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Why isn't there a kick function in squads yet?


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This topic has been covered to death. Search the forum. Read up if you like.

Short answer, it's easier to abuse than entering into a game and afking,
as you lose your loot and can be reported for that.

To report a player, esc to menu, communication, friends, recent players, select name and report.
After doing this, set them to ignore, and you never see them again.

Neither solution is perfect, this is what we have. Check the thousands other threads for more info.

Edited by kapn655321
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32 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

This topic has been covered to death. Search the forum. Read up if you like.

Short answer, it's easier to abuse than entering into a game and afking,
as you lose your loot and can be reported for that.

To report a player, esc to menu, communication, friends, recent players, select name and report.
After doing this, set them to ignore, and you never see them again.

Neither solution is perfect, this is what we have. Check the thousands other threads for more info.

thanks for telling about this I never knew about it will do

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36 minutes ago, Ekhael said:

Having teams is nice and all but when you face an insufferable teammate in public squad and you just can't stand how he's ruining your mission, you really just want to kick them out, but you can't. Why

Because you would probably complain here about losing your rewards because of trolls abusing this function.

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vor 58 Minuten schrieb Ekhael:

Having teams is nice and all but when you face an insufferable teammate in public squad and you just can't stand how he's ruining your mission, you really just want to kick them out, but you can't. Why

No. This would be misused most time an will not help anyone

If you have a problem with open squads, recrute your teammates

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Have you played games with kick function. Pain. Some random group tells you what to do how to play and if you don’t kicked. Or too low mr kicked or some one just ling to the host about you so a friend can get in.

its just never ending S#&$ with people. Power to kick cannot just be handed to random A******s it makes this game so much worse to play.

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1 hour ago, BDMblue said:

Have you played games with kick function. Pain. Some random group tells you what to do how to play and if you don’t kicked. Or too low mr kicked or some one just ling to the host about you so a friend can get in.

its just never ending S#&$ with people. Power to kick cannot just be handed to random A******s it makes this game so much worse to play.

Goes both ways im sure if you made ur own squad and some nugget was messing up everything  ud kick em snd be grateful their gone. Altho some people just deal with it and push through 

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1 hour ago, BDMblue said:

Have you played games with kick function. Pain. Some random group tells you what to do how to play and if you don’t kicked. Or too low mr kicked or some one just ling to the host about you so a friend can get in.

its just never ending S#&$ with people. Power to kick cannot just be handed to random A******s it makes this game so much worse to play.

yeah played before in other game with this function...community was exceptionally noob, casual, newbie friendly in most times there was hard to kick an noobs from really hard dung from which you have no chance to kill 1st boss without knowing mechanics...

and yet if someone was just afking here without single move then kick was no problem here and in warframe I have big problem with it

I feel lik with some time as more I play especially railjack I find more often someone in team who do literally nothing..he dont even move from place on mission which takes 20-30 mins and yet he is still getting all rewards, resources gathered from mission while wasting for us slot for someone other who woudl be able to make mission faster

and no, I dont belive in reports for players like this

I dont even have that big wiling for them to get banned, maybe he is jerk or idk for leaving everyone and staying afk for entire mission but for me this is not reason to get him banned, enough is any possiblity to just kick him and make place for someone else who will contribute in mission

like for example give timer in mission..if you literally dont even move you frame within 5 minutes then autokick from mission for inactivity if we wont ahave any option for kick players from squads

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31 minutes ago, Leyers_of_facade said:

better solution:

make the report option in game better.

And that will be abused too.  The thing about trolls....most are lazy beyond lazy and thus the current limits prevents abuse on that avenue too.  

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There already is a kick button but it only works on yourself (abort)


If you can't handle compensating sometimes for occasional bad random squadmates make your own team in recruiting chat.


Personally I'd rather being a squad with an occasionally AFK or bad/new player than someone who constantly whines about everything. 


All of current Warframe content you only need one decent player to complete any mission, if your mission is ruined then your bad too.


The only exception Warframe ever had to this was raids, one person could ruin those, but they're gone now.

Edited by (PS4)Eluminary
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3 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

After doing this, set them to ignore, and you never see them again.


I don't know about on consoles, but on PC setting someone to Ignore really only blocks their ability to chat with you.  I know I've ignored someone at Hydron on Sedna, and ended up teamed with them again anyway a match or two later.  It might make it less likely you'll be teamed with them if anyone else is available, but it doesn't appear to keep you from joining a team if they're in it, nor prevent them from joining a team you are in.

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Because people are scared that they are getting kicked for being bad.

I think there should be an option to enable kicking or not enable kicking, so the snowflakes and the rest of us both would be happy

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1 hour ago, Itsmez said:

I think there should be an option to enable kicking or not enable kicking, so the snowflakes and the rest of us both would be happy

A: that's not how it works. If that were an option, trolls could just turn off kicking and boom now they are unkickable. 

And B: way to jump straight into being rude. 

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6 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

A: that's not how it works. If that were an option, trolls could just turn off kicking and boom now they are unkickable. 

And B: way to jump straight into being rude. 

A: people doesnt want the kick function because they think they will get kicked for being bad, I want the kick option and the reason DE probably isnt doing it is because of the snowflakes. Way around this is to have an option to those who wish to have kick option that is enabled by your settings, and those who doesnt want the kick option can que normally. Thats how it would work so everyone is happy. Right now everyone is not happy.

B: Welcome to the reality

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5 hours ago, Ekhael said:

Having teams is nice and all but when you face an insufferable teammate in public squad and you just can't stand how he's ruining your mission, you really just want to kick them out, but you can't. Why

try and be nice then

if they’re intentionally being an A****** just be mature and don’t let it bother you, the moment their presence creates a kick button, theyve won, theyve salted the earth and nothing can grow in it again.

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4 hours ago, BDMblue said:

Have you played games with kick function.

Monster Hunter World lets the leader kick people. In my experience it's not something that is abused and the kicked player still gets to finish on their own, if they can. It's nice to have the option since it's actually possible to fail a quest because of shared lives.

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6 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

it's easier to abuse than entering into a game and afking

Yeah, but it's also really useful. Saying that it's easy to abuse is like saying a kitchen knife can be used to stab someone, and that's why nobody's allowed to have any. Yes, it can, but I still want one because they're so very useful. If there are people going around abusing a useful thing, punish them specifically for abusing the useful thing, don't punish everybody by taking that useful thing away.

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2 hours ago, Itsmez said:

Because people are scared that they are getting kicked for being bad.

I think there should be an option to enable kicking or not enable kicking, so the snowflakes and the rest of us both would be happy


If this game had a kick function I would not be playing, fact is neither would tens of thousands of other players that fall into my demographic:  part-time gamer, middle aged or older.  The reason is that no matter how good you think you are your not going to measure up well against people that play the game daily and they will be kicking you if they feel that your not measuring up.

I have a solution for you:  run private games.  Select other people to join you that are on your level of skill.

I gave up trying to be perfect years ago.  Fact is, I am so bad that even with countless hours of tweaking mods, weapons, frames it took me around 18 tries to get past the last Defend mission to finish the rail-jack solo quest.  And, after almost two years of play I am only MR 13.  So yeah, I am usually less overall damage and kills then most people in public groups.  Its not for lack of trying.  I never go AFK.  So yeah I will be the guy that gets kicked.  I also spend 200, 300 or so bucks a year in the prime store.. so me X 100k older guys.. if they want to lose tens of millions in revenue.. go ahead and put a public kick option in.  Because thats what will happen.  People will rage quit.






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