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Everything posted by (PSN)robotwars7

  1. these would basically just be mastery fodder though, but I guess they could be thrown in the Corpus lab for newer players, as an introduction to Sword & Board and a corpus alternative to Lex respectively. I would like this one though, or indeed an proper anti-material style rifle: I want something akin to a Barrett 50.cal, especially for open maps: sniping is a fun and laid back way to rack up kills when you get bored of the usual hack and slash, you know? it looks crude as hell because it's just Penta btis mashed together, but yes, I want this gun too, even if only as an archgun. I'll gladly takje an actual minigun with rotating barrels over it though; that's something I've wanted for a while. all these things do is force transference, I don't think they'd actually have any effect on non-tenno entities, though I suppose you could just strap some explosives to it and hey presto, a thrown secondary that looks good on Styanax! as long as it's better than the Cadus; waited god knows how long only for it to perform like a Mk-1 Bo... disappointing. the hammer I can get, but what stance would the welder and grinder even use? i feel like they'd have to be strapped to a handle somehow, then they could use machete stances and not look so awkward. I'll be honest, I don't really remember what those look like; pretty sure the guys wielding them die before I get chance lol. we were robbed of this one: remember how at the start of Dog Days, Kela says she wants us to fight with Acid Throwers, right before some "gas" leaks in and she gets high AF? well I'm pretty sure we would've gotten actual Nox Cannons, but then they got repurposed when Kela requested a "waddafite" instead. the Soaker is literally a reskin of the Nox Cannon.. so close.. erm... which one is this? I don't recall ever seeing this weapon name..
  2. Equinox could be better, but in the grand scheme of things, she's still a well-used and popular frame, so I don't think she'll get a rework any time soon. mostly I tend to just use Maim and Pacify, her other powers are typically not that useful by comparison. hopefully one day she'll get tweaked.
  3. it's an interesting concept, though I always figured using health for powers would be something Inaros could do, at least to justify his insane health pool and 3 abilities that heal him. plus now that we have a dedicated spellbook (Grimoire weapon), there's no reason not to have a dedicated sorcery frame I guess.
  4. this^. nobody talks about the decoration system as though it's fine but I've spent god knows how long trying to make stuff I've envisioned in the dojo, only for it to always look trash. as for a mode creator, I could've swore DE thought about adding something like that back when they were also on about the "kingpin system" (before it became the Lich System we have now), but it was ultimatley axed. it's a shame they don't go bak and add more tiles to existing tilesets, because the team they've got does some STUNNING work. did you see the Whispers in the Walls gameplay? because the Deimos lab tileset is the greatest one yet IMO, and already my favourite. they've hit it out the park several times now with Lua, the Murex etc. but this one is NUTS.
  5. I think his main problem is that everything he can do, another frame can do better, and it doesn't help that the update he came with was supposed to be the biggest update ever, but ended up being somewhat of a let-down. plus his kit is all over the place, he's a summoner/debuffer/CC frame, but again, other frames do it better. if he just had the pablo treatment like Hydroid just got he'd be totally fine, perhaps even end up being a genuinely likable frame by most. the question is how* DE would rework him: they could just buff and add scaling to his current powers, but me personally, I would like a kit that leans way more into his Sentient side, maybe with a little Narmer/Archon influence.: - passive: Caliban's base Adaptation is buffed, and gains an additional increase based on how many enemies are within affinity range: if Caliban is surrounded, he becomes pretty tanky as a result.. - Razorlight: replacement for Razor Gyre; Caliban emits a version of a Battalyst strobe laser that deals Heat, Electric and Toxin damage at random and covers a wide area. shooting the globe at the center increases the laser's damage, so players are encouraged to keep an eye on it, rather than set-and-forget. - Sentient Wrath: can more or less stay as it is but with an additional benefit: if Caliban has adapted to a damage type, casting this ability sends out a seeking projectile to enemies that are affected and deals that damage type back to them: e.g. if Caliban has been struck by Heat damage, he can cast 2 and deal a large amoutn of heat damage to a trapped enemy. essentially, he becomes a damage reflector, who's power increases the more enemies try to kill him. - Lethal Progeny: instead of just Conculysts, Caliban now summons 4 different increasingly powerful Sentients: the first is a Vomvalyst who continuously charges Caliban's shields, and is active for as long as Lethal Progeny is active. in addition, a Conculyst is summoned who will be more aggressive and attack enemies in melee. the second cast summons a Battalyst who provides support fire with its cannons and occasionally summons its lasers, the third and final Sentient is a Symbilist, who acts as a bodyguard for Caliban, using its shield to protect him and its laser to decimate the enemy. another idea (perhaps as an augment?) would be to summon mini Archon Specters which would obviously have less health but would be able to perform some of their stronger attacks. a downside could be an increased energy cost to keep it balanced. - Fusion Strike: now a continuous laser that drains energy over time; deals constant damage ticks and strips armor with each tick as well. again, Caliban can use adaptation to apply any received damage types to the laser, increasing it's lethality even further. the end result is intended to be a powerful assault frame that benefits from being in the thick of battle and uses Sentient adaptation as tool to reflect damage against enemies, while also allowing him to more effectively scale at higher levels. he still maintains most of his original kit, but now benefits from multiple levels of protection and can both give and take damage with ease. playing as him should feel like you are the ultimate Sentient specimen!.
