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Revenant Themed Warframe "Vlad" Feedback and Discussion


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5 hours ago, Urlan said:

Don't see a samurai honestly, but even afflicted with Eidolon energies, would be difficult as it would preclude any prime of the warframe as Eidolons were created by a specific Sentient having its mind and body sundered by Unum and that ancient Gara secreting a Void bomb into the giant Sentient's core. Since its supposed to be afflicted with Eidolon energy it would have to be from warframe involved with Plains of Eidolon since the Eidolons were formed there which shows in the warframe's unique Eidolon themed look. That means that sorta like how many of us felt about Valkyr, it wouldn't have a primed form, at least not with the same look and moveset! Still, it seems to have not just a Eidolon energy theme to its look but rather have Sentient pieces from the undead Sentients, and that is not supposed to work.

At least we have 9 years to think of an answer of how to square this circle...

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So I LOVE the idea of a Vampire frame AND an Eidolon Frame, so this is my 2 cents on what it could be.

Passive: Innate Life or Energy Steal based on which one is a lower % and the amount is increased for the amount missing. (Vamprism mixed with the Sentients innate Damage Resistance adaption)

First Ability: A channel Mist form, while in this Mist Form Vlad can Pull Enemies into him. While inside they get Drained of Shields and Health, Shield Drained get converted into Energy and Health Drained converts to Health then Shields. When Vlad leaves the Mist Form any Enemy that he was feeding on will now fight for him, while still having a weaker lingering leech affect. On Death they Burst and the Leech / Mind control affect will have a chance to spread to Enemies hit by it.

(It would be nice to be able to tell the Mind Controlled Units to Hold Position or Follow too)

Second Ability: Sprouts a set number of Eidolon Roots that gives Vlad an Adaptive Damage resistance, until the Resistance hits a cap and a Root Bursts causing a radial knock down. The Radial knock down will deal a % of the damage type that burst it.

  • If Vlad enters Mist Form with his Root Shield active then the Drain will also restore the Roots.

Third Ability: Vlad casts a Mind Synergy like Buff

  • On Squad members that gives a Radial share affect to any Buff affecting them to all Allies in a range around them.
  • Casting this on his Minions will cause a % of the Damage they Deal to restore Health, Energy or Shields to nearby Squad Members based on the main Damage Type they are dealing.
  • If Vlad is within their Range when they Burst then a % of the damage will cause Vlads Eidolon Roots Shield to increase the max Damage Resistance cap. 
  • Cast on an Enemy will reduce the Damage they deal and have a chance to make them run away. If an Enemy that is affected by this gets consumed by the Mist it Increases the Rate of the Drain and if they come out of the Mist they are Enhanced with more Armor and dealing more damage, the Burst is also Enhanced. 

Forth Ability: Vlad lets out an Eidolon Scream that releases waves of Magnetic Damage

  • If Vlads Root Shield is up then it deals Damage Resistance Types from the Eidolon Roots instead.
  • This will cause his Mind Controlled units to Burst if they are within its range.
  •  Cast from within the Mist Form they will rush to be Consumed by the Mist. Granting Vlad a % damage Boost and Enhances his Passive Ability based on how much is Consumed.
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  Honestly I'm really looking forward to this frame as he is now. I do have my concerns like everyone else does but ultimately I do like his kit and i'm looking forward to all the different ways his kit could be augmented. as for my concern I'm trying hard to wait until I get a chance to actually play test him. I feel that's the best way to go about this as i'll literally just stress out over every little thing about him until his release. (I've already lost sleep over this after all.)

The only thing I do think I could speak on are his visual effects like his 2 seem too flat from certain angles. If possible I'd hope they can make that a little more dynamic looking. 

  Another observation I made about him is that his effects seemed to have changed on the warframe model its self between Devstream 112 and 113. I do remember Steve remarking about wanting to make the effects brighter? which may be what led to what we got in 113. But in my opinion I think Revenant looked better and more defined as he was in 112. (outside of the arsenal). Maybe that's something I could change in the arsenal but I'm uncertain. Personally i'd like them to dial it down a bit and give me back my wispy tendrils!.  At least do it for the head please! (or maybe just the head?) arm looks kinda neat either way.

