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Operation Scarlet Spear: Bug Reporting Megathread (Read First Post!)


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  • TYPE: Battle payout after 100/100  murex driven off
  • DESCRIPTION:The mail rcvd for the wave only includes murex 3 emblem but no 10k credit cache
  • VISUAL: for some reason cant embed, here is the link https://albumizr.com/a/1MiD.. not working in insert image from URL either
  • EXPECTED RESULT:  should rcvd 10k credit cache for 100/100 murex and over 5 k score
  • OBSERVED RESULT: only rcvd 5k tier 3 emblem
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: will edit after next wave


Edited by 98Octane
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Maybe it was mentioned, but

  • TYPE: in-game
  • DESCRIPTION: no mastery rank for 2 new weapons from operation. i was 18k to 29th rank, i leveled up new lacera and basmu, and in my profile it still shows 18k.
  • VISUAL: it may be just visual, idk
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  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Shooting the condrix with 'split flights' mutalist cernos was not procing split flights
  • VISUAL: not really needed
  • REPRODUCTION: Shoot the condrix with a 'split flights' bow
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Split flighrs should proc on-hit
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Split flights does not proc on hitting the condrix
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  • TYPE: Scoring
  • DESCRIPTION: Not receiving score for completing missions but receiving credits
  • VISUAL: not really needed
  • REPRODUCTION: Possibly caused by being squad mate and not host
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Receive score for playing
  • OBSERVED RESULT: No score received
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  • TYPE: Event Rewards
  • DESCRIPTION: Got mail with proper rewards once after hotfix. Now receiving only emblems again. Lost 40k Scarlet Credits already. 100/100 Murex always. 
  • VISUALhttps://imgur.com/a/Bf7j8AQ
  • REPRODUCTION: Just play it.
  • EXPECTED RESULT:  10.000 Scarlet Credits x 4 times. 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: only 4 T3 emblems.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 4th times in a row. 4 out of 5 times after hotfix.

    I don't like this event more and more.
Edited by Muxailo
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Sorry for my english, I'm from Poland and other languages are my Achilles heel. xD

  • TYPE: Ingame/Mission
  • DESCRIPTION: Murex raid with full squad.
  • REPRODUCTION: Join Murex raid with full squad. I noticed that if I appear at the beginning of the mission, the game does not turn off after one second. Then it turns off when General Sargas Ruk intends to speak.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Just load in the mission and play.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The game turns off.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time.

    I want to emphasize that every other "normal" mission in the game works well and the problem only appears with the "Scarlet Spear" missions. I also checked every solution from the site where the game takes me and everything is fine. 😕


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Type: Not sure, if glitch is event related

Description: Mesa/Prime losing ability to jump. everything else works. Heard some say all movement is gone, but not seen it.

Visual: no vid, sorry

Reproduction: You just have to play and wait, it happens almost every run at some point, even happened three times once

Expected result: Please fix, it's annoying. should not be happening

Reproduction rate, has happened every time at least once, since i think the 3rd hotfix at least

I have not seen this anywhere, but in the Scarlet Spear event. This involves Mesa/Mesa Prime, dropping out of her #4. In my instances, she loses the ability to jump for a few minutes, Not sure if related to event or just an update glitch, I've only seen it happen in the event

Edited by crazyjr
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 TYPE: In-Game
DESCRIPTION: Varazin instant revives don't refresh until you leave the flotilla
REPRODUCTION: Run mission from fl;otilla, use revive, return to flotilla and run another
EXPECTED RESULT: Revives should be 4 warframe and 4 operator every mission
OBSERVED RESULT: next mission from flotilla stays at prvious count, i.e. used 1 shows 3, used 4 have 0
REPRODUCTION RATE: Every mission from flotilla

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Not getting reward after space mission (after 5 murex, didnt try with less murex but i guess it is the same)
  • VISUAL: -
  • REPRODUCTION: don't be host in space and you will be bugged.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: 1875 credits instead of 0 (all other squad members got 1875)
  • OBSERVED RESULT: getting 0 credits instead of 1875
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every 3 hours 🙂 doing 3*5 / 4*5 since yesterday and getting this like at least one every event wave (each 3 hours) - happened like 10 times since yesterday
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  • TYPE:  In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: I tried to enter a Flotilla which had a progress of about 60 or 70 of 100 Murex driven away. Clicking the instance in the menu brought me to an emtpy one with 0/100 Murex. Could be the case that its full, but still showing up.
  • REPRODUCTION: Enter a bussy (basically all of them who has a progress >50/100) Flotilla
  • EXPECTED RESULT: should enter the Flotilla with the progress I clicked on
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Got teleportet into a resettet Flotilla with 0 Players and 0/100 Progress, which obviously doesnt make sense to play in, if I want to grab the Bonus.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: about 70% to 80%.
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  • TYPE:  In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: I was looking to join a relay to do a Murex ground raid, so I choose a busy relay that's not too far along so I can hopefully help a bunch.  This one was at 30/100, but I didn't take note of the number.  I zone in to a completely empty relay.  No other Tenno around, no tenno in the ground or railjack mission and the score was 0/100.  Puzzled how I got here, I decided to go do a ground mission and hopefully people would join me soon enough.  I go through a full rotation, sending codes but nobody joins me, nobody is in the railjack and when I get annoyed and leave, nobody is in the relay.  I stick around for a few minutes, but nobody ever shows up.  The game just sent me to a dead relay instead of the one I selected.  Once again, I get frustrated with the event and call it off for the day.  Maybe better luck tomorrow? Maybe not.
  • VISUAL: Didn't take any screenshots, but they wouldn't help here.  I was just on a fresh, empty relay.
  • REPRODUCTION: I didn't try to reproduce it, sorry.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should have went to the busy relay that I clicked on that was at 30/100, not this empty relay that I'm not even sure anybody else could have joined if I somehow got shunted to there instead of the proper relay.  Perhaps it was a Langolier relay of some sorts.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I was sent to the wrong relay that was completely empty and no other players ever joined.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: First time this happened, but I haven't tried to repeat it.  Maybe tomorrow when I have the enthusiasm to try to do the event again without running headfirst into a mission stopping bug.

