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Call of the Tempestarii: Hotfix 30.0.4


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1 hour ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

You've been watching too much Brozime.

Why must efficiency always be a determining factor? How about just having FUN!

People like you are the problem with the game. You don't know what you fricking want!

Some people having fun using frames and other stuffs not grinding for them.

1 hour ago, Pandemoniczna said:

Please fix Zephyr falling down when throwing glaive 😭

Any attacks, not only throw, even rolls, jumps and bullet jumps causes it.


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Thanks for the continuous fixes. There was a "optimized game for low end systems" released during the Star Days patch. I had a really smooth running game with no stuttering in any mission, dojo or orbiter after that patch. When octavia prime released all the stuttering came back. I would appreciate if you could implement that patch again since the performance seems to keep getting worse with every update. I am now stuttering on maps that I have never had stuttering on before. This is for dx11. I have tried various fixes, from verifying and optimizing to dism and sfc scan in powershell, and nothing worked except that patch.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:



  • Void Sinks will no longer damage Railjack Crew or Companions (or Defense objectives, etc). 

I honestly think this should be part of a bigger discussion.
Hazards have been companion killers for a while because the AI does not react to them (see or after being hurt), so this is a good change that should over time be applied to other hazards.

That also means Electricity procs. Ever since they were changed certain enemies became stronger (even the shield drones which are meant to be weak) because of the DoT damage, but while players can usually survive and deal with it just fine (for the most part, high level is a pain due to how electricity enemies tend to be aim bots once you get in range), what I've noticed that often the DoT on the player tends to kill the Sentinels even at lower levels, or turns companions into temporary hazards.

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People saying that they always get enough reactant must not have played all the mission types. I've had multiple skirmish runs where the most reactant the group gets was 3. Personally, I wasnt bothered since I just wanted the sevi part, but for the game type to survive in anyway, it definitley needs some looking at if it's going to remain as a method for relic cracking. 

Also, I can't remember which type of mission it was but the last objectice was "kill syr? Lieutenant or Captain" and there was no objective marker telling the squad where he was. (Grineer tileset) There wasnt enough reactant on that mission either and no one could find the objective so we all had to abort.

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Void storms are quite fast and fun with a good team & voice comms, and that is quite ok in a co-op game. The problem then is sitting with +1million Endo, +5k relics and maxed-out Railjack parts & intrinsic. Or in other words: if you can't do it for "fun only" it isn't fun. Funny, huh! Though Grineer missions are still a lot more fun than the Corpus equivalent, since there is no forced "now everyone get together for a kumbaya mission"-part.

That they take longer and occasionally suck big time with a PUG/RNG team is not a "problem", it is an inevitable result of adding content that actually favors co-op. Maybe some players have forgotten that "co-op" doesn't really stand for "4 players randomly mixed into a group", but for "co-operation". So, going with a "random mix" the expectation should be "randomly mixed results". Demanding that DE lowers the level of all missions down do "idiot kindergarden"-level says more about those demanding it than about the state of the game.

The real problem with the Void Storms is that they take a LOT longer when soloing. Depending on which warframe you choose some parts might actually be a bit demanding, but even the highest missions are quite solo-doable, down to every poi-mission bonus. Much thanks to the new crew mechanic. To be honest this isn't a "solo only"-thing, the speed of some mission are dependent on the number of players in the team (if they actually cooperate). But since playing solo (and duo) is a legit way of tackling all content in Warframe, it really is a problem that it takes +5 minutes longer doing a mission for every missing player, simply because there is less possibility for multi-tasking. 

So, to sum it up

  • Going the "idiot kindergarden"-way and making void storm missions easier and faster for everyone is not a solution. If effectiveness is the goal, the solution should be really functional co-op play (not making everything "idiot easy").
  • Adding more meaningful rewards for "have-it-all"-players might help with longevity, otherwise a lot of players will stop "after Sevagoth".
  • The relevant question is if "smaller teams" (incl. solo) should get "more" reward per player since the mission takes comparatively longer. This is a (deeply) philosophical question, touching "universal fairness" on one side and "being punished for having no friends to play with" on the other.

