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Nightwave + alerts removal feedback


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4 hours ago, shootaman777 said:

- snip

While I do no agree with you with all that you have posted here, that is not why I am replying with you in the first place. 
So I'll point out what I agree with you and continue on off topic.

On topic:

I do agree you on the Night wave being interesting and that DE need to be more into the mind of the players. Mostly because I because I feel like that DE has found a recipe and now they are just mass producing while checking in. 

Off topic:

I have noticed that no matter how you upgrade some weapons they never really get there. Here, you have mentioned a list of them and I would like to have names instead of investing so much of my time into some only to find out that it won't get me anywhere. So I would like to ask you for a list of all these weapons you mentioned. 

I have asked around and done some google digging and there is no list of the MR fodder. While I love talking to everyone in the clan and game about the weapons and know that everyone has there preferences, it would be nice to just be able to see and move on with out bothering too many. 

If it is not much to ask, can you at least provide a list of weapons that are worth while?


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2 hours ago, TheMostFrench said:

The only thing I dislike about the system so far is that some of the challenges are linked to things which can only be done once a day. For example 5000 rep for 5 sorties means you have to login for 5 out of 7 days. It would suck to be sitting on 4/5 with no way to finish it, you would need to ensure you had the time or just not bother.

A possible solution is that if you have started making progress towards competing a challenge, then it doesn't expire, and you can do it in the new week. This way, people who genuinely are interested in making progress can still do so with a bit more time.

Another solution is that challenges don't expire at all, but there is a Nightwave reputation cap (like people have been suggesting) to prevent people from doing it all at once.

I do like the idea of adding way more challenges each week, too.

espicially if you have done a sortie a few minutes before the previous week has ended and the new one starts with a list of sortie challenges again and the last sortie before the new one starts does not count towards it. So you'll have to wait out more than 15 hours before you can start to even begin with the sortie challenge.

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Definitely not a fan of the ayatan quest, because now I feel like I have to hoard all my statues just in case that one pops up again.

Long survival was fun for me, but a lot of friends lamented the difficulty of them or just the fact that having to being 60 minutes in a mission is brutal. One group actually failed at about 59 minutes, so they were rightfully pissed. I like the suggestion of making a cumulative time in a survival instead.

Nora needs more voice lines! The existing ones are nice, but hearing the "Once and future Badass" a dozen or more times is a bit repetitive.

I know the system is designed to allow you to not need 100% every week to hit rank 30, but perhaps having a weekly cap on rep and giving way more objectives to complete so you can pick and choose what you want to do. Then maybe anything past the cap just rewards creds.

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4 hours ago, Bit_Reactor said:

This kind of infantile response I'd expect on Reddit not the official forums

 Ah, showing our true colors now aren't we?

Just because you disagree with someone's position doesn't mean you can belittle their response, especially when I've been respectful despite my disagreement with you.

However since you can't seem to uphold the standard I'll leave you here, which is unfortunate because you offered me another position of the situation that I hadn't considered before.

Ah well.

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So, first things first! I actually found the Nightwave content very enjoyable. It's something different, good rewards and a great dinamic. But, that being said, I do think the some stuff should get a little extra look at. So I have some ideas I would like to share and, maybe, help you guys out! 


1. Friends and Clanmates quests: For some players (me included) the "freind or clanmate" thing isn't great. I mean, some of us just don't have time or don't want to. Take me for example, Im studying for my entrance exam which means I dont have time to focus on the game. And when I do have time, it's only just a couple of hours, that usually don't match with my clanmates play time. On top of that, sometimes we just don't want to get social. Sometimes I just want to enjoy something on my own, be away from all the S#&$ty things the real world slaps my face with. So, since your intention is to reach thet most of the players, I think I have a sulution for that (maybe someone already posted something similar, I couldn't know since Im out of time to actually read all these amazing ideas from the comunity).

2. The solution: Make the friend and clanmates a bonus thing. How would that work? It's quite simple: Remember when Fortuna was introduced and a new way to make the bounties? Complete a bountie and the bonus requests and you'll get your standart reputation plus a bonus. Now, just aply that to the Nightwave. Complete the quest without friends or clanmates and you'll get the standart reputation, complete with a friend/clanmate and you will get the bonus. That way all players can enjoy all of the rewards, and some of them will have extra points to expend on the shop. That could be aplied to survival missions aswell. Just think about it: 60minutes straight is kinda exhaustive and (like I said before), not everybody got time for that. so, make the time accumulative. As long as you reach the 60min, you'll get the standart reward. Completed all the 60min in just one run? Great!  Bonus reputation for you. That way you can motivate players to interact and do the "harder stuff", while the ones that don't want that can still enjoy the Nightwave at its fullest.

