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Ideas on better rewards for Steel Path.


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26 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

The enemies are not high as we enter, the new scaling has gimped them severely. Things still get 1-shot well after the hour mark even. So it is the same as before, gimping yourself to feel the scaling hit you faster, either by picking a less desired frame or simply flat out gimp your loadout. So the goal has very much not been met since we still need to wait. You still also fail to see the issue since you highlight "high level rewards", which isnt the case at all. It is about simple balance.

And wow, personal insults. That is rich. Not only that but you jump to such things after failing to comprehend an example that simply shows the difference versus risks. Maybe I should have said 20 hits versus 10 hits. Na you would have jumped to the "durburghur weak buildstyle!" eitherway since you cant stick to a civil discussion. I think Russel Crowe starred you in a movie quite recently, or was it Mark Ruffalo...

So you are intentionally weakening your build? Is that what you're saying? I just want to make sure I understand you correctly.

And you are also still one-shotting enemies after 1 hour.....so where is the risk, again? Are you making yourself easier to kill, yet still using properly modded weapons? You should clarify, because to me it sounds like you're intentionally "gimping yourself" and using that as an excuse to say Steel Path is "high risk" and therefore should give higher rewards. 

But I'll let you clarify, because as of right now, it seems like you're intentionally making the content seem harder on purpose to justify calling is higher risk.

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37 minutes ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

I think you need to look at his response again.

You said

"You're aware people are getting 300+ in one endurance run, correct?"

Which means No he isn't aware that people are getting 300 steel essence and that the only place he knows people are getting a lot is that place in Uranus where they were afk farming

Then I guess he should have asked "How do steel essence drops work, I'm only getting 1 or 2 per mission."

Then we could have told him: "Steel essence drops from eximus units which typically spawn in more numbers around the 45 to 1 hour mark."

But I guess we're gonna play dumb and assume he magically afk farmed in one spot and couldn't figure out that applied to other endless missions...sure, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt to be nice.

But he also....used the false justification of assuming people were collecting 1 to 2 essence as a reason to allow umbra formas to be bought for 50 to 80 essence each, which is patently ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

Of course you don't see an issue with a rare item flooding the market. It's because you want it and want more of them, even though "It is not meta for all frames." It's up to DE, it doesn't matter if you randomly, for no underlying reason at all....see no issue with it.

You don't think Umbra Vitality and Umbra Intensify would be meta at all, right? Even though Vitality and some form of strength is basically meta for most builds besides speed nova and a couple other exceptions.

From the frames I play the most:

I already have 2 Umbra forma in Valkyr and 1 in Garuda. I probably will invest the next one I get in Garuda. 

I won't use it on Gara. I could see a case for it. 

I won't use it on Mesa. 

It is disadvantages on Mag.

I would probably use it on Ember, but hardly needed. 

Definitely not on Gauss.

No on Nyx.

Hell no on Volt.

I want to get it for Saryn.. but I do not play her that much.

So, no, it is not meta for all frames. If your frame is heavily shield base, you do not want HP to begin with. And just using umbra forma to fit in Umbra intensity, for 14% ability str over intensify, is a huge waste. 

And, it is not a question of what DE wants. I do not know what DE wants. This is why it is a suggestion to begin with.


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55 minutes ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

"Nope not at except for that one place where you can have macros do the job for you will your sleeping"

Did you say this? Yes or no? 

Oh I get it, the word "cheating" throws you off. How about "playing afk", is that better? 

I asked you if you farm instead of doing 2 minute missions....you said "no, except for that one place where you can have macros do the job for you while sleeping".

So....do you not farm unless you can play afk?

I'm gonna be Frank with u the colour are impossible to read after "is that better" because the words are light so are the outer area of the words are white making it impossible to read except when you zoom in max

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1 minute ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

From the frames I play the most:

I already have 2 Umbra forma in Valkyr and 1 in Garuda. I probably will invest the next one I get in Garuda. 

I won't use it on Gara. I could see a case for it. 

I won't use it on Mesa. 

