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What can DE say on the next Dev stream to appease You?


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Honestly, for once I hope they just shut up and concentrate on putting more effort in fixing the game. Take No man's sky for example. They stopped interacting with media completely and concentrated solely on fixing the game for quite some time, by doing that they managed to make a comeback. If a small indie developer company can do that, idk why DE can't. 

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1 minute ago, ---RNGesus--- said:

Honestly, for once I hope they just shut up and concentrate on putting more effort in fixing the game. Take No man's sky for example. They stopped interacting with media completely and concentrated solely on fixing the game for quite some time, by doing that they managed to make a comeback. If a small indie developer company can do that, idk why DE can't. 

They can do that without going silent. i like to hear from them

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Adding to the original topic, For me action speak more than words, for them to show us what they been working on and what they are doing to address the current game flaws in a developer perspective and community wise since there have been too much toxicity withing the "partners", but I would like them to focus more in fixing the foundations they have set so they can build up from solid ground, I'm talking specifically about railjack as a whole including archwing and Squadlink, and how they plan to connect those giant content island we have before they can build up more, that be the perfect devstream for me.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

I’d like to hear them admit that they’ve messed up and actually mean it. Admit to not meeting the mark on updates. And admit that they are using the good will of the community to their advantage (look above me) I’d like to hear them say and put into action that they’ll listen to more feedback and take into consideration More of our vision as well as theirs still to. I’d like to hear them talk about a universal buff to all warframes to make them half as good as ash.  I’d love for them to go back and focus on the core gameplay loops. 

Its a lot

-sigh- First post and its on this garbage but after seeing this type of b.s. here and there I'm tired of not saying anything so here goes:

Whose feedback exactly should be taken in: The endgame people wanting them to focus on difficulty? The lore junkies that want them to focus on lore? Ones wanting more Nightwave as the focus? The ones wanting core game improvements to be the focus? The ones wanting all content to be integrated together? The ones wanting quests? The so called "veterans"? The "new players"? The mid players? The ones that whine and complain if there's a "content drought" thus wanting new content to be the focus? The last of which are the ones I'd put the blame on for the recent string of updates since they seemingly started rushing to get updates out after that point cause "new content". On top of that there's the impatience where people somehow think everything can be done in minutes but DE is just dragging it along, when no a ton of this requires time. 

Judging by the whiny entitled/spoiled attitudes I've seen from the one crowd of people, I'd wager none have played any mmo's and glad that I have cause its given me perspective and patience with things. Some are honestly lucky its DE cause some of the things I've seen mentioned/said/posted with other companies would have been banned. 

Edited by CrimsonXX
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1 minute ago, ---RNGesus--- said:

Honestly, for once I hope they just shut up and concentrate on putting more effort in fixing the game. Take No man's sky for example. They stopped interacting with media completely and concentrated solely on fixing the game for quite some time, by doing that they managed to make a comeback. If a small indie developer company can do that, idk why DE can't. 

I can't say it better. 

4 minutes ago, AndrejDelaney said:

Would we all love it more if it were complete and exactly what has been shown as a demo or proof of concept in 2017? Sure!

Yes, that is what we call delivery. 

The developer shows us something. We wait for that something at that quality. Yes it can change but the standard are settled by them. I am not demanding anything else. 

4 minutes ago, AndrejDelaney said:

Can we say for sure that DE won't get there? No. And plans to expand on Railjack exist and have been confirmed by Steve and others.

Sure they can go there on the PS5 and the XBoX series X. They sure can. Well the demo exists for a reason. It is achievable, according to them of course. 

4 minutes ago, AndrejDelaney said:


Should they basically shift all priorities to Railjack, its expansion and its proper implementation into the whole Warframe experience via Squad Link? Yes, they should. And I have stated that already in my previous post and my very first post in this thread.

Yes, Railjack has a future. 

Yes, the core game of Warframe endured seven years, of course it has a future. 

As I said long time ago. If DE play their game more often and are more cautious taking decisions informed by the veterans, the serious ones, I'm sure that we where not having this discussion right now. 

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5 minutes ago, Tinklzs said:

Actions speak louder than words.


THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POST in the whole forum. 

Edit: (a bit of sarcasm there) but yes that post is VERY important. 

THIS IS WHAT WE ALL WANT TO SEE. Action, no words. 

