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Let me be the Captain again.


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DE, please... again, like others have said before, like I said before... WTF about others being able to command where the Railjack goes next. Randoms just launching in random directions...

Let captains be captains and give others an ability to leave properly without the need to go to dry dock as to not be abused by troll captains while also protecting the sanity of captains who want to be fair to others AND ASK THE CREW WHAT NEXT INSTEAD OF RANDOMLY LAUNCHING SOMEWHERE.

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This is a reasonable request. Give individual extraction, a clear one, and restore exclusive navigation privileges to the captain. Also, allow matchmaking whenever a new mission starts in order to replace the crew that exited (though this last part already happens, I believe).

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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vor 15 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Hikuro-93:

Also, allow matchmaking whenever a new mission starts in order to replace the crew that exited (though this last part already happens, I believe).

As far as I know you can invite people at the start of a new railjack mission so matchmaking should also work.

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Fully agree. The whole thing as extract for all just because somebody needs to - is a bad design. One should not decide for others when to extract. If somebody is done with railjack mission - let him extract while others can continue.
Also captains should decide wherever or not others can take control of HIS/HER ship, not those who are GUESTS on that ship.

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Bet DE didn't see this as a problem when they made a ship that is under the control of one individual.

Don't see them "fixing" this without others complaining about troll captains taking off before the players could do something else. 



Just a drawback of pubs, not much to expect honestly. 

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The ship needs escape pods or a liset dock, and a minimum 60 second timer on mission end before a new one can be launched so people can leave squad if they don't want to stay. After that, you can leave via the pod if the host is buggering about wasting your time, but it locks once a new mission begins.

Then you lock mission control to the captain. Nobody gets held hostage, and the owner of the ship gets to decide where it goes.

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14 minutes ago, AshenHaze said:

If you  own the ship  you  should be  the only one  who can pilot it and activate navigation.

Half agree with this as only the host should be able to access navigation. I do think everyone should be able to pilot, but the host has the ability to eject non host pilots so a soft command override if you like. I find it pretty silly that everyone has pretty much free reign of everything on a RJ, hopefully the command intrinsic will flesh these issues out.

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If you want to dictate where a crew goes after a mission, you should build your own ship. Otherwise interacting with navigation should remove you from the crew and put you into matchmaking for someone whose ship is available where you want to go.

I take my ship to X node, it's because I want to be there, not because I want to find out where Random Pubber #3 feels like going afterwards, forcing me to abort, kick them out of the mission, and have to start over.

Honestly I've given up on non-solo Railjack, teammates just stare at you doing all the work most of the time then want to tell you what you have to do after a mission.

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AFAIK, it's not worthwhile to change things that work simply for the sake of changing things.  Recruitment chat is and has always been the answer to the question of, "How do I find a squad of like-minded people?"  That you and/or others refuse to use it doesn't mean it's a bad tool or that it needs to change.

And, as I've said in other threads of this nature, anyone should be allowed to select the next mission, but it should go to a vote.  If anyone disagrees, it should disconnect them from the mission, as it does now when a public squad finishes and everyone is in their orbiter.  In this case, the person asking to move forward would attempt to be placed in another squad (if not already the host) and those that don't wish to go to the next mission would stay in their current one.  If the host calls a vote, then those who agree would go with the host and those that don't would go back to their orbiters.  But, I will not agree that anyone is a "captain" and therefore has the right to boss others around.

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sometimes it's justifiable, at least if the host is trying to farm every little scrap of resource when other players have got places to be. you may not like the current system, but at least nobody is being held hostage by a single player. I guarantee if they make hosts have full privileges again, that issue will come back, and we'll be no better off. your best workaround is to try and get a dedicated squad. that, or politely request people stick around if you want them too. 

but yes,in public, randoms can join your ship and be like:

im the captain now GIF by Showtime


Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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41 минуту назад, (XB1)R3d P01nt сказал:

When you join a PUB, you get what you get.  I've previously supported the idea of having a vote, like when starting any other mission.  I don't support the idea that someone is a captain and can tell others what to do.  If you want to be a "captain" and dictate to others, then go to Recruiting chat and get a like-minded group of people to join your squad.

If people refuse to use the tools the game gives them...

