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railjack time gate is a joke


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I am both inclined to agree with how DE has decided about the farm and timegate behind the drydock, but at the same time I'm inclined to disagree.


Just imagine someone is waiting for empyrean to drop and didn't take notice of the drydock update, he decides to install the game, all happy cause empyrean just dropped, just to find out he'll have to spend a total of 3 days building the railjack, plus, if he's unlucky, some more time building the dry dock in his own clan (if he's a solo clan player). I don't think that player will be rather happy to hear about this. We can argue it was his fault for not paying attention to the drydock update, but lets have in mind we'll have new players joining the game who will probably work their asses to reach the mr necessary to play empyrean just to discover he has to grind quite a while more to get his railjack.


What i'm trying to say is that the timegate on the railjack is perfectly fine if we're preparing for the empyrean update. After the empyrean update? I don't know, 3 days of unrushable 12h each part progress isn't exactly that appealing, althought it makes sense that we need time to build our railjack, did you see the size of that thing?! It's huge! And building it in just 3 days is amazing... in realistic terms. In gameplay terms... maybe this time gate is a bit too harsh? perhasp 6h each part? Or make them rushable in the future?

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1 minute ago, Corvid said:

The Cephalon is clan research. Every other part is individual.

Than you for confirming.

1 minute ago, devildevil21 said:

I am both inclined to agree with how DE has decided about the farm and timegate behind the drydock, but at the same time I'm inclined to disagree.


Just imagine someone is waiting for empyrean to drop and didn't take notice of the drydock update, he decides to install the game, all happy cause empyrean just dropped, just to find out he'll have to spend a total of 3 days building the railjack, plus, if he's unlucky, some more time building the dry dock in his own clan (if he's a solo clan player). I don't think that player will be rather happy to hear about this. We can argue it was his fault for not paying attention to the drydock update, but lets have in mind we'll have new players joining the game who will probably work their asses to reach the mr necessary to play empyrean just to discover he has to grind quite a while more to get his railjack.


What i'm trying to say is that the timegate on the railjack is perfectly fine if we're preparing for the empyrean update. After the empyrean update? I don't know, 3 days of unrushable 12h each part progress isn't exactly that appealing, althought it makes sense that we need time to build our railjack, did you see the size of that thing?! It's huge! And building it in just 3 days is amazing... in realistic terms. In gameplay terms... maybe this time gate is a bit too harsh? perhasp 6h each part? Or make them rushable in the future?

Bear in mind that this window of 'joining/rejoining specifically for Empyrean' is fairly small.

Afterwards, Railjack should settle in as another part of the game, at which point the system should give new players a significant hurdle to overcome and multiple objectives, helping them get into more parts of the game. I mean, it's not like anything's locked - you need to have beaten the Second Dream, so up to Uranus. Even if you make absolutely zero starchart progression, you've got access in theory to everything you need. It's a big hurdle for a new player, but that should mean that once they overcome it, either from a big dedicated farm or from dropping into it over time through the rest of the game, they should be well prepared for the new content that 'jack will drop for them.

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8 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

I am both inclined to agree with how DE has decided about the farm and timegate behind the drydock, but at the same time I'm inclined to disagree.


Just imagine someone is waiting for empyrean to drop and didn't take notice of the drydock update, he decides to install the game, all happy cause empyrean just dropped, just to find out he'll have to spend a total of 3 days building the railjack, plus, if he's unlucky, some more time building the dry dock in his own clan (if he's a solo clan player). I don't think that player will be rather happy to hear about this. We can argue it was his fault for not paying attention to the drydock update, but lets have in mind we'll have new players joining the game who will probably work their asses to reach the mr necessary to play empyrean just to discover he has to grind quite a while more to get his railjack.


What i'm trying to say is that the timegate on the railjack is perfectly fine if we're preparing for the empyrean update. After the empyrean update? I don't know, 3 days of unrushable 12h each part progress isn't exactly that appealing, althought it makes sense that we need time to build our railjack, did you see the size of that thing?! It's huge! And building it in just 3 days is amazing... in realistic terms. In gameplay terms... maybe this time gate is a bit too harsh? perhasp 6h each part? Or make them rushable in the future?

I'd be very suprised if further down the track you can't taxi off another players railjack to mitigate that. All it will take is the casual crowd complaining on the forums that it's not fair for new playera to farm the resources and DE will cave yet again

Edited by -CdG-Zilchy
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DE just keeps adding rng on top of rng mechanics which is by itself a dumb way to time gate parts of the game. Every new update just adds another of rng to the game. The Grendel missions are a step in the right direction but still needs work. The drop rates of cubic diodes and carbides suggests that it’s a 100% drop chance from eximus units but that’s only when they drop resources which is 50% of the time, so it’s literally a coin flip if you you going to get the new resources. On top of that the low level missions don’t spawn many eximus units if at all.

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Just now, -CdG-Zilchy said:

I'd be very suprised if further down the track you can't taxi of another players railjack to mitigate that. All it will take is the casual crowd complaining on the forums that it's not fair for new playera to farm the resources and DE will cave yet again

Never mind the fact that those resources will be dropping anyways.

