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if stalker mode cannot be opt out.


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3 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

So now the argument has actually become “DE should force players to do PvP, because that’s what I want, and I genuinely do not care what anyone else wants.”

You said it, I didn't.  😜   I avoid phrasing such obvious statements because it tends to start flame wars. (even if they're true).

And yea, I was around during Rail Conflicts. It was unbalanced as hell. Pick Ash 1.0, Rhino 1.0 or Saryn 1.0  ->  Unlock 4th ability = you win.
Also, use Acrid to do direct poison damage through shields for fast kills. It was so unfair fighting others who did not possess these weapons & frames, a one-sided slaughter it was.

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I am not against it but don't think this will be a good addition to the game because it can be easily exploit and for say if everyone leave this mode then the stalker player just got nothing fun for the try because everyone left the instance and need to search for others. 

I can imagine why they want to add this mode but I am sure DE will remove it like the trials if they see huge loses from the playerbase side. They want to make it a fun mode because they hate to listen all those threads where peoples cry for challenge so they will try to add more challenge using us as a source of challenge. Those whom not bothered by the pvp will enjoy this again others whom pvp oriented will enjoy this only the true pve players whom really want to enjoy themselves and farm mobs and play for relax will hate it. 

We will see the numbers pretty clear and I am sure the DE will remove the mode if they see how the numbers going. Not everything in the game can be bypassed but if they see a massive resistance then maybe they will change their mind and rework the mode for optional and those whom enjoying will play it. They can add good rewards if you do it so maybe that can motivate but other than this for me this seems an uninterested mode- 

I would like to play lunaro if there were more peoples and the hosting system choose actually the best hosts. Laggy game is not funny game ^^

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2 hours ago, (PS4)dursereg said:

You do know it a one sided fight. 4 players vs 1 one sucker who has to sit there getting pounded on before he even has a chance to stand up.

This can be solved by hiding the stalker spawn place and spawn far from the group so the stalker can get some chance to hunt and the players also for preparing. I can imagine only this scene if not then DE just fuk it up as sometimes.

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like i said In the other posts i dont mind curb stompin the pvptards when they join my game unasked for uninvited , they will get what they deserve a   dirt nap courtesy of my fully formad weapan and  frames I  put  tons of resources/time into 

my issue is what happens after that

1 they start complaining that they get one shot 

2 they start screaming its not fair (irony)

3 devs implement nerfs in the PVE areas of the game so these trolls can feel relevant...

4 the PVE crowd gets alienated because their power fantasy is ruined because of a game mode they did not want nor ask for was forced on them ,, which led  to a pug stomp resulting in nerfs across the  board in PVE as a result of PVPtards

5 Game  hemorages  players because they no longer feel powerfull in the pve  sections because the game is now   "balanced" for the  annoyance..   I mean Invaders...

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Personally, I don't take issue with the idea aside from one thing.

...They telegraphed the move to players.

It should just have been implemented and quietly had pvp players and devs invited to play as stalker or an acolyte with NDA clauses applied for the duty.

Being honest, given how random Stalker's behavior has been over the course of the last 5 years I am inclined to think that it might actually have been controlled by DE directly a time or two.

I distinctly remember fighting Stalker a few times during The Gradivus Dilemma and his behavior/tactics was more like a player and less like an NPC.

So provided that you can't tell the difference between the player version and the NPC version I don't think it should matter.


That said, they need to un-clutter his drop table and provide significant goodies for the PC version.

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5 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

Being honest, given how random Stalker's behavior has been over the course of the last 5 years I am inclined to think that it might actually have been controlled by DE directly a time or two.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had that thought too.  I started to notice a difference about a year ago.  

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Why not just make it a new game mode? 4 players vs a player stalker. Like Left 4 Dead, or EVOLVE. It's a neat idea in my opinion but I definitely don't want it in regular missions.

Edited by Devz1
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Just now, Devz1 said:

Why not just make it a new game mode? 4 players vs a player stalker. Like Left 4 Dead, or EVOLVE. It's a neat idea in my opinion but I definitely don't want it in regular missions.

because it would not last more than his invincibilty phase unless there were SEVERE nerfs to our warframes and weapons

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hace 4 horas, GinKenshin dijo:

It’s not like it’s a big deal to fight him, just let him kill you and you can move on with the mission, it’s just one revive 

this so damn true, and people just making a fuss about it like its the end of their world, at the end of the day is just like facing a more advanced AI stalker

Edited by Toppien
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1 minute ago, (XB1)VaricBreem said:

because it would not last more than his invincibilty phase unless there were SEVERE nerfs to our warframes and weapons

That's why I suggested a new game mode. Current Stalker doesn't stand a chance against a decently geared player so the PvP aspect is wasted anyway. Make it a special game mode with some objectives where you are attacked by 4 player Acolytes, or something like that. I have no idea if it would work, I'm just throwing out ideas here :)

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Are people really crying for such stupid things? You add in options a ON/OFF button to accept or not invasion, the option setup used in multiplayer is the one of the host, there. Those who will play multi have a chance, as usual, to get a stalker, that doesn't change, and those who will put it on off will only have in solo normal stalker. Crap...

