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(The Jovian Concord: Update 25) New Boss Fight: Ropalolyst Feedback


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If you have a bug to report, please post it in the dedicated Bug Report Megathread for Update 25: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1094905-the-jovian-concord-update-25-bug-report-megathread/

This thread will be used to house your feedback on the newest Boss Fight from The Jovian Concord: Update 25: Ropalolyst!

The Ropalolyst boss fight can be found on its own Assassination Node on Jupiter once you have completed the Chimera Prologue. Completion of the Ganymede Node will allow you to progress.

Facing off against this airborne new Eidolon type will reward you with Wisp parts and Amalgam Mods! Prepare, Tenno. You won't know what to expect as you enter the arena of the Ropalolyst. 

Before posting feedback be sure to fight the Ropalolyst several times. Once you feel you have handle on the fight, and would like to share your thoughts, here is a fast guide from a Dev side to write good, useful feedback: 



1. Keep it simple

  • Write simple, directed points about the topic you feel strongly about. Remember to be constructive and to the point.

2. Back it up

  • Support your points with concrete points. X has better stats than Y. This ability is less useful when considering X. Provide in-game situational evidence or a solid foundation for your argument to rest upon.

3. Be polite

  • The best feedback occurs when two people discuss opposing viewpoints to find a constructive middle ground. Discussion is a natural part of feedback! Ensuring that it is polite and without personal attacks is key. We’re far less inclined to listen to feedback filled with personal attacks and rude speech. We are all trying our best!

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on on the Ropalolyst fight! 

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Loved the new tile with the gigantic jumps requiring either parkour or void dashing. Love the new look of the lotus. Beautiful work by the artists.

Loved this boss fight. Enemy lasers hit hard enough to one shot my umbral volt but but either had a very clear charge time or laser indicator of where they would hit.

Love the "glory kill" move.

It was easy enough to figure out what to do once I noticed the "grab Ropolalyst" button.



  1. One of the biggest points of confusion is what to do after charging the towers. I suggest making "grab Ropolalyst" an automatic action similar to pulling out exploiter's heat sinks.
  2. There is a very annoying bug where there is immense operator input lag near the towers making void dashing to and away near impossible.
  3. The synovia could be larger. They are a bit hard to see.
  4. There could be 1 or 2 more synovia.


  1. For a sentient fight operators a terribly useless in combat. The amalgam enemies are tough enough that even a maxed out amp can only take care of one add. But this is a problem with operator amps in general. I hope they get a massive power boost before we hit tau.
  2. Super subjective but the massive Retcon on Lotus lore #*!%ing sucks. I mean. Really? Ballas reprogrammed the lotus to do lotus stuff and she was evil all along? That's boring ass writing. A traitor sentient that really cares about us that we need to protect in the new war because all the other sentients are coming to S#&$ on us was so much more interesting. Not to mention this completely #*!%s with Lotus saving Ballas from us in the Sacrifice when if she was truly freed of her programming by Ballas (also wtf?) she would have just vaporized him right there (or done nothing).


Edit: Apparently the thing gives off nullifying fields that shut off both warframe and operator abilities?? ??? Its not like operators arent already weak as hell in combat (despite being written as extremely powerful post TWW). The only thing they have going for them is utility of Void dash, void mode, and some random nodes in a few focus schools. It was bad enough some enemies can apply knockback to operators through void mode but to be able to completely turn off the operator? Why.

Edited by ADirtyMonk
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It's currently pretty unclear what the exact context and criteria for grappling the Ropalolyst is.  I've seen squadmates doing it, and I've had the prompt flash up for split-second intervals at completely random moments during the fight, but have never been able to trigger it reliably so far.

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very fun once ya figure out what to do! really buggy though. The first thing i can think of is reducing the size of the talking head when approaching the boss. it covers half the screen the entire 1500m travel time. hard to see enemies or parkor points.

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  • Once you've moved over to one of the capacitors the Ropalolyst frequently collides with the very top of the capacitor tower at just stays there, out of range, doing nothing.
  • The Ropalolyst often freezes not animating at all, coming no closer if you happen to get to a capacitor tower without it "teleporting" to the front of the wires.
  • The capacitor towers have geometry holes in them near the top, Zephyr can get stuck in there very easily.
  • Completing a section teleports you to the center platform, frequently resulting in a OHK from amalgams.

