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Why does this ability still exist?

(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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  Imagine having an ability so bad that it gets replaced by another Warframe.

Imagine having an ability so bad de took it, made it actually good, and gave it to every other warframe in the game.

That's right, today we're talking about Inaros's passive and why DE refuses to make the ability any good, despite the fact it would take almost nothing to fix. 

Ok but seriously, why can't they buff this thing again? It makes Inaros go into a coffin, and then he tries to hurt enemies to revive himself. 


He does no damage. 

Now the thing is, literally anyone with a brain can probably think of how to fix this: "just add more damage" 

Congratulations, you just described exactly what Sevagoth's passive is. He actually gets to use exactly what Inaros needs, but with mobility.

In all seriousness, I don't understand why Inaros STILL doesn't have scaling true damage on his passive ability. Like, a 5% true damage would literally be enough to self revive, and he would have the benefit of immunity when reviving himself. 

But I guess you can just use Last Gasp instead like on any other frame.

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2 hours ago, Numerikuu said:


For real though, after Shield Gating was introduced he became the most worthless Warframe in the game.

inaros the unkillab- uh, the best t- no, that's not quite right. inaros the undyi- no... oh! Inaros the Link Health/Armor frame.

ok but seriously so many frames are in need of help rn.

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3 hours ago, Numerikuu said:


For real though, after Shield Gating was introduced he became the most worthless Warframe in the game.

How? Enemies have to be like level several hundred to kill him at least. 

I realize there are (effectively) tankier tanks but hes the laziest tank and hes a good tank.


Idk why people S#&$ on him. His base stats are useful for something (high health) and 3 of his 4 abilities are at least useful. 


Thats more than can be said for several frames rn.


I agree though his passive might be the most useless in the game.

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I dunno , there are plenty of worse passives in the game , not sure inaros is in that bad a position.

He has a similar issue to nekros , a victim of his success of being represented as a chunk of health or just a holder of weapons.

He actually has a moderately decent kit focused on CC and passive team healing.

I do however wish they got the last gasp working with the coffin , though i won't lose any sleep over it. And let's not forget his other passive to heal using finishers.

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3 hours ago, Numerikuu said:

For real though, after Shield Gating was introduced he became the most worthless Warframe in the game.

I see what you're saying but I think it's quite a bit of an exaggeration.  There's something to be said for just being able to chill and not put any effort towards your survival and still surviving.  In most missions you can literally leave Inaros AFK while you take a trip to the restroom or go off to help a member of your household with something and Inaros will still be alive when you get back.  With shield-gating you've got to be reactive to your shields going down and managing your energy to deal with it, and while depending on your build and luck that may be pretty simple, it's a hell of a lot different than needing to do absolutely nothing.

Is that what I'm personally looking for in a frame?  No, I find Inaros to be pretty dull, personally.  But when folks are just down to chill and don't want to devote a single neuron to their own survival, all while channeling their inner Dale Gribble?  Inaros is a great tool for that.

King Of The Hill Eyes GIF

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I'd say it's because Inaros has two states of being: unkillable and being the squishiest frame due to lacking shield gating.

And since it seems Inaros players are perfectly content with how he is there just isn't much reason to change him. The players who want changes don't play him because he's nothing but a wall of HP while those who do play him for that exact reason despite him lacking any other quality.

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

But I guess you can just use Last Gasp instead like on any other frame.

You can't....

When you Trigger Inaros's or Sevagoth's Passive it Disables Last Gasp from Working....

Nidus is the Only Warframe with an Immortal Passive that can still use Last Gasp.... Effectively make Inaros even worse than Children 😱....

3 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

ok but seriously so many frames are in need of help rn.

Don't Worry.... After they Nerf Wukong...  They will move on to the Next Useful Warframe... And then Nerf That one... This Cycle will repeat until they are all as bad as Inaros/Hydroid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

How? Enemies have to be like level several hundred to kill him at least. 

Nope.... Enemies need only be Level 200 for him to Feel The Heat and by 250 he's Going to Get One Shot Faster Than Every other Warframe.... You can probably Stretch it to level 300 if you put down an Ancient Healer Specter 👀....


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7 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

It makes Inaros go into a coffin, and then he tries to hurt enemies to revive himself. 


He does no damage. 

There's actually a quirk to Inaros that makes his Coffin Mode seriously broken, but it only works in co-op: if the enemy he's draining gets killed by another player, Inaros gets full credit for all that enemy's health, getting a huge boost to his self-revive meter

Yes it's still worthless and needs to be replaced

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3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

There's actually a quirk to Inaros that makes his Coffin Mode seriously broken, but it only works in co-op: if the enemy he's draining gets killed by another player, Inaros gets full credit for all that enemy's health, getting a huge boost to his self-revive meter

Yes it's still worthless and needs to be replaced

still terrible compared to Sevagoth's immortality, or operator, because the starter amp definitely scales much higher than inaros's passive.

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The only real thing that needs 'fixing' on inaros is the passive, at the levels it's actually useful inaros just does not die and at the levels where inaros might die the coffin doesn't do enough damage to revive you....


Now I'm not saying his abilities couldn't get a bit of a rework but the lack of a shield isn't the end of the world imo.