That applies to both captain and guests. Neither of them should be telling others what to do. They may suggest, but should not force. At the same time - guests are visiting captains ship. Captain ship = captain rules, you don't want to respect the rules - you are free to leave.
Most of people I have played with did respect others opinions and did not force their rules on others (so did I) and everybody did their best for a common mission goal. Though I did met subjects that actively tried to force their will onto others. Mostly during that diorea spear event(maybe cause that was the first time I started to host rj missions). I also came across said persons during regular missions as captains who just sit afk not responding to chat or endlessly farm resources after mission rewards were distributed. And then I just add them to my ignore list, abandon mission and move on. Sure I maybe did not get some rewards, but I won't come by them again so it was ok for me.
I did not play after so called "rj revised" update, cause not much changed. It does not even deserve revised title, its just some buffs and nerfes, nothing was changed fundamentally.
And now I don't have much insentive to play it either, cause it appears that the numbers of bad mental health players just rised by a lot.

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While I agree with that, I also disagree. 

I believe captains (session hosts) should be the only ones to activate navigation. Same for emptying the forge, activating the forward artillery, ship abilities and ordinance. 


Unless allowed to use those by the session host through the tactical menu or something. Yes, I'm talking about promoting and demoting crew members. 


Here's my reason for it : I'm a skilled pilot, both in intrasecs and ability. I often pilot my friends' ships, and we usually get permissions down before flight. So.. Why not have something similar put into the game? 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

Not sure how that's applicable.  The OP is specifically asking for the ability to be the "captain" and tell others what they are doing next, when they are doing it, etc.  You're aiming this at the wrong person.  If someone wants to be able to dictate how long others play, then one should be using Recruiting chat.

I'm not exactly asking for "DO AS I SAY, SCRUBMAGGOTS, OR YE BE WALKING THE PLANK!".
I just want my ship to be my ship, as in other three squad mates have no control over the NAVIGATION.

People should have an option to extract from the ship at the end of mission without us having to go to drydock, an option that is not simply "ABORT MISSION" which feels like a failure.
There is always consensus on my ship if we are to go to the next mission, but if a single person asks for Dry Dock, it is Dry Dock out of respect for that person's time.
There is fair play. But a rando opening navigation and launching next mission beats both respect for others and my Railjack being MY Railjack.

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3 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

There is fair play. But a rando opening navigation and launching next mission beats both respect for others and my Railjack being MY Railjack.

Yes, it's not really respectful to simply start a mission, just as it's not in any public group (including non-railjack groups) but not because it is YOUR railjack.  That's why I think it should act in the way I laid out.  It's also why I don't think only hosts should have navigation access.

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1 hour ago, Man_In_Suitcase said:

Half agree with this as only the host should be able to access navigation. I do think everyone should be able to pilot, but the host has the ability to eject non host pilots so a soft command override if you like. I find it pretty silly that everyone has pretty much free reign of everything on a RJ, hopefully the command intrinsic will flesh these issues out.

I agree with the soft command override. Everyone needs to be able to pilot for a wide variety of reasons (mainly AFK pilots... maybe let the crew soft mutiny a pilot who has not moved in 3 minutes?). This has only been a problem for me once, when I hopped off the pilot chair, warped to the forges, started 4x Flux builds, warped back to my chair and a MR6 person was flying in the opposite direction of objectives, shooting rocks. I asked him to please vacate the pilot seat. He did not. In fact, he never used chat a single time.  Eventually, he got out of the chair after he chased down an extra Crewship that was left over after we got our 6 ( 4 or 5 minutes later) so he could board it (and commandeer it)... I took control back, left him in his Crewship, got us back on track to the final objective at the Research Facility... and then he left the mission while we were busy with that.


1 hour ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

AFAIK, it's not worthwhile to change things that work simply for the sake of changing things.  Recruitment chat is and has always been the answer to the question of, "How do I find a squad of like-minded people?"  That you and/or others refuse to use it doesn't mean it's a bad tool or that it needs to change.

And, as I've said in other threads of this nature, anyone should be allowed to select the next mission, but it should go to a vote.  If anyone disagrees, it should disconnect them from the mission, as it does now when a public squad finishes and everyone is in their orbiter.  In this case, the person asking to move forward would attempt to be placed in another squad (if not already the host) and those that don't wish to go to the next mission would stay in their current one.  If the host calls a vote, then those who agree would go with the host and those that don't would go back to their orbiters.  But, I will not agree that anyone is a "captain" and therefore has the right to boss others around.

