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Community Thoughts: How are you with 8 months of low content?


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7 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

To be fair to OP I don't think he's complaining, as such. I think its more an observation. However I think it does show a lack of understanding, common to a lot of folks on here.

Take the Sacrifice quest for example. Haven't done it yet myself (not even close). But how long do you reckon DE spent creating it and testing it, before they released it? Months...a year...? I'm betting it took a fair bit of time and a lot of work.


Anyway, it gets released, the player base jumps on it and rushes through it in a matter of days, or a week or two at most. Then everyone is all, "Okay - what you got next for us?"

The simple fact is, DE can't hope to match their output of new content, with the speed with which players can get through it. For some reason, a lot of people just don't get that.


How long do you reckon they've spent working on Fortuna & Railjack? Probably a lot longer than they did on Sacrifice. They'll release those (soon) and then about a month later, I guarantee there will be people on here complaining that they've done everything and they're bored again.

For Fortuna i wager another month or two before we get it. Railjack add an extra month or two onto that, though we could always get that bit on venus shown at tennocon as a live testbed of Railjack.

As for the lack of understanding. The community content creators have some serious apologising since they've been the ones to spout on about this content drought myth. Quite Shallow a.k.a. Ceph Shy is one of these propagators of the Content Drought myth.

Edited by LupisV0lk
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So, this is just my thought on the matter. 

But, what are you all talking about? Yeah I've done all the quests, finished the sacrifice a week ago. And so on. 

But, are y'all saying you've done everything in the game? Finished the codex? Got all the Cephalon fragments? Somachord tunes? Played every mission in the game? Mastered every weapon? Mastered all the frames and prime frames? Have ya found all of the Kuria? 

I've been playing for a good two years, one on PC one on Xbox now. And the thought of being 100% done with a game as large as Warframe that has 5 years worth of content in it already is baffling. 

I only have about 60% of my codex, and that's only cause of Helios. Still got Wukong and Atlas to master. As well as Vauban, Limbo, and Rhino prime to get. 

And don't get me started on the Kuria. I've only found one! 

And then. The biggest thing I can think of to complete. A pure 100% Mod collection with all of them fully ranked up to max. 

Dear lord if you have that all done I'm gonna eat my shorts. 

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35 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

And this folks is why DE NEVER focuses on one thing.

This post aside from the bold section is proof that DE can never win. We've had QoL and balance passes instead of this mystical content and that's now apparently a capital crime.

I... what? How do you interpret my words to be "AHASHHH DE DONE BAD, ME RAVING LUNATIC!?!?!" 

You, my friend, like to assume stuff.

This entire dialogue is basically me saying, "There is a dearth of new content." and either you or that other fellow responding with "So you're blaming DE, you entitled princess!" Um... no, I'm just stating facts, without divulging how I feel about them.

Edited by Tellakey
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1 minute ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

are y'all saying you've done everything in the game?

more or less.

1 minute ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

Finished the codex?

you don't really get much of a reward for completing the codex, and with Helios and Heliocor it's just a question of going to different Tilesets. I myself am probably about halfway, got all the regular enemies fully scanned, but recently added factions such as Kuva and Tusk Grineer I haven't gotten around to. no incentive really.

4 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

Got all the Cephalon fragments?

yep, got every one. finished them way before the Somachord was added, and reduced the spawn chance to 50%.

5 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

Somachord tunes?

only got the Derelict one left to find. just unlocked Ghosts of Void (ambient Void Music) and that's my jam.

6 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

Played every mission in the game?

had this done years ago. last time I had a node to unlock was after The War Within when the Kuva Fortress was unlocked.

7 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

Mastered every weapon?

yep, every single one, including assassin weapons and Zaws.

8 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

Mastered all the frames and prime frames?

every single one. granted, it was ages ago, I had all the old prime frames before they started getting Vaulted, back when we had the old Void.

8 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

Have ya found all of the Kuria? 

no, but that takes probably a couple of hours now since there's guides on YouTube that show where they all are. it'd just be a question of getting the right tiles.

10 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

A pure 100% Mod collection with all of them fully ranked up to max. 

well, Primed Chamber and Rivens makes this technically impossible on console, but aside from that mod, I'm fairly close. only mods I'm missing are a few Augments that I'll never use, and 3 Umbra mods that need maxing.

the only reason I have to play is Forma'ing stuff, and that doesn't take long. I really need something meaningful to do, many of us do. that's why there is a content drought for us.

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Doing everything =/= solution for a lack of an entertaining gameplay loop.


The older gameplay loop was built on bits of content from weapons and skins every other week followed by a major update to break the loop for just the right amount of a fresh experience. 

This was broken to cater resources to Fortuna and Rail jack afaik. The drought started after IPS rework. 

Would you play Warframe if it was just running around the map scanning things? Or grinding mindlessly for endo, credits and platinum for things that you might not even use but grind just because of an arbitrary cause?

New weapons gave something to experiment with. 

I have played with a lot of weapons that were unique. Put tons of forma in not only on weapons but also on frames and companions. To tailor my own build.