I'm also all for scaling damage abilities (%+/- a fixed value based on power strength for example), I hate the way some frames have scaling and others don't....

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1 hour ago, Lutesque said:

You can't....

When you Trigger Inaros's or Sevagoth's Passive it Disables Last Gasp from Working....

Nidus is the Only Warframe with an Immortal Passive that can still use Last Gasp.... Effectively make Inaros even worse than Children 😱....

Don't Worry.... After they Nerf Wukong...  They will move on to the Next Useful Warframe... And then Nerf That one... This Cycle will repeat until they are all as bad as Inaros/Hydroid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nope.... Enemies need only be Level 200 for him to Feel The Heat and by 250 he's Going to Get One Shot Faster Than Every other Warframe.... You can probably Stretch it to level 300 if you put down an Ancient Healer Specter 👀....


Ah yes, another situation where nidus is better than Inaros. 

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Inaros needs a rework BAD and I can tell you exactly how to get one:


You know why DE won't do anything to Inaros? Because people are still using him with a high frequency. Frames that aren't being used get priority over him even if they actually need less help. Inaros is trash. He contributes literally nothing to a mission or group, anything he can do can be done easier and faster with arcanes, helminth, another frame, etc. He's boring to play and half his abilities do nothing of consequence. Stop using this POS and maybe DE will give him some attention.

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17 minutes ago, (PSN)M00n_Slippers said:

Inaros needs a rework BAD and I can tell you exactly how to get one:


You know why DE won't do anything to Inaros? Because people are still using him with a high frequency. Frames that aren't being used get priority over him even if they actually need less help. Inaros is trash. He contributes literally nothing to a mission or group, anything he can do can be done easier and faster with arcanes, helminth, another frame, etc. He's boring to play and half his abilities do nothing of consequence. Stop using this POS and maybe DE will give him some attention.

Inaros is great for people that have well built weapons. So they melee and shoot mainly. 

Vazarin dash/Arcane grace/guardian/avenger are all you need. Helminth warcry for attack speed if you want to make room on your melee for another mod etc.

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2 hours ago, Lutesque said:

Don't Worry.... After they Nerf Wukong...  They will move on to the Next Useful Warframe... And then Nerf That one... This Cycle will repeat until they are all as bad as Inaros/Hydroid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Relax ^^

It took them 2.5 years to realize they overcooked Wukong. 

That means at this rate they won't nerf Wisp until 2025, Saryn in 2027, Mesa in 2030, Octavia will be 2032 and finally just before shutting down the servers they will nerf the Werewolf frame too. Lots of viable frames will be left over ^^

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19 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Inaros is great for people that have well built weapons. So they melee and shoot mainly. 

Vazarin dash/Arcane grace/guardian/avenger are all you need. Helminth warcry for attack speed if you want to make room on your melee for another mod etc.

Multiple frames exist that do this better. Just because he functions in the game doesn't mean he's good.

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Inaros is great for people that have well built weapons. So they melee and shoot mainly.

He's also great for missions where you can't use abilities because all of his abilities are laughably mediocre at best between underwhelming self-healing that usually isn't enough to offset him being a mummified health sponge, CC that costs too much for the fact that it only affects one target at a time, a maybe decent aoe specializing in destroying team members' framerates, and Scarab Shield being there to slowly drain your life away while enemies are still hitting you in case you feel like they're not killing you quickly enough.

Maybe if the sarcophagus casted Dessicate or Sandstorm instead of throwing marshmallows at enemies, it might feel better than staring at it on your screen while muttering to yourself "oh, just kill me already"--oh wait, that's why it's a good tank: it's only nigh-unkillable when it's already dead!

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46 minutes ago, gamingchair1121 said:

also fun fact inaros cant even use last gasp lol

Ah yes, nidus the immortal frame being better at Inaros yet again by being able to self revive better even if you were somehow bad enough at the game to die using him, and I'm not exaggerating because if you are running cloak arrow or protective dash there's no way you can run out of stacks.

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9 hours ago, vanaukas said:

I stopped using Inaros as a stat stick since the introduction of Last Gasp because his passive nullfies Last Gasp. Now Lavos is my best friend.

It irritates me that we've received like three other Warframes with a similar "immortal" setup that do it far better and with no real difficulty.

Now I'm in the camp that feels Inaros needs an overhaul for some of his abilities, but they could at least make his Passive actually work properly. 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)M00n_Slippers said:

Inaros needs a rework BAD and I can tell you exactly how to get one:


You know why DE won't do anything to Inaros? Because people are still using him with a high frequency. Frames that aren't being used get priority over him even if they actually need less help. Inaros is trash. He contributes literally nothing to a mission or group, anything he can do can be done easier and faster with arcanes, helminth, another frame, etc. He's boring to play and half his abilities do nothing of consequence. Stop using this POS and maybe DE will give him some attention.

But that's just it, Inaros offering nothing but a large health pool is exactly what his players want. Anyone who does want that yet still wants a rework want it secondary to keeping their one-dimensional health bar of a frame. Cause if they just wanted a tanky frame to utilize their weapons with they'd just use one of the dozen or so other frames/setups that let them be more tanky.

Which is why a rework won't happen. He has dedicated players in spite of his issues. And since he isn't a detriment to other players DE has no pressure to rework him for game health.

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