3. Rare things: One of the issues we found was the ayatan thing. Since the sculptures are hard to find, maybe changing them for stars? They're easier than the sculptures to obtain, but would still require some runs. 

4. Sortie missions: Maybe make the quantity a little lower? 3 would be a good number, not that hard to complete, even if we have just a short ammount of time in our weeks and weekends. Just to be clear, some of us don't have time EVEN in the weekends, so it would actually help us A LOT. 


So, this is some of the things I came up with and I hope it can be used to improve our experience with the game and this new content. Overall is a really great addition to the game, just need some revise to it to make it more fun to everyone, or at least most part of the playerbase. 

Ps.: I hope everyone can understand what I'm trying to say. I'm not fluent in english, so I apologize for any mistakes you can possible find. Hope yall have an amazing day and a awesome week. 

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First off, overall I really like Nightwave. I think it needs tweaking, but I'm really looking forward to Season 2 to see how things improve. 


Good things:

- Encourages Gameplay Variety - The variety of Nightwave challenges pushes players to try new parts of the game they may have been tentative to explore previously. Someone who is a hard core raider may never have been interested in conservation until they tried it. Someone who is mid-game and somewhat casual may be pushed to finally give Sorties a try, and realized they were a fun experience. It would have been probably months before I ever tried eidolons, but they're one of my favorite things in the game now!

Unique Rewards Earned over Time - having long term goals can be nice, as long as it doesn't feel like too much of a grind to get there over the course of the 10 weeks. Nightwave rewards are things that excite players, and makes people want to achieve them. Having themed rewards like the K-drive print, Wolf Armor / Syandana is fun.

Community Goals- when a new challenge hits, everyone starts talking about the best way to clear it, offering help, forming parties, and working together to get everyone through the acts. It's a really cool part of the community, and it's highlighted here. It makes Nightwave feel like a group effort often, and puts everyone on the same page for the most part

Always Something to Do - Self explanatory. This adds a lot of content in place of alerts

- Choose Missions Freely - I did not want to do either one of the "60 minutes of survival", and I didn't have enough ayatans to slot 5 in one week. So I didn't do those, and it's not a big deal at all. I can still earn more than enough standing to get to rank 30 as long as I stay on top of it (See "Bad things" section).

Nitain / Auras / Cosmetics - for Veterans and mid-game players who had already exhausted the contents of alerts, being able to choose what you want, when you want is great. Bulk buying Nitain or potatoes is good. 


Bad things:

- Time Restricted Pressure - Everything else in Warframe is generally "go at your own pace". It creates a very relaxed and unique experience that really drew me to the game. It never feels like you need to rush through content for any reason, because it's not really going anywhere. Nightwave 1 is the opposite, because if you don't log in enough each week and play, you'll miss out.  Either you won't get that first critical Umbral Forma, or you'll miss out on cosmetics until they get re-released (maybe years later, we don't know). This would be (partially) solved by letting weekly acts "stack" until the end of the season. 

Obligation - You may want to spend your little gaming time after work / school / family obligations doing some relic farming, but you need to complete the Nightwave goals before they run out for the week. This would be solved by letting weekly acts "stack" until the end of the season. 

- No "Catch Up" Mechanic - If you have to miss a week or two, or if you get a late start, it feels pointless to do Nightwave at all. This would be solved by letting weekly acts "stack" until the end of the season. 

Repetitive and Intrusive Voice lines - I loved Nora Night when I first heard her. I loved the first announcement when I completed a goal. 3 weeks in, I love it a whole lot less. Mid-mission lines should be either much much shorter, or simply cut down to just a sound cue instead. At least having an option to turn them off would be fantastic, because I can't imagine how it's going to feel by week 10. 

