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Archon Boreal is the hardest thing I've ever done.

(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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Ok so for starters he has like 100 million hp. Then DE had the audacity to give him immune frames. Then 5 seconds after that he goes into a pyramid and is immune again. Then he summons drones you need to kill by hitting their weakspot. Problem? I literally have no ammo so I'm going melee the whole fight. Then Boreal just goes "peace" and now I need to find stuff to open a door (I'm not upset about this part but everything else makes it worse). Then I fight him again except now he is consistently swapping between immune bubble, pyramid shield, and protection drones every 10 seconds (who thought this was ok?), while he repeatedly knocks me and operator around using his shockwave spam. 

And before that even starts to set in remember he has MILLIONS of hp.  

And I don't even have ammo (I don't even know how I'm running the cedo and somehow I ran out of ammo 3 minutes into the fight) so I'm sitting here trying to hit a flying boss with my orthos while he repeatedly knocks me over (very fun) and becomes immune to damage every 10 seconds.

I spent 1 hour only to die (as wukong) and fail the mission, I think I'm going to main bubonico now. 

Send help.

Edit: I did a second attempt and actually had a good team. I used revenant so I didn't die, and the fight was actually pretty easy. You should probably still use something with infinite ammo like Nataruk tho.

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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And this is the boss design we must expect going forward so long as players are as overpowered as they are. If he wasn't immune to frame abilities he'd hit his invulnerability gating immediately after his armor was stripped. And if he had neither then each phase would take seconds to finish.

Though you're still able to spend the entire fight permanently invulnerable if your setup allows for it. So at least you're not avoiding being nullified the entire fight (yet).

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Yeah, apparently Rebb means it when she says 'Endgame content'...

Honestly, it's the constant invulnerability that annoys me. I can take the high damage, CC and massive health pool, because though it is a gear check, something like that is what Warframe needs. But having to consistently jump through hoops because he can chain together abilities that render him invincible is annoying, not fun. One time he dropped two different 'invincible' powers at once! At least give a cooldown so that a player can actually hit him after bringing down his defences.


Overall, OP, you'll probably wanna check your gear when it comes to overcoming his health bar, and means of dealing with CC exist through certain builds or frequent movement too. You might be a bit under-geared, which really isn't your fault since the game hasn't really tested anyone's gear for a LONG time now.

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If you can survive for an hour, you'll be able to kill him.

The boss is immune to anything, literally anything except raw damage. All you need is a weapon that can land headshot crits and deals radiation damage. If you run out of ammo, subsume roar to deal more damage per bullet.

Also, the map layout is important. If you're unlucky, you'll get one of his phases in a cramped space with barely any line of sight, permanent ability spam from eximus units, and he'll also chain his invnvincibility phases back to back. Just retry if that happens.

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19 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

If you can survive for an hour, you'll be able to kill him.

The boss is immune to anything, literally anything except raw damage. All you need is a weapon that can land headshot crits and deals radiation damage. If you run out of ammo, subsume roar to deal more damage per bullet.

Also, the map layout is important. If you're unlucky, you'll get one of his phases in a cramped space with barely any line of sight, permanent ability spam from eximus units, and he'll also chain his invnvincibility phases back to back. Just retry if that happens.

Also it may help to have a frame in the group that can help keep everyone alive. 

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We just took him out with a three member random squad ten minutes ago and, good gawd was that a helluva fight!! My Frost with Vazarin kept the squad alive while a Mesa dealt most of the damage and Khora kept the other enemies busy (ish). I can't figure out how we did it but it's invulnerability phases can be broken. Somehow we broke through the pyramid phase. 

I don't want to get into any more details because, for once, I want everyone to experience this potential shilacking (sp?) for themselves. No spoilers!! Lol!

Damn that was a good fight!!

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11 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Somehow we broke through the pyramid phase. 

You shoot the red, glowing points of the pyramid.


Gotta say. I really enjoyed this fight. Gave my Chroma and Corinth a run for it's money. But Dispensary and Molt Reconstruct saved me.


Also just want to note. I think he reflects damage or procs in some way? Whenever I used my Ice Elemental Ward and he hit me with his big laser. I'd get a bunch of cold procs. But it never happened with the Fire Wards.