Edited by Felsagger
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10 hours ago, rastaban75 said:

Honestly, I'd like to hear some news concerning the New War. This is the only important Warframe update I'm looking forward to for years and I think it's time for DE to conclude the main storyline, at least as far as this chapter is concerned. Putting the whole Tenno/Lotus thing to rest, even if that means that Lotus dies (or not, or whatever, I just hope they'll flesh it out). I'm sick and tired of having the purple Lotus hologram/imitation by Ordis for so, so many years now giving orders or getting "gift from the Lotus" while this whole situation isn't resolved.

I do not expect for the New War to be released anytime soon, just some news that DE is at least at some advanced stage of it.

But don't you know the New war has strated. ..  That better to some stalling tactic or this is even worse then the railjack, " we are releasing it in three phases. ..BS   

because the the New War is the only bit of hope I'm holding onto with this game. .  If its turns out to be broken into little cut scenes over the year. ..it's worst false advertisement then railjack.

...phase 3 of railjack still nowhere to be seen after 6 months may I add....

"Find answers". Lol  maybe the third orb mother knows. ....

Edited by (PS4)SolarPhantom82
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28 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

The whole misnomer here is 'the amount of unhappy people'...it's just a small fraction of the players ranting on forums...everytime any company has looked at the metrics, the number of posters for/against a game is a tiny fraction of the actual playerbase.

If you no longer enjoy the game, then move on.

If you really think you have a fabulous idea, then share it.

The entitled ranting from these wanna-be-game-runners is, IMO, not something the game companies need to listen very closely.

I agree about the ranting entitled gamers so let’s put them aside for a second and focus on the people who have legitimate complaints about the game.

You think the game is just as fun as it was two years ago, but that’s your opinion and it’s no more valid than someone who thinks it’s gone downhill. And there’s a LOT of people who think it’s gone downhill that are not ranting, entitled gamers.

I think both sides have valid points, and if you still love the game as much as ever then that’s awesome, but we should never discourage constructive criticism because without it nothing would ever improve.

That being said, I’ve enjoyed having a cordial discourse here regarding a disagreement for a change.


Edit: I also want to be clear that I don’t think the unhappy folks are as tiny of a minority as you think. Practically all of the partners have jumped on that train. Something is definitely awry with the newer updates, I’m just happy I’m new and the core game is still fantastic. 

Edited by (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face
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15 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

They can do that without going silent. i like to hear from them

They did that for the past few years. You can clearly see how that has turned out to be. Anyway, what I said earlier was just my opinion. Doubt DE will go silent and work on fixing the game. 

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17 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


Now this is a fresh interesting point for an elevated discussion. 

I don't mind if Digital Extremes decides to seclude themselves for awhile develop in strict silence and decides to focus on the core game. I would be insanely happy if Warframe stays Warframe focusing on the core game. I think that a central focus will fix the game for good and make it stronger again. Yes, Empyrean is a good decision but this can work better if the core game gets stronger. 

This is the thing that gets me the most, most people I know in game came to the game for the 'warframes' (especially veterans), yes we've had railjack being promoted recently but the comical part of that promotion was that the 'new players' it pulled in couldn't get it until they levelled up the non railjack parts... so they had to lower the prices which then annoyed the vets etc, they now seem to be reworking it again and we all know how well revisits go...

A lot of new players left before they got access to railjack which again says that the 'core game' had issues in even the most simple term of not being able to keep them playing long enough to get to railjack. 

Long term players keep trying to tell DE to fix stuff but it just seems we're being ignored because nothing seems to be being done about it, hell even in that video (I didn't watch all of it so might have missed it) I said about it seems that DE are ignoring the core game again and focusing on railjack in the hope it will 'fix the tension'....um....

Not to mention their kitchen sink approach to new game modes... did we really need fishing, did we really need mining, did we really need animal capture, considering how they added alternative ways (often faster) to get the same resources (obviously not the floofs) I'd say no.... they could have used the time spent developing that on something else.

I still say to this day DE would have used their time better doing more tiles for the core game than adding in the open worlds which we just abandon once we have their loot, railjack is the essentially another open world with limited content because once we have the loot from it why would we go back, hell I couldn't even be bothered to finish all the nodes, let alone get all the loot and raise my levels to max.



17 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Yes, one of the reasons that I stayed in the game was Railjack and of course the core game of Warframe. Both are great. I would rather see them fixing bugs and postponing launches until the pandemic goes away. I'll give DE a chance in the PS5 or next generation of consoles. I'm sure there will be less restrictive hardware for the game. Eventually the game will be better with time. It is inevitable. 

