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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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2020/1/15 AM2点40分 , [DE]Rebecca 说:

This is a broad post that touches on something that appears throughout the 40 pages here. Simplified sentiment:  'Avionics Capacity limitations are too punishing'. This week's Hotfix will speak specifically to that with global buffs for all Reactor types found in the wild. Any existing gear you have will simply be re-rolled for Avionics capacity, which will automatically be a buff in all cases (note: the Vidar III which has just compressed its top-end entirely to not have the 30-100 range, it's now 90-100, but it will not give you lower rolls if you had one in the 90-100 range before this change). 

The coming number changes:

- Lavan Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 20 to 30 (from 10 to 20)
- Lavan Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 50 to 60 (from 10 to 40)
- Lavan Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 80 to 90 (from 20 to 70)
- Vidar Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 30 to 40 (from 10 to 25)
- Vidar Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 60 to 70 (from 20 to 50)
- Vidar Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 90 to 100 (from 30 to 100)
- Zetki Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 10 to 20 (from 5 to 10)
- Zetki Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 40 to 50 (from 5 to 30)
- Zetki Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 70 to 80 (from 10 to 50)

Just dropping this note here so folks are prepared for this specific change as we work on more major fixes and changes! 

Even a warframe has 60 capacity why RJ just only have 30 I think it should be more so that we could use every avionics slot after using Vidar Reactor.If cannot fill them up,why do you set up so many slots

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This may have already been discussed but - Railjack needs to be integrated better into the core game and less "content island", or otherwise needs something to do when your ship is maxed out.

People are already complaining about lack of groups and matchmaking and it only released a month ago. The problem is the only reason to play railjack is to get better stuff for railjack, and when you do - there's no reason to use it. The base game has similar issues but it does have 100x more content and things like Arbitration, ESO etc to use minmaxed frames on. Railjack currently has nothing.

The gameplay itself is good - the movement, shooting, etc is strong, the bugs are being worked out, space combat is fun. But Warframe is a progression/grinding style game and if there is nothing to play for then the community moves on to other things no matter how fun it is initially. This needs some thought and a strong push to integrate into the existing reward structure otherwise it risks players ignoring it, and DE then may need to move onto other things.


As a suggestion - some higher level, difficult nodes in Railjack should be changed to give core game relevant rewards. e.g.

1) Kuva and Rivens. You could turn a node into a version of a Kuva flood where the POI contains a Kuva siphon. It would have to reward more kuva than a normal flood due to the extended amount of time to run it, and would have to be careful it doesn't become the default method to farm Kuva. Maybe just add a 2nd Kuva Flood mission that's always a railjack node, that can only be ran once every so often as with current floods, but rewards at least 2x - 3x more Kuva due to the mission length? Riven Slivers could also be made obtainable in a more consistent way than just very rare drop - unsure on specifics.

2) Endo. You could implement an Arbitration style endless wave survival mode with endo and vitus essence equivalents.

3) Cracking relics - allow node(s) for relic cracking in Railjack? There would have to be some thought into that, because Railjack missions currently take much longer, meaning the incentive would always be to choose a more efficient mode. Maybe these could do something like give you much, much more void traces? So the game would become: do railjack to accumulate void traces, do normal relic cracking to use them, go back to railjack, etc.

4) "Railjack sortie". Chain together 3 missions as with the current sortie, for appropriate rewards. Probably need to implement different railjack gameplay modes first for that to really work.

5) Kuva weapons - maybe the Corpus versions of these weapons could be specifically from some Railjack version of the Lich system, encouraging playing Railjack to obtain these?


I'm sure there are better ideas but just wanted to throw that out there. Really hoping Railjack can become a successful part of Warframe and not just another thing to burn through once then ignore forever. I would love to play railjack if I could do that instead of Arbitrations or Kuva farming etc, but currently that's not possible and there's no benefit to the missions once you obtain avionics and the appropriate salvage.

Perhaps you already have some ideas on this with The New War.