They drop from Eximus, they dont have a requirement to drop, players goign through Ceres and Europa the first time will have no clue what to do with it or have 6 million credits laying around along with the other f*ckton of resources needed to build the ship.

For them, this will be a very long term goal because, as of the 3rd piece, the Port Nede-whatever, you need at least TSD completed to access Lua.

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6 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

I don't know what sort of gear you have but Profit Taker with Chroma effigy should get you the credits you need pretty fast.

Were I to measure it...I'm geared well enough to solo most content, but when it comes to Profit taker I'm as useless as a MR7 newbie.

Not sure why, I think I just have a mental block with that fight that prevents me from doing it properly, I only ever cleared it twice when I lucked out with a PuG I stumbled into.

Overall I'd rather stick to the Index, less stressful...which is ironic considering the debuff is Financial Stress.

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30 minutes ago, Xion014 said:

DE just keeps adding rng on top of rng mechanics which is by itself a dumb way to time gate parts of the game. Every new update just adds another of rng to the game. The Grendel missions are a step in the right direction but still needs work. The drop rates of cubic diodes and carbides suggests that it’s a 100% drop chance from eximus units but that’s only when they drop resources which is 50% of the time, so it’s literally a coin flip if you you going to get the new resources. On top of that the low level missions don’t spawn many eximus units if at all.

It took only 30 minutes to get over 300 of each and you only needed 120...

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19 minutes ago, Xion014 said:

It’s not guaranteed, like I said the drop chance for cubic diodes and carbides are not guaranteed from eximus units.

I agree it's not guaranteed and for some weird reason they don't drop in Survival... But you can significantly increase the odds. 

Can we talk about the funnier aspect how they got it backwards? We get the Grineer resource Carbides from Europa and the Corpus resource Diodes from Ceres...

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Just now, -CdG-Zilchy said:

I agree it's not guaranteed and for some weird reason they don't drop in Survival... But you can significantly increase the odds. 

Can we talk about the funnier aspect how they got it backwards? We get the Grineer resource Carbides from Europa and the Corpus resource Diodes from Ceres...

I saw somebody theorize that the reason why we get them from the other faction is that they are stealing from each other.

It would make sense considering how Grineer and Corpus loath each other.

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2 hours ago, Xion014 said:

It’s not guaranteed, like I said the drop chance for cubic diodes and carbides are not guaranteed from eximus units.

Also, don't forget the fact that if you have an active Lich they'll quite happily take these from you at the end of the mission.

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It's meant to just happen through regular play. The ship can't be flown so there's no rush. We are actually lucky they are letting us pre-build it imo.

It can be viewed as a nice head start for those of us actively playing but for anyone else..... I agree, brutal time sink.

My only issue is the invasion specific materials. I feel like they just added those resources to artificially stimulate activity in an undesirable playlist. 

Edited by IIDMOII
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Seems someone didn't watch Devstream...

Rising Tide if the update that is the "preparation" to railjack...
Means we are living in the timeline of building... farming etc... and once Empyrean hit, we will "finish" building and ready to LAUNCH!

SO basically rising tide is the moment of a race whee all participants have time getting in their position BEFORE the actual race starts...


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15 hours ago, MetalicSharpShooter said:

that's not an argument, as someone who has invested money in this game to support these devs, I think I have the right to raise my grievances with DE's arbitrary and foot shooting decisions. this arbitrary 12 hour wait not only ruins the flow of the story the quest is telling you, but needlessly irritates players for no damn good reason. the little sliver of content we get from this ONE quest (on top of how damn expensive it was to make this dry dock AND the parts) in no way justifies the 12 hour time gate. Also, the game forcefully idling your progress is NOT grind. farming for resources and parts is grind. killing stuff because space mom told you to is grinding. An unskippable wait of 1/2 a day is not grind. try again.

Answer me this, then. What do you expect to do with the ship at the moment? You can't fly it. You can't run missions with it. Hell, you can't recruit for it outside the quest starters. It's three days worth of a time gate just to have it sit pretty in the dry dock. What's wrong with that? You set it up, and go do something else for the rest of the day. It's not like you have to sit in front of your screen staring for that 72 hour wait. If you haven't noticed, must of the game is behind some type of time gate. As you said, there was little in the way of content here aside from meeting Cy. We have another few weeks before The New War, and Railjack. Why rush it in the first place for something you can't even use yet?

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honestly even if it wasn't a prebuild thing on pc it wouldn't both me, and likely there won't be a prebuild on console. There's so much else in this game to do for the general players while this happens anyways. and for the vets that have everything they should be well versed in waiting a bit for things. and there are other games to play anyways whenever warframe will always be there. AND on top of that you can still hitch a ride on other people's railjack ships so that's really solves the problem for the most part.

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15 hours ago, IIDMOII said:

My only issue is the invasion specific materials. I feel like they just added those resources to artificially stimulate activity in an undesirable playlist. 

detonite injectors, mutagen masses, and fieldron can all be found in fortuna as rotating rewards, so they're not actually invasion specific anymore. 

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