Nitain / Auras / Cosmetics - far far far far worse for new players. I didn't think it was a big deal until I was playing with a friend who was brand new and realized that it would take them weeks at a casual pace to get anything from the credit store. While being able to pick and choose is great for mid-game players or veterans, as a new player you need / want everything and having to complete weeks worth of tasks to pick one or two items is discouraging. Compare this to alerts, where you could generally just go grab what you wanted when it came up, and if you missed it, it wasn't that big a deal because it would be back up again later. If you didn't have the planet unlocked, people would often run taxis. I don't know how to fix this, but maybe giving a small amount of credits for each goal, or tier would be better than distributing a chunk every few tiers. 

Thank you for reading and considering this feedback.

Edited by (NSW)ohgodzilla
added "Choose Missions Freely"
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1 hour ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

 Ah, showing our true colors now aren't we?

Just because you disagree with someone's position doesn't mean you can belittle their response, especially when I've been respectful despite my disagreement with you.

However since you can't seem to uphold the standard I'll leave you here, which is unfortunate because you offered me another position of the situation that I hadn't considered before.

Ah well.

"I have no sympathy for those who just want the game catered to their schedule."
"I'm sure at the end of all this daily challenges will be worth like 10k Nightwave XP and challenges will be akin to open 5 lockers. "

Statements like these are carefully crafted passive aggressive responses in order to state "I got mine, and I'm good, so everyone else complaining should get gud, but don't worry DE will probably nerf everything anyway" which isn't exactly "upholding a standard" and/or being respectful in a disagreement.

I'm sorry I don't believe in passive aggressive replies and prefer a more direct approach.

While I'm happy to eat crow if I was wrong, you were snide and sarcastic with basically saying "Lol people with other responsibilities don't deserve options, but lol DE will probably let you get 10k exp just from opening lockers" as if to not only slight myself and other players with outside constraints, but to mock DE themselves in order to say "Lol they're going to make it casual for people like you"

Like with your other replies, you conflate two different things with each other that aren't actually related, if even tangentially. This wasn't a productive conversation from the start because you were arguing against something not many were even saying, and then being coy about it when questioned.

Saying things like "ah showing our true colors" seems to insinuate I was anything but blunt from the start. You position being different didn't matter to my argumentation because your position wasn't mutually exclusive to the solutions I was providing. I apologize for not giving your position equal standing to an argument that wasn't being made in order to attempt to extend an olive branch.

You pretending to be a "bigger person" because you were "respectful" in tone while simultaneously sidestepping the actual arguments being made and being sarcastic regarding any solutions provided says all anyone needs to know about how you handle discourse, and at the end of the day I'm fine with the way I handled this conversation.

Have a good day and enjoy the game.

EDIT: Back on topic:

Having no time cap sounds like it would only encourage people coming in the final week and doing the events all at once with endgame/maxed characters but ultimately the "time played" out of those players will remain the same regardless of time gating. If a high level player can beat all the weekly challenges in seconds and get back to what they're doing, that's great, but them doing it in 20 seconds today vs 50 seconds at the end of the month doesn't ultimately change or punish those players.

I get time caps to help promote more player population stability and/or getting people engaging with less touched upon content and such, and that's been great for me (for example I never even did index before this challenge system was up) but as others have stated the gap between being able to actually do anything with the system (cred) and the limitations and pressures on those who can't be on every day/every week CONSISTENTLY only punishes people who can't spend any waking moment playing the game.

I saw another poster here mention they were sick and imagine a game you were having fun with basically punishing you for being sick/unwell is hyperbole sure, but it still sucks for that player/those players.

Edited by Bit_Reactor
EDIT to be back on topic with the post/reply
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My big problem with Nightwave right now isn't the challenges, but the Wolf Cred.

See, you get Wolf Cred at intervals throughout ranking up in Nightwave, which is GOOD. Every week, there is a new set of look with some unique things (like the desert camos for 2 weapons that change each week). Also GOOD. And then there's the fact that I can't actually buy some/all of those unique things because right now, even with doing all the challenges, only ranking up gives you Wolf Creds, and so you might be able to buy 1 or 2 items every 3 weeks because there's no other way to earn the Cred to buy the items.

If the Daily Challenge for Nightwave gave 1000xp and 5 Wolf Credits, by the end of a week, if you've done ALL the dailies and NOTHING ELSE, you'd at least be able to buy 1 or 2 things off the Offerings page. Doesn't even have to be 5. Could be 3. By the end of 1 week, you'd have 21 credits, and that would be enough to get someone an Aura mod. For a new player, being able to buy an Aura mod of their choice would be really useful.

