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What do you think about Banshee?


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I love to randomize my equipment, and when i found something that i've modded too far in the past, i like to make a new modern build to make that weapon/warframe more powerful. Talking about warframe, i start to learn exactly how that WF work, his abilities and augment and i start to create some build including the possibilities of using new mods or strange combination and use them in a variety of game to test what i create. 

I've done this with a lot of older warframe, and usually when i finish that warframe work properly (always considering is a old frame). 

But...  ... i can't figure how to build a decent Banshee. 

Every combination of mod/arcane/augment look like is useless on that warframe and i can't understand what's the real utility of theyr skills.

-) The skill 1 is just a "troll the enemies" and the description says: "to incapacitate or kill the enemies" (laugh!!!) what she have to kill with 50 impact dmg? I think crates or level 1 mob could easy resist a so powerful skill (laugh again!!!)

-) Useless talk about skill 2. Half of that skill is replaced by animal instinct mod (and don't lie to me telling there are people that are not using that mod or the non primed one on theyr kavat/kubrov); the other half of the skill (show weak point) is interesting, making it ideal with high level enemies... if only she can survive since arrive to a such powerful enemies.

-) Nothing to say about skill 3... is exactly the same of her passive abilities but with energy cost. Can't figure how to use those skill.

-) Skill 4: 200 blast dmg... i have to say more? Also the augment didn't make the skill more powerful excpt in a really short range.

So, if you also have builded your banshee, what do you thik about her? You find a way to make her skill work a little better?


Edited by MollAgdeduba
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I suspect my take on Banshee is a bit unorthodox, but I love this build on her.


Rather than going for the damage bonuses of her weak spots, a low duration Banshee can be fantastic in her utility. The downside I would say is the base cast speed of her Ult makes is prohibitive, though her Silence and Sonic Boom make up for it. This build could be done on 3 forma, but I did some experimenting before I wound up with this.

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She's niche. She has good damage output but not effective enough to compete with other DPS frame and her CC is not good enough to get a spot in CC frames also.

Recent shield gate has definitely helped her a bit but overall she's still niche.

Some people might tell you she's useful against lvl 500 enemies. Which is exactly what niche means. She is useful only when you create a very specific scenario that could use her.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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She's nice enough.


Her 1 is best used with its augment to strip armour off really tough enemies (e.g. demloysts). Status procs no longer strip 100% armour, so this has gone up in value. Really needs an enclosed space though otherwise the enemies fly across the map.

Her 2 is her staple ability of course and benefits everyone on the team. Essentially you pick her to spam this.

Her 3 is good for getting you in close to enemies if you primarily use melee.

Her 4, however, is total rubbish (and always has been, even back when it was popular).


I use her in disruptions and aribitrations. Surviving is not difficult.

She's a good pick for any mission where you can be fairly certain someone else will run the meta, because she's complements lots of other frames (assuming that the meta is not so inflexible that it requires 4 specific frames).

Edited by schilds
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a mixture of CC, AoE Damage that can't just be spammed, and a nuclear level Damage Multiplying Ability.
also a side note that Resonating Quake is a newbie trap IMO. while Resonance is quite desirable. Sonic Fracture if you're into that sort of thing but i never saw these sorts of Augments as that useful.

so, largely unneeded thesedays since Player Stats have gone up by upwards of 100fold since 2013.

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Banshee is actually pretty decent now since they buffed her base armor and shield gating. It's easy to take her into over 60 minute arbitration survivals solo.

Her best combo is probably Silence with her augment Savage Silence (which makes Silence open up enemies to finishers, don't worry that augment doesn't mention it ingame - why should it? /s) with Arcane Ultimatum. People just still play her like a Sonar or Soundquake bot without defensive mods and then complain about how squishy she is.