It is disadvantages on Mag.

I would probably use it on Ember, but hardly needed. 

Definitely not on Gauss.

No on Nyx.

Hell no on Volt.

I want to get it for Saryn.. but I do not play her that much.

So, no, it is not meta for all frames. If your frame is heavily shield base, you do not want HP to begin with. And just using umbra forma to fit in Umbra intensity, for 14% ability str over intensify, is a huge waste. 

And, it is not a question of what DE wants. I do not know what DE wants. This is why it is a suggestion to begin with.


You are one player......you, individually....are not a meta.....

The game isn't basing umbra forma on what TheGarada is using.....no one is analyzing you specifically and saying "Hey guys, TheGarada isn't even gonna use umbras that much, we should just give everyone in the game access to more umbras because TheGarada isn't really gonna use them."


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)amazing021throne said:

I'm gonna be Frank with u the colour are impossible to read after "is that better" because the words are light so are the outer area of the words are white making it impossible to read except when you zoom in max

Sorry about that. 

I asked you if you farm, instead of doing 2 minute missions. You said "no, except for that place where you have macros do the job for you while sleeping." 

So I was asking if you are only capable of farming while afk.


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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

Sorry about that. 

I asked you if you farm, instead of doing 2 minute missions. You said "no, except for that place where you have macros do the job for you while sleeping." 

So I was asking if you are only capable of farming while afk.


Ahh I see the confusion the answer is yes I run 2 min missions kinda like I still 20 minutes to assassination since my wepons are not God-tier because I use wepons that are fun to me and no I dont cheat with macros in fact I don't know how to get or use macros oh also I'm on ps4 just like u and since sony does not allow hacks so I cant cheat

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Hi, I had thought of a 2nd special sortie (level 200/300 or more) with more difficult conditions.
reserved for players who have finished the planets nodes in steel path mode.
with more interesting rewards style: rank A: 1 riven, rank B: 10k kuva, 
rank C: orokin. reactor/catalyst with a higher chance of drop 
of steel essence.

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6 hours ago, Caliboom said:

I was thinking, since there's no point in doing Steel Path upon completion, I had some ideas for better rewards for endless missions. the rewards are the following:

- Refined relics instead of normal relics

- Higher amounts of endo than obtained in normal missions

- Steel Path exclusive mods instead of normal mods (maybe amalgam mods?)

- Steel Essence for Rotation C

- 1.5x the Kuva in Kuva Survival, 2x the Kuva in Kuva Disruption

- Much higher amount of credits, I'm thinking 20k credit caches instead of 1500, 50k instead of 2500.

What do you think? I think it would give people a reason to play Steel Path instead of it being an abandoned gamemode.

Agreed. I second this ^^

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We'll see how trivial Sponge Path is in general when the Revised#4 addresses 'abusive strategies'.

Personally, I consider the steel essence economy a complete irrecoverable trainwreck and wouldn't be surprised if all these recent complaints about "random" bans until 2035 are actually just DE tagging people who abused the Sealab Hole on Ophelia significantly.

DE needed to put on the brakes the moment it emerged apparent that players were essentially being forced to spend hours in a mission again, and that those who did gain essences at a rate some orders of magnitude greater than those who did not even without the Sealab exploit. (And Sealab exploiters another order above that.)


I ended up in an Ophelia exploit farm before I even knew it was a thing that existed. Couldn't fathom why people would want to run endurance against armoured units in Sponge Path at all.

Still I'm glad that combined with my glacial earnings beforehand, that one run got me a fast track to grabbing all the unique rewards so I could leave the tedious mode alone without having to burn a hundred hours grinding essences. Now I use SP mode for the bonus standing when I scan up Simaris targets and that's all I care to recognise it for.

At least Arbitrations let you muck around with super-strength Warframes so you can taste what it's like to have all your stats at the theoretical upper echelons of normal modding. >300% power plus all the range and duration you like? Sign me up, it's a giggle. Sponge path, on the other hand? Use 0.2% of the game's arsenal unless you want to be killing a unit a minute and also limit yourself to whatever bypasses armour or shields as much as possible. Sign me out.


tl;dr: Sponge Path is a chore, let it rot.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

You are one player......you, individually....are not a meta.....

