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Buried Debts: Hotfix 24.5.4 +


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The combo hit meter of Excalibur’s Exalted Blade drops to 0 when the ability is deactivated and immediately reactivated. This is inconsistent with other melee weapons which keep their combo even when sheathed and then immediately pulled out again.

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Hello Rebecca, I've got a crash when updating game, and this is the first time i got it, i tried many ways to fix but nothing works. and whenever i start to update, my PC always has crashed with blue screen. This issue has just happened for about 2 hours recently. this is my specs:
 - Window 10 64 bit

- Intel core i3-8100 CPU


- DirectX ver 12

- Chip: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

Can u give me some tips to fix this erro?, i cant play game anymore

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13 hours ago, XxWarlord2017xX said:

same thing here, i gather 5 canisters and throw them all at once and nothing happens, temp is still staying in one place, if i go into archwing and shoot all cooler spiders before they reach her,  the heat goes up by it self (throwing no canisters at it), but this only work for first 2 vents, on the third you have to throw canisters at it or it wont heat up enough, so then they work kinda, but also not enough to say the least, and when she humps the ground all your effort is lost 

dont see why exploiter is calling for her children (coolent spiders) to come to her to cool her off, if she can just get horny enough and hump the ground and cool her self off lol, why cant we have used heat element on our weapons to heat her up? least that way it would feel like a fight and not canister trowing skill competition lol

You have fundamentally misunderstood how the fight works. The canisters don't heat her up, they increase the rate at which she heats herself up.

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15 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Buried Debts: Hotfix

- Fixed a crash on startup for low-spec PCs caused by texture optimizations in Hotfix 24.5.4

Thank for this specific update!!! I thought I wasn't able to play Warframe anymore! Love you DE and Reb! Keep up the awesome work!! :D

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Still haven't fix the infinite loading screen everytime I try to do the Exploiter fight, and I thought this only occurs in Anthem. Now thanks to DE's decision of setting the fight as a limited time event, I can NEVER farm Hildryn. Thank you SO MUCH guys!

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Thank you for the optimization leaving Fortuna elevator to Orb Vallis my FPS only drops around 3FPS for a second or two then back to normal with no stutter.

Hope the void healing can be fixed this fast as well.

Mention here.

p.s It seems so far it's only in Orb Vallis I cannot heal my sentinal, just started a mission on (Exta, Ceres) as a test I void dash through it and it works, so something is off with the Vallis though I'm still testing.

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So, let's review the current state of Eidolon battles.  I do this to highlight why maybe we need some help with your old content, if the nightwaves are going to highlight it for challenges.

1) If there's a disconnect or host migration the lures all stop working.  You have to run back to them and tell them to follow, and sometimes they do.  Mostly though, they become rooted and you have to pull another to make it work.

2) Random teleporting is still a thing.  Sometimes it's despite having a lure, and sometimes it's mid-battle.

3) The Armor stripping only works if the host does it.  I've literally blown a synovia up with the sarpa, and not influenced the armor one bit as a client.  The next run as host, and 4 string hits melted away 100% of the armor.

4) The timers rarely reflect actual time remaining.  I come in with 44:55 left on the Plains before refresh, and the tridolon mission reads as 43 minutes remaining.  It's difficult to tell whether or not to try a fight, without consulting an outside timer.

5) Sometimes eidolons just die instead of being captured.  4 fully charged lures surrounding a Hydrolyst, and it decided to die instead of a capture.  Given all were within 10-20 meters, the loss was just baffling.

6) Visual poison.  The Hydrolyst fills the screen with flashing lights and bloom that is just frustrating.  I get the whole "big boss" angle, but there's a difference between trying to blind us and being powerful. 


So, we're stuck grinding the thing for the three arcanes everyone wants (barrier, energize, and grace).  We can do, at most, 6 runs a night (1.75 hours between runs, 45 minute runs).  The drop rate for each great arcane is 5% on a successful capture.  Is this how you want to sell Warframe?  How about we get this fixed, instead of focusing on floofs on PoE?  I'd ask nicely, but at this point would just as well consider this request screaming into the void.  The "improvement" to base line hardware still hasn't given us an improvement to game play.  Please, make it worth the players you've lost who were playing on potatoes.  Make the things already here work.

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15 hours ago, Maganar said:

I want to echo your sentiments here.  I've left a couple comments before on why the Exploiter felt underwhelming for me, but you are totally on point about it being visually and thematically a great success.  I want to give a shout-out to DE about just how awesome the idea of having our actual warframes in those micro-cutscenes of tearing off the cognition center armor during overheat.  That Shadow of the Colossus style feel of climbing all over a giant enemy feels completely at home in a game about space ninjas with a movement system as extensive as Warframe's.  Bravo to the team for making that fun to watch.