Edited by CoreWolf
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2 minutes ago, Jacktimi said:

Even a warframe has 60 capacity why RJ just only have 30 I think it should be more so that we could use every avionics slot after using Vidar Reactor.If cannot fill them up,why do you set up so many slots

Because their plan was to later make railjack "potatoes" available, as well as railjack "forma".

This was hinted by Pablo on his stream some time ago.

If that's still the plan or not, who knows. Also consider the possibility of in the future DE adding more avionics, even who knows Primed ones that required a ton of slots.

If Railjack progression is going to be anything like Warframes, we can sort of guess what they will be slowly adding in the future ( hopefully not too fast, cos power creep ).

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okay, i am just going to be one of those users that paste a video that i agree with, though it's still valid.

so yea, so much of what was showen or talked about is not part of the final product, it also the case with fortuna as i recall a video with moa that had bursa parts as companion and overall was way more customizeable then what we have now.

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On 2020-01-14 at 7:00 PM, xRufus7x said:

Any chance that with this change we will also gain the ability to dump dirac into parts to increase their roles. Perhaps increasing them by a point and increasing the dirac cost each time we do it. This will give us a needed dump for it, maintain the importance of good roles but also allow incremental progress towards goals rather then being so RNG reliant.

Really like this idea. Would like to see it in game.

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1 hour ago, BloodKitten said:

so much of what was showen or talked about is not part of the final product

This is not the final product. We have known about that for quite awhile, when DE announced they would be splitting Empyrean in 3 phases. We are at phase 2 "take flight", which is intended for us to experience Railjack and get accustomed to it.

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Really my number one frustration right now is that the enemies are just too bloody quick, and their movement patterns are erratic on top of that speed which makes the aim point from gunnery useless because the enemies like to spaz out while going faster than an Archwing.

Add in the comically low range and slow projectile speed of multiple weapons and you have a floating coffin equipped with confetti guns.

I'm really hoping that enemy/weapon balance is next on the chopping block after the reactors, because trying to swat 60 hornets with a BB gun is not something I look forward to on these missions.

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@AldainA tactic i've adopted and seems to work for me is to fly your Railjack like a B-17 in a straight line but in reverse once you aggro the enemy fighters, what this does is 1) It keeps the fighters in front of you and any that do get passed can be taken care of by the gunners more accurately because your not moving side to side or chasing the fighters 2) It also lots of times forces the fighters to fly in a straight line at you giving you a better chance of hitting them and killing them and 3) it moves the fighters away from the healing bubbles from the crew ships because they can't keep up with the fighters.

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1 minute ago, Pendragon1951 said:

A tactic i've adopted and seems to work for me is to fly your Railjack like a B-17 in a straight line but in reverse once you aggro the enemy fighters, what this does is 1) It keeps the fighters in front of you and any that do get passed can be taken care of by the gunners more accurately because your not moving side to side or chasing the fighters 2) It also lots of times forces the fighters to fly in a straight line at you giving you a better chance of hitting them and killing them and 3) it moves the fighters away from the healing bubbles from the crew ships because they can't keep up with the fighters.

I've done this too, but really flying backwards shouldn't be the primary way to hit enemies because of their speed.

Abusing the flight path is only treating a symptom, not solving the problem causing the symptom.

But thanks for the tip, I just wish more pilots didn't fly like a drunkard half the time.

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On 2020-01-14 at 12:51 PM, ValinorAtani said:

Mmmh, so all who got S#&$ stats with their reactor and scrapped them because of the wreckage limit are #*!%ed?

That's unfortunate, but it's still better than the alternative of not fixing them... by light years and light years, we should be happy for this change and hope they make more changes to reduce the RNG, and plenty of other fixes for RJ hopefully along the way.

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14 hours ago, b4timert said:

Almost a great change on the reactors minus the fact of all those crappy vidar reactors i scrapped weeks ago so i cant even ask support to get it back. and the fact that my top roll zekti reactor might become a low roll one.