  6. Ubisoft: "Assassin's creed is returning to it's roots, guys!" also Ubisoft: * has a guy in 9th century Baghdad teleporting around with digital effects.* like, I'm fine with double takedowns/animations that make sense/killing one guy then throwing a knife at the other etc, but straight up warping looks incredibly out of place. yes "muh immershun etc. etc, I say this because I've played AC since the beginning and I much preferred the more grounded feel of the older games, where you don't have borderline super powers, you're just a guy with some sharp objects and you've got to make the best of it. Ash has always been assassin-themed, in the sense that Assassins are usually specialized to silently and discretely killing a single target at a time with precision and efficiency, though I'd argue Kullervo does it better now because Wrathful Advance beats Teleport any day of the week. if Kullervo had invisibility in his kit it'd be GG for Ash, but since you can subsume Wrathful Advance, you can have the best of both worlds (it's what I did on my Ash and I don't regret it one bit.)
  7. additional items would be nice; more cosmetics themed around the focus schools, and I'm sure if they threw Kuva and/or Endo in there that'd be fine as well.
  8. yeah, giant mechs are cool, but they aren't really that necessary. we already have necramechs, and they do the job just fine.
  9. it would certainly be nice, but it would certainly have to be optional: not everyone's devices would be able to handle the gameplay with even more enemies on screen. my way of implementing it, would be as a gear item: the "SOS beacon" would mimic a distress call by the enemy faction, who would then receive reinforcements. each time it activates is +1 player's worth of spawns, so if you're solo, you can use it 3 times, 2 players 2 times, and a trio once. you'd get to control exactly how many enemies you get to fight solo so that you can strike a balance and not be bored or risk being overwhelmed.
  10. everybody gangsta until redtext starts speaking in eldritch tongues. llll mgr'luh f', f' l' nog fahf agl, ahhai f' f' kadishtu ah nafl pure! tenno ahuaaah ch'ngluiI, mgng f' ah mere trespassers; uh'eor Y', vor, kadishtu mgleth r'luh ot soth. Y' mgepah ph'nglui mgehyenah half, mgepah'mgehye, mgng ph' h''s janus ch'nglui, soth l' mgepuln ya, h' mgeptharanak ya geb, ng geb Y' mgepah reborn!. c' ahorna blame cahff uh'enythh, f' ah being led llll legethog prophet, impostor ahf' kadishtu nafl r'luhh ot soth. Mgr'luh tenno, l' nog scavenge ng desecrate fahf sacred realm. Ya brothers, Y' mgepah nafl ot ai fahf yah'or'nanah, Y' mgepah nafl prophesize fahf y'nah? hai Y' f' ephaimgah, hai Y' ah mgepahazath; reborn ph' energy ot janus ch'nglui, syha'h l' mgepah'ehye soth. h' mgah'ehye ah mgepkadishtu, if tenno gotha mgleth salvation, f' ephaifhtagnor mgyogor f' yg'bthnknahh, ng llll fhtagn baptism ot ya janus ch'nglui. h' ah yar, Y' ephaiahe cahff trespassers redemptive r'luh ot ya janus ch'nglui, f' h' ephaigokahe's simple mgleth. The tenno ah mgepr'luh ng f' ephaimgah, mgng Y', vor, ephaicleanse fahf agl ot f' impurity!
  11. basically this, personally I don't hype much for new frames any more, so I'm more excited about the Hydroid rework. maybe Dagath will surprise me like Kullervo did (after he was fixed), or maybe not. we'll wait and see.