Her 1 is okay with her augment - one of the few ways to fully strip armor these days. Her 2 and 4 are both highly overrated. Her 2 because you rarely, if at all, encounter enemies where you need the increased damage and her 4 is overrated because people watch Youtube videos from three years ago and think it still works or is good to play her based around her 4. Silence is what makes her viable and able to carry herself in content where it matters.

Edited by (PS4)Deeceem
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I've got a few I like. These builds are all zero forma required, on Banshee Prime.

Here's my most used build, usually used to take out liches, or if I feel like playing a nice relaxing cover shooter, just use cover and slowly progress through extermination missions. It's fairly straightforward: cast 2, recast whenever duration is about to run out. Shoot the glowing bits. If you're getting overwhelmed, blow them down with your 1. If you have to move through several tiles, cast 3 and keep jumping away through the map. Usually, the stun ends by the time you're out of range. Hunter adrenaline is there because I run around with a furis and the Winds of Purity mod (As well as a riven to increase its damage output). Otherwise, I'd suggest using intensify and redirection as she benefits more from shields than from health.

This build takes advantage of the Skiajati's ability to make the warframe invisible on finishers. But grabbing Arcane Trickery won't hurt, as that arcane will allow you to cast abilities without breaking invisibility. It's somewhat of a gimicky build that only really shines against very tough individual targets. And really worked best back when daggers had infinite finisher damage.

This last build is meant to clear missions up to level 40 with ease. If you see anything on your minimap, press 4. If you see any enemies nearby, press 4. If anyone is still alive, get within melee and... PRESS 4!

With the shield gating update and upgrade to her armor, Banshee feels much tankier than she used to be.

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personally I think she's mostly fine, just needing a few tweaks, mainly to her 1st ability: like so many 1st abilities, it's a relic from a bygone Era of warframe where 1st abilities only ever needed to be "meh", whereas now we have frames like Inaros, Nidus and others whose first abilities are not only effective, but essential to the playstyle of those frames.

her other abilities are very good: Resonance Augment makes her turn even the weakest guns into powerhouses, and the radar bonus is nice if you're not using Enemy radar. Silence would be ideal if the initial stun were recastable, and her 4 offers lockdown CC at the cost of mobility.

her squishiness is a fair tradeoff- and not so bad since the armour increase - and while she might not have quite the raw killing potential of Mesa or Saryn, she is still apable, and can complement other frames in the team very well.

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Rather than trying to use her 4 for damage, use it for CC instead.

A max range Banshee is the best frame for Interception as you just press 4 in the middle of the map and the enemies can't do anything; it has more range than all the other lockdown abilities making it ideal for this mission type (and anywhere else you might want around 60m radius lockdown).

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She's always been and still is in a bad position. Power creep has taken her primary draw away years ago already, and due to her other niche abilities and clunky ability usage she's rarely seen in general gameplay. That doesn't mean her abilities are all rubbish by design tho. It's just sad that the ability that is supposed to be her main draw is the one that keeps her in a limbo where she's just useful enough for the devs to not feel the need to rework her.

Boom is a decent CC ability, but has no secondary mechanic that can carry it when its not needed. Sonar allows for unnecessary damage amplification at the expense of aiming, which is a drawback most players dont want to deal with. Silence provides a temporary stun and some minor stealth capabilities, which are not really useful in a general run and gun scenario. What almost everyone forgets is that Silence also disables any enemy abilities, from grenade throws to rocket barrages, from eximus bubbles to diso lasers. The only exceptions are enemy ability nullifying powers, like nullifier shields or Stalker's dispell. As with Sonar, though, this ability doesn't speed up the grind, so its use is very limited. Her ultimate provides good CC for non aerial units, but lacks interaction and damage potential.

Even with 3 Umbral forma, which does allow for some flexibility in terms of augment selection, she feels unrewarding to play despite being rather powerful. There's not just one reason for it, which makes pinning down what to do with her difficult. A lack one handed ability cast animations for her first three abilities is certainly a big factor, but it's not the only important one. None of her abilities benefit from each other, not providing players with the ability to play around with them. Lastly, unlike most other frames, her ultimate feels neither powerful of fun to use, even though it does what it's supposed to do well. That doesn't mean it or any of her other abilities need to be replaced. Far from it, all of them have a lot of potential to become something that in addition to being useful is also fun to use. They just need a little tweak here and there.

