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I've played Warframe for 5-6 days yet I have no idea what's going on...



Hello. I started playing Warframe a few days ago, and I pretty much enjoy it, even though it's horrible at making players understand what's going on (I'm not talking about the story, but about gameplay and that kind of stuff). I'm currently on Uranus, I am using Excalibur (altough in 2 days I'll be getting Mesa Prime). My friend which played Warframe for 4 years, 1 year ago he stopped and now he started again, is helping me with progress. The problem is I probably wouldn't have gotten so far without him, I wouldn't have known a LOT of stuff, I'd be completely lost. The thing is I don't really understand much of the game. I mean, basically the gameplay is controlled by him, although I do agree with that. I do think I know quite some stuff for my current progress. I do know the basic stuff like bullet jumping and parkour in general, mod polarization, crafting). I tried watching guides and stuff like that, but it doesn't help as much as I'd like. I am afraid that I might reach midgame/endgame and be a complete noob without my friend. Should I be worried about it? In this case, what can I do? (also stop playing with my friend isn't an option).

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I would say dont worry about it at all, after a week or two you'll start to understand more and more, plus you have a friend who played for years. one tip i could give is you'll need the warframe wiki a lot...and i mean a LOT.

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"did ye poke the codex?"

Yeah, very little of it, but I'm not sure that's the problem. Thank you all for your answers.





Edited by x_Wolfee
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Playing a couple missions solo would probably help, but most importantly 5-6 days is not much at all. Warframe is a huge game. It'll take you way more than that to grasp most of its mechanics. One day it'll all start to click, but for now I'd focus on just enjoying the ride.

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Dont try to understand everything at once or you WILL get overwhelmed.

Explore one system at a time. Relics, Syndicates, arcanes, sorties, etc.

Dont expect to make a lot of progress at once. Dont over extend yourself, or you will get burned out pretty fast.

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There are ways that people CAN play, and metas that people prefer for their playstyle.. Main thing is, it's kind of a sandbox at it's core. It's a big ol' horde style looter shooter, where you can use whatever kind of wacky powers, weapons, whatever you want. So long as you're looking to do that, you're doing it right.

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I've been playing warframe since about 2014 and there are still things that pop up and make me go: "Now wait a second... what? That's what that does?!"
When I first started playing I played for about a year and was clueless on what the hell I was doing. 
It's nothing to really be worried about. As you play you'll naturally come about more info as you play both by accident, by seeing other players doing it, or by reading the wiki. The game doesn't really tell you a lot of what is going on. The Wiki is a seriously informative read if you have the time. Before I got and learned how to play all the frames anytime I built a new one I'd go and read the wiki to learn what their abilities synergies were. 

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you got this man! There is alot to warframe now that its successfully grown over the years but its not an overly complicated game to grasp, just takes time. You can learn alot from your friend, and maybe even consider joining a clan as they help too. Keep watching those videos im sure its helped in some way, you just dont know it yet lol.

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This is a game and it's unlike other games. But generally speaking you can play solo and discover things yourself. You no need to rush and reach the end core of the game because if its the powers that you seek ? it's relative .

Just playing and in time you will find the understanding, fine yourself a favourite weapon first and if you find public game is not ok ? just play solo. Anything is possible.

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11 hours ago, x_Wolfee said:

Should I be worried about it? In this case, what can I do?

While it is both bewildering and tough to understand things in "the beginning", it is also one of the absolute charms of Warframes that it is a sprawling "mess" with an enormous amount of content. The thing keeping it together is that missions types (and the basic ways to handle them) is fairly consequent. Though even there you will find lots and lots of "special stuff", and when you start having more warframes lots and lots of ways to play them.

If Warframe as a game ticks your boxes (= "you see the light" 🙂), the worst moment in the game is the "sh*t, I've been everywhere, done everything, have gathered, built and tested everything...". And that takes months and months ("years") of playing actively 🙂

Having a friend dragging & helping you through the first phases is a great way to get up to speed. However, just remember to be like an annoying 2-year-old and ask "why?", "why?", "why?" all the time 😉. Just doing things without understanding them will come back to haunt you...

