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For you personally, did Fortuna fill the content drought?


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Because after 2 weeks I struggled even bringing up the motivation to log in and it's the same for pretty much my whole clan. Part 2 of Fortuna might bring the content I was looking for but Part 1 was only a very short temporary fix, I'm not playing Warframe for fishing or catching animals and even though I enjoy decorating sometimes I'm disappointed that so many of the rewards are focussed on decorations. K-Drive is cool aswell but it doesn't replace "Warframe" for me.


So I'm curious to know if for you personally Fortuna fixed the content drought.

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No. Doubt the 2nd part is gonna do much as well.

EDIT: Steam user charts say it all:


Inb4 "but RDR2, Hitman 2 and AC:O take are out, ofc people are gonna play that..." Wonder what that says about Fortuna.

Edited by uxx0
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Depends on how you rush it. Fortuna had more stuff to do than PoE did at release and it's not even fully released yet. I go to Vallis everyday for a few hours even though I just have everything at the moment, before boosters run out to stock some mats for future kitguns, moas/sentinel weapons, possibly kdrives and amps. Also doing floofs for obvious reasons and trying to complete their codex, damn incarnadine. Also, DE listened us regarding the economy after PoE and made everything in the Vallis more accessible which is good (hopefully they take this and tweak plains to match it, it's not too late), so that's probably why some people feel like they don't have much more to do in Fortuna.

So for me, yes, it did fix the content drought, logging in and playing for hours everyday unlike the past months where I spent most of my time decorating the dojo. The only downside for me is my potato pc takes a while to fully load Vallis so I can't play with public on nor join toroid farms and stuff, I just do all Fortuna alone, which has it perks, can do stuff on my own pace and enjoy the awesome map.

Edited by Vanille
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Yeah, I'd say so. I had a bit of a low a week after the Launch where I tried D2 for a bit, and it gave me perspective. I'm enjoying just kind of running about in Fortuna right now.

Watch this space, since I'm only just Old Mate, but I'm enjoying just kind of messing around in it for the time being. I'm waiting for Part 2 as well.

Fortuna-tely, since they've also got the Gas City Rework on the books Soontm and Railjack is presumably going to be their next priority instead of more reworks, there's a fair chance that we'll be safe from content drought for a while.

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1 minute ago, Marvelous_A said:

Wasn't this a given? Fortuna is no more than a gilded Plain of Eidolons. Same empty big map with the same grindy bounties. Nothing's changed.

A fair point - I only enjoy Fortuna a lot because I already enjoy Plains of Eidolon a lot. So it was kind of a given that I'd be fond of Fortuna. It is a pity they weren't able to bridge the gap.

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Yes, and it's mostly down to the variety Fortuna presents over POE.

The bounty bonus system is a nice incentive to do well, mining is great, fishing is cool, the map is rich with landmarks, and the economy improvements are much appreciated, but what Fortuna really does well is its enemy design. Specifically the variety in the standard units and the dynamic offered from the threat level mechanic, which scared the crap out of me the first time I really experimented with it. Had a Jackal, Raptor, 2 Hyenas, and 2 Orbs pop out of the sky 10m out of my field of view and nearly got melted in 10 seconds. I've never had more fun, nor been more freaked out in my 5 years of owning this game. 

Because I actually want to be there + the friendlier economy, I'm definitely completing Fortuna.

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To me thats not even content.   Some items to level up and some standing to gain.....But once its done its....done.  Nothing to come back to.

What i seek is gameplay improvements.  Added variation and balance to existing stuff....   New mechanics that make ALL existing content better.  


Melee 3.0 may open up lots of ways to play already existing content in a different way....   That is kind of stuff i want.  


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18 minutes ago, Fishyflakes said:

My clan downloaded Destiny 2 for free and are still playing it after Fortuna launched. :thinking:

No doubt. A new game, new things to accomplish. 

What more is there to do in WF when you're just waiting for something to challenge broke builds? People can effectively play themselves out of the game. Anyone can get tired of the same theme park. 

Come back when you have to start a new system like Railjack and a archwing that's hopefully more fun.

Edited by Firetempest
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Yes, same for me. Hype for the first week or so, but the annoying bugs are still present and dunno when DE is adressing them (I am looking at you random onehits to pets, sudden alarm triggers without enemies or not refreshing counter for the body search mission)

Just playing for the unvaulting currently (until standing cap though)

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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vor 18 Minuten schrieb kicsikorte:

Somewhat yes because Fortuna is nice, and there's many thing to do.... but it's strange, because I still feel that something's missing... but I can't really grasp that what it is.

I feel the same. The stuff that is missing for me are the Orb fights, don´t care about Railjack.

And the Moas, the new Sentinel weapons and the new mod sets are heavily disappointing. It feels like DE doesn´t want us to use them.

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It's definitely provided a lot of content imo, but I haven't had the time/ motivation to play through most of it yet. Also an nvidia driver update #*!%ed all my graphics options and although I put them back exactly the same as before, it looks worse, especially in Orb Vallis. So that's put me off too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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1 minute ago, German said:

Oh and forgot to say: One of the main problems for me was how they handled the grind. I wish it would go back to killing masses of enemies instead of just daily rep and minigames, that's what I play Warframe for afterall.

I will admit, it would be nice to earn standing for murderising Corpus on our off-time to make that less repetitive.

Not as much as from bounties of course, but maybe like a point or two for every regular Corpus crewman or MOA, 10-ish for enemies like Hyenas and Overtakers and 50-ish for the mini-bosses and coildrives? Possibly even disconnect it from the daily cap. I don't know, I pulled those numbers off the top of my head.

Bounties and other options would be more efficient of course, but it'd at least be a nice bonus to make you feel like that the random coildrive you decided to chase down for fun, or that raid on the Temple of Profit you did without seriously farming for Toroids wasn't a complete waste of your time.

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35 minutes ago, Fishyflakes said:

My clan downloaded Destiny 2 for free and are still playing it after Fortuna launched. :thinking:

That'll wear off soon.

Myself, my coworkers, & some college mates all downloaded it & even got forsaken...

Now I'm the only one left who logs in (we were 34 strong) & I've started logging into warframe more & more now. Destiny 2's fun factor wears thin a few weeks after clearing the forsaken campaign.

Progression is RNG (gotta hope you get a drop for your lowest powered slot), infusion is punishing to new & returning players, infusion punishes experimentation with new weapons & armor, infusion punishes trying to have multiple loadouts, in a nutshell the economy is bad (this & infusion are what pushed the bulk of people I know away), the rng has made the game extremely grindy but with no rewards to make it worthwhile.

I'm on my last legs with it.

The only bright side is that playing it has made me really appreciate Warframe & just how ridiculously "FUN" Warframe is.

S#&$. I had forgotten that I log in to have fun not work a second job.

I doubt Fortuna alone can be what people expect to fill the "drought".

To be fair...not even Bungie could put out enough content to last the playerbase (they had to time gate ALOT of content to drag it out). Because Bungie knew (DE knows) that there are a lot of players who take time off work &/or hit pause on their real lives to hunker down and devour all the content, or become world's first, & etc...then they get bored afterwards & start starving again...

Additionally, Forsaken was a HUGE expansion. But bungie spent an entire year of it with barely any updates minus some tweeks & band aids during its development.

DE gave players some cinematic quests, new frames, weapons, & the overhauls. So to DE's credit they did pretty good.


Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

The only bright side is that playing it has made me really appreciate Warframe & just how ridiculously "FUN" Warframe is. 

Honestly I find D2 more fun because it's more mechanically challenging. That being said I'm done with D2 until Black Armory. WF is more of a login simulator for me as of now.

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