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Garuda Feedback and Discussion


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At the moment Garuda's passive seems like a worse Mirage buff at the cost of dying to one toxic or slash proc. I think 200% damage should be base for her max damage at and it should either scale with power strength or (my personal opinion) increase to maybe 300 or 400% (which is fair trade for being squishy in my opinion) based off ability kills and claw kills. Ability kills could increase it by 10% and claw kills by 5%. Garuda can use her claws in place of a melee when no melee weapon is equipped. Not only would this give her abilities even more synergy but it would also be a better incentive to use the claws when using Garuda. She's quickly become one of my favorite frames especially considering she isn't even out yet and I want her to have a kit that synergizes and plays well. I hope DE takes community feedback for this passive the way they did for her ult. 

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It has synergy with her shield, or health regen if you see you're gonna die and it's a passive after all, most frames passives are completely useless, Garuda at least seems to be able to control hers (Ember says hi lols).

Edited by Vanille
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At the moment Garuda's passive seems like a worse Mirage buff at the cost of dying to one toxic or slash proc. I think 200% damage should be base for her max damage at and it should either scale with power strength or (my personal opinion) increase to maybe 300 or 400% (which is fair trade for being squishy in my opinion) based off ability kills and claw kills. Ability kills could increase it by 10% and claw kills by 5%. Garuda can use her claws in place of a melee when no melee weapon is equipped. Not only would this give her abilities even more synergy but it would also be a better incentive to use the claws when using Garuda. She's quickly become one of my favorite frames especially considering she isn't even out yet and I want her to have a kit that synergizes and plays well. I hope DE takes community feedback for this passive the way they did for her ult. 

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@[DE]Grineeer @[DE]Steve

So now that Garuda has a built in Exalted style weapon utilizing her claws, can you change her current ultimate back into the awesome vortex blender with all the spinning blades and shadowy spirit look? Since you changed her ult to this new one because people whining about her claws not being used, so I've heard.

I really hope you change her back because after Khora, and considering Garuda, I won't ever trust anything you show ever again moving forward and I assure you I am not the only one. You are sabotaging your own hype train by yanking the rug out from under us at the last minute.

I don't think I can handle this 4th Ability last minute switch situation a 3rd time, and was really excited for Garuda until you revealed she now has Psychic Bolts with Equinox's Maim accompanied by a cumbersome and clunky charge time. The spinning blades alongside her menacing black shadow look pulling enemies in tied all of her abilities together with her being an up-close frame. The ability honestly had this amazing japanese horror visual design which I thought was very unique compared to some of the more recent frames. I hope you revert her 4th ability in these last hours before Fortuna drops, because as it stands, you have greatly disappointed me again with yet another amazingly well crafted, sexy, and overall awesome looking Warframe that has been given a boring, visually ailing, and slow charging ability at the last minute.

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29 minutes ago, FLSH_BNG said:

How are people able to give feedback on Garuda yet? I didn't think she was in the game until a later update.

Because apparently DE values baseless Feedback aka first impressions from just reading about her.

Edited by LupisV0lk
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3 hours ago, trst said:

1. She's not out yet

2. There is a thread SPECIFICALLY for this.

3. She has ways to heal herself and has a frontal shield anyways, if you're taking stray slash/toxin procs and dying to them it's your fault.

The problem is that the heal takes away from the passive and it's one thing to avoid a toxin cloud but getting shot by an enemy that applies slash is harder to avoid. And at 2 health it doesn't seem to be something that you'll survive

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11 minutes ago, Oopytoopers said:

The problem is that the heal takes away from the passive and it's one thing to avoid a toxin cloud but getting shot by an enemy that applies slash is harder to avoid. And at 2 health it doesn't seem to be something that you'll survive

Then you might need to be careful in balancing your damage boost from low health and the fact things might quickly take that low health away.

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3 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Then you might need to be careful in balancing your damage boost from low health and the fact things might quickly take that low health away.

So far that's how it seems it'll be but 200% damage max is nothing compared to better buffs like chroma or mirage that have no downsides except needing to be recast.