Your stats won't go down. They will only change if the new stats are better than the old ones.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Pretty sure the idea is that it's basically "early access" to the ephemera, in the sense where when we do get the sentient tileset with the new war , suddenly the low drop chance will no longer be such an issue. Basically don't really stress over it so much till we get dedicated repeatable nodes on the starchart to farm it.

Even though we remove the time gate, we still have to face the stupidly low spawn chance of those reinforced containers for the ephemera. Not to mention the ephemera has 2% Drop chance from the container.

We need an increase to rare or reinforced Container spawn chance or heck make it a guarantee spawn in high level missions.

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On 2020-01-14 at 1:51 PM, ValinorAtani said:

Mmmh, so all who got S#&$ stats with their reactor and scrapped them because of the wreckage limit are #*!%ed?

I got 2 vidar reactors both of them 30 and scraped them because of the wreckage limit and they were worst than a sigma 3 reactor. And now if i would have kept them i would have had 2 reactors in the range of 90 to 100. So yea i feel that DE just turned me around and bent me over a desk. 

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Tether currently seems to explode if anyone is shooting in the side turrets of the railjack. I think it would help if tether couldn't be detonated early by shooting to prevent accidents from happening every time you happen to fire close to it.


Detonating tether early by using the ability again should be good enough.


This and fixing tether only grabbing four targets would really help that abiliity out.


Countermeasures should be a battle avionic that every railjack starts with. New players and railjack captains would actually have an ability to use flux that seems to work well from the testing I've done. I personally think that this would have made the start of railjack feel much more rewarding as you find/upgrade your battle avionics to better/different abilities.

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I have read allot of comments by people who are duped by their earlier choices because of how the game was, before this hot fix. How is DE going to compensate?
When this lands on the PS4, I can guarantee that allot will be duped to, including myself. 

In the state of how the game is right now, the only way to react to this is not invest into it and just wait it out until this and the rest really gets fixed. 

I have encountered so many bugs with each time and every time I started that a mission in RJ, whether my own, or in as part of crew in somebody else game that I stopped reporting on Reddit. As it felt like I was the only one reporting, with the amount of bugs I encounter with each game play. And it is almost always a new one. And if you don't exit right after the bug happens, allot more will start to fall apart until the only thing to do is to quit the application (Or it crashes, before you do) and restart the game.

  • With how RJ is in its current state, the initial weapons and ship does not survive the first playable encounter, unless micromanaged by the crew. Even then this * takes 30 - 45 minutes to complete. And I have played with people that could one shot the ships, and taken this to be done efficiently even then a the first mission takes around 10 - 20 minutes to complete, not taken account by the the amount of slow traversing the map and the loot pickup. How is this completion time viable for a game mode? Especially if you consider the amount of grind that needs to happen before, during and even more so after the building of the ship for upgrading. And not forget to the long periods of wait in between. Is this really how you look at your in terms of service that you provide and our valuable time spend with in the game? (I feel being mocked by the game, and it is doing this purposely stalling for nothing)

And I have played the souls  game where the first enemies squashes me, because I didn't know how to deal with them. Being one shotted for my mistakes. Not because of the ineffectiveness of my character is something else than every critter feeling like fighting to a boss in these games only to encounter the real boss,not being able to even survive its roar.
With each iteration of warframe is seems like the game is converting from the game where you were able to wipe the map like a god, to being this ineffective puppet that needs to thirst his hunger for killing by fighting hundreds of boss like enemies with each encounter. This is in terms of amount of time spend with each enemy, effectiveness, ever so increasing amounts, counters and the pacing of the game slowing down.

  • Also for a common bug that most seem to encounter: One of the Crew-ships not spawning.(I have seen party members and clannies quit the mission because of this)

There is is a way to really know. If the Cephalon reports a crew ship inbound, look at the screen and count everyone of them. Usually they will all spawn. (If not kill some enemies, until all fighters are gone and you'll get another prompt if not follow along or forfeit the mission) What happens is that for some reason, one of crew-ships heads (sometimes accompanied by two or three fighters) towards the earth. 
Since the map doesn't show a large part of the vicinity, nor the height. It's not a 3D map. There is now way to tell unless you've kept track of them. Which means that they could (relatively) be anywhere. And it also doesn't appear on the map nor screen that there is an enemy in the vicinity, unless you are within 200m or so after they disappear from the screen.