Showing me a dagger of the same kind and asking to repeat the whole process isn't real content. It's artificial. I bought 4 forma bundles 3 days ago and I'm almost out. Heck, I have a 4 forma seer with a slash SC -cc riven.

New weapons/frame/stuff means more fun not more repetition.

Edited by Vivian
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When most people speak of the content drought they don't mean there's literally nothing left to do in the game, what they mean is that they have achieved so much and gotten to such a point that the few small things they haven't done don't interest them as much as meaningful content would. I have every frame at max, most of them heavily formaed on top of that, I have all but a few weapons maxed, I still have archwing stuff to work on but...meh. Same with pets, I've got some I could work on if I wanted to force myself to grind something, but I don't want nor need them so it doesn't feel worthwhile. Beyond that I have the endless focus grind I could hit harder, but I'm progressing through that more than quick enough, over half of my waybounds are unbound and I'm close to getting a few more, I have every mod I care to have (that can be obtained in game) and have maxed them out, and I finished all story related items ages ago. 

So yes, for somebody like me you can feel the lack of fresh content, and there are many like me and many more with even less they could feasibly force themselves to work on. So it's not so much, "omg I finished all of Warframe and there's NOTHING to do!" as much as, "I've done a lot, everything that interests me and more, and nothing new or fresh with real substance has been introduced in a while." Sacrifice was the last thing we got, and while it was great it was also quite short I personally finished it all in about 2 hours, had Excal and his weapon formaed to the gills within another 1.5, and then...what? That was it, I was back to the grind for the sake of grinding. Not that I mind it all that much, I still love the game and play every day, but I definitely spend more time on other games during times like this where there's no meaty content to work on.

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36 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

To be fair to OP I don't think he's complaining, as such. I think its more an observation. However I think it does show a lack of understanding, common to a lot of folks on here.

Take the Sacrifice quest for example. Haven't done it yet myself (not even close). But how long do you reckon DE spent creating it and testing it, before they released it? Months...a year...? I'm betting it took a fair bit of time and a lot of work.


Anyway, it gets released, the player base jumps on it and rushes through it in a matter of days, or a week or two at most. Then everyone is all, "Okay - what you got next for us?"

The simple fact is, DE can't hope to match their output of new content, with the speed with which players can get through it. For some reason, a lot of people just don't get that.


How long do you reckon they've spent working on Fortuna & Railjack? Probably a lot longer than they did on Sacrifice. They'll release those (soon) and then about a month later, I guarantee there will be people on here complaining that they've done everything and they're bored again.

Thank you for not jumping to conclusions, unlike @LupisV0lk I am indeed not complaining.

But I have to refute your points. From all the evidence, The Sacrifice, while technically in-the-making for more than a year, has not entered development until a few months prior to release. DE always brushed aside the topic whenever it was brought up, and only started getting chatty close to release. We have zero indication of them working on the Sacrifice for a long time, and it makes sense because it offers no monetary profit. Also, you can trace back at approximately what state of development Venus had been from the Devstreams. Rebecca and the gang had shown early concepts, prototypes and such. I would daresay that Venus itself has not been hard in development for a long time, though this guess proves a bit riskier.

Regarding the Sacrifice, I will spoil the quest for you by revealing that its very, very short. You can finish it without rushing in under 40 minutes. In this case in specific there literally was nothing to rush through. It's a quest with a reward, nothing more, nothing less. Which is why the community was disappointed when it faced the truth: this legendary quest that was allegedly years in the making was basically 40 minutes of awesomeness with nothing to build to afterward. I will grant that it was overhyped as hell. Overhyped or not, it's still the most barebones cinematic in terms of what it brings to the table, and I think we all know why: DE rushed it so they could do Fortuna, and that's okay.

Plains of Eidolon definitely was rushed through, what with it achieving novelty status. Even later that year we got Plague Star and Ghouls, the Tridolon update and a lot of reinforcement. I didn't see too many people complaining "What now?" In fact, I have never experienced this atmosphere of constant anticipation for new content. I think this is one of the longest periods we had without new stuff.

And listen, we had QoL, fixes, Deluxe skins, etc... so it's not like DE bummed around doing nothing, but almost none of it was content, it was all fluff. And again, that's O.K. But it is what it is, and what is it? A drought.

Edited by Tellakey
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18 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

And then. The biggest thing I can think of to complete. A pure 100% Mod collection with all of them fully ranked up to max. 

This is not content, at best it's just a chore to preoccupy you. I wouldn't waste any of my 400,000 endo on a useless mod. Heck I haven't even spend the syndicate standing on some augments I find to be obsolete. 


What you're suggesting is like me saying I'm haven't eaten in days and you remind me that I could've been eating off my minor body parts this whole time while you still have a three course meal in front of you.

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2 minutes ago, More-L said:

Apparently clicking a plus icon on a mod is content, I've been playing all the wrong games my whole life... thank you OP, I feel fully woke now

Clicker games with unlimited levels and microtransactions to speed up. It would make a game with the most amount of content.

