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Heart of Deimos: Prime Vault: 29.2.0


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1 hour ago, Javrendei said:

So you participated in Operation: Cryotic Front and farmed thousands of Cryotic back then, six years ago. Good for you and some small amount of players with similar stashes of cryotic.
But it's really surprising how elitist these answers are, protecting obvious disbalance with "it's for experienced players" replies. As if "experienced players" would die if it would be 600 Cryotic instead of 3000.

Also by this logic, Riven roll cost in Kuva should be increased by x1000, because "some experienced players" have millions of it stashed somewhere and it would be a nice and affordable sink, right?

i don't know what operation cryotic front is and i have 273.000 cryotic


8 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

I wholeheartedly disagree with this.

Crytotic and the railjack resources are disproportionately expensive. Crytotic is exceptionally slow to farm. It should not take 30 excavations to feed helminth one time.

Your own logic, Argon being too expensive, is laughable when you can pretty consistently get enough Argon to feed helminth in less time than it would take to do 30 excavations. 


I do agree that adding more options is a nice change.

cryotic isn't exceptionally slow to farm

you mention "disproportionately expensive" but there is no "proportion" to speak of

not all resources are equally cost effective, nor are they intended to be so

cryotic costs weren't lowered  in this patch and it appears DE doesn't want to lower them, after receiving ample feedback that they are fine as they are. almsot certainly they will never be lowered.

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the railjack ressource script is very generous. I didn't even use most of the railjack ressources on helmith since i'm new to railjack and got a S#&$ ton back, way more than i ever spent or even ever had.

The severals thousands of fresnels and braciods were nice to have particulary, it was needed for researchs and repairs and i only ever had like 10~30 of those (couldnt even start the x100 life restore research)

il y a 6 minutes, Walkingdud a dit :

Oh no, I shouldn't have sold all those Nav Coordinates.

didnt even know you could sell them. For the price its better to keep them anyway.

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Any fix for the now broken Latrox bounty?


Aside from the original issue of bring painfully slow due to low sample droprates. the bonus objective "rework" completely broke the thing.


Now we have a shield drone which,

  • Cannot restore its own shields
  • Wanders off on its own miles away from its master completely defenseless and providing him no benefit
  • Has obscenely high threat value to the point of provoking every Carnis on Deimos to stand and snipe it from halfway across the map.


This bounty has gone from merely slow/annoying to an eternity of agonizing frustration.

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24 minutes ago, Traubenzuckr said:

i don't know what operation cryotic front is and i have 273.000 cryotic


cryotic isn't exceptionally slow to farm

you mention "disproportionately expensive" but there is no "proportion" to speak of

not all resources are equally cost effective, nor are they intended to be so

cryotic costs weren't lowered  in this patch and it appears DE doesn't want to lower them, after receiving ample feedback that they are fine as they are. almsot certainly they will never be lowered.

Cryotic is exactly as slow to farm as I described.

30 excavations is 30 excavations. I'm not sure how you are interpreting this as not exceptionally slow to farm...


And the railjack resources WERE disproportionately expensive. That's why they released a balance pass on every railjack resource... There absolutely is a formula DE uses to assess the ratio for resources. You think they just arbitrarily picked numbers? The resource costs are pretty consistent in the helminth system. Common resources have a set value as do all other resources at each rarity tier based on data behind the scenes that DE uses to determine the expected ratio of pulling specific resource amounts in X amount of time.


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So, the inbox resources were surprisingly generous.  If anyone needed stuff to craft railjack parts it's likely they no longer have such a huge grind.


Now to the less fun stuff.

  • Fixed issues with missing Granum Void portals when a certain spawn tile is used in the Remastered Corpus Ship. 

  • Fixed the interaction of Limbo’s Cataclysm and Tesla Nervos (via Helminth Subsumed) dealing more than the normal amount of damage. 

Item one had been nearly two months in the waiting.  It broke with the preparatory launch for Deimos.