It doesn't have to be the Daily. Make a weekly challenge that rewards some wolf cred. Doesn't have to be complex. But it would be NICE. Because right now, it seems pretty lack luster and a bit disappointing to do so many challenges and can't even by the cool cosmetics that I don't have as an MR26 player and will be rotated out before I get to Rank 12 to get 50 more credits.

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I’ve been giving this some thought, and I’d like to say that Nightwave is a wonderful addition to the game. As a casual player I find I’m still able to complete most of this by the end of the week, however not always. As I’ve read through some of the responses so far I think there are a lot of good ideas here. One thing I would like to add is that while many people complained about the 1 hour survival runs, I think those were appropriate as elite rewards. Plus they could’ve both been completed simultaneously. Due to a busy week and traveling I was unable to find time to do them, and that’s ok. Elite rewards should be challenging, and not something that beginners should be able to jump into and complete without a bit of difficulty. With all of that being said… options. This is my suggestion. Put more objectives out there. Triple the amount, but put a weekly point cap (50K as an example). Put out 3 dailies, 9 elites, let the tenno choose their path towards level 30, and that coveted umbral forma. 

You guys do excellent work, and I’m sure that there’ll be more good things coming. Thank you for such a wonderful game. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

You have a whole week to do 8 short missions my man. Do you not enjoy the game or something?

I do not enjoy bounties, any of them. As one of these people, I do actually have a kind of a  problem with this. 

But I will not try to comment too much about the amount of things for now that I do not even touch on regular basis in the game if it wasn't for these challenges and see where this goes. Should they be worth it after the first season concludes, I'll voice about them. 

For now that is all I have to say about this


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11 hours ago, Nemorian said:

What we've got on a line? Oh yeah, we don't have a line.

I just suggest the players who don't get how to do the challenges put some effort to it. There is no so much in-depth mechanics in Warframe that are unreachable to the mind.

-For Ayatan there is Arbitration

-For Survival it is the challenge. You should remember how to push some buttons, not just one-shot a map, as usual.

-For friends and clans there is recruiting channel. And You really trying to convince me that people that playing Warframe are not in clans? Really?

 And after all, it was said that to reach lvl 30 in Nightweave you don't need to do ALL the challenges. So why should the competitive players suffer due to the horde of casuals that want exactly the same rewards with no effort?

Nice options for the Ayatans, wish I knew that during the challenge ...

As for the survival, I am not up to it with my current load out. Not by a long shot, so in the future, ill be missing most of them probably ...

As for the clans stuff, around the mid of the week, most of the clannies, sometimes including myself, have already complete some to most of the challenges. As voice on my first reply on this feedback, most of the enthusiasm has already died out by that time. Many has had several runs to complete and help others. There are not much people left to complete them with, due to this and of other reasons IG or RL. As for the recruit channel, I have not touched that since I am back into my clan, So have not experienced that during these challenges.


For the Night Wave rankings, I am looking beyond the illusive rank 30, for the coins to spend and by-then have a complete experience of this new system. Because I am wondering what they will do after that point has been reached and how much of these coins they will give to each rank beyond. According to them it is worth it, but I am skeptical. And this will also give me insight of the worthiness of this system towards the second season. As I have mentioned before, I do not touch most of the things they have included in these challenges, as I do not enjoy them nor have the right load-out to tackle them on a normal basis. But I have recently sunk more than 100 hours into the game over the past two weeks and it has opened up so much more to, but also have made me wonder for the most time ... why just then?



Example: The whole story and the operators you meet are by the end of the game as I would state it. By this time you have build up a complete arsenal to tackle, if not all, a majority of the star-chart. beyond this point all that has left are the competition-ist stuff, like completing all the nodes to unlock arbitration's (not even something that is mentioned ones in the game), rivens (since most of the require rank 14+), syndicates (this game loves them), grinding and regrinding of resources and weapons for the perfect stats and sorties, collectibles and that is it. A complete game of maybe 100 ish hours if done correctly. Like most RPG's are.

But that is when the game really opens up and feels like you are ready to begin playing. But like most game, the amount of people getting, beyond the normal game is very small.

Everything beyond the story and star-chart feels artificial to keep you into he game. All that are he completion-ist stuff, mostly optional, don't forget about the caps and timers.