The game isn't basing umbra forma on what TheGarada is using.....no one is analyzing you specifically and saying "Hey guys, TheGarada isn't even gonna use umbras that much, we should just give everyone in the game access to more umbras because TheGarada isn't really gonna use them."


I would say this this is dumb, but this would give it so much credit. Cuz I obviously was giving you ideal setups. But fee free to but umbra forma in frames that dont need HP or armor, cuz you have no idea what the #*!% you are doing.

In any case, they dropped the super rare umbra forma in an alert today. Expect it more in the future. I give it a year tops and these will start dropping like candy on Halloween.

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Hmm, I'd be happy already, if DE finally puts in the female operator armor set in Teshin's shop as well, so I'm not limited to my plain and less attractive male armor set anymore. There was some communication going on about that in May, unfortunately, it became silent since then...

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i just want innate Radiant drops for relics, and a flat double drops that stacks with boosters. we have increased chance, but i would rather have increased rates.

as for making steel path farms meta...

HELL YES. i want there to be a reason for people to do more difficult content.

Right now it is do normal missions for more drops faster and easier.. that is completely backwards,

normal missions should be faster, but Steel Path should give more.

Warframe will never grow if players do not learn to grow in their game and rise to the challenge.


quite frankly, steel path is not hard, enemies are harder but not simply dying in one hit doesn't make them bullet sponges.

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I did a post talking about the same thing

One thing I would like to see is for the the ability to choose the enemy level you want to play at like the simulacrum. You start from the original level from the planet then increase the level from there. This feature is available if you are playing solo or if you are playing on invite only however it won`t work on public mode.


As for rewards

·       Weapon skins

·       Orbiter stencil visually inspired from planets

·       More ornaments (better looking ones)

·       More Operator cosmetics visually inspired from planets.

·       Armour pieces and syandanas visually inspired from planets that has a glow when preforming a certain action (similar to syndicates). Getting multiple of these will intensify the glow effect.

·       Universal medallions (including conclave)


Game mode rewards

·       Syndicate missions drops a 9th medallion that’s worth 20,000 and complicating it gives you extra standing.

·       Fissures will drop double void traces.

·       Kuva siphons/litches drop double kuva.

·       Invasion missions have a 50% chance to offer another rare mod.

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I disagree with wanting MORE rewards.

Only thing i can support is more cosmetics.

adding kuva to the shop was a mistake in my opinion.


It was supposed to be a game mode to have a "only if you have something to prove" mindset to it, not a "this mode gives these rewards hence i farm it"

I really dont want players later whining about it being too hard cause they cant get the rewards quickly as compared to the rest of the game.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

I would say this this is dumb, but this would give it so much credit. Cuz I obviously was giving you ideal setups. But fee free to but umbra forma in frames that dont need HP or armor, cuz you have no idea what the #*!% you are doing.

In any case, they dropped the super rare umbra forma in an alert today. Expect it more in the future. I give it a year tops and these will start dropping like candy on Halloween.

You're missing 30+ other frames, and it is up to the user, even if you think the umbra is a waste. 

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SP need rebalancing. Probably Steel Essence dropping from EVERY enemy with much lesser chance would be much more fair. And this chance actually can be very different (0,01 on survival and 0,5 on capture, but with limit for non-endless missions , for example max 4 per run). Also why people so rigged? Umbra forma can be ONETIMEOFFER for reasonable price, just why not? I personally not need it that much , but I don’t mind anything, umbra is fun, gave has to offer more fun.

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20 hours ago, (XB1)YoungGunn82 said:

In time, Umbras will flood the game anyway. What difference does it make now versus later? They exist. 

The difference is the people that make the game will allow it when they see fit lol. Why don't we have Primed Blunderbuss or really anything that would be amazing? Why don't we have more range mods? 

It'll happen if or when it happens. 

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