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Nightwave Weekly - 5 Sorties REALLY?


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15 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

I take it back. I am now seriously pissed off.

Twice in a row this evening I went in to do the Stealth Exterminate mission, and twice in a row a bunch of Convicts spawned, and they basically spawned in aware of me and ruined the mission halfway through. Not at the start! Halfway through.

I did it in the void. No alarms there to trigger.

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1 hour ago, -Icicles- said:

You cannot satisfy the whole community. Y'all be holding your pants for next week when we're asked to scan 1 plant and some players will still be pissing on the forum.

Because you do not understand what the actual problem is for the majority: it's DE trying to make us do what they think we should be doing in their game instead of letting us choose what we feel like doing, y'know, like we've been able to for the past 6 years?

Edited by marelooke
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21 minutes ago, marelooke said:

Because you do not understand what the actual problem is for the majority: it's DE trying to make us do what they think we should be doing in their game instead of letting us choose what we feel like doing, y'know, like we've been able to for the past 6 years?

So.. You are saying that as a 6 year veteran, you are being forced to do these things against your will? And that in your 6 years here this is the first time that you are faced with a situation where you are being asked to do things that you may not want to do, in order to get your desired rewards? And that, since we have the option to pick and choose challenges, and since not all are required for completion, that the element of choice has been taken away from you? 


Seriously? I think that a lot of you need to get your water tested, or something. 

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1 hour ago, -Icicles- said:

You cannot satisfy the whole community. Y'all be holding your pants for next week when we're asked to scan 1 plant and some players will still be pissing on the forum.

😔 Rememer when people complained about Titania and how hard it was to scan plants for her quest's apothics? You might be onto something here. 😂

Edited by (PS4)Pauloluisx
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My opinion of Nightwave is a little mixed.

On one hand, I like it, because it made me actually start playing Warframe frequently again, instead of just logging in daily. Also, the rewards are quite nice and unique.

But the many reasons I generally don't like it:

  • You HAVE to play, regularly, if you don't wanna miss out on exclusives. Taking a longer break simply means missing out (alerts, in contrast, repeated themselves frequently).
  • Wolf Cred is insanely stingy, even for someone that basicly had everything from alerts already, such as myself. I can't even being to imagine the troubles a newcomer must have to get what they want or need!
  • The difficulty-differences of the NW-challenges divides the community more than alerts ever did (this threads' responses proves that, many times over).
  • Having tedious and/or diffcult stuff to do, EVERY week... Think about your own mental health. You'd be fed up with these challenges eventually (dunno how I'm keeping up after 6 years, I guess I am insane after all, heh. I guess "just logging in" for a lengthy time helped me to not get a burnout).
    • Also, if you are not at the "I don't have much else to do in WF"-phase such as myself, Warframe already has an staggeringly long list of tasks you ought to do. Nightwave is not unlikely to overwhelm newcomers, due to adding more "oughta-do-this" stuff on that list. Again, think of people's mental health here. This is meant to be a game, not a job or chore.
  • Fixing alerts with a completely different system such as Nightwave wasn't really necessary. They could've just lengthened alert times from a couple of hours to a couple of days instead...
  • Nightwave is a mixed-difficulty system, replacing alerts which was a casual-friendly system - so of course it's gonna have people disliking it. If alerts was kept in some regard (with greatly lengthened timers, for example), or if at least Wolf Cred wasn't so insanely stingy so that it was more casual-friendly, then the Elite Nightwave challenges could still try to cater a bit more to the vets and longtimers, those looking more for challenges and such.

Think about all that. I am someone that basicly have everything already in WF. While I have a day job and a wife to consider, I don't have kids, and thus have a relatively high amount of spare time every day. Still, Nightwave's weekly tasks feels ever so slightly overwhelming, even for someone like me (I do have it easy to stress up and all that though), even if I've managed to do everything so far. Imagine newcomers though, or people with very busy lives. Warframe will likely feel very offputting to them.

So yeah... I dunno. I'm tired and have a headache. Time to stop posting.

Edited by Azamagon
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6 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

What if someone invests 16+ hours a week into Warframe, but only across Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? Should they get less reward than someone who spreads 3 hours of play across 6 days?

By widely accepted math, we need 30k standing on average per week to hit max rank. This means that you can flat out skip 2 elite challenges every single week and still end up with way more than the required standing to hit max rank. 

Are you saying that missing out on a single elite challenge is going to make it impossible for you to get to the maximum standing and claim all rewards? Are you saying that 16 hours spread over 3 days is not enough time for you to complete the majority of your challenges, when many people are claiming to be completing most of them with minimal effort in just a few hours?


Or can we all go ahead and agree that your stance was alarmist and unnecessary? 

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17 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Twice in a row this evening I went in to do the Stealth Exterminate mission, and twice in a row a bunch of Convicts spawned, and they basically spawned in aware of me and ruined the mission halfway through. Not at the start! Halfway through.