Yet the game introduces a strong operator by the first meeting, that is on the level of whatever that is happening into the game at that moment, only to take them down by a significant amount. And other stuff, like how weak some of the weapons are beyond that, compared to only a handful of truly magnificent weapons or how most the star-chart consist of < 30 and then suddenly it bumps up beyond the regular pace of that moment, but that is me negative feed-backing about a great game with so much potential, that I have been playing ever since the beginning and been twice on the same level that I am right now in to the game.






Edited by (PS4)Elloshin
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No doubt DE has been flooded by feedback from players who do NOT enjoy endurance runs... so I just want to say:
As an endurance run enthusiast myself, I found the 1hr survivals very easy... it's what I normally do anyway.

Having two of them at the same time didn't bother me, because I knew I could (and in fact, did) complete both of them during the same 1hr run.
I welcomed the feeling that DE is acknowledging this segment of the player base, and is rewarding us (for once) for what we routinely do.
Having said that, DE still needs to give us proper scaling rewards for doing endurance runs.

Challenges requiring friends is a non-issue. Just that a lot of players either didn't know about, or don't want to use the Recruiting chat.
(btw, PLEASE rework the entire Trade / Recruiting chat system... it's a pain to use right now)

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I really like the direction that Nightwave is taking Warframe. I am a vet player and I remember one of the most frustrating things was JUST MISSING an alert, or that alert being in a sector I couldn't reach yet for, say, Vauban part #3 I needed.

However, I do have some feedback that I am sure is echoed by others:

1) More ways to get Wolf Creds/Vanity Helms.

One of the more exciting things for me was snagging a vanity helm I'd been looking for for ages. At the rate of Wolf Cred accrual, it could be weeks or months before players get even a few of the vanity helms they desire. Not to mention they have to balance the WANT of a vanity helm vs the NEED of Nitain for certain items. I feel this is going to create resentment over time, especially as players who burned their who stock of Wolf/Season creds on items for Warframes they got bored of and are now hobbled until they can acquire more creds for the building materials/auras they really need.

My solution to this would be either increase the number of times creds are awarded, award creds as part of completing individual challenges, or award creds (at a lower rate) for snagging bounties/killing the Wolf of Saturn. Make it possible to farm/grind towards items that are offered, instead of making players wait until Step 12 for more creds. Either that or just toss up occasional alerts so people can feel like the won the lottery. But I imagine DE is  getting away from that model.

2)  60 Minute Survivals are do-able, but un-fun.

I actually got a kick out of grabbing randos (one dude hadn't played Warframe in a year and decided THAT was going to be the first thing he did) and completing this challenge, but one of the other fellows on my team... It was his third damn time trying. Once he lost due to DC, the other they lost because the Nekros kept self-reviving and eventually ran out. When you hang 60 minutes of playtime on an outcome that is proven to be a problematic achievement, an achievement that frustrates those who fail and gets only a sigh of resignation from those who achieve it, I advise tweaking this to make it, say, 60 cumulative minutes OR offering a high enough bounty that it actually feels like a worth-while time investment. 10k standing, I am sorry, would not be worth 3 hours of my playtime in Warframe if I failed twice. Endurance runs can be fun, but as it was an early week in the Nightwave season, it felt necessary to get it done or else fear falling behind.

3) More Nora Nightwave

Seriously. She is a brilliant character, whatever you have planed for her please give us more.

4) Consider Some Timed Alerts

I know, I know, I know the whole point of this was to get away from those. But throwing a few in for vanity items, Catalysts, etc might help mitigate some of the overwhelming feel of grind that is Nightwave. Nightwave, at the moment, feels like a race. Nobody wants to miss out on anything! Over time it might feel more like the marathon it is supposed to be, but tossing in a little lottery from time to time might help people feel like they are saving on Wolf creds when they get the item, or shrug and think they can just buy the item with Wolf creds later.


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So far, i think you guys have done a really good job despite the out cry for some specific Elite Acts. What I've been observing from players is, they're not really getting upset that these Acts are too hard, it's more that they're not able to complete all of them as easy as possible and as quick as possible. I don't think it's really your intention for the average player to complete every single Act and just in a few days. So i think some arguments players are making about not being able to do some Acts are just simply for the sake of complaining about something cause it's not as easy as they'd like. You will always have that, so be careful in responding to some of that criticism. I think as long as reaching rank 30 is something attainable for every player with some dedication, you shouldn't have to dumb down Acts too much. If anything, i think the numbers can be tweaked for some Acts, but i've yet to feel that a specific Act was just too much as far as what you're doing exactly. 

