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Regarding Pablo's recent stream about saryn


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1 minute ago, Xaero said:

Yeah, she should be able to delete entire Orb Vallis in one cast.

Hmm that might be a tad too strong. I think deleting these kinds of misinformed threads in one cast would be enough for a buff, personally.

3 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

Whoa whoa there. Those ambient Corrosive procs are nice for Endurance runs =P

Haven't bothered to try a vazarin/saryn for solo runs yet then again i'm not a fan of solo in this game and if i do hour long sessions i'd rather do it with friends to help with motivation and staying awake lol. But yeah, those corrosive procs are very appreciated for solo gameplay otherwise there's always Corrosive Projection. Just that Saryn wouldn't be the first nor the 2nd frame to pop into my mind when going for endless runs in a squad.

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I still don't know why others want to nerf things in a PVE centric game?   Sure its not fun playing on a specific frame in a team of nuke Saryns.  

But I see people calling for nerfs on things like weapons which they use.  Why would you Nerf your own weapons?  


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7 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

Haven't bothered to try a vazarin/saryn for solo runs yet then again i'm not a fan of solo in this game and if i do hour long sessions i'd rather do it with friends to help with motivation and staying awake lol. But yeah, those corrosive procs are very appreciated for solo gameplay otherwise there's always Corrosive Projection. Just that Saryn wouldn't be the first nor the 2nd frame to pop into my mind when going for endless runs in a squad.


I mean CPx4 is hardly required but yea, use that and Saryn is pointless in a group.

Also something her previous version had advantage on. Venom Dose going into Viral / Gas damage and an initial Viral proc was still better than a shooting proc. I don't do groups anymore or Arbitration / ESO so I don't even really play her much anymore. Corrosive procs on guns work well enough and she's hardly exceptional at much else.

It was clear from day1 she could dominate in a mid range spawn factory like ESO though. Test much?

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39 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

It's not, because there's other frames that can do this without breaking the game. Inaros sees more use than Saryn but he's not in anyone's crosshairs despite having a reputation as an oversimplifying frame. The idea of having a frame that's nothing more than a weapons platform is fine, but it's not Saryn's unique prerogative.

Well since we're talking about Inaros now, I'd say oversimplified is a considerable understatement and if I was a developer Inaros would IMHO pose significantly more of an issue to me than Saryn. A frame with a niche application that is otherwise rather pedestrian vs a frame that just ignores all the damage you throw at it always and forever...

Inaros is for all intents and purposes "I'm tired of developer BS" the frame, at least they can kill Saryn. There is no way that they are killing Inaros that doesn't screw literally every other fame in the game. I mean just look at the Lich "LOL U DIED" scripted death, given a lvl 1 Lich probably couldn't actually kill a wet noodle and god knows they put "a ton of effort" into that high falootin' fancy animation and consarn it they weren't not gunna shove that down everyone throat, bad game design or not. 

So yeah I'd think Inaros would be in the developers crosshairs since he is far more pervasive at subverting the gameplay loop as a whole than Saryn ever is/was/could be.

Edited by Oreades
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7 minutes ago, tzadquiel said:

you using melee over catchmoon is once again your preference. catchmoon's stats are worse on paper, but in reality, with twisted and narrow corridors of main tilesets, and no hitscan bullets, most players did and still do use catchmoon in close to medium range, because it has no self dmg. with exilus on projectile speed, this did not change much.

anyone saying catchmoon got a bad nerf which killed the gun is bad at evaluating reality. 

wait. just so I understand it clearly - you want to recall last years game making decisions in your case-building exercise? it's december, mate. once again, no ammo. gg

Math is math and no subjective "how it feels" argument is going to trump that, saying that it didn't change much is just downright delusional, is it still usable? Yes, but is it worth using over other options? That depends, many are still comfortable with and have gotten used to how it fires, or are misinformed, so it's still got widespread appeal.

Yes, you understand clearly that in response to those people saying "2019 DE is different and won't overnerf things" I want to use situations that happened in 2019 to give examples of the situations I was talking about where they did.

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The fact that even the hint of a nerf to Saryn got 33+ pages of outcry will probably make DE take a breath before they do it. Especially after the old blood update's community backlash. My guess is they'll wait till they knock an update out of the park that is positively received. Then they can sneak the Saryn nerf in.

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3 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

I think making her 1st a line of sight ability would be enough.

But I'm also thinking about making her 1st ability ramp up damage only when she hits enemies with her 3rd ability. And set a maximum damge of 10000 or 7500 maybe that the spoers can do. 

Making spores a line of sight ability would destroy it completely. It's a really bad idea.

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4 hours ago, kwlingo said:

Pablo, the one who redesigned the Saryn rework last year was on stream and someone asked if there is any reworks he is planning on. Pablo stated the only rework he want to do is Saryn.

he wants to do. not planning to do. since he wants to correct what he feels are mistakes but he can't just do that at the drop of a hat. So there are still no Official statements about a Saryn nerf even if I agree she needs one it isn't planned yet.

