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Helminths hunger need to be looked at.


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I play fairly often Railjack, but to feed helminth i would use 98% of what i have. In my opinion the amount to satisfy helminth hunger schould be reduced by a lot.

Who not make it 5% of target Resource?


Please consider that some people do not has so much time on their hands.

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Please consider that the content won't go anywhere since DE has good optimization so they don't have to take away content because "unable to grow the game forever" and you don't have any time limit or deadline to finish it

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13 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Please consider that the content won't go anywhere since DE has good optimization so they don't have to take away content because "unable to grow the game forever" and you don't have any time limit or deadline to finish it

Does DE care if one player takes a break for a few months? Nope, not like it matters. Then the player returns and nothing has changed for the better, so there is no point in continuing. Does DE care? Nope, not like it matters. Still, there has been nothing but updates that are utter bullS#&$, so i will consider if warframe is a game i will continue to play.

No, you won't get my stuff. Maybe DE can pull their collective heads out of their asses eventually. Unlikely, i know, but i have no rush.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Yggranya said:

Does DE care if one player takes a break for a few months? Nope, not like it matters. Then the player returns and nothing has changed for the better, so there is no point in continuing. Does DE care? Nope, not like it matters. Still, there has been nothing but updates that are utter bullS#&$, so i will consider if warframe is a game i will continue to play.

No, you won't get my stuff. Maybe DE can pull their collective heads out of their asses eventually. Unlikely, i know, but i have no rush.

spoiled veruca salt GIF

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Yggranya said:

Does DE care if one player takes a break for a few months? Nope, not like it matters. Then the player returns and nothing has changed for the better, so there is no point in continuing. Does DE care? Nope, not like it matters. Still, there has been nothing but updates that are utter bullS#&$, so i will consider if warframe is a game i will continue to play.

No, you won't get my stuff. Maybe DE can pull their collective heads out of their asses eventually. Unlikely, i know, but i have no rush.

Tell me a game that cares for every single player that takes a break for a few months with all of their new content

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2 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

It seems they just took the type of resource (common, uncommon and rare) and slapped a general number for each. It happens that railjack common resources are less common then non-railjack common resources, so while 20k ferrite/alloyplate/nanospore is no big deal, 20k titanium is crazy. 

yeah so is 5k asterite 

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This was the part they were referring to as only for "experienced players", meaning only the pathetic sobs that have ground the game for the last 5 years have anywhere near the materials needed to use the helminth system.

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39 minutes ago, --N0X-- said:

This was the part they were referring to as only for "experienced players", meaning only the pathetic sobs that have ground the game for the last 5 years have anywhere near the materials needed to use the helminth system.

I ran through about a million rubedo and all my railjack materials and barely got to rank six. Maybe old players that had double resource boosters running since day 1 don't have issues. 


It will probably get patches eventually once enough people unlock it and see the prices. 

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4 minutes ago, zakaryx said:

I ran through about a million rubedo and all my railjack materials and barely got to rank six. Maybe old players that had double resource boosters running since day 1 don't have issues. 


It will probably get patches eventually once enough people unlock it and see the prices. 

My guess and this is very very common dev tactic is to put game prices about 5x what you actually want them to be, then reduce them by 1/2 to 3/4 and say "See we listened" and then still have some room to reduce costs even more if needed.

This is classic dev mind games.

Evidence, see Railjack initial costs.

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1 minute ago, Kconvey said:

My guess and this is very very common dev tactic is to put game prices about 5x what you actually want them to be, then reduce them by 1/2 to 3/4 and say "See we listened" and then still have some room to reduce costs even more if needed.

This is classic dev mind games.



Just imagine the plat sales for resource boosters. 

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But why? All resources devolve into being completely meaningless numbers after they've been exhausted of their construction uses. Even for those who like to decorate their Dojo (the only resource sink before Helminth) only need to keep a handful of specific resources on hand to keep going. For those who do still need resources then the system likely just isn't for you but this again brings into question why DE dropped the MR restriction; they just traded one group of players who'd have issues with another but the issues it'll see now are harder to solve.

If you don't have the resources now then you will eventually and there will always be free boosters from login tribute and some events. And if anyone wants them sooner it's always an option to go into random content with a farming frame and/or Smeeta to squeeze out more drops every now and then.

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3 hours ago, schilds said:

Just don't feed them Railjack resources.

That's what I did. "Can't feed more Fresnels for Bile, so I'll use everything else I have instead". And now I think somehow locked myself out of it lmao:



I know it probably will shift and I'll be able to get it going, but no more Helminth for a few days/weeks, since most materials to farm in this category are a bit special.

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1 minute ago, NightmareT12 said:

That's what I did. "Can't feed more Fresnels for Bile, so I'll use everything else I have instead". And now I think somehow locked myself out of it lmao:

  Hide contents


I know it probably will shift and I'll be able to get it going, but no more Helminth for a few days/weeks, since most materials to farm in this category are a bit special.

Try getting it to level eight. Apparently you'll be able to feed it Sentient resources to restore its cravings. Not sure if you can choose for which though.

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Just now, Loza03 said:

Try getting it to level eight. Apparently you'll be able to feed it Sentient resources to restore its cravings. Not sure if you can choose for which though.

From what I read the Sentient thingie wasn't too great. Anyways, I'm sure I'd have been able to have this at a better place if it didn't ask for the 1K Fresnels and 15K Copernics, but especially I was expecting another kind of resource dump, taking into account I still have my 9K Control Modules and millions of Nanospores and the such:


I have 3 million Salvage, Helminth doesn't rely as much on its category, especially early on, and it's 20K per Feed. I don't think anyone is going to get rid of that.


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Just now, NightmareT12 said:

From what I read the Sentient thingie wasn't too great. Anyways, I'm sure I'd have been able to have this at a better place if it didn't ask for the 1K Fresnels and 15K Copernics, but especially I was expecting another kind of resource dump, taking into account I still have my 9K Control Modules and millions of Nanospores and the such:


I have 3 million Salvage, Helminth doesn't rely as much on its category, especially early on, and it's 20K per Feed. I don't think anyone is going to get rid of that.


Agreed. I feel like certain resources should be flagged for a lower decay rate. Possible with lower gains to match, sort of an 'average' meal, rather than the rarer resources which are treats, which behave as present. That way, players are more likely to go through the more common resources they have tons of.

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You don't *have* to try do everything in one day. If you wait, Helminth's attitude towards a resource recovers. You shouldn't be spending resources you don't have, or that are at maximum disfavour. You'll use your resources more efficiently if you wait.


Newer players are going to use the system much more efficiently than older ones, not by choice, but simply because they won't have the frames and resources available to burn through all at once. In the time it takes them between subsumes/infusions, everything will probably be green again.


33 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Not sure if you can choose for which though.

Not directly. It will pick a disfavoured resource and restore it partially, stopping at neutral. However, if you only feed Helminth one resource, then it will only have one choice.



That way, players are more likely to go through the more common resources they have tons of.

They already are. They should be starting with their most available resource (taking into account the quantity needed to feed Helminth and whatever else they might use the resource for) and getting that into the red, then moving to their next most available and getting that red, and so on. Each time you spend a green resource, the disfavoured ones recover a bit, so at some point the disfavoured ones will be neutral and you'll spend those again.

At the point where there are no green resources left you want to spend, you'll have to decide if you want to keep going inefficiently with your common resources. This last bit is where things become very inefficient, but you may have enough of a resource that you don't care.

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