Odd, I had convicts spawn in my mission and that didn't mess with the stealth exterminate challenge.
Hek I've cleared Rivens with the same challenge when a death squad spawned into the mission.
Sure they were "alert" but they weren't aware of me...basically they didn't see me which is the only thing that matters in this type of challenge.
Its just like how you can hit an enemy and not kill them so they enter an "alerted" state, but it doesn't cause the challenge to fail unless the enemy actually sees you because until LoS is made the enemy isn't "aware" of you.

DE does need to seriously redo the entire alert state and "aware" state, but its not that hard to work around once you realize that "alert" and "aware" are two distinct things in the game.
The enemies could be alerted by loud gunfire and damage dealt to them, or bumping into them while invisible, but they aren't aware of a player until they make LoS with at least one member of the squad.

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On 2019-03-11 at 11:01 AM, HexOmega111x said:

What new and casual players are realy losing with this change? 

Edit: it could be 3, i agree but this do not reflect the system as a whole. 

Newer players can't even hope to finish half of the challenges they need to complete. Some of the challenges require serious grinding and effort to complete. i know its a strange concept, but some casual players don't have time every day to play warframe. Both of these types of players are being shafted by this ridiculous nightwave system. It would be a fine system on its own, but it is vastly inferior to the alert system it was SUPPOSED to replace. The old alert system was very beneficial to newer players. They could hop in and complete it in a short time and get the reward they need/want. Now they get completely screwed over and of course these so called "veterans" couldn't care less. Well how about we lock of some exclusive rewards to you and see how you like it. Oh but then it'd be different, right?

Edited by (XB1)Eminem2420
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il y a 40 minutes, (XB1)Eminem2420 a dit :

Newer players can't even hope to finish half of the challenges they need to complete. Some of the challenges require serious grinding and effort to complete. i know its a strange concept, but some casual players don't have time every day to play warframe. Both of these types of players are being shafted by this ridiculous nightwave system. It would be a fine system on its own, but it is vastly inferior to the alert system it was SUPPOSED to replace. The old alert system was very beneficial to newer players. They could hop in and complete it in a short time and get the reward they need/want. Now they get completely screwed over and of course these so called "veterans" couldn't care less. Well how about we lock of some exclusive rewards to you and see how you like it. Oh but then it'd be different, right?

Perdonnaly, I don't care if I have access to something special or not. If I want it, I do what I have to do to get it. Or I just focus on something else. I will never ask DE to make things easier. Just so you know what kind of player I am.

That said, my question was more about what they will get with nightwave compared to what they had with alerts. 

They can now have weapon and frame slots with a forma pack in between. These are much more useful for new players than few credits or some cosmetics. This is a real improvement. At rank 12, you get those 3 + 1 catalyst and 150 creds. You can then grab few cosmetics, few nitains and a catalyst or a reactor. You will still have the gifts if the lotus so what are you realy losing? 

OK, you need to wait to reach rank 12, it is slower than just do the missions and get the reward. But how many alerts were giving useful loots? Most of them were credits, cosmetics (Which most of them you will never use or even craft anyway). 

I am sur that DE will balance the system to give faster access to creds and even maybe more creds. This is the main issue. 

Yes it is a replacement of the alert system. It does not mean that it must work the same way, what's the point otherwise? Don't forget that this is something totally new and it will need some time to be polished. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Eminem2420 said:

Newer players can't even hope to finish half of the challenges they need to complete. Some of the challenges require serious grinding and effort to complete. i know its a strange concept, but some casual players don't have time every day to play warframe. Both of these types of players are being shafted by this ridiculous nightwave system. It would be a fine system on its own, but it is vastly inferior to the alert system it was SUPPOSED to replace. The old alert system was very beneficial to newer players. They could hop in and complete it in a short time and get the reward they need/want. Now they get completely screwed over and of course these so called "veterans" couldn't care less. Well how about we lock of some exclusive rewards to you and see how you like it. Oh but then it'd be different, right?

I call BS, there have been so many challenges so far that are damn easy for them, literally only the elite challenges would be a problem. The daily and standard challenges are simple as and just require a little effort.

They're playing a grindy game, maybe they should play something else if they don't have the time, there's 100s of other games for them to enjoy. 

You want to lock some content from us? Go ahead and try, I'd love to see it happen. We did the time and earned our gear to be able to do any content.

Just remember one thing: when the casual player stops playing and gives the game the flick in a few months cos they're bored, we will still be here playing. Think about that before saying DE should value new players more.

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On 2019-03-11 at 3:16 PM, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

It's not the 'Sortie' part of the challenge that's difficult, but the '5 days' part. Not everyone can get on their computer and play 5 days a week.

Then don't do this challenge if it's so difficult. You don't need to do all the challenges. I prefer this over a random system because stuff if guaranteed if you work for it. At least there isn't a standing cap.

