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The Steel Path: Update 28.1.0


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21 минуту назад, __Havoc__ сказал:


tried the update and it failed badly and had to download the msi.

the update did proceed and now i have the user agreement screen in the same shape as it was during the  update.

it just doesnt fit the screen and there is no way to enlarge loading screen. anyone else with the same problem??

i have submitted a ticket and am looking here in the wiki for the same problem that others have faced in this situation

ty in advance

u r not alone:8782e278e76f.jpg

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Xoris, like the bramma, should never have dropped the way it did. Why do you guys keep making these mistakes? 

I hate this post cause the xoris and how you gave us a quality of life then dumpstered it cause "too powerful" Despite not adding power. 

Thanks for the steel path. 

PS. Hire more testers, or get feedback on crazy weapons before dropping them. 

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Again, steel path, Great Idea, Great Mode, pointless rewards

You should really think about putting something useful when you ask players to do something "harder" rather than an armor, a random relic pack (wtffffffff) and other things that I don't even remember because I don't care (and I'm not the only one)


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I know you don't play your own game.  That has been obvious since the community responded that the Liches insta-killing you based off of something that was at best a 1 in 6 guess, and at worst a 1 in 336 guess was bad.  I've had the sneaking suspicion since you continue to wait for year to nerf things, and just missing out on applying the nerf evenly.  This....kind of draws a substantial line and is asking for more players to give up the game.


Let's touch on the obvious first.  If you don't understand the mechanics of the game, please don't try and explain a nerf to us.  It makes it pretty difficult to take you seriously.  Whatever bizarro world you're getting the "Xoris or you're doing it wrong" logic from is just silly.  The only reason that the Xoris was good was because you didn't have to choose Naramon, add combo duration mods, and switch back to the regular melee to keep the count going.  It wasn't giving us more power, it was making it so that we didn't have to constantly switch back and forth.  You've not made the Xoris in-line with other weapons now, you've made it literally the worst when combined with the new policy of rivens starting at the worst possible disposition.


Moving on, can nobody design a curve which demonstrates damage?  I ask because if you do that, it should be apparent if a new weapon is above the curve or below, and thereby place weapons as either 2, 3, or 4 stars.  If you design a weapon so low it needs 5 or so high it needs 1 it'd be a failure to manage power creep, not to mention that you've stated your design goal is to release worse than expected so you can provide buffs.


Let's talk the steel path.  Is it hard mode....no.  It's bullet sponges.  It's everything that you took years to fix with the shield gating and scaling update, rolled back.  On top of that, the rewards are literal garbage because they cost a resource with a drop rate so low that arbitrations comparatively look good.  I hope you understand that saying that absolutely kills.  I completed all of Earth and have 2 essence.  The 2 essence delivered by mail when you finish a world.  Yeah, I probably didn't kill enough enemies, right?  I tracked the eximus units and it was around 15.  While I don't have a good sample size, that seems like you've got a sub 10% chance drop from enemy units that rarely spawn, boosted not to difficult stats but to bullet sponge levels.  The kind that demonstrates a laser gun and sniper rifle are less damaging than a big metal stick because melee 3.0 happened and basically has doomed guns to a back seat because they have no scaling options.  


This is another update that took weeks longer than expected, delivered something that was a bare minimum, and is asking for engagement through a massive and painful grind.  One that literally rewards fighting level 100+ enemies with vitality mods and lith relics.  Did you not understand the feedback that this hard mode needed rewards?  Two lander cosmetics are not rewards.  Likewise there are 16 or 17 (if the void counts) planets to clear.  That's 32 or 34 essence, that's going to award us 20,000 kuva or a piece and change of the new armor.  What exactly is the drive here?  Why do I give a flying **** about it?  It's more insulting than getting a dozen mortus shoulder guards, and discovering that all of them literally evaporate in the inventory.  Yep, something representing about 30% of the rewards for the highest level granum void literally are not rewards, and they still feel less frustrating than your new mode meant to challenge.



I'd also like to take this time to suggest Nightwave is officially worthless.  You've managed to take a terrible genre of game, the point an click adventure, and graft it into your game.  It's almost like whomever is behind the story is actively trying to see what it's going to take to kill warframe.  Let's have timed events to get a resource, then limit the amount of that resource in inventory, then make a moon-logic point and click adventure, and hide the "clues" in a segment with a yellow tint so you can't make out colors, and let's sell all of this as a murder mystery without anyone being able to connect because the mysterious murderer is someone we've never heard anything about.  I'm not exactly sure who signed off on this, but they really need to not have creative control.



Bravo.  I thought you couldn't outpace being more than a year into Fortuna without having the third orb mother, or promising the ghoul saw and not delivering more than 2 years later, or even selling us a heavy infested blade which was slapped on as a generic heavy sword skin.  Boy was I wrong.  You keep going strong DE.  I'm....not sure how much longer I can justify the next thing being worth sticking around for.  Especially not when there's more talk about who's going to buy your holding company, and the first comment is that things will have to get better in most cases.