I've written about what I'd like DE to do Banshee before a few times, so let me just do a cliff notes version.

Make Sonic Boom, Sonar and Silence castable while moving.

Double Sonic Boom damage and have it automatically hit a sonar spot.

Debuff silenced enemies to take longer(twice as long@ 200%Str) to recover from CC effects .

Give Sound Quake a channeled mode, draining more energy but allowing the targeting of enemies in a small cone with an second damage tick that auto hits sonar spots.


IMO there's no need to replace any of her abilities, but they surely could use being made more fun to use.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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vor 18 Minuten schrieb (NSW)Matt-S:

Rather than trying to use her 4 for damage, use it for CC instead.

A max range Banshee is the best frame for Interception as you just press 4 in the middle of the map and the enemies can't do anything; it has more range than all the other lockdown abilities making it ideal for this mission type (and anywhere else you might want around 60m radius lockdown).

Incorrect. Vauban, Ivara, Slova, Khora, Avalanche Frost, Nyx with a stunlock or regular Chaos build, Stomp Rhino and probably a few others I'm forgetting perform similarily if not better in different scenarios and various map sizes and ALL of them can move and capture points while crowd controlling which means they can solo them arguably easier.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Deeceem said:

Incorrect. Vauban, Ivara, Slowa, Khora, Avalanche Frost, Nyx with a stunlock or regular Chaos build, Stomp Rhino and probably a few others I'm forgetting perform similarily if not better in different scenarios and various map sizes and ALL of them can move and capture points while crowd controlling which means they can solo them arguably easier.

How am I incorrect?

I did not say that she has the best CC ability, but that it's the best lockdown ability for the range she offers. Nova gets more range, but enemies can still move so you still have to play. Nyx is also the same as you still have to play (either by killing stuff or pressing 3 every so often).

With Banshee you just capture each point, use Sound Quake in the middle and AFK. If playing with others, just Sound Quake and AFK while others capture the points.

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Gerade eben schrieb (NSW)Matt-S:

How am I incorrect?

I did not say that she has the best CC ability, but that it's the best lockdown ability for the range she offers. Nova gets more range, but enemies can still move so you still have to play. Nyx is also the same as you still have to play (either by killing stuff or pressing 3 every so often).

With Banshee you just capture each point, use Sound Quake in the middle and AFK. If playing with others, just Sound Quake and AFK while others capture the points.

Alright, phrased like that: best lockdown for the least amount of work, You might be right.

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I haven't seen a Banshee in months.

22 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

Vauban. Even #*!%ing Vauban is better.

Oi, new Vauban is no longer the metric for mediocrity, the frame you're looking to make fun of when compared to others is Atlas.

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7 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

She's useless.

You can sugar coat it all you want. But every other frame is pretty much better.

Vauban. Even #*!%ing Vauban is better.

Vauban is on a whole other level now. If you know bot paths and spawn points, you can outperform Saryn in ESO. 

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2 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I haven't seen a Banshee in months.

Oi, new Vauban is no longer the metric for mediocrity, the frame you're looking to make fun of when compared to others is Atlas.


1 minute ago, Sunai_Moonswing said:

Vauban is on a whole other level now. If you know bot paths and spawn points, you can outperform Saryn in ESO. 

Huh... Well then that's even more reason to rework her.

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Banshee's core is the extra damage on her 2, Sonar. Arguably the best damage buff in the game, you're gonna want this up as much as possible.