Thanks for the event, even if it's buggy DE! I appreciate all your hard work, even in these troubled times! :heart:

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Doing Murex mission and not receiving kill codes. Tried aborting mission, leaving mission and re-entering, making sure everyone put down op link at the same time, dissolving group, re-entering flotilla. Tried different solutions for over an hour. A couple (literally couple=two) of times we would receive kill codes for the first round, but for second round (after getting back to Railjack and going for the next point) it stopped working again.
  • VISUAL: Have none.
  • REPRODUCTION: Try doing a Murex mission?
  • EXPECTED RESULT: We should have gotten kill codes and being able to progress the mission.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: No kill codes and no rewards for all our time put in mission.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened the majority of times.
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3 minutes ago, mobocaster said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Doing Murex mission and not receiving kill codes. Tried aborting mission, leaving mission and re-entering, making sure everyone put down op link at the same time, dissolving group, re-entering flotilla. Tried different solutions for over an hour. A couple (literally couple=two) of times we would receive kill codes for the first round, but for second round (after getting back to Railjack and going for the next point) it stopped working again.
  • VISUAL: Have none.
  • REPRODUCTION: Try doing a Murex mission?
  • EXPECTED RESULT: We should have gotten kill codes and being able to progress the mission.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: No kill codes and no rewards for all our time put in mission.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened the majority of times.

Experiencing the same issues as mobocaster.

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TYPE: Inbox

DESCRIPTION: Repeatedly receiving end of wave rewards from Little Duck. I am actually earning the credits multiple times.



Expected: Only one of these messages

Observed: Two duplicates, each giving me 9960 credits

Reproduction: Unknown, interval was 5 minutes (maybe relevant?)

Rate: Only three messages received, after that no more.

Edit: It seems somebody else had this same issue, and had duplicated Fissures. I also have this, as well as a notably low number of syndicate missions (only sanctuary onslaught and ESO were in the tab, no others, though they have returned now). I hadn't been in the orbiter for a couple hours because I was running murex raids, so can't say when it started.

Edit 2: After returning to the navigation screen a second time, there is not a single available void fissure mission - this is directly after there were 31 available.

Edited by iLightning13
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You can't apply stance forma on Dark Split-Sword. Skins don't work normally on dark-split sword(besides the halloween one, thats the only one that works as intended).

You do not gain ANY Intrinsics while in operator mode.

Aerolyst's canisters can't be damaged while being in limbo's rift.

Terminal Velocity can't be applied on the Basmu even though it's primary fire mode isn't hitscan.

Sorry for not using the format. Up to you if you decide to listen to me or not.

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New issue to this event never seen it before so i cant compare.

type:in game

description: logging into the game gives you messed up visuals but only until you leave returning seems to reset the textures/assets whatever may be causing it.





reproduction:logging in

reproduction rate: logged in three times since the new update the bug was consistent throughout all 3

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Besides sending and receiving not working, another one.

1. Killcodes are sent as first come first serve. Meaning if there is another squad entering space, they will never get their turn, because the grounds squads will only sent the kill codes to the first space squads that went in. I waited for 18 minutes in space on 0%, while seeing whole bunch of people sending and receiving kill codes.

2. Today i got another thing. I got the kill code sent to me (chat annoucement, animation, thanks and all) and it was still 0%.

3. Joining any flotilla makes you unable to invite or join other squads (different instance bug), until relog.


Edited by Zakkhar
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Bug.  Tried many times to get into groups.  Session not found which indicates that that instance is full.  People are not playing on the calm instances because they will not get the bonuses.  COMPLETE CRAP.


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Reporting in after 27.3.5. I am in Flotilla 21 that runs now, waiting for teh inevitable. 

Noticed early on the Scoring was oddly low 3/100 after coming out of a sub 1000 credit run.

Then did another full 17 run.

Noticed I am not on the Leaderboard at all. Not even in last place with my rank.

Noticed 31/100 is way too low at teh current time.

Started monitoring Operation Link chat. Air heavily complaining about no codes. We see codes transmitted ALL the time with by now 17 ground and 4 air squads. 

Do 1 more full 17 run and WHEN I come out, the leader board gives me 2040 after I just recived full credits for a 17x run. I don't even know how it could do it that wrong.

So yeah, I m not getting the correct reward rank at all; but due to the Air not getting any codes, I m getting screwed over eitehr way so meh. Tried to use my wasted time productive by filing the event here.

Alt F4 with 44 mins to go in this wave because too broken equals too frustrating. GL with the bughunt. Looking forward to maybe enjoying the event newt week.

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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Twice in a row when returning from completing the space mobile defense to the relay the screen goes black with just chat visible. The game is frozen with no inputs working and a force quit is required. Both times I was not the host. Sound effects of the workers in the relay can be heard.
  • REPRODUCTION: Complete the space mission not as host then return to relay.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Party on relay.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Total darkness.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Twice in a row. Let's see if third times the charm.



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