Edited by Graavarg
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12 hours ago, x_Wolfee said:

 Should I be worried about it?

I think one of the best aspects of this game is that you are likely to hit a very high Mastery Rank and still have things to discover. The "new player experience" in Warframe has been a long running meme and the developers are well aware of this (not an easy issue to tackle though):


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It's like that for all people when they start. DE is working on a "new player experience" but it's unknown when and if it will arrive.
Hint: The easiest way to learn most things is search in youtube "warframe new player guide". If you want to play the game properly you will have to sip trough at least 10-20 videos in the start and many many more after that, including warframe wiki for additional info.
There is one good side to it tho, when you get a grip on modding everything else is just a matter of time/rng and playing. 

14 hours ago, x_Wolfee said:

 I am afraid that I might reach midgame/endgame and be a complete noob without my friend.

Also this is...most of the people you will be in a squad are gonna be either that or some vet who will get the mission done before you get the chance to load in the mission. 😄
All of that doesn't matter tho. As long as you have the mods, level them and know how to mod you are basically better than 90% of the players. 

Edited by vegetosayajin
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9 minutes ago, vegetosayajin said:

It's like that for all people when they start. DE is working on a "new player experience" but it's unknown when and if it will arrive.
Hint: The easiest way to learn most things is search in youtube "warframe new player guide". If you want to play the game properly you will have to sip trough at least 10-20 videos in the start and many many more after that, including warframe wiki for additional info.
There is one good side to it tho, when you get a grip on modding everything else is just a matter of time/rng and playing. 

Also this is...most of the people you will be in a squad are gonna be either that or some vet who will get the mission done before you get the chance to load in the mission. 😄
All of that doesn't matter tho. As long as you have the mods, level them and know how to mod you are basically better than 90% of the players. 

Yep, wholeheartedly agree. I've always found this to be a really good source for working out what was going on 'gameplay-wise':


As for lore, that you might have to search around for, because so much of it is hidden in the actual story progression, that you probably won't stumble across answers to your questions until weeks or months after you've asked them.

For the meanwhile I'd just follow the straightest line to complete each of the planets, then go back and finish the remaining nodes or try PoE, Fortuna or Railjack.

And for my two cents worth, I think DE REALLY need to start dedicating time to the NPE, because I got utterly sick of running Cetus Bounties this weekend with MR 1 and 2 players with MK1 gear and half a clue...

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I dont want to sound like dodo but your friend might be the pronblem , sure he help you and gived directions but also at the same time hes rushing you with out giving you time to think and take in information .

But overall your expirience is normal, it takes time to get your bearrings.

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24 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

I dont want to sound like dodo but your friend might be the pronblem , sure he help you and gived directions but also at the same time hes rushing you with out giving you time to think and take in information .

But overall your expirience is normal, it takes time to get your bearrings.

Pretty much this. 

A friend who knows his way around is nice to have, but don't rely on him for everything. The occasional hand-up is good, but you do need to figure out systems on your own and find your own way through the progression. 

One critical resource for new players is to find a clan to join. This opens up resources in both blueprints and people just to ask questions and do stuff with. You're going to run into plenty of stuff that will just thoroughly flummox you. This is where having a clan knowledge base helps a great deal. There are different ways to do things, so having a few opinions can help when you're trying to figure out what you want to do and how to get there. 

Also, as has been pointed out, the game just saw some major changes to base systems, so everyone is retrenching when it comes to some of the basics. 

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3 hours ago, bad4youLT said:

I dont want to sound like dodo but your friend might be the pronblem , sure he help you and gived directions but also at the same time hes rushing you with out giving you time to think and take in information .

But overall your expirience is normal, it takes time to get your bearrings.

take in what information?  all the information is on the wiki.

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1 hour ago, DisasterIncarnate said:

take in what information?  all the information is on the wiki.


what resources on what planet

getting budies with foundry

locating best place for credits , small spoiler its nodes with lotus simbol on it

spending time on unlocked areas to grind out lvls for mastery


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