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1 minute ago, TomCruisesSon said:

You shoot the red, glowing points of the pyramid.


Gotta say. I really enjoyed this fight. Gave my Chroma and Corinth a run for it's money. But Dispensary and Molt Reconstruct saved me.


Also just want to note. I think he reflects damage or procs in some way? Whenever I used my Ice Elemental Ward and he hit me with his big laser. I'd get a bunch of cold procs. But it never happened with the Fire Wards.

Ahhh, that's it! Thanks!

I also think you're correct about damage reflect. I was the aggro/tank so I was prepped for taking damage but I didn't expect procs above electric. I also was hit with cold procs without an ice eximus around. I'll have to study that next time.

Great call outs!

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Solo, the fight is pure tediousness (for me and my Inaros prime at least) but what broke me was the aerolysts and their "kill me in 10 seconds or i'm invincible again" mechanic.I just gave up after 30 min, went to recruit chat, got a squad and killed him in roughly 15 min. To OP i don't recommend to bubonico, DE nerfed the reload speed thus you'll struggle with the aerolysts.

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It had a totally different pov for me.

Was more like another dumb damage sponge with a few pets/summons and nothing else to show... I don't even know what is that pyramid thing I saw some people talking about.

Wisp for healing and spam E with nikana. That was basically 90% of the fight. The other 10% was climbing the little bridge because the melee 'auto aim' skipped a step and I fell off.

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I loved the new Archon Fight. Did it today with a friend. Finally an enemy that doesn't die in a single hit, and that we can't use bullsh*t to cheese his resistance (looking at you Shattering Impact). He did gave me and my friend a run for our money. We did the fight in about 18 minutes. Can't wait for next week's Archon.

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14 minutes ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

The worst part was the Aerolysts.

Plasmor-type projectile weapons such as Catchmoon and Arca Plasmor melt Aerolysts because they can hit multiple cannisters at once. That was discovered during Operation: Scarlet Spear.

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Steel Path Zealoid or Vay Hek are much much worse in my opinion. 

He's tanky but not way too tanky that it's annoying. The thing i found silly were the aerolysts (is that their name?) spawning and doing literally nothing other than dancing in place because of heat procs, pretty fun fight overall other than that

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I managed to finish this with a pub squad in 12 minutes , 

Did decently well with a Corinth prime and gaze , (ran out of ammo once , used ammo restore) along with a machete zaw.

Figured out the various mechanics relatively quickly , 

Still a little pissed at the overall DR and health he had , but felt appropriate for the kind of content it's advertised as.

I was much more challenged by the MD and defense cause S#&$ was tight (i thought the operator cannot be revived and was really keeping track i still don't know if that's the case)

The boss fight just felt long , but moderately challenging. 

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8 hours ago, Loza03 said:

Yeah, apparently Rebb means it when she says 'Endgame content'...

Honestly, it's the constant invulnerability that annoys me. I can take the high damage, CC and massive health pool, because though it is a gear check, something like that is what Warframe needs. But having to consistently jump through hoops because he can chain together abilities that render him invincible is annoying, not fun. One time he dropped two different 'invincible' powers at once! At least give a cooldown so that a player can actually hit him after bringing down his defences.


Overall, OP, you'll probably wanna check your gear when it comes to overcoming his health bar, and means of dealing with CC exist through certain builds or frequent movement too. You might be a bit under-geared, which really isn't your fault since the game hasn't really tested anyone's gear for a LONG time now.

You could always have it so he only takes a certain amount of damage from any shot. Destiny kind of does this, so outside of a new phase transition most enemies are always vulnerable.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

you guys wanted a challenge, now you got one. that's all I can say.

To be far, not everyone did.


I did, and got it. And I am pretty happy with it.


But I understand why there's people not happy with this fight for multiple reasons.

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8 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

(i thought the operator cannot be revived and was really keeping track i still don't know if that's the case)

It's exactly like the normal sortie defense missions.
Target can go down and you just have to revive them just like normal.  It makes the defense pretty simple since as long as you sit ontop of him and can pick him up if he goes down it's hard to fail.

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