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[Update 22.20.0] Virtual Cursor Feedback MEGATHREAD - Share Videos Where Possible!


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If I wanted to play PC I woulda bought a fuc**** PC. The new UI is slow, unresponsive and reminds me of a dog eating peanut butter. Don't know why DE/WARFRAME thought this cursor , drag n drop s*** was a great idea but clearly they think they're gonna save some time somewhere bc its usability is absolute CRAP and is a huge and direct F.U. to the Console era.




Sucks because use I invested ALOT OF TIME AND MONEY into this game but having to fumble through this U.I. is jus gonna push me back to GTA V or newer games like Detroit and Anthem upon Release. Honestly rather watch Netflix reruns of S.O.A. then even wait through the daunting DOUBLE LOAD MENUS to even start this game and user a fu***** Cursor like I bought a s*** PC

Edited by (PS4)superthu
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As a PC and PS4 tenno :

1 - I had almost no issues with the old PS4 control scheme. I could keybind the keys to get a perfect feel, with only a couple of buttons that were restricted from being keybound where I wanted them. Navigating all menus were a breeze and it felt responsive and easy to use and master. Made  a couple topics over the years about the issues the old system had, none of the feedback was ever addressed... But it was minor issues (like the fact you could not keybind gear wheel to the touchpad, etc).

2 - On PC, I could keybind and get a very similar experience from what the PS4 version was offering , with a few notable problems , mainly the fact that many of the nice things from the PS4 version (shortcuts to scroll tabs, dpad support, etc) were not working and navigating the foundry and mod screens pretty much required usage of the mouse. I made quite a few comments over the years asking why PC didn't just port the working , existing console controls, yet never go a response. Always boggled my mind that there was a perfectly fine version running on consoles, yet PC players were still stuck switching from controller to mouse everytime they had to do any foundry or starchart exploration.

3 - Fast forward to now, tried the PC version changes when they came out , hated them with a passion, felt even worse and more clunky than before.. And now we're getting the same terrible scheme on console, which used to work fine. Downgrading a perfectly fine control scheme so you can try a slightly better PC control scheme is a big loss, and it is INFURIATING for loyal fans.

So yeah , I'm really pissed. I get that you want to put a new coat of paint and redo the hud and controls, but virtual cursors are a big no-no. Use the Dpad, shortcuts, inspire yourself from the old tested and true formula that worked on PC instead of thinking just turning a joystick into a mouse will make a great player experience.

The whole point of a control scheme is to make things easy. Forcing you to slowly navigate a cursor all over the screen everytime you need to click something is the epithomy of bad design. Works with a mouse, since a small micro movement of the wrist will move cursor directly to where you need to click, but console have built tons of strategic shortcuts over the years to streamline menu traversal (like using shoulder buttons and dpad to cycle and navigate)... Throwing most of this in the dupsteer is dumb, and you need to go back to the drawing board and revert those changes.

I know DE and apologists will go "there's new menus coming soon, it might work better with them"... To which I will respond with the following ... Is it really a good idea to destroy a perfectly fine, working control scheme and interface just to sell us a gold and black shiny new interface ? Hell , to this day I still think starchart 2.0 was way easyer to read, it had clear indications of each ressources avaiable on each planet, showed a small logo showing exactly where extractors was deployed, you could scroll from a planet to another by simply rotating the dpad, the mission type and faction was readable at a glance instead of looking at small abstract logo and having to manually scroll on every node to find the mission type you want,  it was embedded into the ship as a cool holographic display (just like the Marketplace was also a cool holographic display).

Same with how mods used to be displayed. In the past, each mod had it's full mod art being displayed IN COLOR in your inventory. This made it quite easy to find the mod you wanted, as you remembered the mod's art and could see the color at a glance. When interface 2.0 hit, what you guys did was to make all mods greyscale, make it so they only show full art when highlighted and coloring them by rarity instead. This meant now scrolling through your mods require to know every single mod's name. Nowadays, I can barely find the mods I need and I'm constantly forced to use the search feature because the existing system is so much worse at displaying mods.

My point being, if your goal is to gradually make the game less and les s usable, you're doing a great job !

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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I can't recall a single update like this that was universally rejected by everyone...you have to realize what you've done DE and I know you're all saying right now that there is no going back....but please....go back. This was unwanted unasked for and nearly universally hated to the point that you have tons of people who before today had zero interest in creating a forum account actually taking their time to do so just to tell you they reject this "upgrade".

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So you *aren't* interested in feedback from the console players whose entire UI experience has been completely tanked? This is the garbage version of console navigation you release FIRST, and then LATER replace with a smart, intuitive, controller-friendly model. What level of SHIVERING IDIOCY does that IN REVERSE?