Another way I could put it. in Devstream 112 he looks more ghostly. in 113 he looks more energy saturated.

But hopefully that's all I have to say about him for now until his release.

P.S. I do like the name Revenant but I wouldn't mind if they changed it to something else. But I do like it more than Vlad.

Edited by NEUDRIVER101
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3 hours ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

At least we have 9 years to think of an answer of how to square this circle...

Retconning the lore building of the Plains of Eidolon and Plague Star would probably be all that would be needed.

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I’m going to make this brief and simple. Vlad is truly Overpowered by what was shown in the Devstreams. This is my opinion and this is why I say he’s Overpowered.

Reason 1: He has no weakness.

His passive grants him reliable heals, his first ability is an ability that other frames have as ultimates, his second ability grants him extreme tank potential, his third ability is an escape that further increases his survival and his ultimate will probably scale too well. From what it looks like, Vlad will be Overpowered. That’s not actually the problem. The problem is how DE will probably balance him. He’s already nearly invincible and he’s has CC, damage and healing!

Reason 2: He will outclass most other frames.

Nyx isn’t the only one that will be affected by Vlad. Just look at Atlas, Nekros, or even Titania. They are powerful now but with the release of Vlad, they might as well not exist. Vlad in his current state is completely and unrealistically overpowered. 

Reason 3: His first ability is as powerful as ultimates.

Nyx has her Chaos, Atlas has his Golems, Nekros has his shadows, and then the list goes on. This ability will most likely be his ultimate at the end because it is basically an ultimate. His current ultimate would more likely fit as a 3rd ability, his 3rd would more likely be a 1st ability. Abilities are just completely out of order in terms of power. His abilities just needs to be rearranged to make him more balanced.

I do realize that his other abilities will make him mind control enemies too but I feel that this should be change so that it only mind controls if at least one enemy is effected by Mind Control. This is to prevent him from being completely and utterly Overpowered. Having that type of power will make him trivialize combat in the game which is too much power creep if you ask me. 

Overall, I think Vlad will be more of a disappointment than players would expect because his abilities are so Overpowered. He’s still being worked on so this topic may be completely irrelevant. While Nyx does need a buff, she’s still one of the strongest CC frames in frames he game just because of how large her Chaos is. Hopefully this will clear up some of the debate that Nyx needs a complete rework because she doesn’t.

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I might be in the minority here, but other than his looks Vlad just doesn't seem appealing to me. Other than the finger lasers his kit looks "meh" IMO.

Now, granted, he's still being worked on as you pointed out OP, and things can change between now and his release, but his first/second impressions aren't impressing me much. My 2 cents anyway.

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i think you are overthinking, he never looked strong in my eyes whenever they showcased him.
Interesting? yes
Overpowered?  no

Nyx need a rework?  sure, it's been a long time due already
Atlas, Necros and Titania?  i dont see reason for that.

In the end Warframe goes down to personal choice and preference of a specific gameplay style, some like trinity, some like limbo, some like rhino.
Warframe is all about flavor. 

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overpowered? nah. Come back once he's released with opinions. He'll be tricky to maintain especially in a squad. And that Armor is stack based so it'll drain super fast in high density missions.

The Thralls also aren't immune to friendly fire unlike other minions so they will get weeded out fast by allied players.

Edit: also forgot to mention there'll be a thrall cap, 20 was what they were working with at the time, not enough to trivialize a mission.

Edited by Omega-Shadowblade
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13 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

 This is to prevent him from being completely and utterly Overpowered. Having that type of power will make him trivialize combat in the game which is too much power creep if you ask me.

Loki and Limbo say hi!

OT: They acknowledged he's overpowered and still subject to change, so, no need to worry so much. He'll probably be Khora'd by the time of release anyway.

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I don't know, most direct damage abilities aren't really that scaling. For the rest of the kit, it sounds like too much of it is still in the potential stage to solidly critique it, but I would be concerned that most tough enemies would likely not be effected by his marking/dominating abilities.

