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Where's Shield Gating?

(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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When Hildryn was in development, DE talked about how her shield gating would kind of be a beta test for making it a universal system. Why haven't we heard anything about it since? Hildryn's passive shield gating has been met with nothing but positive feedback, so why did DE go silent on this mechanic? It's been something that people have been asking for for years, just like Universal Vacuum. 

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I think they're waiting to see how the damage system will work with Railjack.

A long while ago Steve mentioned that Railjack would use a different health/armor/damage system compared to the rest of the game. Depending on how that worked out he mentioned that could see its way into the regular game down the road. If that is still planned then shield gating could come in with that system.

Or, as Skaleek said, all we get is Adaptation. That's probably the more realistic answer.

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Because shield gating does functionally nothing at it's core and the implementation they attempted with Hildryn was suuuuper easy to suuuuuuuuper cheese. I'm assuming that exploit has since been patched out but that takes you right back to square 1. The Square where the first bullet doesn't kill you but the bullet immediately following it does. Which ends up just being a bunch of extra code that doesn't really do anything, I mean I guess you survived an extra .3 seconds so there's totally that, I guess.... 

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Just now, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

But that doesn't happen with Hildryn. It works fine on her. 

I'm guessing you missed the part where that is super exploitable on Hildryn and even more so on any other frame with lower base shields. 

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2 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Because shield gating does functionally nothing at it's core and the implementation they attempted with Hildryn was suuuuper easy to suuuuuuuuper cheese. I'm assuming that exploit has since been patched out but that takes you right back to square 1. The Square where the first bullet doesn't kill you but the bullet immediately following it does. Which ends up just being a bunch of extra code that doesn't really do anything, I mean I guess you survived an extra .3 seconds so there's totally that, I guess.... 

Except you had a chance to do something before the enemy oneshoted you again.

Three seconds is a lot when you fight high lvl enemies. 

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3 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

Except you had a chance to do something before the enemy oneshoted you again.

Three seconds is a lot when you fight high lvl enemies. 

Point three seconds, not three seconds. Ya'lls is gettin double tapped and there is no grace period because the invulnerability phase is super exploitable and likely the reason that they dropped shield gating like a hot potato. 

Now I'm almost curious enough to go and see if they ever did cover that exploit..... but not actually curious enough to check. 

Edited by Oreades
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13 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

It's been something that people have been asking for for years, just like Universal Vacuum. 

That's where the whole thing went wrong. Whole community asking for something for a long time is guaranteed to be denied by DE.

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6 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

If nothing else, it wouldn't hurt to add shield gating to Railjack.

I mean, they literally just  need to copy/paste the code from Hildryn.

Well since there is no method at present to negatively modify the railjacks shields it shouldn't be an issue.


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19 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

It's been something that people have been asking for for years, just like Universal Vacuum. 

That doesn't make DE have to do something. If everyone on the internet told DE to make the entire Market free, should they do that too?

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Shield Gating doesn't really work that well vs hitscan weapons that fire multiple rounds quickly, and just about every Gun-toting Grineer has a weapon that fills that description. if D really want to help players, they need to actually look at enemy damage scaling. sadly nobody has found an answer that suits everybody yet.

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Scott and Steve very briefly mentioned shield gating a while back. Sadly I forget where. Think it might have been Steves pre Old Blood stream. Scott said they'd tested it but it didn't really do anything. They found you died just as quick with it as with out it. Then they sort of implied they still wanted to do something in that area but weren't sure what.

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57 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Point three seconds, not three seconds. Ya'lls is gettin double tapped and there is no grace period because the invulnerability phase is super exploitable and likely the reason that they dropped shield gating like a hot potato. 

Now I'm almost curious enough to go and see if they ever did cover that exploit..... but not actually curious enough to check. 

You seem to be under the assumption that universal shield gating would be a watered down version of Hildryn’s, which of course has been more than proven to be essentially useless in the current damage system. But Hildryn’s actual shield gating is extremely useful, and I don’t just mean exploiting arcanes barrier and aegis. When her shields pop she does in fact gain 3 seconds of complete invincibility, not 0.3. That significantly increases her survivability. If that were to be made universal, it would be very beneficial to frames that have no other means of damage resistance.

Of course I would much rather enemies not do such stupidly high damage at higher levels that we need the ability to shrug off a one-hit-kill 2 seconds into the mission, but I have a feeling we’ll be waiting a very long time for that fix.

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57 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Point three seconds, not three seconds. Ya'lls is gettin double tapped and there is no grace period because the invulnerability phase is super exploitable and likely the reason that they dropped shield gating like a hot potato. 

Now I'm almost curious enough to go and see if they ever did cover that exploit..... but not actually curious enough to check. 

If I remember correctly, Steve actually said that it wasn't significant enough in terms of increasing survivability so they didn't want to further develop it. Also they didn't want to just copy-paste Hildryn's passive and come up with a new one.

''A while ago, when asked about Shield Gating, [DE]Steve stated that it was tested internally, and it didn't do much to alleviate one shots.''


The only thing that ''exploiting'' a potential time-gated shieldgate would do is to make the squishier Warframes such as Banshee actually playable at high levels. Every popular Warframe is already invulnerable because of powercreep, and thus it would affect the current ''meta'' very little. Brozime made a pretty detailed video on how it could be balanced.


Honestly though, as a band-aid fix to make shield builds relevant on Warframes other than Hildryn, DE could make the damage reduction from armor also apply on damage taken to shields. That wouldn't necessarily be too powerful, because some mods and arcanes completely depend on taking health damage so you couldn't just cheese a shield build on everything.

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1. DzuCl9L.jpg

2. Syth and Hunter sets improve the survivability of our companions, through health and armor.

I never was a big fan on using shields over armor, and I don't believe that this shield gating would change my mind. Hildryn brings an interesting style of play, but I have little reason to use her outside of a hiljack mission.

Edited by GrazeZeroLow
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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

The only thing that ''exploiting'' a potential time-gated shieldgate would do is to make the squishier Warframes such as Banshee actually playable at high levels.

Thing is according to my current understanding (which is arguably horribly outdated) the ability last I checked at least was no timegated. What makes resets it is when the shields themselves are fully recharged. 

55 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

I guess I did. If it's been fixed, though, then I don't get your point. 

The concept of shield gating is really great until you start to pick it apart. 

If it is based on full shield recharge to reset then most frames would be rendered perpetually invulnerable because their shields would recharge before the invulnerability ran out. 

If it is based on a hard timer.... then it's just going to be an inconsistant mechanic that carries all the weight of Titanias 25% Dodge rate.... it works real great until it doesn't and then you're dead on the floor cursing the fact that you where oneshot doubletapped through your shields. To the point that if you really "need" it to survive.... you're likely not going to notice it's even there, cause you're gonna be dead anyhow. 

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shield gating can be very userful in high level content where adaptation become useless because every thing kill you immediately by touching you.

maybe provide some variety of warframe in ab so we dont have to see inaros all the time? 

Edited by BRZZAFK
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