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What you'd love to see in Warframe by December 2021


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The Warframe year has closed as there are no new updates

We have a hint at what to expact in January, but what would you be happy to have during 2021?

Maybe it will be cool for DE to have a hint at what their player base would love to get their hands on

So, make a list (explain it if you like) of what you will like to see, and remember that it's opinions and dreams, so there's no reason to fight on other people opinions


What I would like to see

  • First and foremost, the STORY MODE.

The more the game gets updates, the more it needs all those pieces of stories/lore told through the old events (pre 2015)

That would help a lot the new players, with both a retention factor derived from following a story, and most of all to guide them someway through the game content


As it stands right now the system is quite boring with the 3 missions that have to be completed. What I suggest is quite simple: make a longer mission in the style of Kuva Assault one

  • Some love for the 6 SYNDICATES

Rework the sigil system, offer cosmetics for operators and frames, new weapons (not variants of existing ones) and maybe chaange the assassins squad


There are loads of new melee classes to be explore, and some could be made their own handles, you know, axes being axes and not great swords or dual swords, scythes being scythes and not swords, as well as stuff like spears, spear and swords, maces...


I'd love it, with the chance to customize it with different weapons


Especially abilities and animations...with animations being my main gripe, as they don't move like void demons


Having again wall run instead of wall hopping would be cool. It would also be cool to slide below ropes, like enemies are doing (think Mars defense)

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27 minutes ago, (PSN)OmegaSlayer said:

Having again wall run instead of wall hopping would be cool

We used to have that, years ago.

Then DE reworked the parkour system and decided that hopping is the hot new thing.

28 minutes ago, (PSN)OmegaSlayer said:

Especially abilities and animations...with animations being my main gripe, as they don't move like void demons

Well, we know that Operators will finally grow up in Duviri Paradox. At least that's what the trailer suggests. I reckon DE will at the very least give us some new toys.

Also, how exactlly is a void demon supposed to move? Fly? Pass through the ground?



Anyway, what I'd like to see would be;

- A Minigun style Archgun. No, Imperator, Mausolon and Phaedra aren't miniguns.

- A Beltfed machinegun primary with high firerate, high ammo capacity and good crit

- The ability to remove the sheath from Nikana-style weapons.

- Special effects like bullet casings being ejected from guns

- more mechs and proper mech melee

- capital ship battles for railjack

- a warzone gamemode where you need to fight an entire army and gain ground, possibly with more than 4 people.

- railjack and open world combination

- less new ressoures

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By December? Hm...


TNW progress. I understand why TNW is and may continue to be delayed at least for the first couple months of 2021. I understand that an already creatively-challenging idea is not going to be improved under creatively-challenging conditions. However, with a Vaccine on the way, and the presence of some minor TNW content in Orphix Venom, I'm hoping to see the engines revved. Hoping to see a resolution to the current Lotus situation, even if she winds up placed in a new one (actually, my preferred outcome would be 'establishes new role, instead of just going back to the Tenno as she was).


Railjack content beyond Corpus Liches and Corpus Railjack - Semi-confirmed, I know, since they mentioned that Command, Corpus Liches and Corpus Railjack may not all be the same update (implying multiple updates for it) but, still, I enjoy Railjack a great deal and would enjoy seeing it worked on with more mission types. Particularly hoping that the Scarlet Spear 'space taxi' situation doesn't become a trend.


Operator Rework. I'm not going to rely on Duviri being 2021 content since, being honest, it's almost certainly tied narratively to late-TNW stuff, if not itself heavily delayed for similar reasons, but I'm hoping in particular for new powers and, as OP said, better animations and effects.  I'd also love to see them get their own take on Parkour too - perhaps something similar to Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance's flowmotion system? Suits the whole 'Hand and the will' if Operator parkor were less physical strength, and more about their void power.

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1. Operators and warframes working together same time.... let operators wield weapons if they so choose as well... in addition this could expand on umbra storyline by allowing frames to be installed with an umbra core if they have umbra formas and completed the corosponding quest.


2. merging of more content islands.... thankfully they are doin that with lich and railjack fiiiinaly! which by default kinda includes archwing, and the timing of the necramech on regular mission maps test event makes me think they might be merging that in as well (fingers crossed)


3. add grenade functionality, ripcord and dashline to paragon functionality. replace corresponding abilities on given frames with more relevant skills.


4. an inaros skill rework for the love of all that is tenno!!! i should not have to install an augment mod and additionally infuse another ability to inaros on top of that just to support his ult and make the ult worthwhile... that is ridiculous. on top of that his only skill that seems to be widely accepted as useful without any extra crutches is pocket sand and even that many disagree on. Most of his skills take too much time to use in a fast paced game with too little reward and too much cost.