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So I just saw that Garuda now has exclusive melee talons when she has nothing equipped. I really like that idea and look forward to trying it out. I do have two criticisms about the weapon.

1. Her talons re-use certain animations from the claw weapons. While it does make sense why that would be, I would like it if Garuda could get some exclusive animations for her talons that separates it from the claw weapons before Fortuna drops on console. After all, if the weapon is exclusive to her, then i think she should have unique animations that separate it from claw weapons (otherwise, what would be the point of using the talons rather than Venka Prime claws?).

2. During or a little after the release of Melee 3.0, I would love it if the Devs could give Garuda a unique stance for her talons that fits her theme and personality while being exclusive to Garuda's talons only (much like Excalibur's exalted blade stance that can only be used by him or Valkyr's exalted talon stance). Would be willing to wait for melee 3.0 to come out before Garuda's talons get there own exclusive stance. 


Other than that, I am excited for Garuda and look forward to playing her on console.

Edited by (XB1)WafflyLearner89
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1 hour ago, Xylyssa said:

@[DE]Grineeer @[DE]Steve

So now that Garuda has a built in Exalted style weapon utilizing her claws, can you change her current ultimate back into the awesome vortex blender with all the spinning blades and shadowy spirit look? Since you changed her ult to this new one because people whining about her claws not being used, so I've heard.

You heard it wrong ( well kinda ) , people got disappointed of her first ult because its was short range Revenant's Dance Macabre + Nyx's Absorb + Vauban's Vortex in one ability in a most boring way ( locking frames in channeling animation is a bad idea ). They wanted it to be changed into either Exalted Claws ( which steps into the Valkyr's territory ) or an ability that will let us throw talons / spears / bones.

Also Blender Mode was awful as hell. Imagine yourself pulling bunch of enemies with it and they non-stop ragdolling at your face.

Not sure if you noticed in the stream where Blender was shown , there was an Arctic Eximus ragdolled around Garuda and it was literally causing nausea , can't even imagine with more enemies pulled into it.

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11 minutes ago, Oopytoopers said:

So far that's how it seems it'll be but 200% damage max is nothing compared to better buffs like chroma or mirage that have no downsides except needing to be recast.

Imagine, if you will, a person who doesn't want to play the frame with the biggest buff to damage or the top meta pick, but had a play style that they liked and appealed to them more than the other frames. Further, why would DE make a frame have a passive that rivaled or exceeded similar active buffs on other frames?

Chroma is already in the game. Mirage is already in the game. If you want a big damage buff, go play them.

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24 minutes ago, Oopytoopers said:

The problem is that the heal takes away from the passive and it's one thing to avoid a toxin cloud but getting shot by an enemy that applies slash is harder to avoid. And at 2 health it doesn't seem to be something that you'll survive

If you intend to keep your hp at the absolute minimum for the buff then you need to use Quick Thinking, which also throws the problems out the window.

Doesn't matter how high her shields are when any content where the damage buff could matter is also content that'd eat your shields and then some in one to two hits.

But if you were to shield tank and don't want to use Quick Thinking then just take a Wyrm with Negate.


But again lets actually get the frame before concluding she needs changes.

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3 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Imagine, if you will, a person who doesn't want to play the frame with the biggest buff to damage or the top meta pick, but had a play style that they liked and appealed to them more than the other frames. Further, why would DE make a frame have a passive that rivaled or exceeded similar active buffs on other frames?

Chroma is already in the game. Mirage is already in the game. If you want a big damage buff, go play them.

It's not a matter personally of having a massive buff, to me it's a matter of a character who has to put them self in danger to get good use out of their passive. I agree that it's not necessary to have it be insanely strong but the way it's active seems counter intuitive considering her healing ability lowers the buff

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3 hours ago, trst said:

If you intend to keep your hp at the absolute minimum for the buff then you need to use Quick Thinking, which also throws the problems out the window.

Doesn't matter how high her shields are when any content where the damage buff could matter is also content that'd eat your shields and then some in one to two hits.

But if you were to shield tank and don't want to use Quick Thinking then just take a Wyrm with Negate.