I absolutely love the diversity of these Acts, i think it's a very neat way to get players out doing different things in Warframe that they may have never done before or just remind them of all the cool things there are to do in the game while getting rewarded for it. For example, I actually didn't get to complete the Survival challenge, my squad fell short BUT that was the first time i did Kuva survival and i had a lot of fun in it while getting some nice amount of Kuva which was great. Some other examples are Halls of Ascension (Lua Puzzles), Orokin Vaults, and unlocking Relics. All these Acts you're being rewarded with items like Corrupted Mods, Prime Parts, and Elixus Mods in mission and i think that is a fantastic way to go about a lot of these Acts. Keep it up!

The reward tiers were also pretty good for the first go. I think the 300 Wold Cred amount for the first 30 levels is in a fair-ish state, but i'd like to see an increase to 75 each for the first 30 ranks as i feel the time it takes to get the next Wolf Cred rank takes a bit of time to reach. So for the average player, it may feel very restrictive on what they can choose and when the next time they can choose something again.This also will give players a bit more lenience to choose multiple rewards at a time. There's a lot of room to add more rewards to the Cred Offerings so i think a Cred boost for the first 30 ranks will even out well.


With all that said, here are a few specific tweaks/additions i feel can be made to improve the overall experience. 

  • Add Endo to reward tiers 20k-40k (Endo increase gains is something i feel we need more of in the game as a whole, but maybe this could replace the Kuva rewards for the next event)
  • Increase Wolf Cred tier amount to 75 for the first 30 ranks (More Cred Offering should even this out to keep it balanced)
  • Add skins to Cred Offerings (Maybe for the next event you could make some Wolf themed Skins for frames and weapons)
  • Add a few more daily acts that are simple/easy to complete through normal play (The current Daily Act types are spot on, in terms of how attainable they are, but only one doesn't keep players engaged enough and forces them to focus on the weekly acts which can take more time and be more frustrating if they don't know the best ways to go about them)
  • Add some of the sought after reward tiers to Cred Offerings to be obtainable again. (Wolf Cred cost would be higher. Orokin Reactor and Catalyst is a good example of this)
  • Keep similar Act Types/Missions that players find fun in rotation but with a twist (This can eliminate repeatable Acts, but with the same idea. For example, instead of unlocking 3 Relics in fissures, you could change it to unlocking 2 Radiant Relics, gathering 100 Recant, or obtaining 1 rare prime part from a relic)
  • Here's a fun one... Add an extra daily that is really outside the box, but possibly hilarious/fun. Example: Shoot a Dargyn Pilot out his Dargyn and jack it. This could be called, Grand Theft Dargyn! 😄


That's all i got for now! As a long time player, i really am excited about this new system for the health of the game. There's a lot to work with here and i think it's an amazing way you guys at DE can really show your appreciation for your players by giving back to them with some great rewards that are very straight forward to obtain and will help them on their Warframe journey. I feel you are at a point now that you can really execute on this with all the content you've added over the 6 years I've played, so it's great to finally see it happen. Keep up the good work, much love!




Edited by MacAaroni
Increased Endo reward from 5k-10k to 20k-40k
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This week there is an act/challenge telling you to complete 5 sorties in one week. But sorties can only be completed once a day, so it means I can only permit to *not* play warframe for 2 days. I think this misses the mark, since the purpose of nightwave was to be more *forgiving* to people who have steady jobs or school or don't play all the time so that they don't miss out. This challenge goes against that philosophy in my opinion.

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Just want to put what I've been thinking in the megathread. The challenges you've been giving us for Nightwave have been mostly busywork, not real challenges. Tridolon cap was a challenge. 1hr survival was a challenge (though a time consuming one). Repeating the same mission 10 times is not a challenge, it is a chore.

My suggestion: bring back the timed alerts as a way of getting bonus NW rep, and make the challenges actually challenging (at the very least, the elite challenges should be).

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In general, the challenges should be things you can work on over the week. So 1-hour survival is fine if you can do it across multiple missions. The one session requirement kinda just stops people who aren't geared or nearly geared from completing it. And don't get me wrong, that challenge isn't a challenge. You either have the gear and it's incredibly long, easy, and boring, or you don't and it is nigh impossible. The same largely goes for the Hydrolyst but in that case, it's more that not many people want to run players through that aren't fully geared (which is reasonable because that fight has timegates every other second and minimizing the time used where you can is important) than it is because you need full gear.

