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What can be done about quitters?

(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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So what about an option when you matchmake to allow joining matches in progress even after the first round/waves? and add the option for when you are in a group and someone leaves to re-activate matchmaking manually by the host or anyone in the group to get someone who is matchmaking with the option enabled, to just join even on wave 30 or 20 min in. I want to specify that i have no knowledge of coding or logistics and have no clue if this is possible. I know some other games do it

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49 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

So you believe you deserve to hold other players with you even though you only need them to leech xp from them?


It's nice to level up your weapons fast, I do it too, but never have I felt that I have the authority to tell them to stay with me.

Because I don't have that authority. Neither do you. Neither does OP.

Not sure I'd say deserve. You make a good point, but I will say in my defense that If I have maxed out a weapon at wave 5, I will stick around with a group to whatever wave suits them, until they are ready to leave. Not going to say I don't manipulate the system, but I do try to return the favor.

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)PanserKunst said:

Not sure I'd say deserve. You make a good point, but I will say in my defense that If I have maxed out a weapon at wave 5, I will stick around with a group to whatever wave suits them, until they are ready to leave. Not going to say I don't manipulate the system, but I do try to return the favor.

Ok, that's very much reasonable.

Now, if OP could be reasonable too...

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5 hours ago, (PS4)PanserKunst said:

Affinity. (There are other reasons, but I will use this example.)

Players get more affinity the more players are present. Case in point a common place to level up your frame or weapons is Helene (Saturn) or Hydron (Sedna). These are good nodes for this activity due to the level's small size which keeps people in affinity range most of the time. Letting other players get "most" of the kills nearly guarantees a weapon will be maxed in 15 waves with a full 4 player venture (as long as the player hoping to max a weapon has only brought one weapon and left the other two weapon slots empty.) eg. brought a primary to level up and left the secondary and melee slot vacant. When people bail like chumps at wave 5 it becomes more likely you'll have to stick around to wave 20 or 25. Or perhaps quit with them and do the node over with another group. Effectively it's wasting time when it could have been done in one go.

You can't really blame anyone leaving at wave 5 when one of the players is intentionally trying to do the bare min kills and basically being an xp leech.

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Nothing can or should be done.  If your internet cuts out for 2 seconds you can get booted from a session.  If you start penalizing people for that you're going to upset a lot of the playerbase.  

Use recruiting chat if you want to go long in a fissure, it really doesn't take much effort.  Public missions you're at the mercy of whoever you get matched up with.  

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If my weapon is maxed, I'm gone at the next exit point. I have done all that was required of me by waiting till that little green extract symbol appeared. It's just that simple. You wanna stay? Go for it. When I'm leveling stuff up and I need more xp and someone leaves at wave 5 Hydron, that's cool, I leave at 5 too and just reenter another round. How hard is it? Takes like 30 seconds. 

You may not get the same amount of xp, but who cares? Why are you trying to race to the end? (Especially since there isn't an end game to speak of)

I am R28 and at this point I LITERALLY only have a few kuva weapons left to get and level, trust me when I say, there isn't a need to rush, there isn't so much content in this game that you won't get to it all eventually. So sit back and enjoy the journey. 


To me it sounds like most people that are upset about people leaving are those that aren't really participating and are leeching xp anyways. So no loss if they are upset. I mean, others have mentioned it, but you can always play solo. I play solo 99% of the time and I can do everything and anything in the game just fine. EXCEPT railjack. Soloing that is a freaking nightmare. 

Edited by Dallyoop
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Play on PC, where posting "lfg for X, on Y, have Z" takes 3 seconds instead of 30. Greatest virtue of PC over consoles imo is the ability to communicate quickly and effectively. Not that I don't enjoy my 1050 Ti. *strokes it affectionately* ...Look away.

On 2020-02-05 at 10:47 AM, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

Put on Vaulted Relic for next Rot, makes wonders. Laughable how quickly players switch the sides.

Hah, I do that all the time. All my relics are vaulted now since I hardly play.

I've tried explaining to folks that it's worth going from wave 10-20 with three people, because the exp is more than you'd get in the same time-frame starting from 0 again. But most don't want to face the decision whether to stay once the first bails, so they out by default.

I understand that you want to get this build done and go do something else. I've been in your shoes every time I play, OP. But any attempt to punish those players is going to hurt you too, when you inevitably find yourself in their circumstances.

Shh, let me pretend he's going to read this. I know he doesn't care. I'm just bored.

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On 2020-02-03 at 7:51 PM, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

People who join Endless Fissures like Defense or Survival, but leave after only one Rotation. How can we solve this problem?

This is what it means to be "Public" It's not a problem to be solved.

On 2020-02-03 at 7:53 PM, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Recruiting chat ignores 90% of people who are trying to form a squad, and you can't force me to make "friends" in a video game.

You also can't force others to stay more than 1 rotation. So you want the benefits of sticking with a full group without:
1) Putting any effort into forming the group
2) Putting any effort into finding a group being formed
3) Putting any effort into making friends

You've cut off every avenue of being able to get a stable group to last more than 1 round. Some people only want to crack 1 or 2 relics and then leave. Some people only need a little bit more void traces to upgrade a relic or craft an item. 

So the only thing that DE can do to solve this so called problem is to create a new matching list that force a set amount of rotations. So lets say they do this and force 4 rounds. Whats to say either yourself or another person isn't happy with just 4 and wants to go longer should DE introduce more modes to enforce 8 rounds? 12 rounds? 16 rounds? All this will achieve is segregating players when there are already 3 ways to achieve this (check list above) So i'll say this as nicely as I can: Putting some effort into this will reap the rewards you seek.

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On 2020-02-03 at 2:51 PM, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

People who join Endless Fissures like Defense or Survival, but leave after only one Rotation. How can we solve this problem?

Better game design with a more thoughtful rewards!

Why can't they just add in people once one leaves. "Hey we've found a game but it's on rotation such and such would you like to join yes/no...problem solved, of course I'm a rocket scientist. 

If it is bcuz of the rotation rewards adjust it accordingly!

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