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3 hours ago, AzureTerra said:

Dont kill bosses and never see stalker ~ easy

Right.  Just *never* farm for frame components, weapon parts, or rare mods (like the ones that only drop from the Arena bosses.)  And you'll never have to worry about someone invading your game.

You know what *else* would keep them from invading my game?  Never logging into Warframe and spending my time and money somewhere else.  Which is the option some people will pick.

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20 minutes ago, Mover-NeRo said:

I am simply against player controlled stalkers.

There is really no pros only cons to this. 

One pro is you get to control the Stalker. Another pro is when the Stalker shows up, it will be controlled by another player.

Seriously tho, why is this such an issue? Normal Stalker was never a big deal. Win or lose, it just doesn't matter. 

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Just now, mikakor said:

Are people really crying for such stupid things? You add in options a ON/OFF button to accept or not invasion, the option setup used in multiplayer is the one of the host, there. Those who will play multi have a chance, as usual, to get a stalker, that doesn't change, and those who will put it on off will only have in solo normal stalker. Crap...

Devs said if its added there wont be an opt in or out

because 95% of the base would opt out

That said i dont mind curb stomping invaders what i do minds is the nerfs in the name of "balance" that this will cause to make the pvptards stand a chance

Happy with  Your zaws, Ktguns  that  can  whipe out hordes of enemies in this hOrde shooter?,

Too bad   they have to be nerfed in the ground now because  people want to invade your games ,Using a Game mode  Most the game  populace WOULD opt out  of if possible.. but wont be  able  too..and they wont stand a  chance  Unless our fully built multi formad frames  are nerfed into the  dirt

What people are knee  jerking against  is that This game is  a Power Fantasy, when the  start  trying to  balance the game to cater to  the smalles  fraction of the community, The lareger  playerbase will suffer for it  once the " Stalker mode is not  fair  They just one shot me and i cant kill them while the rest of their squad points and laughs at me " posts start  flooding the forums.

Followed  by " X frame is OP  I cant ki;; them as  stalker" " Muh PVP  Needs Blanace PVE  frames to stung",

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2 minutes ago, BL4CKN0ISE said:

Normal Stalker was never a big deal

Because normal stalker doesn't:
-Spam in chat
-Troll players.

For instance a stalker player could (as shown by the dev-streams that have shown the mode off):
-Attack the objective
-Trigger alarms (potentially causing failures in spy/rescue missions, not to mention normal stalker can do this but isn't programmed to abuse it)
-Just run and hide causing failures in Survival/Capture, and just artificially extending defense wave times
-Against weaker/newer players they can choose to not kill the target and kill the rest of the squad repeatedly

And that's without going into the stalkers moveset which is stupidly broken and only really kept in check due to the stalkers poor AI (infinite range, non-LOS dispel that staggers and causes damage?  What about infinite range non-LOS pull that pulls the target to stalker, and staggers them, 100% of the time?  When the AI bugs out and spams pull there is nothing a player can do except for being rapidly pulled-meleed-pulled again with zero input allowed due to the stagger...Or what about how all of shadow-stalkers cast animations render him invincible?  And without AI could just spam the laser grenades infinitely?)

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14 minutes ago, mikakor said:

Are people really crying for such stupid things? You add in options a ON/OFF button to accept or not invasion, the option setup used in multiplayer is the one of the host, there. Those who will play multi have a chance, as usual, to get a stalker, that doesn't change, and those who will put it on off will only have in solo normal stalker. Crap...

Devs dont want to add an opt in/out for this mode knowing most would opt out. That the problem not the mode itself, that it would be forced.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)VaricBreem said:

Devs said if its added there wont be an opt in or out

because 95% of the base would opt out


Time and time again this is brought up. So maybe just maybe that might be all the data needed for DE to just scrap it. If the thought is your players would opt out of a play style completely why waste dev time on it and not on things that more players would like?

The choice of the majority of players becomes leave a game they used to enjoy and have put time into or suffer and not enjoy the game any more as others screw with you and the game becomes toxic. Either case does nothing good for DE or the players and that should be the end of it.

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4 hours ago, BloodKitten said:

i'll just turn off my modem whenever stalker show up, i dont mind the PvE stalker, but i dont want to be forced into PvP.

you will literally have little to no noticible difference between npc stalker and player stalker.  if you can smack down the npc stalker and send him running like a crying kid that tried to act grownup then you will beable to do same to the player stalker as the loadout will be wxactly same only difference is no AI pathing

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