I like the vote idea. Right now, I use chat to ask everyone if they are good for doing another mission in the same cluster. If I want to change clusters, I ask them if they are ok with that. Before I start a new mission, I ask if anyone needs to go to the Dojo.  Sometimes I ask if anyone has a node they need to unlock. During missions I ask people if they enjoy boarding Crewships and if they do, I refrain from using the Dome Charges. All that takes time, but I think it is necessary for establishing a good PUG. I've had very good luck with my PUGs, met a dozen people who are now on my Friends list, and other than asking people to please stop shooting off my Particle Ram or otherwise wasting FLUX because they don't understand what the Battle Avionics do or how to use them (training mission DE?) it has all been great!

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2 minutes ago, Wearbe said:

I like the vote idea. Right now, I use chat to ask everyone if they are good for doing another mission in the same cluster. If I want to change clusters, I ask them if they are ok with that. Before I start a new mission, I ask if anyone needs to go to the Dojo.  Sometimes I ask if anyone has a node they need to unlock. During missions I ask people if they enjoy boarding Crewships and if they do, I refrain from using the Dome Charges. All that takes time, but I think it is necessary for establishing a good PUG. I've had very good luck with my PUGs, met a dozen people who are now on my Friends list, and other than asking people to please stop shooting off my Particle Ram or otherwise wasting FLUX because they don't understand what the Battle Avionics do or how to use them (training mission DE?) it has all been great!

You talk to people in chat.  You try to work with people and ask them for their inputs.  You treat them as equals.  And, you have good PUG interactions.  I wonder if those might be linked somehow...

I think a lot of issues that people have been bringing up in these threads could be solved if they just acted as you do.

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Il y a 3 heures, Acersecomic a dit :

DE, please... again, like others have said before, like I said before... WTF about others being able to command where the Railjack goes next. Randoms just launching in random directions...

Let captains be captains and give others an ability to leave properly without the need to go to dry dock as to not be abused by troll captains while also protecting the sanity of captains who want to be fair to others AND ASK THE CREW WHAT NEXT INSTEAD OF RANDOMLY LAUNCHING SOMEWHERE.

Agreed. It isn't even in line with the ground system. At least put a vote with timer so that I can cancel the loading of the next mission. Just like on ground missions.

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A simple solution to this would be to have the host be able to go for another mission. Only the host can pick another mission, but everyone else can use the navigation console to simply leave the ship and keep their rewards to that point. The one minute timer after mission completion would work well for this. Optionally the "stay/leave" screen could pop up on mission completion as in a defense mission.

Another problem I've found is that most people seem to prefer to bring their own ship rather than join another. Meaning crew can usually be a pain without going to manually recruit someone. Most of the time when i start my own missions to bring my ship nobody will actually join and i end up doing it solo. Even when people do join its a crapshoot whether they will help or not. Usually they do what they can at least, but like half the time people seem to be undergeared and barely able to survive the grineer in the veil at all. Then again PUGs are basically what (probably) forces the game to remain easy, since a PUG in actually hard stuff is a nightmare of pure frustration far too often. So here's to hoping that the command intrinsic line is released soon to make soloing a bit less of a hassle.

Removing avionics usage from the turret positions in general would be useful too as a lot of avionics cant even be aimed without being the pilot, thus ending up being a complete waste of energy if activated from a turret. Give the turrets something else based on the avionics equipped. So something like particle ram could give the turrets some shield they can activate to block incoming attacks where they aim. Void hole could give something like a mini void hole that quickly sucks enemies in the area towards a single point, like an inverse explosion. All of these should also cost no or little energy to mitigate the issue of trolls. It shouldn't end up too OP because people need to actually be in the seats to use them, which means they cant use their archwing abilities and whatnot. 

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The problem also arises with the captain being the only to access navigation is that too many times, the captain would dart off into Archwing, die repeatedly, and now the mission is completely nuked because one player is out. A terrible situation entirely. This means the captain cannot get killed or else the mission is a failure. So letting everyone access it means the Captain's death is no longer a problem. New problem made by this fix is that there is no proper voting system. What needs to be done is allow for the crew to send the ship home if a captain dies. A quick trip to the dojo won't hurt anyone. Additionally, allow for individuals to manually extract by giving them an option at the end of the mission, or at the start of the next mission. Railjack is very much a work in progress and they do need to fine tune the systems.

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