  12. the workers will sometimes attack if they see you: many times I've been n ceres and the occasional Drudge worker mixes in with the usual trash mobs, but IMO they chose to actively become a combatant, so it's totally justified IMO; if you come at me with a power saw, I WILL shoot you, simple as. pretty much every warframe and a large portion of our weapons all break this rule: use of incendiary weapons is forbidden, but we have plenty of those and can mod specifically for it. same applies with Bioweapons, which would be Saryn, Lavos, infested weapons, anything modded for toxin etc. you say that, but I'd have thought Lotus would contact a representative/commander of Grineer/Corpus forces, and told them they can expect Tenno reinforcements ahead of time. I wouldn't mind there being a representative who talks to us in the mission instead of lotus, IMO it'd feel more immersive workign for the grineer to be getting yelled at by a grizzled clone with years of combat under his belt, or in the case of the corpus, they'd treat it all as part of business, calling it the "liquidization of enemy assets" etc. children on Ceres could've eaten those Orokin Cells, you know! I'm guessing stealing Formorian cores is probably an offence too, and we wreck Narmer places of worship every archon hunt. same could also apply to Corpus when we blow up their ships, since there are places where they worship Parvos and Offer Granum Crowns. by "recruitment", you mean "coerced"; Ballas made it quite clear that he wasn't just gonna leave the Tenno kids be, but hey, he can get a thread all his own listing his many sins. "All warfare is based on deception" - Sun Tzu. theoretically, you could use a Graxx/Corpra skin to sneak on board a ship, and blend in quite well, we just don't have that kind of mechanic in game. anyway, even if there was an in-universe equivalent of the GC, pretty sure the Grineer don't care, the Corpus would likely bribe prosecutors to look the other way, and the infested have no comprehension of human laws anyhow. the only ones who even CAN follow these laws are us, and yeah, sorry, Viral ignis go BRRRRTTTTT!
  13. IIRC you buy the blueprints for those from Nakak during the event, with your event reputation, then build them in your foundry. during the mission, you'll steal some toxic stuff from the Grineer, slap it into an armored vault and then add your phylaxis and the Infested Catalysts, based on how many Hemocytes you want to fight, then it's onto the actual battle. that said, it might be changed this time around, it's not known whether or not they've made any changes to the event.
  14. I guess if you haven't subsumed over her 4, you could use that, or run around with Balefire Charger priming everything with corrosive, idk. personally I usually try to pick a different frame from whatever anyone else is using, and if someone's running Mesa or Saryn and one of my better support picks like Wisp or Protea is available, I'll run them instead.
  15. Pablo is the last bastion of hope as far as reworks go, he's the only one at DE that seems to have even the slightest intention of balancing the game, and the only one who wants to see older content brought up to par, which is the main issue with warframe as a whole. that being said, he's still not perfect: he's never elaborated on why he is so vehemently against Universal Vacuum as a mechanic, despite it being an obvious QoL benefit, and the reworks arguably don't happen often enough, but so far he has gotten every rework done right, and it seems he still remembers to patch up small kit problems like with Voruna's 4. needless to say if we had a few more like Pablo, the game would be in MUCH better shape. now that Hydroid has finally gotten fixed, I'm hoping either Inaros, Caliban, Valkyr or Nyx are up next. I'd be ok with Trinity, Frost and Loki getting some modernizations as well, but the 4 mentioned earlier are most in need of a rework now IMO.
  16. friend of mine had a galatine build like that, it's due to the fact that mod costs can be changed, but the mods themselves don't automatically unequip (thankfully) if the capacity doesn't add up properly. if you change any of the mods it'll probably "fix" it, but why would you want to do that? ;)
  17. partly completionism, partly because I wanted the rewards and ability to bless others in the game. plus it helps that I really enjoy trying and experimenting with new weapons and frames anyway.
  18. that's just a case of REALLY bad timing for a disconnect. unless you can send a screenshot to support of you having completed the test, they might not be able to help. still, if you did the test once, you can do it again no problem, right?
  19. oh no.. I'm sure the devs are absolutely shaking in their boots at the thought of you... doing what exactly? nagging them to death? lol. host migrations suck, but they happen, always have, always will regardless of what systems the game runs on.
  20. can't remember if it's true, but I think* DE said they'd try to make drifter versions of older Operator Suits going forward. I could be wrong though.
  21. closest we have is Sevagoth's Gloom, but it still can't be fully black. if they just made black - or sufficiently dark coloured - energy take on that appearance, I think it'd go a long way. I want this too though, especially for my Nekros.
  22. if you want to blame someone, blame the toxic people who misused their tools and disliked or mocked without providing anything constructive in return. that said, it's also more and more evident that nowadays, people just want to straight up ignore criticisms valid or otherwise: YouTube for example also got rid of dislikes on videos, and the problem with this environment is that, for lack of a better term, it can breed "snowflakes". people shouldn't be toxic of course, but at the same time, people who are never exposed to constructive criticism remain under the illusion that whatever they are doing is ok and doesn't need to be changed or stopped in any way, and when someone actually confronts them about it, be it online or otherwise, they don't know how to react appropriately, and freak out and attack the other person as a result.
  23. it happens. recruit chat is your best option if you need people who are like minded and won't leech.
  24. could be a bug, or perhaps the Vandal one keeps the metallic finish, though they look identical here. idk, it's either a mistake or a sneaky cash grab I reckon, hopefully not the latter.
  25. it never fails to amaze me how people actually want these awful abilities, with no regard for the consequences of how insanely useless they would be, and how 90% of us would use it once, then immediately Helminth something else over it. Exalted transport abilities (unless flying) are, and always will be, trash-tier when you can just Operator Dash or use Archwing.
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