframe was some cheap mobile game that have to earn money BUT even those mobile games have slots for in game currency or have no limits. Since we need to Farm Warframes, resoruces for them and wait 7d 12h to build them! And after all of this you need to pay to pick them up.

Also I know what you might say:

"You gain some plat at start" - Well enough for 3 WFs? and how many do we have?

"You can sell primes and stuff" - Well most new players would like to build primes not sell them. Not mentioning you need to sell primes to buy stuff from Baro.


Warframe is a game where a key fragment to progress is to get new weapons and frames to lvl up but when the new player runs out of begining plat and just want to play for fun, he is forced to sell weapons and frames. So why? Why would you do that? For me it is even whorse than paid revives!


Propably we can tell the same with Rivens. 50 platinum for 3 mods? Mods you have to buy or farm, open them and if you dont like stats roll them with kuva which you have to farm too. So why slots here? I was standing Warframe slots etc for those years but Riven slots broke me so I decided I would never spend a single platinum on rivens.



To Sum Up

Warframe is the game that makes a lot of cosmetics or newest primes or sometimes catalysts or reactors so why you make players to buy slots if the core mechanic to progress in game to get more weapons and Frames?

This is the same situation as old modding system which you had to spend real money on to progress and make your warframe better.

Same as the old progression system, same as paid revives - Slot mechanics make new players to pay real money after they run out of starting plat.


My proposition

If you really have to make slots - make them cost credits. This is a currency every player can get. Or even just remove this system which would be better.


I love Warframe, I love community, I love DE and all of the Devs but please! please! It isnt fully fair you can't dissagre 😕


Please just let the slots go.

Love you DE and Community ❤️


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Honestly, I disagree, slots should stay as they currently are, there’s no real issue with them. Slots is where DE earns a lot of money as well, if slots were made to be free, DE would lose a ton of revenue, which is a bad thing. Plus, acquiring the platinum for slots isn’t that hard either. No real issue as to why slots need to be free.

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Slot mechanics make new players to pay real money after they run out of starting plat.

yhm... nope?

starting 50 :platinum: its one slot for frame and 2x 2 slots for weapons - perfect for new player...


Plus, acquiring the platinum for slots isn’t that hard either

mods, exclusive syndicate/event mods/parts, ayatans, rivens, prime parts - so many easy ways to making some platinium for buying slot (12, 20, 60) - all what is needed it's playing and little lot of thinking

Edited by Rin-senpai
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Ay idea how they would compensate all the players who've spent hundreds on play already?

A huge refund would destroy the plat market, and some sort of exclusive item for having bought plat would be either "meh" if its lame or held in the same regard as "excalibur prime" if its too good.


I'm all for reducing the amount of nickel and diming, but not if its coming from a game without monthly subscription cost. And they don't even charge us for updates ( at least I don't think they do, I'm new.)

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The reason slots cost is that every slot you have is another weapon or warframe with loadouts and appearance schemes. These cost server space to store. Having slots cost premium currency helps pay for this server space abit.

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While I do think that players should start with 8 weapon slots instead of 4 (as you need 8 slots to 'complete the game'), I think that, other than those starting weapons slots, the slot system as a whole isn't bad.

And Riven Slots are expensive because DE had the great idea of storing random mod values as a set of 4-6 Float data types, instead of using a Byte or Int, so they take up a lot of room and cost money to store all of them.

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24 minutes ago, Pepz said:

lol, earning plat to get slots its the easiest thing ever... 

First you have to earn that and about this read what i wrote about selling primes


22 minutes ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

Ay idea how they would compensate all the players who've spent hundreds on play already? 

Did they refund anything from paid revives?


31 minutes ago, ReinAxefury said:

Slots are extremly cheap (as they should) so i don't see a reason to change that.

Look up first quote please

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Last time DE brought up slots and getting rid of them they mentioned that slots are still one of their biggest money makers.
Why?  Because everyone needs them at one point or another.  Its a fairly good plat sink that stops hyper-inflation of the plat market from occurring.

And you want to get rid of slots, again one of DEs bigger money makers, and replace it with what?
What would you replace it with that everyone needs to buy so that DE can continue to make money?
Because if you don't have something to replace it with this idea is a no-go.

And please don't say "B-b-but cosmetics!!!" because here's a hard fact: Not everyone buys cosmetics.  There are tons of players who don't buy cosmetics or colours because they don't see the point in it.

So until you, or someone else, can come up with something to replace slots that would make DE as much, if not more, money then slots do they are here to stay.

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Heh, this brings back memories from when I first started playing and had to carefully spend those 50 plat on either a new warframe or weapon slot and then the plat ran out and I had to start choosing which frames and weapons to sell in order to get new ones. Boy was that a pain... well, until a friend told me that I should try trading, and then the problem was no more.

So yes, despite the limited slots being a nuisance at the beginning there are ways in dealing with that without having to spend a dime and this is coming from someone who's been playing for 3 years or more and hasn't spent any money on this game with the exception of tenno gen cosmetic skins which don't require plat.

All the slots you need you can easily acquire through trading, just play the game and hit the trading chat, eventually you'll have everything you need with a bit of dedication and some time. I've been there and I know how intimidating trading can be at the start but once you get past the initial fear and get a few trade deals under your belt you'll realize how easy it is to make plat and will never have to worry about slots ever again (hells, I've had enough to buy most of the deluxe packages, color pallets, kubrow and kavat skins, operator outfits and a few other miscellaneous things).