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Id like to see a few things. Its been a disappointing year content wise so some content that changes up the game enough that gives a meaningful progression loop would be nice to keep me coming back for more than a few hours each update. But heres a few on my list

1. A complete story rework with consistency in mind. As it stands it feels like we've had a bunch of different writers just throwing lore into quests etc with no logical story direction or plot. Many snippets of lore are disconnected entirely or now go against other bits of lore tossed our way. Needs an entire rework honestly and re-order to make sense. 

2. A boss to finally replace the sergent. It feels like its been 5 or so years since his replacement was promised. 

3. Railjack command intrinsics and ai crew members. I know maxxed out with my ship that i can solo things, but id really like the  ability to solo without specialised builds and weapons on my ship so i can play some of the more fun choices.

4. Loki decoy rework. Its barely able to survive single hits higher level and doesnt really draw much agro at all after its change from a duration based ability all those years back nerfed it. 

5. Simplification of materials and grind areas. Simply put theres way too many materials needed in the game for things. Its really getting hard to go and find where all the things come from and how hard they are to get. It really feels like we need a major cutback on how many there are actually in game to streamline crafting a little more. Even if it means more time gated resources like argon so it has to be farmed post patches if people are worried about getting things too easy

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A Ghastly Gibus for Limbo and a pimp suit for my operator.

Stalker mode, but Stalker is a floof with permanent invincibility.

Lego Warframe the game.

Reversed universal vacuum.

Infested themed Dojo skin with Eidolon lightshows, not one or the other, both.

A Vor speech randomizer that mixes up the order of the words every time you kill Vor with the basic variant Seer.

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DEcouple from tencent would be my hope. maybe the quality will improve when they're not owned by a chinese company.

new war, add more quests and events, LORE (trainman really shouldn't be putting out better quality lore than you DE, cmon)

more work on mandatory weapon mods (maybe just add intrinsics to modding, where you spend endo to increase serration on your account. take out some slots and lower mod potency to account for power creep, and there you go, you get to have a milestone of improvement but not force players to have at least 2 v slots before a weapon can shine)

railjack improvements, give us a reason to use the things, squad link, let us choose ground missions in the ship for streamlined play

actual nemesis system, if you're gonna steal from other games, improve on it instead of removing all the fun and packing it with grind. put liches in clan and let us work towards a main baddy. smaller liches can give weapons too, but with lower bonus elemental or none, but make the main guy give guaranteed 60%. give us some actual reason to play with clanmates, instead of just having it be a place to dump excess resources, research weapons and trade.

more warframe reworks/tweaks. self-explanatory, too many bad frames or frames that invalidate content, with not much for middle ground. frames are always either OP or gimped on release

make necramechs useful. if you're gonna add them to ground missions, give us a way to get up high, get rid of stamina or at least keep it to hovering, otherwise they're just AWs without mobility. which is to say nothing.

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55 minutes ago, (PSN)OmegaSlayer said:

Think of Vergil in Devil May Cry. Period.

Somewhere between Vergil, Sora from Kingdom Hearts and a Guardian from Destiny, and perhaps a bit of 2B from Nier Automata would be my preference. All of them have traits of how I'd like them to move - a being only somewhat tethered to the laws of physics, and less or more based on their current needs. Bonus points if they start as having movements similar to now, and as you progress along, more 'ethereal' traits they develop. Like, their dodge roll starts as the rather doofy slide, but they develop something akin to Vergil's Trick Dodge or Riku's Dark Roll, flitting between existence and unreality as it suits them.

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Please just more gameplay options that let us take finished warframes and weapons in and have a reason to use them. I'd like to do relics and other common grinds without being bored..


I'd also like them to go back and just do stuff like bump MOA health so they're usable, fix useless Warframe skills and polish bits of the game one patch at a time. They don't always need to rework something entirely each time it gets attention, it can just be stuff like "X isn't paper anymore" or "Y scales now" and make things nicer one step at a time.

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I'd love to see the bugs fixed and the game better optimized so that I can focus on doing what brought me to the game to begin with: being a space ninja using ridiculous weapons to shred enemies. The insane grind and poorly-designed bullet sponge bosses do nothing for me. I wish they'd focus on polish and leave the "you must live in our game" treadmill to mobile games. 10 new currencies/mats for every new area does not endear me to the title and it never will.

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1. Doing something regarding Riven mods RNG. Roll milestones as a bad luck protection. Come on, getting the bad stat after 100 rolls is not "engaging"

2. Void Fissure, Steel Path, and Arbitration in Railjack 

3. Void Fissure and Arbitration open world bounties.

4. Removal of Faction Nemesis special missions. Faction Nemesis will now spawn on any mission mode like Steel Path, Void Fissure, Nightmare, Arbitration, etc on that controlled node. This is to help matchmaking.

5. Faction Nemesis can spawn outside of their controlled nodes. They are nemesis, they should actively hunt you down. To appease "But Muh Hydron runs!" crowd the targeted player must all have rank 30 or above equipment equipped in loadout slot to allow the nemesis to spawn. So they are ready for anything.

