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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. I do not mind slow progress or drop chances. I've been enjoying the game for close to a decade now with that in place. What bothers me is having random progress that is time-gated with discrepancy among other players. I've been participating in Veilbreaker and Archon Hunts since day 1. However, other players without that commitment can earn more Shards than me by pure chance, and it feels insulting for a time-gated progression system to be setup in a way where your overall progress cannot be caught up on, and your gains are fully random. People have been asking for a way to grind additional resources to be able to improve their Shards to Tauforged so that their progress can be maximized with extra effort compared to the lucky. Getting something I can get for syndicate reputation instead of a weekly time-gated resource that I've been farming for over a year now and need several of is just needless dilution for the sake of annoyance. They could have simply added Netracell content to give +3 Shards per week (one of each color and not Tauforged), and added a system where players grind for a system that converts an existing Shard into a Tauforged one, with expensive resource costs. You can make something grindy and take a long time without making it feel bad. The current way Archon Shard inventories progress for me leads me closer to burnout than when I'm farming for Incarnon Adapters or Syndicate reputation. Plenty of feedback exists where Shards still take many years to fully kit out, but the progress feels more fair, more earned, and like you're not falling behind another player because of your luck.
  2. Long time players made a big stink about this when Sling was first shown. Basically radio silence on why this had to happen. My personal guess is to make it easier for Mobile and handhelds to use Operator movement while also slowing down the player. I really wish Void Dash was kept as is but nerfed a little if they had to slow us down. I much rather be slower and crisp than be given delays and chunkiness.
  3. DE really needs to make all rare and reinforced scans a single scan for the codex and leave behind something scannable + emit sound. It's frustrating considering how niche the codex is and how rare these will spawn in a way that you actually find them (on the mission path in most cases).
  4. This is a big issue for a long time now. I think all chats and regions should be mixed, but players could adjust their settings to toggle languages. This would then apply to their matchmaking as well to avoid running missions where the person doesn't understand what they are saying. A huge issue I encounter right now as an English player is when someone writes me a message and it comes up as ****** instead of something I could translate and try to help them with.
  5. This update has been great to play through aside from Archon Shards. Is there a chance Arch-Guns can get proper Faction Damage Mods? The only way to get this multiplier is still through Riven Mods exclusively. Their mods in general are very lacking as well.
  6. I have one in my inventory. Not sure where I got it though.
  7. I would reach out to Digital Extremes about having a private code system. You have excellent reasoning for why you want players to find it for themselves, but you can't really gatekeep something that is public or expect it to be a kept secret. It's posted to the internet and becomes fair game. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have shared your code, just not within a place where it would be obvious to catch. If someone shares me a public code, I will post it. Not because I want to undermine someone's community, but because a public code is publicly shared. I'm also going to be a bit blunt, but I think the reason your glyph code has remained "secret" for this long is purely because most people don't care. That isn't because they don't care for your content or anything, it's because that information is far out of the way, and there are hundreds of other free Glyphs to choose from. I appreciate you posting here for the visibility of the discussion, but at the end of the day, the glyph is setup to be publicly shared. If you want this glyph to remain exclusive to just your community, you should explore the possibility of having private codes that you message players for reaching milestones in your Twitch chat or something along those lines. Think of it like the way players distribute their Glyph when they purchase the TennoCon Legendary Ticket, or the way the old content creator Glyph system used to work. All in all, I think all global codes should be retired and all these glyphs be made available in game all the time, and for all players. It's getting a bit tiring to update this thread for 5+ years when this could absolutely be automated and advertised in-game. Nobody is going to remember 220+ unique names to type into the Promocode redemption page. I'm going to be honest, the only thing motivating me to keep this thread going is the resource it provides to players, knowing DE isn't and won't be picking up the slack here. I already own several highly exclusive Glyphs that I rotate through, and I just couldn't care less about these anymore.
  8. You can find infinite books while playing the normal modes which has an Arcane pool too. Giving you a limited chance per week to get something is going further in the direction of just having gacha mechanics for new power items. Archon Hunts and Kahl are actually better, because the reward is guaranteed. I much rather take the terrible drop system of Archon Hunts than the chance at getting something from a time-gated weekly.
  9. 9 minutes because of slower enemy spawns is nothing crazy. I mean the mission is still fun, but it's nothing truly innovative. The reward structure is the problem. Getting melee Arcanes you can easily earn outside of the time gate is a waste of the weekly reward. It's like if you wanted to get your Incarnon for the week and the Circuit chose a Riven Mod for your Tier 5 reward instead. There shouldn't be the ability to have major variance between players on a reward that is heavily limited like Shards. People have been pointing this out since Veilbreaker. DE actually released a new way to earn shards that has worse progression than the way Archon Hunts work. There's no guarantee you even get a Shard in a week from this mode. You're just coping on it being a "common drop".
  10. Thank you for the hotfix. Did you guys really need to dilute the weekly drop table of Archon Shards in the new mode? Veilbreaker was receieved poorly for months, and those shards were gaurenteed? This update is quite enjoyable, but the reward structure of the weekly completely kills the vibe.
  11. The weeklies completely kill the vibe of an otherwise nice update. I'm not sure why DE is bent on adding such a terrible acquisition system for Archon Shards.
