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The Upcoming Corrections with Regal Aya: Next Steps


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2 часа назад, Navarc сказал:

only problem i had with varzia is how she talks to 10~ year olds


We are hundreds years old but ye, bc of Void and cryo de-aging our looks need improvement since they prove to be misleading. (We are still way older than 10 by looks alone)

Duviri should solve that one day, I hope.



Either way, happy to see the changes and thanks to everyone who offered constructive feedback and especially thanks to DE for adjusting pricing!

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                      Thanks for hearing us out DE!                                               Happy Joy GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

The way I saw it, you had a couple of ways to fix this. While this was probably the easier of the two best answers (The other being dropping the price of Regals which I can imagine would be more difficult due to multiple store fronts), I still appreciate that it got a change that it so desperately needed. Despite the fact regardless of what you do, people will complain, this was, at least in my opinion, a pretty good step in the right direction. To everyone else who voiced their opinions, thanks for keeping it real and making your voices heard.

Now if only we could buy those Prime Warframe Glyphs from the packs for say one Regal each or something... Not like it would be THAT big of a deal now, would it? 😉


Edited by UpAllLight
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Lots of people in this thread who think that DE is on their side and that they just did them a favour out of piety or whatever; I would like to remind everyone that if they truly cared about you they wouldn't have tried to pull a fast one in the first place. You people need to keep your eyes peeled more in life.

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Overjoyed to hear this update DE. I'll be frank, when I saw the price of the Regal Aya packages and that they had no platinum, I was more than a little uneasy over the whole notion. I'm sure someone there can verify that I've nearly always been a Day 1 adopter of brand new Prime packages, and almost always buying the "big ticket" version. The reason is I of course want the new Prime, as well the weapons and accessories. But not a small consideration is the infusion of platinum into my virtual wallet that comes with the purchase. Without exaggeration or hyperbole, I have supported DE for 8 years to the tune of multiple thousands of dollars in purchases. It's the one game where I am probably considered a "whale" by the marketing folk, but such is my mania for the game that I don't mind showing my appreciation in a very tangible manner.

So you'll understand why I was..."disappointed"...to see that plat was not included initially with Regal Aya. While I might not have been able to put my finger squarely on just why or articulate the reasons, there was something that didn't quite feel "right" about it. This latest decision to add plat to the RA bundles affirms my confidence in DE as a consumer-oriented company. One that I can be comfortable continuing to support for the foreseeable future.

Bravo to you all, and thank you! 💗

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The fact people are thanking them for this and then forking over $80 is pretty sad.  It shouldn't have been a thing to begin with and you people are thanking them for goading you into spending more cash for an "event."


Honestly wouldn't be shocked if they botched the beginning just to rake in the cash when they "fix" the problem they made, and I won't be shocked when they do it again for the next event.

Edited by (NSW)Nintendork3D
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5 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

We stand by our initial reasoning that Regal Aya was a good value

LMAO!!! No... Not really... See below...


5 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

"But these aren't Platinum packs", we'd think.

Neither are access packs, but you still tack a ridiculous amount of plat to them to shoot up the price of the packs, which in turn is a good deal with the plat, but horrendous for people who would rather spend $20-$30 just for the frame and weapons, and ect. There is no alternative either. You still actively slammed 1k plus plat to these non-Platinum packs, which goes completely against your logic, and thought process above. It's boarderline predatory like Regal Aya is...

Edited by (NSW)Master2873
Phone goofed some punctuation.
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25 minutes ago, Tombsite said:

If you think that what I wrote was contradictory (that is before you edited the sentence into something that was) then that goes both ways :) 

Please! I'm already fully convinced! There's no need to keep hammering it home.

Edited by SordidDreams
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3 minutes ago, (NSW)Nintendork3D said:

The fact people are thanking them for this and then forking over $80 is pretty sad.  It shouldn't have been a thing to begin with and you people are thanking them for goading you into spending more cash for an "event."

Its a sight to see. One second aya is a complete overpriced rip off, add some plat- and now spending $80 is great! 

Im all for it though. DE deserves it. 

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3 minutes ago, (NSW)Nintendork3D said:

Honestly wouldn't be shocked if they botched the beginning just to rake in the cash when they "fix" the problem they made, and I won't be shocked when they do it again for the next event.

Yes. And the brilliant part of that plan is that by doing something so absolutely idiotic and unlikely to work would be considered sooo unlikely by rational people that DE (sorry their Tencent overlords) would never be caught. 

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A huge thank you to the team at DE for implementing this change so quickly. My guess is that whoever at the holding company pushed the initial composition of the Regal offering may listen to what DE tells them about the expectations of the community from this point forward. At least, I hope so. In any event, This change is much appreciated. I can actually support this event now. The regular Aya drop rates are pretty painfully low right now. I would suggest upping the drop rates a bit. Otherwise, looking good, team!

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il y a 3 minutes, Hypernaut1 a dit :

Its a sight to see. One second aya is a complete overpriced rip off, add some plat- and now spending $80 is great! 

Im all for it though. DE deserves it. 

