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Angels of the Zariman: Dev Workshop PREVIEW


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Honestly (and this is my opinion)... that new void dash looks about as enjoyable as using nezha's 2 to teleport, in other words not very.... can't honestly say I've ever had issues with slamming into walls either.  Feels a bit of an unnecessary change and more about 'looking pretty' (I'm not a fan of the visuals in all honesty), slowing us down (we'll have to wait on the stupid orb to float to wherever) and as such will just make void dashing etc take longer.   You (the dev's) might think it's great for the flow of warframe but it's clear just from the video that it's not going to be fast enough for most players.

Can't say I like the change to melee when in operator either, just seems to be over complicating the system imo, all at the cost of another aspect of operator play style.... I very much doubt you'll be able to replicate everything void blast does without using void blast.    Not to mention we could already do everything this change is bringing, it just required one more button press. 

And another focus rework.... and still being kept as 5 different schools instead of being made into a big 'focus tree'...  I suppose the positive is that the points are being reset (assuming it's the same as last time and we'll keep all our points), but I'd be far more interested if they were being merged and allowed to 'pick and choose'. 


Skins, meh, would be slightly more interested if they were things we could get without plat (sounds plat purchase from devstream) because realistically, things like glossy/matt shouldn't be a plat option imo because they're basically either end of a reflection slider.

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I'll be honest, I'm not sure I like the sound of the focus rework. It might be too soon to judge on my part, but current focus is too integral to much of my playstyle. Alter too much and there's the risk of alienating whole builds and playstyles.

Personally I run unairu for solo eidolon runs. Part of the reason I can reliably solo two tridolon runs per PoE night very comfortably is the unairu wisp from void blast. If this changes (void blast being changed to frame melee) I'll probably still be able to solo two, but not as reliably. Perhaps this warrants a rebalance but I'm still a bit apprehensive honestly. Then again, maybe there's a new way to get that operator damage boost in some other way. Perhaps I'll have to alter play and use madurai. We'll have to wait to see.

Also, the void dash as it works now is great because of the ability to change direction quickly. I use void dash often to redirect while momentum stacking. Sometimes I overshoot towards a direction. In that case I just pop out into Operator and void dash towards where I actually wanted to go. This has become so integral to my movement that I'm a little wary about this change as well. Also, with some frames like Limbo where you don't want to roll around too much Void dashing as it is right now works wonders. It's become muscle memory at this point and it feels as natural as using bullet jumping. Basically, being able to void dash in any direction quickly is what makes that possible. If I have to aim at the direction it would be too clunky. However, as before it's probably too soon to make any assumptions. It could be that it proves to be better and more organic.

TLDR: Sometimes you don't want to reinvent the wheel, but it might be too early to judge as of yet.

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Le 11/03/2022 à 04:43, [DE]Megan a dit :

Beyond Focus school reworks, Operator combat flow is getting improvements. Whenever you are in Operator Mode, the Melee input will now instantly bring your Warframe to your location to execute a melee attack. This replaces ‘Void Blast’. Any interactions that relied on Void Blast will be audited to ensure everything still works with other Void combat abilities!

it smell that the war within will need an heavy rework , and void blast was cool under zenurik school because large aoe with a small stagger effect. and if the void dash if too reworked i think the disarm of kuva guardian will be  problematic.

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I like how people are complaining about the changes to void dash as if they have used it already.

I kind of hope that the change to void dash can be a toggle option that can be saved via Arsenal Loadouts, along with which school abilities are toggled.  With the option to toggle how void dash works, those that prefer to slam into every wall can still do so.

How is Unariu Wisp going to work with the new melee change?

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My main concern with Focus rework is the elephant in the room of Zenurik. Zenurik kinda props up the entire Energy economy of Warframe until you pick up Energize to be able to get some independance. It's great the Focus rework is trying to make bad trees great and improve the overall gameplay and flow of the Operator, but if you still need to be glued to Zenurik to actually play your Warframe then most of this rework is moot, until you farm Eidolons (which this rework hopefully makes easier) or pay a bunch of plat.


Also people complaining about Void Dash are on something.

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12 hours ago, Sean said:

The implementation of Player Housing leaves a lot to be desired, tbh.

It's just another Personal Quarters-esque space that doesn't improve much.


Would have been more interesting to have it be tied to clans & dojos.


As an example, adding a room to a dojo that provides an elevator to a player's "home". Those in the squad of that player could join them when the elevator gets called.

The home could have had all the functions of an Orbiter, but with a direct in-game tie to a player's clan. Potentially even having a teleporter with all of the options that the dojo has (though at a cost of a load screen most likely if it isn't cached already). This could even just be listed at the elevator entrance within the player's homebase.


Like I said, would be more interesting than some other disconnected node for people to dump their excess decorations into.


Definitely needs to be tied into the dojo!

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Honestly I hope you will change void dash as tap for max jump, hold for charge, or Tenno will hang in air during charging, because when you want to jump from cliff, Tenno will fall probably, before he will fully charge jump.