  12. I can understand the annoyance here. However, there is some important math to consider. DE added permanent weekly acts. Every week, you get 3 challenges that total to 13,500 reputation. These challenges are: Complete 15 missions Kill 500 enemies Kill 30 Eximus If you were to only do these 3 challenges and skip every other weekly and daily, you would need 23 weeks to reach Rank 30 in Nightwave. Nightwave: Nora's Mix Vol. 4 was active between May 24th, 2023 and November 22md, 2023. That is 26 weeks long. You can very likely get Rank 30 from just ignoring every challenge besides the new permanent weeklies that are very accessible and easy to do on accident while playing the game normally. I am not even going into a deep dive of all the other challenges that are quite easy to do while playing normally. And yes, "just use Limbo" is actually a fine answer. There is nothing wrong with the game rewarding for bringing the right gear for the task at hand. None of Nightwave's challenges are really "fun". They are chores for a progress meter. DE has graciously made it so relaxed to get Rank 30 that you can ignore a substantial amount of challenges and still finish a season, you just have to be somewhat active.
  13. I would create a support article that can be referenced/copy and pasted that highlights the specific items that can be reimbursed (with their policy + timeframe window) and the list of things that cannot be reimbursed. If they do not have the ability to reimburse these weapons, then it should be documented and referenced. You and I both know you can get some things reimbursed depending on who's handling your ticket and how well you lawyered up before submitting a ticket with the specifics needed (both evidence and vocabulary). The often robotic copy-pasted responses (just the nature of the beast with support and their ticket volume) doesn't help either. In regards to OP's very specific issue, they may not have the tools to change a contract or manually add an adversary's weapon, but they probably should, since DE does reimburse weapons, and this is a specific weapon. I would like to just point out that SpicyDinosaur quoted you in response to negative Platinum specifically. :P
  14. I agree with the rest of your post as well as the sentiment (also welcome back. I recognize the name :D). However, I just wanted to point out that I don't think these are unintended: Roar is just a universal Faction Damage bonus, same with True Master's Damage Blessing.
  15. I know it would be a bit of a logistical nightmare with player inventories, but I think Necramechs and Archguns could get an uplift to match the way a Primary and Warframes are modded, and then add an Umbra set of mods for each. What I mean is reducing Necramech mod slots, but adding an Aura Mod, Exilus Slot, and Arcanes. For Archguns, add Arcanes and Weapon Exilus slots. An Umbra set for Archguns/Necramechs would compliment Melee/Warframes without being woefully gamebreaking while still spicing up the way these could be used in missions with a unique set bonus.
  16. @BowserNC @schilds @Circle_of_Psi @(PSN)robotwars7 @Magnulast @ShogunGunshow @0_The_F00l @SneakyErvin @Myscho Well, it looks like we are in luck. Someone edited the Tennobaum website to remove the dates: Old: https://web.archive.org/web/20231207115857/https://www.warframe.com/tennobaum New: https://www.warframe.com/tennobaum This will probably continue until the goal is hit lol.
  17. Which glyph are you trying to use? I could try changing it to that one myself to verify whether it's the glyph or your computer/browser. Try these steps: Open Warframe Open both the Forums and Website in different tabs of your browser Log out of the Website Refresh the tab that has the Forums open (it should sign you out) Change your glyph in-game Log into your account on the website Refresh the tab that has the Forums open If the above doesn't work, try doing them again, but before step 6, clear your cache/cookies before proceeding.
  18. Maybe you were reading an older AMA: Hard to say if we’ll get a chance to resuscitate Trials, with our goals for the year it’s unlikely they’ll be coming back. - [DE]Pablo https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/UfNPmqx39v They're as dead as Dark Sectors. It's very unsurprising with the direction the game is going. Maybe you're just reading the same answer as me but with more optimism. I don't see them ever returning unless their entire playerbase shifts away from the modern generation they've nurtured.
  19. Support refused to provide me a Codex scan for the Bailiff Eximus that Angels of the Zariman removed (along with all other Kuva enemy scans) and I had record of completion through GDPR data (which I happily provided). They've also refused to fix one of my profile stats breaking and visually resetting after one of their cross-play updates. They also have records of this true value as you can look it up through Altair, and they confirmed the number I provided them with what it should have been. The excuse for the Codex scan progress is that they can't manually adjust player progress. They told me just to wait for a bug fix. It's been so many years that I actually saw a Kuva Assault Sortie crop up, and I just re-did it myself. The excuse for my profile stat is again, they can't update player account stats manually (which is funny because my value was adjusted after I got Ignis Wraith fixed). They then used the statement of "it won't affect your gameplay" as if I only value the enemies on my screen while I'm playing. It's basically losing an achievement when my account is almost 9 years old now. To me, using support (even outside of Warframe) feels like a dice roll depending on who is assigned the ticket, and you need to address your concerns in legalese to get things resolved. I'm surprised they can't just make that converted Lich contract turn active, basically making the game think you just traded for it.
  20. I'm afraid you're an old player looking for an old game. The devs have scrapped the prospect of Raids (honestly no surprise) as per their Reddit AMA a while ago. Warframe has been going down the path of just being a hamster wheel for collectionism content instead of pursuing a way to make this decade of progression necessary. There's little fail conditions in missions, and players generally are here for the accessibility and not the prospect of difficulty.
  21. The dilemma with the rift is that DE has to either let enemies fully bypass it, or the mechanic itself is broken. He's a tough Warframe to balance because the entire point of the rift is what makes it broken if it just shut off everything when you had it casted.
  22. There are already people RMTing for alt platform accounts to merge with lol. The point of cross-save is not to give anyone an advantage, just allow someone to merge existing accounts. We have yet to see the asterisks on what actually moves over and in what way.
  23. First time? If you really want the "final product", don't touch this update until January.
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