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So he will outclass all other frames in every content type? Eidolon hunts, endurance, spy, farming, onslaught, focus farm etc? And he will become the best dps, cc, tank and support frame in the game?:clem:


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I've been here for four years now (if you count the account I started with, which I haven't touched in years, I've actually been here five), and one thing I can assure every single player here is this:

Every new Warframe (apart from Khora due to her kit being changed right at the end of development) is released OP and then dialled back. DE finds that it's best to move to the side of OP and get a feel for how players will actually use the OP version, and then balance back as the first month goes by.

So, Vlad's 20 (at time of posting) slaves? Slightly OP I'd say, except that they aren't actually killing very effectivly, even via numbers, and are likely to be more effective as those 'damage traps' that spawn on their deaths.

Vlad's fixed instances of invulnerability? Slightly OP, but not really any different to Iron Skin, because X instances of damage can occur very fast, and all it takes is the one after the ability ends and before you can re-cast it to kill you.

Vlad's health/shield regen ghost-walk? I'd put this in the maybe category, he can't attack or defend anything or anyone for that period, it seems to be mono-directional, and there could easily be a bias for less health and shield gained than is actually necessary... For now, let's put this in the 'no more powerful than Nekros' category where things that die around him grant health and things that die can also drop health orbs too.

And his 4 will need some rather... interesting mechanics before it becomes something that's actually scale-able, high damage, even absurdly high damage, is nothing if the enemy level gets too high, or if you're not hitting anything with it due to short range (anyone for an Ember comment?)

I completely understand the worries about him being released OP in several categories. But let's wait and see.

As for Nyx? I'm absolutely convinced that with her upcoming second Deluxe Skin (meanwhile, Zephyr with a Deluxe announced 2 whole years ago still hasn't received it...) Nyx will see a few buffs.

There are a mountain of potential things that could help Nyx, so let's just put that one on 'wait and see' too.

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At least his 4 doesn't look like it's going to be Mesa levels of broken, deleting everything in front of the player. Looks like he has to get up into enemy faces in order to melt them.

And I think you overestimate his potential. Far as I know, his afflicted minions will be subject to friendly fire, meaning the only ones he'll get to keep for any length of time are high level eximi. Anything else is going to get destroyed as soon as he gets them. At least Nyx can cover entire rooms with a single cast. Vlad doesn't have that advantage.

Also, from what I've seen in videos, his mobility skill is terrible when it comes to movement. You can dash forward a few feet and eat health and shields from enemies, big whoop. Unless you max range, I'm pretty sure bullet jumping is going to outperform any mobility it has.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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14 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

At least his 4 doesn't look like it's going to be Mesa levels of broken, deleting everything in front of the player. Looks like he has to get up into enemy faces in order to melt them.

I found Mesa offputting in a team until I played her more regularly. Peacemakers is reigned in by the energy cost, LOS requirement, and their mechanics encouraging you to drop in and out of it. She has a lot of burst DPS that can be very powerful, but she can't just maintain it indefinitely forever either and the way Peacemakers function mean you need to also manage your shields while staying out in the open. She is very tanky, but she is also very fragile. 

Saryn on the other hand... 

Anyway, on topic; DE mentioned Vlad was too powerful in his current build while they were showing him off, so I wouldn't get too worried about him just yet. Like everything else in the game, he'll likely require a few balance passes. Oberon technically has cc, damage, and healing as well and I don't think anyone considers him OP. 

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I agree with you on it taking a while to set up, for sure. I'm just more worried about Nyx because even if those abilities take a while to set up, they'll be worlds better than our CC Goddess. They need to do something with her soon before she's covered to her horn in dust. 😓

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I started a thread discussing Nyx in the light of Vlad's coming, but I think I can make an arguement here as well.

I think arguing about how strong his abilities are is the wrong arguement. As most people said, everything he has will get nerfed practically the first day. More important is WHAT he does, because it's his abilities themselves that steal the thunder of the other frames, doing what they do already, and potentially doing it better.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Ah New warframe syndrome in full effect.

True. Although this is the first time that a frame has a kit that completely outclasses another frame.

I said that Nyx does need some changes (like replace Psychic Bolts already) but I don’t think Major Changes would be coming for her. Vlad is probably going to be balanced along with Nyx in the patch however I think Vlad would definitely be toned down to much to the point that he’s too repetitive. I’m afraid that he might be just some forgotten frame like Gara.

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