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Not everyone plays the game to collect every single thing there is. There's definitely more content available for collectors and completionists like you. I just like doing missions, killing enemies and trying out different builds. I stopped farming MR at 22 because I didn't see the point going after the weapons that were left for me to farm. 

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36 minutes ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

But, are y'all saying you've done everything in the game?

There is a difference between "having done everything" and "having done everything meaningful".

Yeah, I haven't ranked up the mod Provoked to the maximum. I won't have 100% until Provoked is fully ranked.


And you know what? The knowledge that Provoked is unranked somehow hasn't diminished the content drought. We play for entertainment, not to fill in a checklist.

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I'm too lazy, but I would like to see someone compare the content from this year to years past.

Personally, I don't remember a huge difference besides a few more weapons. And that's content that either gets consumed extremely fast, or complained about because of grind. 

Also, as the game becomes more developed and polished, there's less huge sweeping changes to make. What I remember mostly from the earlier days was them revising place holder content. Adding enemey variety to factions with practically nothing. 

We're at a point now where the game is moving forward into almost WF2 territory. The pace has changed because the base game isn't bare bones anymore. 

Why should DE focus all their energies on tenno reinforcements when they could be bringing us railjack instead? The same people complaining about a content drought would be the same exact people complaining about ranking yet another shotgun or dual sword instead of the game innovating. The same people would be complaining about yet another corridor map instead of something new. The game has  reached a point where it has to evolve, not dribble out small variations of the same content. 

For a new player there is TONS of content available. 

I don't see DE going back much to reiterating old Warframe content anymore. The game is what it is. Their focus is probably on open worlds, the new war, Tau, etc. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 minute ago, skbenga said:

what is this... P, V, P, you speak of?

Its a magical land of anger and lost connection. It's inhabitants have very strong glutes as it is customary there to never skip leg day. Especially over the body of a dominated foe.

It's also home to that guy no one cared about till the War Within.

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Content drought in Warframe refers to the broken cycle of weekly items and major updates every few months. Now, we get nothing but small alerts for months and maybe even the majority of a year before we see something to do. With those major updates comes content that is completed in about a month at most. I have been completed with Plains of Eidolon since November of last year...

As for your observation of accomplishing everything, there are many players at this stage. Aside from Primed Chamber and a handful of codex enemies, there is little to nothing I don't have. I even have every cosmetic/mod from Teshin for Conclave. Riven Mods are required in almost no content (except Eidolons and things like Scoliac) given that the enemy levels are always too low. Players who did Trials religiously see no reward in Eidolons (unless they think it is fun on its own, but that's not me).

I believe the clan nemesis system should bring some life to clans, but we haven't seen a leaderboard Operation in over 14 months, we haven't seen Dark Sectors for years (which makes alliances pretty useless outside of a region chat/social hub on Discord), and we don't have any sort of Raid content because people want accessibility.

There are many things to do in Warframe, but the lack of higher tier content and a high progression ceiling just makes everything repetitious instead of challenging. 

This is my reasoning for being on the Warframe Forums as often as I am, because aside from engaging in discussion and helping the community, there isn't much I can do in the game.

Edited by Voltage
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24 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

Thank you for not jumping to conclusions, unlike @LupisV0lk I am indeed not complaining.

But I have to refute your points. From all the evidence, The Sacrifice, while technically in-the-making for more than a year, has not entered development until a few months prior to release. DE always brushed aside the topic whenever it was brought up, and only started getting chatty close to release. We have zero indication of them working on the Sacrifice for a long time, and it makes sense because it offers no monetary profit. Also, you can trace back at approximately what state of development Venus had been from the Devstreams. Rebecca and the gang had shown early concepts, prototypes and such. I would daresay that Venus itself has not been hard in development for a long time, though this guess proves a bit riskier.

Regarding the Sacrifice, I will spoil the quest for you by revealing that its very, very short. You can finish it without rushing in under 40 minutes. In this case in specific there literally was nothing to rush through. It's a quest with a reward, nothing more, nothing less. Which is why the community was disappointed when it faced the truth: this legendary quest that was allegedly years in the making was basically 40 minutes of awesomeness with nothing to build to afterward. I will grant that it was overhyped as hell. Overhyped or not, it's still the most barebones cinematic in terms of what it brings to the table, and I think we all know why: DE rushed it so they could do Fortuna, and that's okay.

Plains of Eidolon definitely was rushed through, what with it achieving novelty status. Even later that year we got Plague Star and Ghouls, the Tridolon update and a lot of reinforcement. I didn't see too many people complaining "What now?" In fact, I have never experienced this atmosphere of constant anticipation for new content. I think this is one of the longest periods we had without new stuff.

And listen, we had QoL, fixes, Deluxe skins, etc... so it's not like DE bummed around doing nothing, but almost none of it was content, it was all fluff. And again, that's O.K. But it is what it is, and what is it? A drought.

First off, what do you consider "content" anyway? What are you looking for? 

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