Finally, given the fact that the Ropololyst Lasers can easily OHK you when teleported out into the open by falling off the map, could we have some items lower on the map that can give up something to aim for, allowing us to use skill to recover from a fall, especially with the odd "operator blocker" that I haven't figured out yet, sometimes I can void dash, other times I can't. There is a lot of:

Slight miss -> fall -> no way you recover -> position reset to open area -> OHK from amalgam or Ropalolyst before I can move.

It's an interesting fight, I still think the dialogue lines are not enough to really telegraph what's going on but I know Steve disagrees with that, personally I don't like playing "guess what the developer meant while bouncing frenetically so I can barely make out screen text"



Edited by SilentMobius
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Natah message covers half of the screen all the way to the elevator, so it makes parkour hard to see what you're doing.

Fix: Make it small like all the other dialogs.


The Ropalolyst can use the high damaging beam right after the cutscene for the shocking animation (less than half a second), making it impossible to dodge.

Fix: Make it only start charging beam after the cutscene is completely finished.

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Ok I'll start with a synopsis: I LOATHE this fight. I cannot stand it, and only wish to do it at this point to get Arbitrations unlocked again.

Here's what I like about the fight first:

  • The cinematics are cool
  • Like the Natah lore leading up to the new war
  • Great Idea for a boss, like the flying eidolon thing.

And here's what I really don't like:

  • There are numerous glitches with the fight, for example, of which is the most annoying IMO, at the very end, when you have to parkour to extraction, (which I'll get to later) if you fall enough and get teleported back up enough, you will be brought back to the original fighting pad and have no way to get to extraction. This cost me 12 minutes of my time, and I am not happy.
  • The Rop is 1000-1500m away from the starting point. I realize this is so you can hear Natah's dialogue, but with all the annoying parkour and all the enemies everywhere, this is just too long, and makes the fight feel realllllyyyyy drawn out.
  • THE PARKOUR OMG THE PARKOUR: Why is my only question. I know this is a game based a LOT around movement, but this is the first time, besides in the MR7 test I think? In which you have to do legitimate parkour to do a mission. I intensely dislike parkour with a passion, ESPECIALLY the course at the end. I fail these 99% of the time, and at that point, it's not a challenge, it's just annoying, and a video game shouldn't be annoying IMO.
  • The enemy spawn that isn't the Rop. I'll make this quick. Remove these enemies please. It's enough to deal with with the Rop grabbing you and immobilizing you for 15 seconds and you can do absolutely nothing, while getting shot by laser beams that kill literally any frame except those with invincibility (IE, Rhino), but then I have to deal with Amalgams and SENTIENTS? Please please PLEASE remove these, the fight is enough of a cluster-f**k to begin with.
  • The grabbing. This one is a QOL change really, don't make it so it grabs you whenever you get close, I've had multiple times in the fight where I'm standing right next to it because I get knocked over, only to get grabbed, get put down, then get grabbed again, and that loop continues til I get lucky. Please rework this.
  • Not a very straight forward fight. As you can see from my forum history, I asked how to kill the thing, as after my first aborted run I had absolutely no idea how to do it going in, and tried running around and doing stuff, never figuring it out on my own. I know Alad is supposed to help you out, but he's not specific enough and there are no quest markers to guide what you're supposed to do. I'd recommend the dialogue to be similar to Zuud's in the Exploiter Fight (with less yelling tho please), in which she describes exactly how to kill it, oh and quest markers please.

Sorry if this sounds heated, I just had really high expectations for another sentient boss, but I should expect bugs and such with a new update boss. I tried to make it as constructive as I could, please consider what I say.

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I enjoyed the fight. Good stuff!

If I were to compare it, I'd put it closer to the exploiter orb in terms of execution, mechanics and fun factor. I honestly kinda wish it was a bit more difficult and with a gear check like the PoE tridolons, it feels like all "world bosses" or w/e you wanna call them since PoE have all been getting progressively easier and easier. Profit taker was easier than eidolons, exploiter was even easier but at least it had more interesting and almost puzzle-like mechanics which were a welcome change, and now ropalolyst is a bit harder than exploiter but still fairly easy. I wish you guys would take this concept of a more mechanically involved boss like exploiter and ropalolyst but apply it to a more difficult and spongy boss like the Hydrolist. Or at least start putting difficulty sliders on these bosses. 

