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Nyx rework 1.5 (More to Psychic themed)


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400% damage bonus to Nothing is still Nothing. I knew its gonna be like that before the update even dropped.

Did 900% bonus dmg, removed ALL armor from lvl 120 heavies and even then the Mind controlled Heavy did tiny damage... Maybe if the whole squad unloads 4 riven moded opticors into the controlled mob it will do something. As of now, not worth it. Maybe level 30's it will do something but why would I care about level 30's.

Absorb will do nothing to high level enemies as well from my very limited testing.

Did enjoy the bolts though. 100% armor removal for 6 targets, great.


EDIT : Im not a Nyx main though. And the testing I did was minimal. Just saying.

Edited by CyberPrimate
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42 minutes ago, DishSoap said:

Not a Nyx main but Mind Control feels terrible now. AI is much worse, only time it's beneficial is probably Shield Osprey.

Yeaaah.. they focus a little too much on following you and not enough on actually attacking, in my experience.

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Okay so, as someone who's practically a Nyx "main", I thought I'd share some personal thoughts so far-

Passive: It's... well I like the idea. I feel like I still die just as quickly as before in higher level missions, but I like to think that it's helping at least. I actually made some use of the old passive by occasionally spamming psychic bolts/absorb to systematically disarm everyone around me to make strong targets easier to deal with. While I agree that changing the passive was a good idea, I feel like it's not quite good enough yet. Maybe a slight boost to the accuracy debuff?

Mind Control: As previously mentioned, the AI doesn't really mix well with the damage bonus. They spend too much time following and rarely attack unless Nyx remains stationary. The following AI is cool for drones and ancients, but bad for most others. When the AI does manage to attack, it tends to miss shots more than hit them - when the shots do hit however, they're still fairly weak. I think the damage scaling needs a bit of a boost still. The default duration also seems a bit short to me with the new mechanics, ability often ends before they really manage to do much, so they just die.

Psychic Bolts: Strongly disagree with the target limit. It might've made sense on paper, but in practice it's just annoying. It makes the ability clunky to use, and the debuff isn't even helpful unless you build for power strength (which Nyx has never had to do before). I feel I got more use out of this when I used it to randomly spread radiation procs and disarms. I'd remove the 6 target limit, or at least increase it to 10. Regardless, I'd get rid of the inability to recast for sure. If the limit needs to stay for whatever reason, at least make recasting it possible, have it clear the affected targets and just choose new ones. The hold-button cancel is awkward and wastes time.

Absorb: It seems like a buff but I can't actually tell if I'm doing any more damage with it than before. It doesn't really feel like it, but I haven't quite tested it enough I suppose.


11 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Sounds like a Mind Controlled enemy needs the ability to jog and shoot (existing enemies can only strafe and shoot)

I agree, this could actually help quite a bit!

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Well, I like the new sounds 😄

Honestly I have only tried her for a couple of hours today so far for farming Vox-stuff. I always use her in OV and Arbitrations but pretty much only for Absorb and Chaos, and occasionally Mind Control for temporarily distracting tougher enemies. But I can honestly not say I noticed any difference so far by how I usually play with her. My build has no power strength at all though, so the buffs to damage output are likely still just too weak to notice.

Will have to take a closer look at her later this week to see if it's worth squeezing in some strength to her now. Problem for me is that I would have to change my playstyle quite a lot to make use of it. Will likely not happen.

Either way I'm just happy they didn't ruin anything, lol.

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20 minutes ago, SirTobe said:

Well, I like the new sounds 😄


That's the one thing I hate about these changes 😓

Overall not much has changed for me she's still my go to for vallis bounties built around chaos.  Worked well for the profit taker fight I tried yesterday, kept normal mobs out of the way whilst we killed the orb.

Otherwise I'm finding the hit boxes on mind control targets to be a bit wonky, so that not all shots into them are counting for the bonus damage.  

Psychic bolts, why can't the debuff follow your energy colour.  Using green is a daft idea to me.

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- The AI behavior seems weird and not straight forward like pre buff. I did 5 rounds of interception and all they did was following me around. I lead them to pack of enemies to aggro then went back to my designated node, they were immediately behind. The damage does not look so different with or without Mind Freak. 

- Her 2 is decent and works well with Corrosive Projection, will need 90% strength to fully strip.

- Her 3 is the same and still bread and butter of any build, you just cant go max range now that strength matters somewhat.

- Dont see any difference with her 4

Overall, still C tier frame, has a bit more utilities but all fundamental flaws are still here. 


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1/ Nothing different than it was before. maybe a sightly worst due to terrible AI behavior.
2/ A very good improvment; can't be more happy to see the old usless skill replaceed by somthing usefull... Veery usefull!
3/ Exactly the same as before.
4/ Didn't noticed a huge change. a very little bit more damage? well, nothing fancy.

Her passive. Really? WTH?? Who did designed that.
" Nyx's Passive now causes enemies to miss her more often. "... Mhmmmmmm OK.
But her 1 control an enemy so he won't attack you.
Her 2 strip armor so he is supposed to die super fast and wo't attack you then.
Her 3 take controle of NPC so they won't attack you...
Her 4, she absorb all damage soo she needs to be hit to make it more efficient...

Regarding that, the previous passive was 100 time better. This new one makes absolutely  no sense at all in my opinion on this frame.
IT's a good thing if you don't use your 1 2 3 and 4... as soon you start to play (aka use some skills) this passive is totally usless.
Nyx is still a frame not designed to go face tanking a huge amount of NPC, so either you control your ennemies, or either you'll get downed instantly.
At least previous passive gave you a chance to disarm heavy NPC...