I think the suggestion popping up all over the forum that players would be allowed to crack multiple relics could be a potential solution, though it is hard to see how to juggle in more fairness without everything turning into a min-max crazy relic-cracking frenzy. But one solution, at least "temporary", could be to add one extra guaranteed random bonus relic from the whole "available" pool (Lith to Axi) regardless of mission level, but at the same time refined (Intact, Exceptional, Flawless or Radiant) according to the mission level. The team would get it immediately when achieving the mission goal and it would be auto-cracked at "end-of-mission". This would give solo players the choice of two drops (100% increase), duo teams three choices (50% increase), triple teams four choices (33% increase) and full teams five choices (25% increase). And doing higher level missions would guarantee a more refined relic, in turn increasing the chances for silver & gold drops.

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Thanks for the fix, please also consider looking into the following:

  • Please remove the extra explosions and the extra effect around the screen in voidstorms. They greatly enhance the risk of an epilepsy seizure and hard to look at. With them you endanger your players! I can not play that mode if my health is at risk.
  • There is a bug where the client can hop out of nechramech in front of a 2 side opener door and end up on the other side of the door, making it impossible to open.
  • Please bring back flux energy and make the engineer crew member able to craft them. Alternatively you could bring back flux energy as a primary drain resource and if there is not enough it could automatically drain from the warframe energy pool. This way everybody would be happy. Now I can not use the abilities of my ship, because I refuse to use an inferior warframe build. This drastically reduce the number of frames I can bring to railjack.
  • Also: Flow and Primed Flow are warframe mods that have a heavy impact on railjack ability usability. This is not consistent. Why are the efficiency and other energy related mods get ignored? If I have 50% energy reduction on my frame so should the cost of the ship ability be reduced with 50%.
  • The old stuck in the railjack tunnel/loading screen is back, it happened multiple times since the update, please fix.
  • The nautilus (and possibly the weapon too) is still impossible to obtain. It either got removed from the droptable, or the supposedly fixed bug that caused the optional objective bonuses not to be random if completed in succession without visiting drydock is back. We supposed to have a 24% chance at receiving a part and yet in the last 10 mission I did I received none (this has the probability of 6%) and to make matters worse the drops were identical if we did not visit the dojo between missions.
  • Sphorotrix stock gets almost never offered as a bounty reward on Deimos, I would appreciate if it would appear more often.
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2 hours ago, ---Swaggi--- said:

Plz remove these Void Splash Explosions or whatever (probably these called Void Sinks) in Void Storms Missions.

They serve totally no purpose and cause headaches to many players.


Also: Bring back the Host option like we had before :)

I dont want to play with people where i have 300+ ping.


Concering Void Storms mode i have my worries. Once the people have their stuff like the weapon and sevagoth parts, this mode will be dead pretty soon.

Sure for people who wants to farm the armaments it can be a decent addition but as an fissure variant for RJ its just a mess. It took waaaaay to long to finish a mission and the rewards are waaaaay to low for this insane time investment. Even the long "normal" Fissures like Defense, Survival or Interception are faster than the RJ variant... You need to think about a rebalance of Time/Reward ratio otherwise this mode will experience an unpleasant ending...

Thx :)


You can choose to lower your max ping from host in the gameplay options towards the bottom. 

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9 minutes ago, zaturalma2 said:

The nautilus (and possibly the weapon too) is still impossible to obtain. It either got removed from the droptable, or the supposedly fixed bug that caused the optional objective bonuses not to be random if completed in succession without visiting drydock is back. We supposed to have a 24% chance at receiving a part and yet in the last 10 mission I did I received none (this has the probability of 6%) and to make matters worse the drops were identical if we did not visit the dojo between missions.

I got the Nautilus Blueprint yesterday, maybe the day before, so that at least is obtainable.

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 1. since you nerf khora sometimes you can´t even hit enemies in front of you with wipclaw and causes random staggers.After inspection nothing has been fixed  in fact now is worst sometimes you can´t cast Ensnare on enemies in front  of you, and casting Strangledome makes enemies stop moving out side range of the ability.