Also another point here: there'll be no longevity to this fight. Don't get me wrong, it's FUN, I like it, but I fought him 4x times, got all wisp parts and most of the new mods and don't feel the need to fight him again. At least exploiter had the ephemera so I had to kill him about 25x times. But since this boss is a Star Chart node, maybe this is intended. I hope to see him in a sortie some day!! 


Edited by --END--Rikutatis
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Longevity... This Boss needs more HP, I went in with alot of expectations some met, and most were not, thinking that it would be an awesome team fight so I grabbed my clan mates, but after doing it, we were... severely disappointed... Most of them went "Is this it? Thats all? No fight? What kind of boss fight is this?" then logged off. You need to stop making bosses like this with the idea of a farm, and more of a fight. A Boss is not a Boss if it doesn't have HP. No matter the amount of Mechanics you put in. Regardless it was still nice the first time, I love the overall idea of the fight. But its too short, after I'm farming the mods I probably won't touch it again.

Edited by _Behemot
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So far, experienced multiple cases of its AI completely breaking and rendering the fight softlocked, had people experience issues of being stuck in a permanent zoning-out loop, the control-locking cutscenes can frequently result in being killed the instant the cutscene ends before reaction is possible. Even a second or two of invulnerability after the cutscenes would do a lot for that.

The operator in general seems really messed up in this fight, and while I assume that's intentional, there is a horrific lack of visual feedback or explanation for why, say, void dash will just stop functioning entirely for a time.

Aside from its usual complete AI shutdown, we also once had it suddenly start running in circles around the center platform. It did not stop doing this for any reason, and refused to take off into the air again even after we managed to whittle its radiator down and laser it. One of my squadmates disconnected since it was clearly broken, and this suddenly forced the boss to cease its marathon jog and go back into flight mode.

By core design: it's an alright fight, with clean up. It has some very poor feedback in general for what's going on (my first attempt with a friend before it broke we got through two pillar cycles without even knowing WHAT had charged them before its AI turned off), and the rewards feel utterly lacking again. The new amalgam mods are very silly, and only useful to get once.

Edited by OvisCaedo
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The battle is are disaster:

1. One hit kills are just stupid. Even Hydrolyst is not that cheaty.

- Trying to run the wires > get targeted > OHK.

- Trying run back by wires > get targeted > OHK.

2. Void Dash restiction is stupid. You can't even do it - got kicked into frame > get targeted > OHK.

3. Beam stage might cause a bug where you and Rape-a-lol-yst both became invisible forever. It can happen if it grabs you.


P.S. Exploiter was way better in terms of balance.

Edited by FollowTheFaceless
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Now after soloing him for 8 times for wisp parts i think i can give some feedback



-new mechanics like using enviroment for killing boss is neat

-multi stage structure is fun (shoot the pack>blast it with console>shild off>take him for a ride)



-too squishy, end fight takes hilarious 3-2 bursts from my tiberon prime

-5k times 2 damage lasers are bs, on the arena they are simple enough to dodge to not feel cheap but in the early part with the wires they are infuriating

-something keeps turning my skills off like a nullifier but i cant see what does it > more cheap deaths

-no instructions on what to do > confusion (console is the main problem as it easily drowns in the fight and is just basic console, maybe make it a spesial console with different look or visual effect indicating it)

-getting insta killed when i respawn from a fall


Main issue is the damage thats so high it feels cheap, tone that down and maybe buff other statistics and the fight should be great

this was a good update but this boss is one of the worst in the game in my opinion, now to go and enjoy the better half of the update



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Occasionally when falling out of the map during the actual fight, a warframe will spawn at the entrance to to the platform area and be stuck there.
Sometimes during this bug, all players in the mission get the fade-to-black and fade-from-black (that you'd normally see when falling out of the map), repeatedly.
Issue resolves itself if the Ropaloloolylylalyst is steered into one of the bugzappers.

The Ropalolylelalalalist is sometimes stuck in a flinching animation, rather than being stunned on the ground. Using the laser corrects this.

