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I think The Old Blood might be earlier than I anticipated


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When I heard update 26 was moved to the upcoming week, I immediately assumed it would mean a Thursday release that week (As a way of not getting disappointed, I guess) - But now I see that the Warframe twitter has been releasing tidbits about the update every 3 hours, 3 times (The latest being just some 10 min ago), so it got my hopes up that the release might be earlier, a nice Tuesday release probably, since DE seem to favor Tuesdays.

What do you think? Is it just empty hyping or could there be something in it?

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3 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

Usually Updates hit on Wednesday though :clem:

Oh, maybe I'm mixing it up with prime releases that usually come Tuesdays. Anyway I really shouldn't be hyping myself like this. It'll probably be a week more due to unforeseen errors

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If I'm recalling right, on Prime-Time, they were joking around about it potentially being released on Monday. So that's my hope, even if it is a bit unorthodox, given the fact that they said they were extremely close to releasing it yesterday / two days ago, but couldn't. So it'd make sense they could on Monday, and patch the rest of the week.

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They're going to aim for Wednesday and leave us hanging for the day then make a post saying something  like "[it looks like It wont be today]". Thursday will arrive and there will be radio silence for a while ... [Start Route A/B]

Route A: then they'll eave us hanging for the day then make a post saying something like "[it looks like It wont be today]". Friday will arrive and there will be radio silence for a while ...[Start Rout B]

Route B: Then DE[Steve] may make a twitter post about going live on twitch and start streaming (Obviously a body art stream). DE[Steve] will then hype up the update and show off some things on stream while the DE team hurries to get the update together going past their internal deadline for the releasing the update. people will start "Giving DE their energy" and the dredges of the Red text Cult will make a minor come back and the update will come with a few and major bugs which will be patched out on Friday/Monday.

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4 hours ago, Bryuf said:

When I heard update 26 was moved to the upcoming week, I immediately assumed it would mean a Thursday release that week (As a way of not getting disappointed, I guess) - But now I see that the Warframe twitter has been releasing tidbits about the update every 3 hours, 3 times (The latest being just some 10 min ago), so it got my hopes up that the release might be earlier, a nice Tuesday release probably, since DE seem to favor Tuesdays.

What do you think? Is it just empty hyping or could there be something in it?

I think I stopped caring about incremental upgrades regarding this game about four years ago.


2 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

Name one update that did.


U6, U7

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On 2019-10-26 at 11:04 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

DE almost never releases a big update on Friday. They did that once and the game was practically unplayable for the whole weekend.

take time zones into account. I'm in the Central European timezone, your Thursday afternoon is Friday morning here. From my point of view almost all their major updates where on a Friday.

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And I think it will be half as much content as I've expected.

We get a small quest line (or no quest just some narrated mission type), Vauban, ember, melee, weapon exi. Slot and that's it.

I'll be happy to get it don't get me wrong, but they said we get some pretty big mission design update with dojo update, ships and space combat. This part will be missing now for sure with the additional tilesets too.

However most of the devs feel that earlier szstem/feature fixes are new features, where as they kind of aren't...? They fixing the system but these are not new features really.

Edited by 40PE
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