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On May 29, 2018 at 2:32 PM, [DE]Aidan said:

Yep Tenno! We are reviewing the thread for feedback! 

Apparently you aren't paying attention to the fact that NOONE Wanted a PC experience on their CONSOLE. Y'all really coulda seen the affect by making it optional in option menus and actively SEEN NOONE ACTIVATING IT, , instead of UPDATE FORCE EVERYONE to use it and effectively dropped a percentage of play activity from your market. And you can't even open your mouth to tell me it hasn't affected it... Only a child of a dung Beatle would believe that. I've never even seen an update be so UNIVERSALLY HATED on such a massive Scale. Was this update accepted during a drunken night out on the town where DE collectively thought , "Let's bring PC Experience to Console!"  ??? ???

Can I get a refund for the time and money I've invested in a game that I can no longer play or enjoy because I didn't invest it to be forced to play a PC version of the game. 

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Guys I think it’s best not to call people idiots lol.

 I have a headache over panicking (yeah it’s a stupid thing to panic over, but my disorder doesn’t like when change gives me a sudden spike in stress) over this, but DE HAS listened to their user base in the past. 

 I’ve only been playing for two years but they seem to be alright. Maybe they’re working on something now that’s a happy medium. I’m sure they’re very well aware at this point over the universal outcry of this update and are working on something to make us all happy.

 Just keep adding feed back, but in a kind manner I guess is what I’m saying. I don’t know. I’m tired lol.

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This is absolutely terrible, I was perfectly happy with the previous UI without a cursor. If you think adding one will help some players that's fine, but forcing everyone else to use it is just garbage. And why did you take away the button shortcuts to get to upgrades or appearance? Or not being able to scroll up and down menus with one thumbstick? And why can't I roate my frame in any of the menus without putting the cursor on it first?!?!

At least let us have the option to toggle back to the old layout please?

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I like the new UI. Thanks DE. I particularly like being able to click links or drag the chat box up and out of the way. It's a nice QoL for trading. 

That said making it optional would probably be the best option. 

Also double clicking relics is a bit of an annoyance. But other than that is just fine. 

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I'm a console player and I want to make this VERY CLEAR: PC players have a SIGNIFICANTLY different experience than console players and they should be treated and taken as such. The UI changes should have affected PC with an overall overhaul but console with a minor visual overhaul. DE if you don't mind, go to the regional chat in both Consoles and see the discontent. There are even separate threads to the issue. You cannot lump Console and PC in the same boat for UI updates. I with many others are intoxicated with annoyance from how poorly it works. Please just bring everything back to its recent state on console with the visual effects of the current update.

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Another person frustrated enough to make a first time forum post. The virtual cursor is very difficult to use since it is too slow in some menus but to fast in smaller menus. The button shortcuts have also been removed further slowing down menu navigation. It is the opposite of controller friendly. Take it out of my game. 

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@[DE]Aidan, we warned you. We repeatedly told you not to do it.

You did it anyway. And in mere hours, two or three more pages have popped up on this thread, all telling you exactly what we told you before.
I don't even use a gamepad, I'm a kb/m fanatic... and... until this past week, I'd have said I was a Warframe fanatic too.

I've been playing for a while now, long enough that I even had the option of being a Founder. Until recently, I wished I'd actually bought it; this game was the largest part of my gaming life for most of the time since, and... I hate to see it go.

If you're going to stick to your guns on this one, we will do as you taught us; and stick to our own.

You have a few options;
1. Put the new UI in place, we know it's in reasonably working order in the dev build, you have some possibility of salvaging your situation by going whole hog, but it's a slim chance. I hardly think this bears repeating, but you are on thin ice with your playerbase right now.
2. Roll it back. Lotus may have said doing so isn't an option, but we, your playerbase, are telling you it is. If you didn't keep backups, your game will die on consoles, and be significantly damaged on PC.

3. Die.
Continue pushing your players, your friends... your soldiers, away, clutching your vial of precious Kuva to your chest, unwilling to let go. Wander, alone, with what's left of Ballas, in your own little world, as we bow our heads in sorrow at what's become of you.

The Grineer, the Corpus, and the Infested will continue to wage war, consuming what's left of the Origin system, their infrastructures grinding to a halt eventually as the obsessive purpose instilled in them by the Orokin before them crumble to meaninglessness; grinding themselves hollow with the needs that their greatest victory, and their greatest loss, left them with.



The colonies will die; reduced to little more than a few empty-eyed shells, sorting through the rubble.