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So many good suggestions already! I will just grab a few from the pool:

  • Lore Rework, because much of the quest-based lore and codex-entry lore contradicts story-based lore released in the past 3 years.
  • More stories/quests, because War Within, Chains of Harrow, The Sacrifice are my favourite.
  • Less resources because, unless some magical rogue planet gets caught in the sun's gravitational well, no products outside of our solar system should suddenly come into existence.

And a suggestion of my own:

  • Dialogue Rework for the Lotus.

Many of the expressions in her transmission "hint" dialogue feature outdated syntax, incorrect lore, and evidence of different writers for various lines. Example: "Get out of there" "Find extraction" "Time to go" compared with "Exfiltrate". Yes Lotus says exfiltrate which is uncharacteristic of her speech patterns, but completely natural when the Female Lich says it.


Lore is the most important someone sucks GIF


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On 2020-12-23 at 9:23 PM, Loza03 said:

Somewhere between Vergil, Sora from Kingdom Hearts and a Guardian from Destiny, and perhaps a bit of 2B from Nier Automata would be my preference. All of them have traits of how I'd like them to move - a being only somewhat tethered to the laws of physics, and less or more based on their current needs. Bonus points if they start as having movements similar to now, and as you progress along, more 'ethereal' traits they develop. Like, their dodge roll starts as the rather doofy slide, but they develop something akin to Vergil's Trick Dodge or Riku's Dark Roll, flitting between existence and unreality as it suits them.

Yeah, evolving the character would e the best thing to do

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More leverage for single target-focused weapons.  I mean, we've got hundreds of them, but even the most powerful ones have got the tiniest of niches.   (And if you're a fan of any that are more oriented toward status than crit, gawd help you. 😛 )

That, or DE just needs to give most weapons without inherent AoE access to powerful AoE mods.    Like Thunderbolt, but decent.  Or 2019 Gas.  Along those lines.

Speaking of which, better and more equitable status mechanics next year, PLEEEEAASE. 

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Improve core gameplay.
More planetary areas.
Balancing all frames. 
Stop fist jamming mechs, archwing, conservation, mining and fishing into #*!%ing everything. They should be optional. 
Stop disabling frames, frames skills, frames weapons, operator or anything else. I collect and build stuff to use them... 
Rework damage and armour scaling. What we currently have is not sustainable. 
If the content has invulnerability phases, it requires redesign. Do not include vulnerability phases on any new content.

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Trade system overhaul. Implementation of a trade system that doesn't rely on me hoping to find that one thing in Trade Chat, typing (on a Switch controller no less) using the onscreen keyboard, and hoping I get it in time. Introduction of an auction house would be ideal, but even just giving me the ability to trade with someone without needing to be in the same place as them would be stellar. Just a "click name, click trade" sort of thing would be a blessing.

Easier dojo building.

Slightly less cynical money-making sources for DE. The whole early 2010 mobile game timer schtick has worn thin, and I can't stand that I have to wait three days for a frame unless I'm willing to pony up 50p, and that a SINGLE ROOM in a dojo takes 24h to build.

While I would love to see dedicated servers, let's be real, it's not happening. The game's code is... old. What would be nice, though, is making host migration less of a nightmare that takes you out of the game.

Improved party system. Let me create a lobby where I can hang out with squadmates, and have that party stay intact when people leave. Allow users to specify what content they want to do (radshare, arbi, casual, etc), and even allow for a "LFG/LFM" system, like Monster Hunter but not terrible. I really like going to low level nodes to help newbies out, but it's really hard to do that when it's almost impossible to see who's there and LFG chat is just dead.

More Sentients. I'm glad we finally have a faction to worry about.

On the dev side, less knee-jerk reactions. In short, don't make an event based around defending an objective and then get upset when players are too easily defending that objective because of things that are in game. Don't demolish stats on a weapon just because it's the most popular by a country mile. Kuva Bramma was OP on launch, but you didn't need to neuter it. I'd also like to see more direct ways to give feedback, in game. Like, let me rate items, and let players see breakdowns on those items for how much players like them. And please, give new players better training wheels. This game is really hard to get into for a lot of people because of how up front the game is about its systems. It's a bit overwhelming to someone who hasn't spent 2000 hours on it since 2013.

On the player side, maybe it's just cabin fever, but can we please just chill out? This has been the most vitriolic year on every single front, and this game is no exception. It's just a game. You're not making money off of it unless you're DE or a partner, so stop acting like you own it. Be less cynical, be more understanding, and stop screaming at the devs when things are taking a while. We're probably not going to leave lockdown until the middle of the year, honestly, and I'll be surprised if everyone even returns to the office. Have a little compassion, and just enjoy the game. And if you can't do that, well, maybe stop playing.

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