Also when I was thinking about focus rework, I was hoping for mixing tree with drifter's skill, like healing allies in range with steampack, energy regeneration with zenurik smoke bomb, or blinding enemies from marudai with radar etc.


I was also hoping for rework for amps, like more slots for arcanes (to make kind mini mod table) and changing arcanes like converting damages as additional elemental damages, increasing CC with additional combo mechanic etc.


For now it looks more like nerfing Tenno as playable character to become just Warframe's tool even more.


I really hope rework will make Tenno really good playable character, not just gear wheel.

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Il y a 16 heures, (NSW)RATHURUE a dit :

No, really. with EACH update you force-fed players with DOWNGRADES instead of UPGRADES

LMAO, please.

I get that players don't like the Void Dash change for understandable reason but what's the point of posting such non-sense.

The game has known nothing but powercreep for years, you can't be serious by pretending we only have downgrades each update.

Stop your bad trolling attempt.

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I can only join the choir and plead for you not to destroy the energy refilling option that made Zenurik the clear and prevalent choice. If it had been up to me it would've literally stayed a passive to make it usable on any focus tree.

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23 hours ago, (NSW)Captain said:

I hope this update nerfs Energizing Dash into the ground or removes it entirely

That's not how you solve it! You solve it as a Way-Bound Passive. Removing it or nerfing it will cripple many "new-ish" players and cripple many builds for all players. Plus it will make Archane Energize a must have.

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This honestly seems really neat. The new fashion possibilities alone is enough to make me excited. Augment changes. Possibility of more decos is neat as well. Looking forward to Dex Wisp as well😍

And the focus rework! That could be really cool, no more pool and reworking abilities... I am interested to see how it goes. The only downsides I see so far are the new void dash and void blast. I have yet to use void dash myself but it does seem slower and with less range... but I will hold off on criticizing it until I get to play with it myself. 

  • Beyond Focus school reworks, Operator combat flow is getting improvements. Whenever you are in Operator Mode, the Melee input will now instantly bring your Warframe to your location to execute a melee attack. This replaces ‘Void Blast’. Any interactions that relied on Void Blast will be audited to ensure everything still works with other Void combat abilities!

This tho worries me. I really like void blast and I use it quite a lot, for disruption, simaris targets and more. If this is removed I will be pretty sad about it. But DE is gonna do what they want and we the players will just have to wait and see. 

Still thanks for the chunky devstream. Its nice to see more actual content discussed and less memes.

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The Void Dash change definitely smells like Warframe Mobile to me. Can only imagine trying to Void Dash using mobile screen controls. A toggle between two different dashes would be nice, but we'll have to wait and see first. I'll reserve my full fury for when I actually get a chance to try it. 🤣

I'm down for some focus changes, count me in. 😃

A Focus shop! I knew my left-over hoard of focus points would be useful one day! 🤩

The apartment is... a thing we're getting. 😅 Fingers crossed that it comes with secondary uses, otherwise having a new decorating room that no one will get to see will be moot. But I hope DE have a few hidden surprises here. I love surprises! 😊

Did my girl Khora dirty, but Garuda Prime does look dope! And her rework is okay. 🙂

Since theres a new Botany Bot in town, makes me wonder if we get to do some gardening and start growing some crops. Would be a fun idea. 🤔

New skins with changeable textures. I dig it! 😙

9 Year Anniversary Wisp Dex skin! I'll take one, thanks! 😍

Thoughts on new Nightwave Noras Mix Vol.1... I'll do it coz Im a completionist, but I hope somewhere in the future for more unique nightwaves like The Glassmaker. I miss those. 😔

Thanks DE, looking forward to new stuff. 🙂

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Waiting for that deeper dive into the focus rework. Very excited for it. Also, PLEASE, use this chance to address drop locations of your lenses. I don't mind that they're rare, but please make them drops in more places. I have nightmares about doing bounty 5 on the Plains for 3 hours and getting zero blueprints.

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I’m very excited for Angels of Zariman. Dev stream looked great, artist again just absolutely killing it! I hope the augment buffs are fun and meaningful. Extremely excited for the focus changes, just based on what was shown really hope that trend continues.

See a lot of people worried about the new void dash. I love void dash, I use it all the time for CC and mobility. My initial reaction to the new void dash was seeing that its probably a bit of a nerf, but I’m also very excited for the change. Void dash as is is extremely OP, makes a lot of the game way to easy. The new void dash looks extremely fun, looks like it lowers the skill floor and raises the skill roof. If it turns out to be a little bit of a nerf it is deserved, but I’m really looking forward to seeing how players master it.


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I hope focus schools get buffed as a whole, instead of what I fear of just nerfing the best things.