Cetus... poor Cetus.

We cannot help any of them now. The communication channels are dead, the other ships one, by one, slipping into their void masks, disappearing much like stars winking out.

He looks sadly at the empty helmet, resting on its pedestal in his quarters. The trail had gone cold, there was nothing else he could do.



"I need you to open Helminth's door."

"Have you lost your mind? er.... no, I'll not do it. I know you're taking the Lotus abandonment loss hard, but is that abomination... thing really the answer?"

"No. I... we, have lost something far more valuable. He, himself, is not what I need either."
He'd made up his mind. Without the help of someone like the Lotus, without the other Tenno...
"Something has changed, and I need to wait until it stops, if it ever does."

"I... don't under - - still think you're insane ... I'll open the door now. If you need some time, you could have just told me instead of spending it with that thing... er, I'd have gone into standby."

"That's actually not too far off."
The door opened for him. Helminth was uncomfortable, but it always was whenever he came in with his consciousness in one place. He ignored the twitching chair, instead making for the bed in the back.
"May I sleep here, Helminth? You will keep me alive, as I am, unless I miss my guess?"

Confusion. Acquiescence... loneliness?

"Ordis will tell you when it's time to wake me up. I certainly hope this isn't forever."

"I will do no such shut up Ordis... I... I will do as you ask. Creature, I will let you know when the Operator's mental energy is stable again."

He lay down, and closed his eyes. For the first time in a while, he let actual sleep take him. The Ash unit twitched, its energy pulsing brighter before stabilizing again as it began to move.


He moved once again to his personal quarters, sitting down by the window, in full Lotus position, preparing for what may be a long journey ahead.

The energy pullsed brighter with every syllable.
"Prepare for full deep masking. We're likely to be hiding for a long while."

"... As you wish. A third dream?"

"Yes, Ordan. A third dream."
The stars faded out of view as the ship fully masked, and the Ash still sat, unmoving... its glow slowly fading to a dull light, barely present at all.
"Good... night, Ordan Karris."

"...Good night, Kid."

Another one vanishes, waiting, once again... another star dimmed, dormant, and hopeful of another return, one day. A day when Tenno could fight once again, with speed and precision that would leave foes unable to properly respond, and with techniques they could never understand.


Good night, DE. I'll see you if and when you remember who you were a few years ago. Until then... I guess I'm just going to lurk in the forums while my Operator sleeps, waiting for you to make your decision.

I'm going to miss this game.

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I made this account for the first time to try to give some above average feedback, i am a grown man and i HONESTLY don't like coming to the forums to complain about a videogame but here it goes.

DE please for the love of anything that is sacred, bring back the old UI for consoles with the new look that you have added, The cursor is the most dreadful thing of this update and it overshadowed with negativity this above phenomenal update that your team managed to put together.

I am somebody that when i play i like to feel like i am playing a polished product, not something rushed or buggy, i would've appreciated more your work on this if you would've release like a test server or have some way for other members of the community to give you "feedback" before implementing this change that will take another update to fix.

Is not that console gamer's don't want change, You had a perfectly good control system that managed to simplify the large amount of options this game makes you go through on a daily basis. This cursor is a huge step back to the ease we were used to.

I am not being harsh when i say that this is not a new game and you are not a NEW team working on revamping an old 90's game, this game has been built so well up until this point that it would be horrible to just let it be how it is now. We are your customers, many people supported you through purchases and suggesting this very game to their friends and family, a community was built thanks to you being so friendly with the users of your very game.

People are now talking about quitting the game in mass because of this including people in my clan, some of these guys are clocking more than 2,000 hours and i am clocking currently 1,000, i can no longer support your game when in its current state is not as good as it was just Days ago...

The football say "don't fix it if its not broken" applies to this. 

You could've repainted and made the textures better but the controls should've stayed the same.





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I'm all for everything in this latest update, except for the new UI Cursor.  Simply put, in my honest opinion it's terrible.
With respect to DE I can appreciate trying to make the user experience more efficient. However speaking critically of their decision to incorporate this primarily PC focused navigational tool I have to say it's profoundly impeding upon players and simply doesn't work well when using a handheld controller.
Having to use both analog sticks to co-ordinate a single cursor (which for the most part is difficult to locate due to it's size, shape and colour against the colours and shapes within the menus) is very detrimental to the efficiency of a players ability to navigate menus effectively. Which begs the question as to why DE would believe this would be in any way an improvement over the existing method? The original manner in which a player could navigate was already near perfect, so was a total revamp of it for console users even at all necessary?
If this feature were optional, I would have no complaints. However being forced to use this quite frankly awkward and unenjoyable mechanic is simply makes the game anti-user friendly and difficult to adjust to. 