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Wow. Just, wow.

40+ pgs of neg ( mostly) feedback on the Xoris nerf, and not a peep from the PTB's. Check.

Riven Market once again protected, safe, and secure. Check.

new content drop, and cost vs player gains is abysmal. Check

DE trolling players with a Stance Forma. Check

Drop chance and grind factor taken to the next level. Check

Potential new Meta for DE to nerf next. Check.


On the pus side, Relentless Combination and ( rather shockingly) Ivara got some attention.... So, Yay?

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1 hour ago, Morrendeil said:

u r not alone:8782e278e76f.jpg

in same boat, I  hope the know about this and fix this soon...OMG I wish they would fix this issue, its quite an obvious one as more that just us have it, it's scattered throughout the forums.../

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Xoris nerf is idiotic and "reasoning" behind it ("the overwhelming Damage output of certain Warframe Abilities") is factually incorrect. Xoris is not the problem, crappy abilities design (using stat stick instead of exalted weapon or warframe's stats) is.

Pizza cooldown is pretty cool, it should be a global change.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Stance Forma Blueprint - this Forma type was introduced in Operation: Scarlet Spear. In the interest of having it more widely available, we are adding it to the Steel Path! This Forma allows for an added touch of flexibility in Melee weapons for those who seek it out! 

YES! Thank you guys! We all know that nobody was using them because of how hard they were to get, that was the reason! 

Can wait to use one on my totally no trash Xoris! 

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3 hours ago, Do_High_Go said:

Would like to try it but the update borked my launcher, now the images are bigger resolution and i cant see the Play button... NICE

Any help will be appreciated.

update messed up my launcher as well..cant update or even see play button...

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Steel Path is just obnoxious.  It's not fun, it's restrictive as hell.  I hope it's worth it to the few people that enjoy minmaxing, but I find it disgustingly limiting.  You strip away my Protective Dash, back in April because "it's too limiting" and then restrict people to specific Warframe builds to progress through missions.  Something is missing from your design decisions and it's starting to irritate me.


Could you at least rename your "Feedback" forum to "Feedback Loop" since you very clearly do not want any kind of feedback from people that are passionate enough to go to your forums to give you feedback on your "proposed" (read: lol we're gonna do it anyways) design changes.

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Devs, you must think we’re stupid or something. You are choosing to not follow up on this idiotic Xoris nerf because you are hoping that we’re just going to forget about it. You guys deliberately ignored over 40 pages of feedback on this idea before you even dropped it, because you didn’t #*!%ing care. “Doing something when things calm down,” GTFO

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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Xoris Interaction Changes:
Certain Warframe Abilities and Exalted weapons will now reset the Melee Combo Counter only if the Xoris is being used. The overwhelming Damage output of certain Warframe Abilities was not our intention with an infinite Melee Combo weapon, and the conversation of ‘Xoris or you’re doing it wrong’ is greatly restrictive in terms of player choice.

Warframe Abilities / Exalted Warframe weapons affected by this are:

  • Ash Bladestorm
  • Atlas Landslide
  • Baruuk Serene Storm
  • Excalibur Exalted Blade
  • Gara Shattered Lash
  • Khora Whipclaw
  • Valkyr Talons
  • Wukong Iron Staff

now that the wacky interaction with the xoris has been eliminated, can we have the gladiator mod set functionality returned to warframe ultimate weapons (Desert wind / exalted blade / valkyrs talons / iron staff) as they still use your normal melee weapon's combo for triggering the bonus

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  • To help prevent accidental Kuva Lich generation from quick tapping the Mercy action, you must now ‘Hold X’ to perform a Mercy on a Kuva Larvling.
  • Fixed Fishing Bait not functioning in some Orb Vallis caves.
  • Fixed the Archwing Slingshot breaking after the first use if it was used to board a Crewship.


thank you!!

any word of fixing railjack ghost ship tunnel transporter thing glitching out and removing warframe ability to do anything?

Also if xoris is getting ability banned, so should riven mods on stat sticks.

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1 hour ago, blue1964 said:

in same boat, I  hope the know about this and fix this soon...OMG I wish they would fix this issue, its quite an obvious one as more that just us have it, it's scattered throughout the forums.../

For every one person that reports this, there is at least 100 that don't. I will just have to go play something else, until they fix it. I wonder how many people say that, and just never come back b/c it takes too long?

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4 minutes ago, Shadow121971 said:

For every one person that reports this, there is at least 100 that don't. I will just have to go play something else, until they fix it. I wonder how many people say that, and just never come back b/c it takes too long?

Just found under thred

Launcher Resolution Issue

Choralone42 said:

"I had to go into East of Access and turn the text size back down to normal, start the game and then I could turn it back up again. "

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