More importantly, this is more or less a free game since the only thing that will always cost you, is your time and as someone else already added, DE needs to make some revenue in some form but fair way and slots seem to be one of those methods. Take that away and it will hurt DE, in the end they have to make a living and I consider this method fair when you consider the fact that they removed the paid revives and decided not to add the kubrow 'slot machine' in the finale release (check the warframe documentary part 2 if you don't know what that was, Sheldon talks about it around the 23:00 mark).

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The problem is informations about your weapons (colors, level, mod configs) take space on their server, so instead of paying for the game, you pay for space on the server to store your progression, and you can do it for free if you trade, so this is good for everyone.

And if you don't want to trade at all, the necessary amount of plat to get slot for everything (including each pet breed and at least 1 Zaw/Amp of each strike/prism) is currently a around 3000 that you can get by buying the 4300 pack at -75% for 53$, so less that most of paid game that include microstransactions.

Honestly, I think Warframe is THE most generous F2P game as it allow players to get everything for FREE exept Prime Accessories and Tennogen stuff that are only cosmetics.

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2 hours ago, CuteFoxyFox said:

My proposition

If you really have to make slots - make them cost credits. This is a currency every player can get. Or even just remove this system which would be better.


Not gonna happen.

Slots are one of the main Platinum sinks of the game, it is also what forces players into either grinding for trading goods or purchasing more plat.

Credits would make acquiring slots way too easy, even for newer players

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The data stored for your Warframe and Weapons takes up space in the game's database, which is why slots cost plat. Based on that, I don't think we should have unlimited slots as that means with the game being F2P and how much content there is, this could quickly balloon out of control.

However, I have been saying for a while now that the amount of starting slots a new player gets should be practically doubled to account for how much content the game now has vs. when it was first released. Right now, it seems like a very restrictive paywall that slaps new players in the face quite early into their experience, which likely doesn't give them a very positive outlook of the game going forward.

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Back in the day when I was playing warframe for the first few months, my main source of platinum revenue was selling the Rakta Cernos and associated mods with the Red Veil.

I got an easy 50 platinum from each RC and like 10 plat from each augment. 

Later on, I studied the wiki and learnt of primes and their rarities after making some of my own, deciding upon farming medium rarity things like Braton Prime Receivers and Orthos Prime sets.

That's how I paid my way in the early days for slots and potatoes.

Edited by Xaxma
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Slots add to the player profile data size, DE has to pay for the servers that hold that data. Revives didn't add anything to player profile data, at all. Removal of those cost DE nothing. Adjusting starting slot numbers would be fine, making all slots unlimited and free is a trash idea.

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22 hours ago, CuteFoxyFox said:

- Warframe slots

- Weapon Slots

- Archwing Slots

- Archwing Weapons Slots

- Riven slots

- Companion Slots

- Amps slots

-Frame=i think as MR increase, should at least give 1 slot per 3 MR?

-Weapon= as above?

-AW= used to be no slots, but DE pull one on us by making it requiring slots...

-AW weapon= as above.

-Riven= need re-vamp overall. Shld be a some special ability that is generic and equip-able on any thing. Making the slots meaningful, other then "only OP riven slots"

-Companion= As Frame' slots.

-AMPs= i dont care.

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No thanks. Just play the game and you will earn slots and you will earn a ton of stuff to sell for plat. This is the last thing DE should care about. Create a Warframe.Market account ASAP and it will become a normal part of the game. When you need/want plat, just go sell something. 

More slots is only a "problem" for people who are really into the game. If that's you, you play enough for this to NEVER be a problem. Playing a lot of Warframe = A lot of items you can trade. See my point?

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DE makes a lot of money off slots, they have no incentive to remove the cost of them. 

Paying for slots encourages people to continue playing the game, so they can earn plat to buy slots, to get more Warframes.  So not only is the a monetary disincentive but there is a player retention disincentive to remove the cost of slots. 

However, I wouldn't mind seeing the old quest Warframes give slots.  Mainly for the ones that requires accepting the Warframe from the Foundry to get Ordis to shut the Hek up about finishing the quest.  That's just cruel.

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As Heinlein put it, There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.

All those hotfixes need to be paid for.

All that new content need to be paid for.

Servers, maintainance, housing, hamsters need to be paid for.

Programmers, designers, artists need to be paid for.

I've played a wide variety of MMOs, both subscription based and F2P, and Digital Extreme has one of the LEAST exploitative and insidious monetization structures. You already get two or more of each slot. You regularly get extra slots through promo codes, quests and anniversary gifts. Sure, it sucks to run out of slots, and it happens fast, but guess what. You have several choices. You can pay for them with real money. You can sell items you acquire ingame. Or you can vendor off things you don't need to free up slots.

If you don't have to pay for slots anymore, where will the money come from? Cosmetics? That'll only do to a certain point and to certain players. Convenience? That's in the game already.

Oh, I know! Let's charge for certain content access! Other games do that. How about subscription? Not mandatory, of course, but paying players don't get laden down with pesky restrictions. Need an incentive to pay for subs, and lots of companies do that already. Or how about loot crates? Players loves lootcrates! 

"Sigh" Just... Just pay for those bloody slots. The alternative is worse. Much, much worse.

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almost every F2P game out there makes you pay for slots of one form or another slots for more characters, inventory slots etc. its a staple of the F2P game type but you know whats not a staple of F2P? being able to trade for the premium currency like we trade for plat that is actually kinda rare, most F2P MAKE you use real money to buy those slots so how about you quit complaining about DE trying to keep their employees paid and their game running and go trade some plat and buy the frakking slots 

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And plat is the Answer to this du........^^posts!If u dont wanna play enough to get plat for slots or willing to spend as little as 10bucks(max)then why u wasting your and our time???

Am i the only one who had enough of this kind of posts  from ppl that need some attention?

Edited by Croise
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