Any company that tries to cut the value of their products in half while keeping the price the same is presenting an overpriced rip off, that's just a fact. Imagine if the milk in store shelves was one day only filled half way, but you still had to buy the whole carton for regular price. Same concept. Saying that the prices were okay before is just absurd.

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Just now, sapphicReprobate said:

Any company that tries to cut the value of their products in half while keeping the price the same is presenting an overpriced rip off, that's just a fact. Imagine if the milk in store shelves was one day only filled half way, but you still had to buy the whole carton for regular price. Same concept. Saying that the prices were okay before is just absurd.

i never said the price was ok before. $80 is overpriced for digital cosmetics no matter what it comes with. 

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9 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Its a sight to see. One second aya is a complete overpriced rip off, add some plat- and now spending $80 is great! 

Im all for it though. DE deserves it. 

uh, no, they don't deserve it.  Swindling you into spending more cash for an event they've been hyping up because they lowered expectations is not something to reward them for.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)JarheadDrinker said:

So basically the free players can go #*!% their selves when it comes to the stuff that costs regal aya such as the noggles and the extractor prime I get you have to make money but at the same time like damn the free players deserve some love too

You mean like it's always been?  Cosmetics have always cost real money. Look at every single unvaulting and every single new prime. You want syandana, or extractors, or whatever, it costs money (usually about $25 CDN give or take). They're not doing anything different with this - and why should they? The things that actually have an impact on the game you can get without spending a cent.

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17 minutes ago, (NSW)Nintendork3D said:

The fact people are thanking them for this and then forking over $80 is pretty sad.  It shouldn't have been a thing to begin with and you people are thanking them for goading you into spending more cash for an "event."


Honestly wouldn't be shocked if they botched the beginning just to rake in the cash when they "fix" the problem they made, and I won't be shocked when they do it again for the next event.

It's truly a sad sight to see

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il y a 2 minutes, Hypernaut1 a dit :

i never said the price was ok before. $80 is overpriced for digital cosmetics no matter what it comes with. 

Well it isn't just cosmetics, it's frames, gear, and tradeable currency. All of them have value so the reaction by users is very understandable and expected.


il y a 1 minute, Tombsite a dit :

You're not going to like the next few years

Bruh don't even try to sideline the conversation over a simple example that was clearly constructed to be simple. This attitude makes people apathetic to your concerns, by the way.

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15 minutes ago, RashFever26 said:

Lots of people in this thread who think that DE is on their side and that they just did them a favour out of piety or whatever; I would like to remind everyone that if they truly cared about you they wouldn't have tried to pull a fast one in the first place. You people need to keep your eyes peeled more in life.



To add though not everyone who works in a games company is business and profit motivated. You are going to have a lot of artistic and creative people there as well. Its even more complicated than that, because you can have business minded individuals who may think emphasis on fostering consumer goodwill and health, creates an environment for better business outcomes, VS an emphasis on say looking at other models being practiced by competitors, and thinking "well if that game can get away with those practices, maybe we can adopt these, suffer some backlash, but ultimately prevail once that backlash dies down", numbers suggest we can make more money this way, even if it upsets people, so on. 

DE definitely isn't our friend, but there are going to be people working at DE who are gamers, with codes of ethics similar to a lot of us, as far as values and interests, who will probably make suggestions, and raise points/challenges around contentious issues. Any of us that has worked in a job that requires interacting with customers, as well as co workers, will know similar, depending on our own personalities and how to handle/resolve disputes/business related issues that affect profit, especially with people in the job that have more authority, power, control or at stake (which is another complicated set of variables and interactions). 

So I think a lot of people, myself included, are aware certain elements within DE will advocate towards the goodwill, figuratively fight for us, value player happiness (even as a perception, and subjective value) and are considerate to that. Since they are likely to be the ones that interact with us, and relay a lot of our reaction/feedback. Even if ultimately, harsh realities of business and making as much money are the goal of DE on the whole. We try and be friendly and courteous to those elements. 

Since we don't get to be flies on the wall inside DE, a lot of this is just going to be speculation, projection and guesswork though. Since all of us have our own different experiences and outlooks with work, conflict between making money and ethics and whatever else, etc can vary. 

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8 minutes ago, sapphicReprobate said:

Well it isn't just cosmetics, it's frames, gear, and tradeable currency. All of them have value so the reaction by users is very understandable and expected.


Bruh don't even try to sideline the conversation over a simple example that was clearly constructed to be simple. This attitude makes people apathetic to your concerns, by the way.

My concerns? I don't have any. I've found the prices of the Vault packs ridicules for years. Hell the fact that I got an early 75% off coupon on PC is the only reason I've ever bought plat (probably would not be playing the game today if that had not been the case).

That is why this entire thing is so damn interesting. DE's offering have always been horrible value (to me) so to see all these people suddenly up in arms about poor value is to me almost absurd. I was never going to buy a Royal Aya plat included or not because I find it horrible overpriced. 
But people keep talking about "poor value" as if there's some inherent value to any of these things that is anything but highly subjective.

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