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Next Faction for Nemesis System


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Seeing as it's all but confirmed(if it isn't already confirmed), what do you guys think? What should be up next for the Kuva Lich-like Nemesis system? And what should they be called? How would you explain for lore the Corpus or Infested Nemesis systems? Any twists and ideas?

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21 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Corpus obviously, though how they will manage the whole "Immortal Nemesis" thing without Kuva may be more difficult.

Saw a good post somewhere that suggested digitalized self-replication through the Corpus' technique for making their own Cephalons, or if the "liches" are robots, then an even simpler idea of save data transfering. Then as for killing them, you have to decipher their killswitch code, since the Parazon already works as a hack tool.

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35 minutes ago, Tuxie said:

How would you explain for lore the Corpus or Infested Nemesis systems? Any twists and ideas?

I imagine that instead of "magic blood", Corpus Adversaries would simply be ultra-elite mercenaries, the best of the best, trained in anti Tenno tactics and equipped with the best and bespoke gear that the Corpus can provide; no expenses spared. as a result the only way to defeat them is to shut down all of their equipment, which requires inputting a specific code; the code is essentially a reskin of the Requiem mod sequence and it's mechanics; kill underlings to eventually learn pieces of the code, get them in the right order and it disables the Elite's equipment, rendering them defenceless. you then have the option once again to kill or convert them.

for Infested, I'm thinking a special kind of regenerating monster, one which you kill over and over again, but will simply keep coming back. the only way to kill it is to find and destroy specific Tumour Nodes, but the nodes are hidden, and you must kill Infested thralls to obtain co-ordinates that lead to where these Tumor Nodes are. only once all of them are destroyed can the creature be permanently destroyed or converted.

these are just slapdash ideas though. more originality is possible, but I figured it's easier for DE to reskin the existing system and just tweak it here and there when needed.

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10 minutes ago, Mikaer88 said:

I'm curious, is it possible for the original makers of the nemesis system to sue DE for copying their thing?

Too many differences, also it would depend on if they copyrighted the entire system.

Overall copyright law benefits hardware more than software, it is difficult to copyright a vague concept like a nemesis system in a video game in a way where it cannot be replicated with enough differences to not be in breach of a copyright.

So in essence it would be difficult in a court of law to prove that DE used the exact system as described in a copyright.

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I assume DE will want to shake things up, so possibly Kingpins. They don't necessarily come after you themselves, instead sporting specialised troops - gangsters basically. Perhaps instead of larvlings they have underlings. Corpus who killing them draws the attention of the seedier side of the Corpus underbelly. 

Encountering the Kingpin themselves is the end - getting to them is the equivalent to the murmur farm.

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