Personally I've always found it strange that DE felt that adding in railjack was a good idea when most people hate archwing, I've said from day one it wasn't right for warframe.... now don't get me wrong, I think the railjack maps would work quite well for archwing (scaled appropriately) but the entire railjack element could be thrown in the bin as far as I'm concerned and don't even mention the linked mission between earth and space from scarlet spear, that's just never going to work in the main game unless they artificially supply codes in a mission, it's bad enough getting codes in this limited test environment so I'd hate to see it on unpopular nodes. 

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"We're reducing the grind of Warframe. We've heard your feedback, and we're taking it to heart. With all the different systems in Warframe, like Relics, Syndicates, open world standing, Intrinsics, Focus, Operations and events, and Kuva for Rivens, just to name a few, there's a lot to grind on top of simply leveling up your gear and gathering resources to buy things. We want players to be able to play the game however they want to play it, without artificial barriers like Foundry build times and the latest and greatest grind for new resources."

"To combat the grind, we're combining a lot of the different sub-mission types into mini-quests that spawn in your average mission. For example, Void Fissures, Kuva Siphons, and new Syndicate-specific objectives are now random encounters that can occur in virtually any non-story, non-boss mission. You can still go to the normal nodes for a guaranteed encounter, but they pop up fairly frequently even when you're trying to get something else."

"There will also be a new gear item that captures and converts excess Affinity, much like a Focus Lens does, and stores it as a new currency you can spend on any Affinity grind in the game, like Focus, Instrinsics, or simply leveling up your gear. You can also spend this currency to rush your Foundry, instead of plat. Additionally, Foundry build times have gone down significantly across the board, and you can queue up copies of the same blueprint to build until a certain number have been made, or until you can't build any more."

"We understand that Rivens are a point of contention in Warframe. Their immense power has created a vast, and sometimes predatory, market for them, and our efforts to keep them in balance tends to make people more upset than anything, as they have 'wasted' their time and money on something that is bound to get nerfed eventually. To that end, we're reducing the overall power of Rivens, but making them easier to roll into the stats you want. A new craft-able Riven Tool allows you to 'lock' certain stats in place, meaning as you keep rolling a Riven, that stat won't change. This makes it easier to get your Riven exactly the way you want it, so Rivens are a more accessible system."

"We're fleshing out the systems that have felt abandoned for a long time. Conclave is getting revamped, with new balance changes, mods, and support. Operators are getting a makeover with some alterations to Focus trees that make the investment into Focus worthwhile, with some additional Operator-only mission types and Operator gear for intense, high-risk gameplay. We're also reworking Syndicates to offer better rewards for siding with them, with a wider impact across the Star Chart. Expect Invasion-esque missions with combat between different Syndicates, and powerful new Syndicate-only weapons and mods."

"Finally, we're making leaps and bounds into bringing cross-save to Warframe. We understand that many people have multiple gaming platforms, and different friend groups that play across these platforms. Instead of asking these players to divide their time among three different accounts, we're instead making it possible to open the same account on different systems. When a new patch comes out for PC, a snapshot of your account is made, and are split between PC and console. Consoles will continue to use the snapshot while we get things through cert. Once everything is ready to come to console, the accounts are merged, adding any resources and Affinity earned or spent is tallied between the two accounts. Anything you could build and afford twice gets carried over in the merge, but if you try to play the system and build things you don't have the resources for, such as burning the same Legendary Core to upgrade two different mods, the PC version will take precedence. Platinum will be tracked outside of the game, so no double-dipping there, either."

"Overall, we're committed to making Warframe as fun as possible, and part of that is trimming away the excess fat and making sure you can enjoy everything this game has to offer without needing to do a bunch of chores before you can do what you actually want to do."



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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

I agree about the ranting entitled gamers so let’s put them aside for a second and focus on the people who have legitimate complaints about the game.

You think the game is just as fun as it was two years ago, but that’s your opinion and it’s no more valid than someone who thinks it’s gone downhill. And there’s a LOT of people who think it’s gone downhill that are not ranting, entitled gamers.

I think both sides have valid points, and if you still love the game as much as ever then that’s awesome, but we should never discourage constructive criticism because without it nothing would ever improve.

That being said, I’ve enjoyed having a cordial discourse here regarding a disagreement for a change.

Constructive critisism is awesome.

The problem for those giving it, in some cases, not all, seems to be that when DE either does not fall over themsleves to thank the poster and/or does not immediately implement the ideas as-is, DE is, yet again, the bad guy and the rants begin, IME, they cannot seem to accept they are infact, just players, and start in on the whole 'DE does repsect my time' while DE was leting them play the game free during that time...