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9 hours ago, Foefaller said:

She dominates more than just ESO. Pretty much any endless mission or Mobile defense where there is a Saryn she will have at least twice as many kills as the rest of the squad combined as long as she puts in the least bit of effort into it. Pretty much the only time it doesn't happen is if the Saryn is nice enough to not use spores.

ESO is just the mode where her abilities are the most impressive because of the enemy spawn rate and numbers. But pretty much any mission that doesn't involve running from room to room at breakneck speed she's going to invalidate most other frames for having a reason to even be there.

Finally! Someone else in this thread gets it!

But sure, let's blame and fix one game mode and ignore one Frame's horribly broken ability, because doing otherwise would make too many entitled, power fantasy addicts sad.

Edited by MirageKnight
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6 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

The fact that even the hint of a nerf to Saryn got 33+ pages of outcry will probably make DE take a breath before they do it. Especially after the old blood update's community backlash. My guess is they'll wait till they knock an update out of the park that is positively received. Then they can sneak the Saryn nerf in.

thsi is what happens wehnever they have to cut any powercreep honestly. this one though is people's no effort focus farm baby so there's a bit more than usual but nothing too crazy.

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The frustrating thing about Saryn for me is that this whole situation could have been avoided if they just... Didn't rework her again to begin with. 

Saryn 2.0 was a vastly healthier design for the game than 3.0, and her kit was more interesting to use. Spreading toxin procs was an interesting and useful mechanic that required actual setup and thought. Now she's just a mindless mass murder machine that damages the very idea of co-op. 

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Just now, MirageKnight said:

Finally! Someone else in this thread gets it!

But sure, let's blame and fix one game mode and ignore one Frame's horribly broken ability, because that would make too many entitled, power fantasy addicts sad.

Actually Pablo himself talked about Saryn's problems in those modes as well but since he mentioned ESO first and the fact eh doesn't' like playing it (due to how Saryn performs there) everyone latched onto that really hard.

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12 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

Chill guys, he was just memeing at y'all.

This isn't a "LAWL J/K" moment. Pablo is clearly unhappy with Saryn and the simple fact that he's discussing about nerfing her means it's going to happen eventually.

Her days as Queen of ESO are numbered.

Edited by (NSW)Ace-Bounty-Hunter
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Pablo is known to make one of the best reworks in the game. If he is the one who will "balance" Saryn, then I do not mind, because he is a person who actually plays the game (He streamed warframe after all), so he knows how a player thinks.

If its someone else I might as well riot.

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1 minute ago, Aadi880 said:

Pablo is known to make one of the best reworks in the game. If he is the one who will "balance" Saryn, then I do not mind, because he is a person who actually plays the game (He streamed warframe after all), so he knows how a player thinks.

If its someone else I might as well riot.

I agree, If Saryn rework falls onto Pablo's hands, I dont really care. Pablo indeed makes one of the best reworks in the game.

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16 minutes ago, MonsterOfMyOwn said:

The problem is ESO being a bad mode focused on kill per seconds that is also one of the few way to efficiently get focus points.

And yes Saryn is the queen of 8 waves of ESO... like khora is the queen of 25min kuva survival fissure runs... and Inaros is the king of lazy frames

any place with high densly packed groups saryn will keep that area clean and adjacent areas to it not just ESO.

it is irrelevant to bring up khora as she cannot kill and entire area as strangledome doesnt deal alot of damage, has an enemy limit, and low range and ensnare stops pulling in enemies after it stops propagating and can only start pulling again when whipclaw is used on a living ensnared enemy.

khora cannot do what saryn does and does not cause a problem in a team like saryn does. the best solution to saryn is a range cap and LoS

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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sarin only nuke becaouse of most ppl use that specific build. they only need to reduce 30% of dmg and I guess that is it. but why not set spore on toggle? I dont think that saryn need any changes as it is, it has its use. is mesa not doing same thing? is equinox not doing same thing? they to can wipe map in specific situation just like saryin. so do we need to nerf them? than DE should remove meta from game and they solve any issues about nuking and fck up someone's game. everything is same, no matter what you pick up. archwing is dead for how long? maybe it get bit more to life with new release...

also for how long wf dont have raids and 4+ players game content? who play lunaro these days? for how long waypoint is broken? DE is slow to non existent in many departments but quite quick when comes to nerfing stuff. life strike mod is broken, work 1 maybe 2 times out of 10. no they not gonna fix it, but they will go supersonic to nerf very good frame or something good in game. 

main issue is low star chart lvl enemies, which die too fast. nuke saryn is not so good at surviving, if you can clean map fast than you are fine. but if enemy is more rough and in large quantities they very same nuke sarin dies quickly. remember initial arbitrations without revive thing? you die quite quick there so you could not go nuke build on lets say corpus surv for prolonged period. I think we need some star chart buff rather than nerfing specific frame. I think that players build outclass very very absolute starchart. 

Edited by -HoB-AngelofRevenge
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