I have also found it stressful and incredibly difficult to do any form of customisation.
For example... Whilst attempting to 'fashion-frame' I would go into the colour palettes, then my Favourites, apply a new colour and use the controllers triggers to rotate my warframe so I could see how the colours look on it. Now though with this new absurd navigational system every time I go to press the trigger to rotate my warframe I end up removing my colours from my favourites. So I have to spend most of my time using these awful controls to go back through most of my palettes to find and restore the colours in my favourites.

Furthermore, selecting loadouts is proving a hassle too, with having to spend a ridiculous amount of time equipping your warframe and weapons. The existing, WORKING system, only had you press a single button to access a submenu in the Arsenal and a single button press to equip a given item. However now DE have essentially removed all the menus shortcuts, not only do you have to spend time scrolling using both analog sticks to co-ordinate your curser, but also you have to highlight the thing you want to equip, press a button to select it and then press that same button a second time (without prompting that a second press is required) to actually equip the item.


Who in their supposedly right mind thought this was a good idea for a console update? Sure, this way works great for PC users with mouse-controls, but seriously... This kind of thing goes against the entire point of using a controller. 

Again, I'm not against this feature being an optional component within the game as I have seen there are those who enjoy this feature. However the vast majority of comments I have seen on this matter are predominantly negative with many being requests for this feature to be reverted back to it's previous incarnation. I support the latter. 

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I've lastly spent the last hour sitting on my couch trying to figure out if I wanted to play this game at all because of the ui changes... Just sitting in a menu... While instead of paying, I've been going back and forth on the forums and reddit...

I have Thursday off from work.  I will spend hours dedicated to warframe... Will I play it?  Or will I be working on my boycott posters?  I don't know, but I won't be playing this game with this ui system...

Maybe I'll cool down, I don't want to.  Four months I've been trying to get people to try this game.  Been saying how great DE and they aren't like EA or Activision... 

I have put money into this game over the years to support the developers...  And in the last six hours, i just want my money back... I know it won't happen... But this is infuriating.

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Not a fan of this virtual cursor thing should be aloud to turn it off makes switching equipment and mods too much a hassle I'm not sure who's idea it was to make this a console thing but it wasn't a good idea I hope they tried it but don't seem like it cuz there is no way they used it and was like oh yeah this is better I hope it goes back to more how it was or at least give people the option so those that like it can keep it and those of us that don't can go back to the way we like it

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7 hours ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:

Guys, pretty sure Megan said they can’t go back, and that they can only go forward

That means I can't go back, either.


I mean, it sucks, but there it is. They broke the UI, made basic functions painful to use, and ruined tandem mouse/gamepad inputs for no good reason. This is not how you develop a game. This is not how you implement features. This is, however, the proper process for ruining peoples' experience, ticking off paying players, and deep-sixing your own project.

You want to push a unified UI? Fine. I probably wouldn't like the changes, I'll be honest, but either way, you cannot just half-arse one fraction of it and throw it into the wild willy-nilly before everything else important is finished. Get the majority of it done first for crying out loud. It's like taking someone's car, giving it a shiny new body work-up, and then towing it out to their driveway without the wheels and the transmission and leaving it there, with the vague promise that "eh, we'll probably get around to the rest of it later."

I mean, it's almost like a new manager moved in, and felt the sudden, compelling need to assert himself. So many foolish, boneheaded, straight-up unnecessary and pointless changes lately. Again, the stupid animated crosshair comes to mind. Literally no reason to do that, but there it is - you have an irritating, over-exaggerated crosshair now that cannot be toggled back and refused to be ignored....gaahhh, this game isn't worth the blood pressure. Forget it.

Edited by mastermaniac
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On 2018-05-30 at 11:40 AM, robbybe01234 said:

Well, in this video it's clear that there is dpad functionality.  Notice the snap between each box.   This will eventually be good but this really should have been released as a full package.  


There is dpad use represented in this clip.


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I know that everyone is really upset right now, but just take a deep breathe and relax, it's literally been less than an entire day and everyone that works on warframe is most likely asleep. They will see the feedback and make correct adjustments. From past teases of the new UI is looks like snapping between items is probably broken so it's stuck on cursor mode. Just relax and they will make a public statement regarding this issue later today (it's Wednesday for me). Just chill and let them know as nicely as possible, that you really don't like the changes. And if you guys stop playing until it's fixed that's fine, it should only take a day or 2 tops.. I hope 🍸

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