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5 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

Odd, I had convicts spawn in my mission and that didn't mess with the stealth exterminate challenge.
Hek I've cleared Rivens with the same challenge when a death squad spawned into the mission.
Sure they were "alert" but they weren't aware of me...basically they didn't see me which is the only thing that matters in this type of challenge.
Its just like how you can hit an enemy and not kill them so they enter an "alerted" state, but it doesn't cause the challenge to fail unless the enemy actually sees you because until LoS is made the enemy isn't "aware" of you.

DE does need to seriously redo the entire alert state and "aware" state, but its not that hard to work around once you realize that "alert" and "aware" are two distinct things in the game.
The enemies could be alerted by loud gunfire and damage dealt to them, or bumping into them while invisible, but they aren't aware of a player until they make LoS with at least one member of the squad.

I got it done in the end by doing a run with Ivara in which every enemy died completely unalerted, 100% stealth kills. My actual first attempt was when I did the Sortie III in the Void, where I killed everything with sleep finishers, no gunfire and no direct sightings of me, but for some reason the enemies all started in semi-alert state, before I even made contact with them. So the lesson I took from that was that undetected means undetected.


I am...grimly amused at the fact that I apparently am playing the game on a harder difficulty to everyone else, due to bugs and glitches.

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1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

I got it done in the end by doing a run with Ivara in which every enemy died completely unalerted, 100% stealth kills. My actual first attempt was when I did the Sortie III in the Void, where I killed everything with sleep finishers, no gunfire and no direct sightings of me, but for some reason the enemies all started in semi-alert state, before I even made contact with them. So the lesson I took from that was that undetected means undetected.


I am...grimly amused at the fact that I apparently am playing the game on a harder difficulty to everyone else, due to bugs and glitches.

Loki and the Hushed Invisibility mod works wonders.  I roflstomped a grineer map with arca plasmor and still got credit for completing the challenge 🤷‍♂️

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12 minutes ago, Jfalz said:

Loki and the Hushed Invisibility mod works wonders.  I roflstomped a grineer map with arca plasmor and still got credit for completing the challenge 🤷‍♂️

Dunno what to tell you, man. I spent like twenty minutes creeping around the Void and killed 180 dudes without a shot fired and without having anyone ever hit full Alert status, and the game was all like "Nah. No Nightwave completion for you."


Spent nearly half an hour on Adaro killing 140 dudes without any one of them hitting any alert status at all, partial or otherwise, and then the game graciously acknowledged that I had completed the challenge.

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hace 1 hora, Lutesque dijo:

Okay Im curious. Who doesn't do the Sorties Everyday ?


Anyone complaining, obviously. I have yet to complain, but I don't do 'em everyday either. Last week for example I think I managed to complete 3... Maybe 4, I'm not sure if we actually got an easy one on the one weekday I played long enough for it.

I skip them when they look like they'll take more than half of my allocated play time. Or when it's night in Cetus when I log in (I want Arcanes more than I want Rivens). Or sometimes the kid wakes up when I'm finishing stage 2 and that's as far as I get.

I'll give some priority to Sorties this week because I still want a bunch of Nitain and weapons I thought I had already obtained from alerts, but I might still fail. It's no big deal to me, but it can happen, and I can accept that it might be a bigger deal to someone else.

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15 hours ago, Zilchy said:

Even that's too easy, many of us just solo'd it. A time limit would've made it better.

Remember in order to solo it you need end-game setup (min maxed builds, Arcanes, Maxed anti eidolon focus schools, Amps). PvE games is all about preparation, we already have a time limit and that is the night cycle. That is why is called “ELITE”. Not everyone can do it. Before I can go 5x3 I captured the hydrolyst 100 times so I can maxed the necessary focus schools.

Sorties on the other hand, doesn’t need that setup in order to complete it. You just have to log in everyday and that is our problem because you are punishing players who have a life or tight weekdays schedule.

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4 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

Remember in order to solo it you need end-game setup (min maxed builds, Arcanes, Maxed anti eidolon focus schools, Amps). PvE games is all about preparation, we already have a time limit and that is the night cycle. That is why is called “ELITE”. Not everyone can  can do it. Before I can go 5x3 I captured the hydrolyst 100 times so I can maxed the necessary focus schools.

Sorties on the other hand, doesn’t need that setup in order to complete it. You just have to log in everyday and that is our problem because you are punishing players who have a life or tight weekdays schedule.

Actually you don't. Sure it helps, I uaed a Trinity with arcane nullifier to negate the EMP pulse. All you actually need however is an Oberon, some ancient healer specters, a half decent sniper rifle and an amp(which is the only gated thing you need). Everything else, the focus schools, arcanes, min maxed builds, rivens etc all they do is speed up the run and make you more efficient, allowing more caps per night.

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