It's like givig a chance to avoid being targeted by allies and dead enemies...🤣

Edited by N2h2
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I don't like it. At all. Now I have 2 dead buttons instead of 1. My Tigris Prime doesn't care about stripping anything.

The changes to Mind Control are great but they are ultimately pointless. Enemies do not do enough damage to each other. End of story. The cast speed and 1h usage is awesome, though.

Absorb was always pretty bad. Now it actually shoots back the damage the enemies better resist. Amusing.

The passive is worse because you actually get shot at more. I don't just mean that they don't get disarmed. I mean, they keep their guns, AND shoot at you more. Before, the disarmed enemies would tie up the others so the focus was rarely on Nyx. Now? Good luck. Mr. Supra wants to play. They also shoot targets more. Rescue targets, Mobile Defense Terminals, Excavators, Cryopods. The best part is that this thing disappears when you use Absorb! No passive at all.

Also, the sound effects are weird. Not sure if I like them or not.

Overall rating: I'll definitely be playing Nyx less.

Edit: I also wanted to say that it seems like some of the things Nyx could have done with telepathic powers were given to Baruuk. Thematically it's similar anyways. Maybe I'm paranoid.

Edited by ArcKnight9202
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The main problem with Nyx is she has no identity. What is she all about? Mind control? Then what does she needs her 4 for? What is the point of becoming invulnerable and being able to absorb damage if nobody is shooting you in the first place?

There's no synergy b\w her abilities and there's no cohesion in her kit. DE could've made her a tank-cc frame, for example, by building her around 4, letting her to mass-agro her enemies so that they focus on and come closer.

They could've let her command enemy-masses to move to a designated point so that she could've jump in, do her 4, absorb the damage and splat everything around.

That would've been some rework alright. Bandage-aiding her existing kit is pointless.

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Haven't used the frame after the rework, but the old passive was way more useful.

At least you could spam bolts for room wide disarms.

Now you got an RNG roll on whether you get oneshot or not with less control on your surroundings, noice.

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5 hours ago, Nurmetya said:

Its a "Vauban" quality rework, meaning pretty much nothing changed all and the same old problems are still there.

Hey, at least's it's not a ''Mag'' quality rework. Nerfing the the only things that made her useful and just slightly buffing the bad ones so that they are all equally bad.

No seriously, who came up with the idea of making Shield Polarize extend like Molecular Prime instead of being instant?

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I main Nyx since 2013 and I can absolutely and confidently say this rework was complete bullfeeces 


and the worst part of it all, this shows that DE stopped caring 


edit: actually saw in Feedback Rebbecca saying she will retweak it all. So there is hope - thanks Rebecca. Please have a look at other concepts for Nyx rework as well because even with some minor number pushing, Nyx abilities are in a bad spot not because of low numbers but because of her abilities in itself not interacting with her kit, enemy A.I. and scaling 

Edited by Kasamoto
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Regardless of how many dozen percentage of damage you put into that Mind Controlled target, it just bad.


You may say it synergize with Psychic Bolts but it doesnt if the MC target is attacking enemy thats not under psychic bolts debuff.


There are few things should add to the Mind Control ability :


1. Minion AI changed to Tenno Specter AI


One of the biggest reason the MC target is bad that they are not tenno specter, they cant bullet jump, teleport to player, cannot be interacted. Getting hostile status proc can ruin your MC dps time but tenno specter doesnt care if they get burned or not, they shoot until they die.Minions AI always take cover but tenno specter dont.


So replace the AI with the tenno's version should give QoL improvement to gameplay.


2. Threat level increase when become MC target


Sometimes we expect this ability allow us to turn MC target into Molt's decoy that actually serve to tank. So it should tank for Nyx and her allies.


3. MC target inherit Players equipment (should be augment to prevent removing bombard's cc missile or other good weapons)


Much like specter AI during crafting, we have to prebuild their loadout for weapons. But this version, it only copies the current weapon equipped (in example your staticor on full equipped).


But before this feature to be implemented, their AI should be changed first.


Another optional for the equipment is that "when equipping that augment, a slot has appear below the Melee section in Arsenal". Which means you can now prebuild your loadout for your Mind Control without having to switch equipment everytime you Mind Control.


Pls give more suggestions. DE need to buff Nyx and also (Titania).

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Her 1st: As been noted wanky AI and the damage they do to each other is not enough


2nd: I consider this an improvement, its basically a nerf ability to armor/shields that even a half moded weapon can do good dmg up to lvl100(tested with viper wraith), granted some very good weapons are already handling lvl100 just fine, this is just a bonus.

3rd:.....Same old "YourMINDisMINE" now shot each other.

4th: Barly notices any difference, maybe because I use the augment for it as a panic button.   

Sounds: I guess there is an improvement but its just so minor....

Passive: Barly notice it, would be nice to actually know the % chance to miss her and if it stacks with mods  like Agility Drift

Endnote: She needs more tweaks and changes, her kit is all over the place.


Could not sleep with out posting this.

Ways to improve/tweak

1st:Add to the mind controlled enemey an 10m aggro zone(moddable) and better stats(the enemies see you taking control of their teammate and amp him up and they dont like it,the more you amp the  stronger the aggro)

2nd: It needs some of the treatment oberon 1st been thro,namly base dmg + flat %hp.

3rd:Nyx old passive(random disarm after using abilites on them) should come back just for this skill, as a minor after effect.

4th: No clue on how to approch this one.....

Edited by HellVOps
Ways to improve/tweaks
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