But again lets actually get the frame before concluding she needs changes.

Agreed. Quick thinking helps but my main focus with this thread is that I feel as though the passive should ramp up with your killing ability. As you kill, you get stronger (blood of the enemies edgy stuff).

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1 hour ago, Aeon94 said:

You heard it wrong ( well kinda ) , people got disappointed of her first ult because its was short range Revenant's Dance Macabre + Nyx's Absorb + Vauban's Vortex in one ability in a most boring way ( locking frames in channeling animation is a bad idea ). They wanted it to be changed into either Exalted Claws ( which steps into the Valkyr's territory ) or an ability that will let us throw talons / spears / bones.

Also Blender Mode was awful as hell. Imagine yourself pulling bunch of enemies with it and they non-stop ragdolling at your face.

Not sure if you noticed in the stream where Blender was shown , there was an Arctic Eximus ragdolled around Garuda and it was literally causing nausea , can't even imagine with more enemies pulled into it.

Still, the blender is miles more satisfying than having Nyx's Psychic bolts + a highly reduced Equinox Maim + the terribly game-flow breaking charge mechanic.

At least with the blender we got:

-Spinning blades on all axis that pull enemies in

-Black shadowy Garuda floating menacingly around like a vengeful spirit

-Blood, gore, and general viscera covering the screen

That was way more interesting, and way more friendly with the speedy game flow of this game considering you could jump into a group of enemies and pop it after using any of Garuda's other close-ranged abilities. It had better game flow, better visuals, and rewarded you with an abundance of gore, which after all is the theme she was given.

Gibs and body parts flailing around the screen is no issue when abilities like Inaros' Sandstorm, Revenant's Dance Macabre, Vauban's Vortex, Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm, and Zephyr's Tornados already fill the screen with ragdolls, VFX, and dead bodies. The difference between them and Garuda is her ability was designed to look and feel amazing, and demonstrate how elegantly viscous she truly is in contrast to similar frames like the wild and feral Valkyr whom has the elegance of a wet angry cat.

I still urge them to change it back because her ultimate looks like boring garbage right now, and honestly DE should have more pride in the original iteration instead of giving us the current lackluster ability she has now in place of it, that being a garbage tier mash of abilities with literally zero interesting or gory visuals. Plus with the inclusion of an effects slider in the options now there is no reason people couldn't adjust it or turn it off if they had a problem with it instead of marching here on the forums demanding change in droves to something most were already really liking.

Also, the fact that it is similar to other abilities matters not, as many frames we have currently share abilities that basically do the same thing, with different visuals. Take Hydroid and Ember for example.

Tentacle Swarm locks enemies in a small radius with a stun, and deals chip damage.

World On Fire locks enemies in a small radius with a stun, and deals chip damage.

Their only differences being one is with watery tentacles, and the other is with fire that spawns endlessly across the universe.


Now that I think about it, Garuda's current "new" 4th ability is a toddler's variant of Ash's old Bladestorm: Bleed damage in a small radius that you cast from afar. Except Garuda's doesn't cheaply and effortlessly kill everything effected like brainless ol'd Ash. It just pokes enemies with a few knives and causes a slash proc.

Sure sounds both fun, effective, and enjoyable. Oh and gory. did I mention gory? I saw a total hurricane of gore* in the clip they showed demonstrating the ability.


The asterisk ( * ) notes the sarcasm, for those who don't know.


Oh, lets not forget that the ability has already been pre-nerfed, requiring the built in mechanic of slowly charging in order to be fully effective. Too bad abilities that require a charge take their sweet time and completely break the speedy flow of Warframe's combat gameplay.

Not to mention, maybe the short range was to promote close-range gameplay? Do you people even use your brains or does everything have to kill something hundreds of yards away for you to be happy with it?


GG Digital Extremes.*

Edited by Xylyssa
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Problem is that healing frames can make the passive useless or at least extremely unreliable.

This can be kinda solved if the damage increase had a slow decay rather than instantly adapting the % health you lost as seems to be the case in the preview build.

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