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On 2019-03-13 at 3:47 AM, HerpDerpy said:

nightwave should be treated like fortnights battle pas

This is exactly what makes me dislike the new system so much. I personally hate fortnite and time-gated stuff, expecially in a game like WF where you are supposed to be free to do whatever you want. And *whenever* you want.

Some ideas in order to not trash all the nightwave stuff:

- treat seasons as often recurring events (just like plague star or buried debts), so one will have the opportunity to get the stuff from each season several times.

- increase the cred rewards

- offer way more acts to chose and put a cap on the weekly standings

- give us some other ways to get umbra forma. I don't want to imagine this will be the sole way to get such a relevant item and...1 every 10 weeks? Seriously?

- the idea of an exclusive weapon related to RNG is a total crap to me. WF has some other tedious RNG stuff to do (rivens?) so, please, do not increase their number for the sake of...I really dunno why...

- use nightwave only for fashion frame related stuff. I personally prefer the old alert system for everything else (such as mods, nitain and potatoes). Same for standing rewards: remove forma and kuva, put only cosmetics, sigils and ornaments.

Edited by (PS4)nating51
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I really hope someone at DE has some cells colliding in their noggin still and is open to bringing back Alerts, while keeping NW, to make both sides happy. NW is a HUGE grind, I never had any problem getting anything I wanted from Alerts, and no, I didn't hatch some Alert schedule site, either. I went in, did my mission, and went back to the Orbiter with my reward. Now? 2 weeks in, still at level 1, nothing to show for it. THAT is what a grind is, taking far more time than normal to obtain something. For my playstyle, which hinges on limited time to play, Grindwave is unacceptable.

Meet us in the middle, DE, have BOTH in the game.


Also, for the love of all things holy, PLEASE let us mute Nora entirely. Apologies to the voice actress, I'm sure she's a nice person IRL, but I cannot stand her voice.

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Nightwave feels like it's trying to be more ambitious than it actually is.

What I'm actually seeing are two separate systems that are trying to be one.

First, we have the challenges to earn reputation in an attempt to get a chance to possibly get one item that was previously available during alerts. The reputation also earns us some new prizes previously unavailable for reaching new tiers, which is a nice touch.

Second, we have the story of the Wolf of Saturn 6 and occasional drop-ins along with Nora Night boasting up how amazing we are for doing mundane things.

Where previously we had random challenges each mission, now we have a limited few that we are able to complete which is tied to a reward system but doesn't feel like it has anything to do whatsoever with the actual Wolf of Saturn 6 story, which a lore driven story was the main driving point behind Nightwave.

On the topic of the challenges themselves, they seem to fall into two different categories. You have the challenges you'll probably complete day one or two and then the challenges you're probably going to pass on (especially as a less experienced player). I am liking what we are being tasked to do for the most part, but I feel like we don't have enough challenges and they aren't rewarding enough. If we had more challenges to complete though, that would probably make it feel more rewarding.

The biggest issues seem to be addressed in the main post, though on the topic of the endurance challenges, I don't know if its possible but perhaps bonus points could be rewarded for completing an endurance challenge in one sitting or points can be deducted for each additional run it takes you to complete the set amount of time or whatever, or a combination of both.

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A major negative point I forgot on my feedback is the "solo oriented" challenges.
Do X kills a certain way, pushes me to play solo as only my kills are counted.

2 things here: as I stated before, for the sake of consistency, I think that 150 kills in a certain way is a bit much for a "solo" daily.
So it should be reduced to maybe 50 if it stays solo but I'd prefer it to be left at 150 but being a cooperative one, counting every kill in the squad that meets the requirement, obviously.

Overall, I've ever loved Warframe thanks to the way it handles co-op right, by never pushing players against each other for loot / kills / etc. but this kind of challenge break this and it's a shame.

Thanks for reading.

PS: I wanted to add to my previous post but since then, 10 pages were added so I prefered to add a new post instead of editing ^^

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All I want to say is that doing a level 30 extermination without being detected was a tense and surprisingly fun change of pace I would never have tried otherwise.

Especially the five minutes I spent hiding behind a locker in a tiny corpus room with 3 fugitives and an ambulas... 😓


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