Item two seems to be a direct response to a video on youtube showing them nuking enemies.  Not terrible...but it shows how badly this can be setup.  Helminth is still a mess.


Finally, the unlisted change.  Hopefully it is a bug.  The bounty "Assist the Corpus researcher" now has the condition that the drone must survive.  A shield drone which doesn't regen shields, doesn't seem to regain HP, and will often simply wander off from the group to go find its people.  Joking aside, this makes even the tier 2 bounty difficult to complete with two defense targets and one literally dying from sneezes in its direction.  Maybe revert that so the condition is to upload the data.  I know that was complained about, but at least it was a fair challenge. 


28 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

Cryotic is exactly as slow to farm as I described.

30 excavations is 30 excavations. I'm not sure how you are interpreting this as not exceptionally slow to farm...


And the railjack resources WERE disproportionately expensive. That's why they released a balance pass on every railjack resource... There absolutely is a formula DE uses to assess the ratio for resources. You think they just arbitrarily picked numbers? The resource costs are pretty consistent in the helminth system. Common resources have a set value as do all other resources at each rarity tier based on data behind the scenes that DE uses to determine the expected ratio of pulling specific resource amounts in X amount of time.


Please don't fight this fight.


You're arguing against someone who believes they are right, and will stick both fingers in their ears to forcibly ignore a counter point.  It took 1 tweet to make universal medallions non-universal, so the two people railing against cost changes in their mind is sufficient to be "fine."


Regarding operation cryotic front...I'm with you.  Excavation stopped being rewarding a long time ago.  Since introduction it took literal years to get the excavators to scale.  Despite this, DE was quick to nerf initial charge and the rewards table.  It's simply something that they don't care enough about to make compelling.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additionally, anyone with Helminth installed and Railjack owned will receive an Inbox of Resources after the Hotfix goes live that includes the reduced costs. A perfect script is not possible, but a generous grab bag is! If you meet the criteria, you will receive the Resources via Inbox after the Hotfix date.

Thank you, much appreciated.

That was actually a generous package. 


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13 minutes ago, Kishmond said:

Has anyone pointed out that your "Batch Reduction as a %" column is inverted? It says 10% when it should say 90%, 33% when it should say 66%, etc.

That isn't wrong.

Example - Bracoid

1000 start 

200 = 1000*.2 new

Reduction is to 0.2 or 20%.  Reduction by is 1-0.2=0.8 or 80%. 

Their column header is "Reduction as a %," and presumably would be better titled "Price reduction from original value as a %."  The Batch actually belongs to the other header.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Xaku’s Grasp of Lohk ability targeting phantom enemies in the Ambulas boss fight. 

Could you guys fix this same glitch with Nova's Null Drop?

I posted a Topic about this bug in the forum's bug section a year ago and it still hasnt been fixed. Null Drops continuously shoot at a Phantom Enemy (Trigger) at the stairs in the Ambulas Arena and against disabled Ambulas too.




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4 hours ago, DX5673 said:

There is the issue where I can't open the chat menu when using a controller on pc when I press the left trigger. Xbox one controller.

Also, there are some things that should work with the controller that just don't, like dodging/dashing with wisp while using her ultimate when you press left bumper. I know there is another warframe with a toggle ability that you dash while it's active, but it doesn't work with the controller, the same as wisp.

Yup. Same issue.

What's really fun, is after each update I have to remap my controller.

Some of us "Older" folks don't have great hand/eye coordination that we used to 20-30 years ago. Would be really great if you Dev Deities remember that "supports controllers" actually entails following through with the true definition of the term. 

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6 minutes ago, CyberGrandma said:

Any word on Avichea bounties getting a fix? I keep having Avicheas spawn in the walls and ceiling, and they're REALLY hard to see--I wouldn't be too chapped if they weren't necessary to rank up with Entrati!

Allegedly that got fixed.... And they spawn more in world... But they still sure ain't "common"...

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