2. give us the option to remove auto exposure and vignette effects they suck 

3.give us the option to keep the crystal armor on the gara kaleida skin or even better make the armor stand alone, and add the wings to the syandana

4.give us the option to keep xaku body on, the skeleton and the running animation look too dumb

5.you haven´t fix any of this textures  https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1226120-ugly-dirty-and-weathered-textures/page/3/#comments ,changing stuff after purchase is a scam!!




 here are some photos of nyx before (small pic) and after, can´t be more clear that the textures were changed to look worst





6.wisp "walking" sound not working

7. gauss feet are bug

8.nikana zaw holster style is bug

9.now that you kill steel essence farm, can you rollback the survival AI enemies just stand doing nothing 

10. broken acolyte spawn on kuva survival steel path

11.the trash light and reflections make the game look like plastic

 this is from jupiter








12. metallic materials look like trash if you use darker color, whats the point of selling color palettes if changing color mess the materials







 and a lot of metallic textures have the same problem













lets compress the textures into oblivion what could possibly go wrong?

13. lavos 2 resets sprint toggle

14. sometimes when hovering Zephyr can´t cast her abilities 

15. casting tornadoes with Zephyr makes enemies in the entire level stop moving

16.zephyr harrier jacket textures are not the same as in the promotional art,



and here are some caps from devstream and zephyr rework 

devstream                                                                               zephyr rework                                                                           final



 17.nova atomic now has the same crappy material that xaku has, come on DE make up damn mind, those white stripes look like crap

before                                                                                                                                           after



before                                                                                                                                       after



honestly I don´t know why did I buy this anymore


18.DE mirage oneiro get all mess up when you change colors. why the white color has to paint over the black, now I can´t pick the color that I want because of the dirty textures. 




also you cant see on the screenshot but the metallic texture is the same material that has white spots all over

the thighs are bugged the upper inner part has a weird shape

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  • Void Sinks will no longer damage Railjack Crew or Companions (or Defense objectives, etc). 

That is not what is giving us headaches. The visual effects are.

I find it ironic, that you seem so preoccupied with avoiding hurting people's feelings, while your product is causing actual physical pain. Voidstorms. Eidolons. Scarlet Spear. Orphix. Weapon effects. Vome/Fass transition. I have to take breaks every half hour, or avoid the content all together.

I see more and more people commenting on this, and... you... just... keep... doing... it.

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Arbitration revive tokens were busted in 30.0.3, I don't know if that counts as "script errors", but if not then I think it needs fixing, fast. Tokens' stat penalties and even tokens get stuck on sevagoth or on the shadow when we pick up the 5 with both of them combining them.

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3 hours ago, Kamachi said:


Void Storms as they currently stand are simply not worth the player time investment outside of getting Sevagoth parts, please review.

I do not agree with this statement. We get radiant relics on a decent time span, and you can also farm Valkyr/Nyx relics as well if you take 1 min of your time. Missions are not boring and you also get intrinsics / affinity.

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Thanks for the hotfix.


Please for the love of potatoes revert the change that stops us from hosting our own railjack mission when departing from the railjack/dojo. Force-joining squads does not work in this game mode when players want to use their own railjack.

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3 hours ago, Kamachi said:


Void Storms as they currently stand are simply not worth the player time investment outside of getting Sevagoth parts, please review.

Rebecca said in yesterday's stream that this is something they are looking at and that perhaps the drop tables of those missions might be adjusted once the rush for the Sevagoth parts has slowed down. Or something like that. :)

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Can you guys take a look on the Orphix missions reward table? Going through the farm of the mechs and its mods to only  have a chance to get arcanes on the C rotation is simple not worthy in my eyes.

Having the arcanes spread around the rotations would definetly be more rewarding. 

Also also, 1% drop rates? Cmon DE..

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3 hours ago, NinjaOficial said:

You mean, while waiting for the corrupted enemies to spawn making it a normal Railjack mission but you have to wait for enemies to spawn?

I am on board with void relics just being a "bonus" on a RJ mission.  However, to your point I agree the corrupted enemy spawn should be high enough to not drag out the mission much (just a little extra work for the extra drop).  Sometimes the spawn rate isn't high enough in the current fissure missions either (especially if the squad is a bit overzealous).

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