1. After the bugzapper transition, enemies will kill you before you get the chance to move.
2. Player gets arbitrarily 'nullified', get stuck in operator form, get thrown out of operator form and back into the warframe without any visual or auditary que.
3. The Rapililalolyst (when at bugzapper, in between mega-laser shots) will fly just out of range of the Shwaak Prism Amp and taunt you mercilessly.
4. Same place, the Ropadopadingdong will fly straight up and into the top of the bugzapper and just sit there, again out of reach of the Shwaak Prism.
5. Jumping on/off the Rippadippadongaling and teleporting after the bugzapper removes active abilities (such as iron skin).


Circumventing our powers and having us get stuck in/out of operator form is beyond infuriating. It's one thing to make a fight harder, it's another to just circumvent what we as players have earned the equipment to do, because you don't want us to beat a boss too easily. It's not even that hard, it's far easier than the triplets in PoE, it's just frustrating to get one-shot left and right and have no idea why.


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1 minute ago, Convictohell said:

when will Rhino ever be truly viable again?

Rhino is perfectly viable. I did the fight without much issue as Valkyr. Yes, I died a few times but it was my first go - I was expecting to.


This fight is easy to solo. Well, I had no issue anyway. You not being able to solo it doesn't mean no one can, nor is it a huge issue. 

3 minutes ago, Convictohell said:

Unless the idea is that you're supposed to sacrifice the operator at which point what's the queue on that?

There will likely be a queue so you can do this, I wasn't paying enough attention to notice on my first run. Going to do more now - I will let you know if I find one.

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Do not understand why sometimes can transfer back to warframe and sometimes cannot.

Do not understand why most of the time want to void dash but my operator jump up instead... but sometimes able to void dash. The ropalolyst is blocking me? If then, there need to have a field of incident to show the area being blocked. eg, like scambus warning shot vfx

On solo, it is very difficult to hit the ropalolyst weak spots because it keep facing me and its laser always one-shot me.

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1 hour ago, _Behemot said:

Longevity... This Boss needs more HP, I went in with alot of expectations some met, and most were not, thinking that it would be an awesome team fight so I grabbed my clan mates, but after doing it, we were... severely disappointed... Most of them went "Is this it? Thats all? No fight? What kind of boss fight is this?" then logged off. You need to stop making bosses like this with the idea of a farm, and more of a fight. A Boss is not a Boss if it doesn't have HP. No matter the amount of Mechanics you put in. Regardless it was still nice the first time, I love the overall idea of the fight. But its too short, after I'm farming the mods I probably won't touch it again.

The problem I see is every single release of new content the vets flood to the forums and say make this endgame, there needs to content for lowbees to enjoy, after all, that's where the money is, if a lowbee tries 5 times and hits a brick wall it's more likely they'll get frustrated and quit, if a vet steamrolls the content, they'll just wait for the next content drop which will likely be for them.

The majority of vets are sitting on piles of plat or have plenty of easy means to make it whilst your newbee is much more likely to purchase plat on his or her journey through Warframe, if you genuinely care about the future of DE and Warframe it makes sense to look at the bigger picture.

You comment that you'll farm the mods and won't return to it because of the lack of HP, but if it was a bullet sponge that took 45 minutes and 5 ammo boxes to take down would that really be more fun and a reason to return to it?

I had a fantastic time soloing it, didn't have a clue what I was doing but it felt good when I'd sussed it out. 😄


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1 minute ago, Convictohell said:

Also to say the fight is easy to solo is quite rude actually, it's belittling, and rhino and valkyr are not the same warframe, Rhino has a third layer of shields, valkyr has literal invincibility.

You cannot solo it while staying invincible as Valkyr. (maybe you can, I didn't try) The point was more, you should be able to do it too. You seem to have missed that and taken it as a personally attack, which that was not the intention. Your statement was that it was a huge problem that you could not solo it (see your title). I could, so I figured I should mention that.

4 minutes ago, Convictohell said:

Point of the thread was to ask about that one shotter

And you missed where I told you that I am about to go look at that too. But I guess take it as belittling and refusal to provide an answer to your question if that is what you want to do. 


There will likely be a queue so you can do this, I wasn't paying enough attention to notice on my first run. Going to do more now - I will let you know if I find one.


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