Would I like some things in the game improved? Yes.

Do I think me posting that on the forum helps? Nope.

I work in software development and IMO, DE has the list of things that are broken.

When you say there are a lot of people that think the game has gone downhill and they are not ranting...how many is 'a lot'...I have seen no more or less IME than any other posters in that respect...

This is my point...those posters are, in fact, still a minority that thinks, for whatever reason, they represent a larger number of people...

Without real numbers, IMO, this is people inflating thier own POV into something more...

Even if you add in the rants as 'valid', do the math, I have done it here and there and seen others do it...we are talking about a tiny percentage of the actual playerbase...

Conflating that into more than just the people that post, is, IMO, where people get tripped up...just because you and 40-50 other posters think something, does not mean, IME, 'a lot' of current players think the same way...I think I have seen numbers in the millions that have accounts for the game...

It's not about the criticisms being valid, it's about people trying to get other people to think thier voice is larger than it really is...it's about people realizing they are complaining about a free game not entertaining them enough...it's about having the maturity to realize that on is just a consumer and understanding that while something one has enjoyed previously, you simply might no longer enjoy it, even if you really want it too...

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5 minutes ago, Lenti said:


when did they say this?

Multiple times.... going back at least 2 years by my memory.

The funny thing is that in the view of most people I know in game, it's the complete opposite and has gone up.

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Just now, LSG501 said:

Multiple times.... going back at least 2 years by my memory.

The funny thing is that in the view of most people I know in game, it's the complete opposite and has gone up.

thats why i asked tbh, i feel like the reality is kinda far from that post

i dont follow their posts and streams that religiously and i honestly thought that everything in that post was sarcasm

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There is nothing they can say. Everytime they say something it never comes to pass or it comes with RIDICILOUS time frame. DE doesn't seem to actually care about the game anymore. While i've played the game since console release. I just don't see the game moving anywhere anymore. Warframe has a lot of potential and it's sad to see that DE simply doesn't know how to use that potential

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1 hour ago, CrimsonXX said:

-sigh- First post and its on this garbage but after seeing this type of b.s. here and there I'm tired of not saying anything so here goes:

Whose feedback exactly should be taken in: The endgame people wanting them to focus on difficulty? The lore junkies that want them to focus on lore? Ones wanting more Nightwave as the focus? The ones wanting core game improvements to be the focus? The ones wanting all content to be integrated together? The ones wanting quests? The so called "veterans"? The "new players"? The mid players? The ones that whine and complain if there's a "content drought" thus wanting new content to be the focus? The last of which are the ones I'd put the blame on for the recent string of updates since they seemingly started rushing to get updates out after that point cause "new content". On top of that there's the impatience where people somehow think everything can be done in minutes but DE is just dragging it along, when no a ton of this requires time. 

Judging by the whiny entitled/spoiled attitudes I've seen from the one crowd of people, I'd wager none have played any mmo's and glad that I have cause its given me perspective and patience with things. Some are honestly lucky its DE cause some of the things I've seen mentioned/said/posted with other companies would have been banned. 

I can say the same thing about you bro. 

And to answer your question. I’m not asking for a specific group of players feedback to be taken in but more of everyone in general.  But are you a dev? You’re required that it does take an immense amount of time but WFs issue boils down to terrible code based in an outdated engine (evolution engine) 


project management

lack of proper playtesting and communication and over promising. The fact you assume we all want de to move at the snap of a finger is false. As even myself and many other players have stated as long as the content is “good” we don’t mind for them to take longer.

yes you can’t please everyone I’m well aware of this topic but you trying to dismiss valid criticism because you like the game again serves no true purpose and is just as productive as those who are “whiny and entitled”

lets see I play vindicatus Tera bdo eso blade and soul ffxiv and many more. Yes mmos are Grindy etc and not perfect amongst any community. But they know what they want to be and more often then not most rpgs I play don’t 

rush updates

genrally don’t overpromise on uodates

has  proper  Play-testing and much more so while bugs may occur a can almost assure that expansions or new dlc isn’t as bug ridden as an update on wf.

content is coherent and not stretched out on islands to much and even so the lore is actually followable.

i can keep going but nonetheless what do you think people are whiny for? I can propose an argument that your a spoiled brat who can’t accept someone dosent have the same opinion of theirs but I’m not going to do that. Regardless of differing opinions I would like to try to compromise so we can hear each other out and come to a middle ground 

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