The whole "Fire and Ice" theme going on with this heat-harvesting spider mech that requires tons of advanced coolant systems to keep from overheating whie it harvests is pretty satisfying, especially as you watch it gradually loose control of its cooling systems (and thus ice attacks) and finally it starts directly attacking you with fire that it is venting just in order to keep from exploding.  It's the same idea that DE had long ago with Lieutenant Lech Kril on the star chart, but the thematic execution (and internal logic of a failing coolant system on a heat-material-harvester) is much better.  The only thing I didn't like about the fight was the literal fire-and-brimstone sermonizing of some Puritanical schoolmistress.  The Profit Taker orb was infinitely more intimidating and satisfying to defeat as an enemy...... because I could actually take it seriously, and all of its quirks (like the hissed speech and rhyming) only made it creepier.  This one's voice is just a giant mess of cringe, and I simply can't take it seriously.

The problem I've stated before that you touch on is that while it has great visuals, the fight is mostly just... that - watching the fireworks, without any real warframe usage or even gunplay to speak of.  It's just playing a skeet shooting minigame that splices together some stuff that is awesome to watch (and provides massive resource drops xD).  The fact you never even really fight it, but just toss orange boxes in the air, exacerbated my issue with not being able to take the fight seriously due to its silly voice.

Anyway, I've raised those concerns before and no need to go into them again.  But seeing your compliments to DE inspired me to make known the things I liked about the fight as well.  If people like me just whine without elaborating on the successes as well, it's hard for DE to know what parts actually WERE fun about the fight, and we may never get them again.

agree one some of the issues though not with the voice.  i think the voice is a story based thing, not for some big epic boss. the way i view the orb mothers are robots with the ability to comprehend speech but they speak differently, using phrases  with voices they hear from something else. what do you think a robot with advance AI would sound like if it was what exploiter is a harvesting machine/death machine with the ability to control other spider robots like a queen which mind you gives birth to those drones. 

besides exploiter seems to come off as nefs trump card for teaching solaris a lesson and exploiter comes of as a harsh mistress of a well i am not sure how to put it because i tend to have a hard time putting thoughts in words but i'ed say a harsh mistress of an orphanage would be the closest thing i could think of. the only reason i come to this though is because of zuud and her sisters was the main focus.

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12 hours ago, jnuh said:

i find it odd that a lot of people are asking to be able to use Hildryn's 2 while channeling her 4. it's been a long time like this.....if channeling a skill you won't gain energy from other skills. not sure why people think Hildryn has to be the exception.

Its not the same situation.

Hyldrin should be an exception least her kit would never be above *mediocre*.

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each time i fight exploiter it feels like i am fighting a drunken crab spider with alzheimer's for some reason even if i am in the middle of that area that you fight her, she just moves around the dang area stimbling around till she is right next to the mountain ish area where she blocks view of those coolant spiders which are fast as heck and have no charge up or pause before they deliver the coolant. 

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6 hours ago, JadeKaiser said:

You have fundamentally misunderstood how the fight works. The canisters don't heat her up, they increase the rate at which she heats herself up.

So she heats herself up and cools her self down? again what is the canisters for then?, and if you have not noticed if 1, ONLY 1 cooler spider hits her its got a INSTANT cooling affect on her, by that logic the HEAT canisters should have the same affect too, so why the #*!% am i there for then? if you read what i said, 5 canisters DONT DO S#&$!, its not heating it up, gradually or instantly, it DO NOT WORK, so if i just hang in the air and ONLY shoot the cooler spiders and she heats up(by her self), what is the skill or mechanics for this fight even worth then? nothing, i saw this from the start of this boss, its a waiting game, if you wait long enough it will heat up by itself making canisters a waste of time

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Someone at DE explain the logic behind removing the ability to toggle channeling and blocking. Both were actually good ideas, giving the player the ability to either toggle them on/off or to just hold down a key as necessary. Now blocking is trash and I have to hold down a key to channel...wtf?

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On 2019-03-20 at 1:34 PM, KosmicKerman said:

 Reset your controller bindings to default. I am not experiencing any of the problems you claim. I can slide. I can aim glide. And I can do blocking combos by using the left trigger. I’m also pretty sure I responded to you the last time you posted this. The problems you are having are not universal. Reset your controller to default and everything should work fine. 

My controller has only ever been default and I reset it after each of the patches to test. Are you only running with Melee or with no Melee? They have not updated with a fix to change the issues aside from those means to block or glide as I previously listed. If they have, it is not mentioned in the patch notes and they have even claimed in previous patches they have no intention of making the block action a bindable key outside of Melee Only loadouts and there is no means to do so in the controller configuration settings, as it is not an option.

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