The rest of Banshee's (relevant) kit is to help her land that damage and keep her alive long enough to do it. Sonar reveals enemies on the minimap to let you know when a threat to your squishy self approaches. Silence stuns them briefly when they're at a certain distance, giving you a window to land an easier shot. When enemies slip past all this, Sonic Boom offers a panic button to get out of dangerous situations. And Soundquake I guess can be used to sweep a low-level Sonar-covered room, but really it is dumb and needs replacing.

Then her augments open up different playstyles too. Sonic Fractures makes SB aggressive, Savage Silence can be combined with a build stretched to maximum Eff or Dur to take advantage of Silence's finisher window for a rush-in melee Banshee. And Resonance is just OG Banshee+.

Banshee is an older frame in need of a revisit. A lot of players don't like her because she requires relatively higher effort to play well, yet I feel very strongly this attribute should not be changed for the sake of people who never liked Banshee in the first place. Keep Banshee how she is, but in bring her up to date. Smoother casts are a must (upper body casts that don't stop her movement a la the Mag update). Replacing or heavily altering Soundquake would be excellent too.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

The wiki says its possibly the most damaging ability in the game, yet theres nothing that stays alive long enough to matter. 

Yes because of recent armor and HP scaling changes, enemies have effectively turned into paper and level thousands of enemies are barely sturdier than lvl 200 ones.

She used to matter though.

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This is my standard build



I've been playing most missions with banshee for years, because there is not much difficulty in the game, except for a few cases, i guess. In a big portion of my play time (mainly a few years ago, when connection problems and host migrations were much more recurrent) I only played alone, and I liked just going with banshee killing everything and playing very defensively. Because even though you dealt a lot of damage, you also died pretty easily as well, because you couldn't move as fast as you can now.

Right now I know there are always better options in frames, depending on the task, but I'm at the point that I have almost everything that I'm often playing with friends and helping them, and since some of them are tryhards, they like to have really optimized builds, so I just take it easy.

What I like about the frame is that I can pretty much use any weapon with it, and do fine. I have experienced all the phases of movement in this game, from stamina and cover, coptering, and now the (very imbalanced, if you ask me) high mobility of bullet jumping (and the trick to using its momentum to propel yourself forward very fast, like coptering). This coupled with adaptation and guardian means that I rarely get killed (and this works with all the 'squishy' frames as well), and now with the new shield gating it's even harder to go down., because healing yourself is now easier than before as well, with health pads and a couple of operator arcanes being pretty easy to acquire.

Usage of AOE weapons is advised, because they can damage the weakspots without the need to aim. Right now a weapon that is pretty funny to use is the new Kuva Nukor. Since it behaves like Atomos now, if you shoot an enemy in a weakspot, the chain damage is also multiplied, and pretty much anything nearby explodes lol.

I find Banshee pretty fun, although I do agree that she needs a rework on her skills. Her first is only useful with the augment, the 3rd only works to nullify enemies (they dont use abilities, but it costs a lot of energy and overlaps with her passive), and her 4th skill does no damage, except used with the augment, which also falls off quickly, and it also doesnt benefit from any of her other skills.

As many others have said, with the recent enemy scaling, enemies are even more weak, and thus Banshee's kit doesn't matter much. Only at very high lvl is where the damage is really noticeable. I am not really sure if they will ever rework her. There are many other frames in need of a rework as well.

Edit: I forgot to say that I use Swift Momentum in the Aura slot because I have a pretty overpowered sepfahn zaw, that has a heavy attack build. It's better to use corrosive projection as an aura. (although with the recent changes, maybe there are other better options like enemy radar, idk).

Edited by Kenmei
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i havent seen a banshee ingame for more then 12 months, and i havent touch it since 2017

its one of the most forgotten item in warframe right now and i really cant find a reason to play it anymore, she was useful 4 years ago

I did play a lot of banshee long ago, farming focus and leveling stuffs with her afk ult, but now there are better frames for that.

tbh, one of the nicest prime design ingame, and for sure the nicest helm ( prime banshe one )



edit: i would love to have her buffed or reworked

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