Which on it self is another problem when (if) they implement the visibility of loot on the map / loot icons on screen.

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1 hour ago, GPrime96 said:

Reinforced Containers would like to answer that.

I'm referring to the way it's worded, are you happy with the outcome versus the wording of the patch note?

I mean, unless you can give me a way to best farm these containers that makes the grind for umbral forma worth it? Because right now, the way it's going me and i'm betting 95% other the playerbase that's out there farming and hoping for this item, are probably getting their next umbral forma from nightwave. If it ever rolls over, we're nearly at 3 months on the current one. 1 umbral forma per 3 months? C'mon. Realistically the *chance* of an umbral forma from a container that has more of a chance of not spawning than actually showing up seems harsh. Can hardly be stated as a reward from missions in railjack. When worded as that "a reward from missions in railjack" i'd be cool with a 0.05% chance at it from the drop tables, still gonna see one more often than i see a reinforced container.

Edited by (PS4)Earth_RickC-137
If i'm going to rant i'm going to spell it all correctly.
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That railjack ship layout is terrible, el terrible. Its is not functional, its not properly configured to relay the goings on for ship or cargo.

It Needs a few corridors And special areas and Whats up with the top area...it has no way to get up there logically....whatever the excuse there is one better than what was chosen. Just because its sentients don't mean its has to be so bizarre it doesn't make sense.

And will there be a reason for all the non ship related just for looks add-ons hanging all around the design. Only thing I can muster that it's some ow connected to the solar rails. Having that gondola look going on about it. Simply put I just don't agree with it. I've played too many and seen too many designs to accept this as good. 

Ontop of the Nothing's labeled to make sense of it. A generic place holder display is not cutting it. I need to see that it's an exit from afar, arsenal from afar, turret controls from afar. Ships systems and read outs ( in real time preferred). 

"Hey maybe this fighter ship design is why the sentients were defeated...its not up to par".


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I own a clan, max rank, everything researched, and I play alone, no members in the clan.  I just finished my ship, and I start the first mission, expecting a somewhat fun time. Nothing is explained to me. at all. my ship is on fire. What do I do about it? where are fire extinguishers? do they exist? do I shoot the fires with my gun? What the hell do I do? Nothing is explained at all! What kind of update is this? I came back after a long break because this game has become downright awful and I wanted to give it another chance. but this update makes me hate the game all over again. I cant even get randoms online to join the game. My ship gets torn to shreds in the FIRST MISSION.


Edit: I got a random, and he did nothing. he just did the sit emote. This game is so good.



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On 2020-01-14 at 8:40 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

This is a broad post that touches on something that appears throughout the 40 pages here. Simplified sentiment:  'Avionics Capacity limitations are too punishing'. This week's Hotfix will speak specifically to that with global buffs for all Reactor types found in the wild. Any existing gear you have will simply be re-rolled for Avionics capacity, which will automatically be a buff in all cases (note: the Vidar III which has just compressed its top-end entirely to not have the 30-100 range, it's now 90-100, but it will not give you lower rolls if you had one in the 90-100 range before this change). 

The coming number changes:

- Lavan Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 20 to 30 (from 10 to 20)
- Lavan Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 50 to 60 (from 10 to 40)
- Lavan Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 80 to 90 (from 20 to 70)
- Vidar Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 30 to 40 (from 10 to 25)
- Vidar Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 60 to 70 (from 20 to 50)
- Vidar Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 90 to 100 (from 30 to 100)
- Zetki Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 10 to 20 (from 5 to 10)
- Zetki Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 40 to 50 (from 5 to 30)
- Zetki Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 70 to 80 (from 10 to 50)

Just dropping this note here so folks are prepared for this specific change as we work on more major fixes and changes! 

👏👏👏Thanks a million. 

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