Please make the focus school actual buffs instead of sidegrades, because right now, alotta focus can just make things worse. That's partially why everyone uses "I like using my warframe's abilties" Zenurik. And universal energy regen would make every warframe feel better and work better, let Zenurik do something else. Operator damage should always be True Damage, imo, any weapon I have outdamages the void blast extensively right now, and with the pure squishy awful that is playing the Operator, it's not worth it unless it could just ignore armor and any resistances. Imagine if you could pop out your operator to slam tough bosses, with the risk of being shot back to your warframe because Operators are insanely squishy. The only uses Operators have in current content is when they are required, and bursts of mobility with the quick operator jumps on old frames.

The new void jump looks to be a pure nerf on the only Operator mobility. Maybe freeze where you are mid-air while jumping for it to not be a complete nerf? Or maybe have just tapping the jump makes you do a max jump, so you aren't losing speed for really slow control? Right now, the new jump makes playing your operator look even worse, and having your warframe melee for you makes me think that operators are getting nerfed in function.

I think giving operators powers would help make them useful. Maybe they scale with the mods you have on your Warframe, or have their own mods? Use the focus trees to fully customize an Operator's 1-4, not restrict them to just one school at a time. Like, even if Operators end up very powerful, the focus grind is a slog, and having Operators actually be worth that slog would be great.

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Is something going to be done about the extreme unresponsiveness of transfering between tenno and warframe on console? I'd love to be swapping more between them for more interactive combat but most missions it feels like I have to mash the skills 5 times to swap in and out. It gets annoying and I barely use operator cause of it.

I see people on PC fly in and out of operator mode and it's like they're playing a different game. It looks so much more fluid.

- ps5/ethernet user

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It has been many many years, and the Focus grind is still that. A grind. A horrible one.

I have played the game for over 2000 hours since focus was released, and I still don't have a single school maxed. There are better ways to rank it up now than on launch. But they are still not great. The biggest problem is that there is a daily cap. I can't dedicate a weekend to grinding focus in ESO. I will hit the cap swiftly and have to wait until the next day. Spreading the grind out across months. When I play Warframe, I do so in short bursts. Not daily.

The other way is Eidolons, but you either need to convince a group to kill the boss with you for 50 minutes, then take a 100 minute break before killing the boss again for 50 minutes and so on. Or you have to play with randoms.

I wouldn't step a foot into random eidlon groups for all the ayatan in the system, and no friend of mine is that bored that they would accept standing around waiting for a boss for 100 minutes. And don't get me started on having to grind for lua lenses just to make another grind less grindy. It is too much.  

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18 minutes ago, (PSN)JoIhnnyRage said:

Is something going to be done about the extreme unresponsiveness of transfering between tenno and warframe on console? I'd love to be swapping more between them for more interactive combat but most missions it feels like I have to mash the skills 5 times to swap in and out. It gets annoying and I barely use operator cause of it.

I see people on PC fly in and out of operator mode and it's like they're playing a different game. It looks so much more fluid.

- ps5/ethernet user

Them making operator client sided fixes this issue. It's not a console/pc thing as much as it's a networking issue, and consoles tend to have players spread due to smaller playerbases out and also for some reason have poorer hosting quality by default, so it's much more likely to get a long transference delay, even if you're on wired internet on a ps5.

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The void dash changes are awful. Really just bad. It's an all around nerf to its speed. An extreme nerf to its speed, in fact. Plus, you could have always decided how far to go by aiming at the ground at varying angles.

This would be nothing short of a travesty to go through with.


Do not nerf void dash for this garbage.

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Please do make every school to have at least 1 way to generate energy related to their 'identity' like what you did to Itzal blink.

Just some Idea.
- Unairu can have the 'Rage' and 'Hunter Adraneline' build in
- Madurai can regenerate a little bit of energy on headshot kill. Stack twice or something
- Vazarin regen energy per every enemy stunned/crowd controlled/Sleep etc.
- Naramon can give small energy on melee kill and regenerate on heavy kill. Give AoE energy replenish on mercy kill.
- Nerf zenurik dash to make the other school more appealing to pick and give zenurik a node with "X% chance for skill not to use energy" 

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1 hour ago, Account_Name said:

It has been many many years, and the Focus grind is still that. A grind. A horrible one.

I have played the game for over 2000 hours since focus was released, and I still don't have a single school maxed. There are better ways to rank it up now than on launch. But they are still not great. The biggest problem is that there is a daily cap. I can't dedicate a weekend to grinding focus in ESO. I will hit the cap swiftly and have to wait until the next day. Spreading the grind out across months. When I play Warframe, I do so in short bursts. Not daily.

The other way is Eidolons, but you either need to convince a group to kill the boss with you for 50 minutes, then take a 100 minute break before killing the boss again for 50 minutes and so on. Or you have to play with randoms.

I wouldn't step a foot into random eidlon groups for all the ayatan in the system, and no friend of mine is that bored that they would accept standing around waiting for a boss for 100 minutes. And don't get me started on having to grind for lua lenses just to make another grind less grindy. It is too much.  

Yeah well its supposed to be a grind lol. Warframe isnt a game you just speedrun in a month or two. Its supposed to take years.

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