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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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Personally, I try not to speculate about what I want future Warframe powers, abilities, whatnot, around their themes. I would only end up disappointing myself needlessly. Also, often means I am frequently pleasantly surprised. Styanax and Gyre for example, really enjoy their abilities, especially in regards to their theme. 

Of course, I'll still end up speculating a little, and that can mean having preferences and ideas will form. In that sense, yeah, I guess I too would think the frame using a lot of claws/melee would be a bit too cliche. On the other hand, the idea that the frame might "evolve/transform" aesthetically, based around an ability, like say Nidus mutation? Could be cool, so what you look like at the beginning of a mission, is different than how you look at the end. Having a buff ability that increases your speed, speed of certain animations, health regen, damage, mobility/momentum, etc could be good... and so synergise well with say.. melee weapons, and say claw weapons, for those that want to play up that idea... but also just being a buff to other styles/weapons too... I wouldn't be opposed to that. 

That also being said, if they did go the cliche route, with claws/melee etc, but managed to make it interesting, fun, different etc synergise well with other abilities, also can't say I might like it either. I'd have to wait and experience it. 

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The problem with themes is I don't think even DE bothers to follow set themes that closely. Protea stands out, she's an engineer with a bunch of buildables for abilities... and then for some reason a time-themed fourth ability?

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I am kinda tired of Exalted melee, most of them aren't particularly interesting to actually use, it's just melee like usual. I REALLY hope they don't to a stat-stick ability, they really need a better way to do those at this point.

If they want to do an Exalted melee, make it do something unique, like how Excal and Baruuk shoot energy waves. Don't do a third energy wave ability though.

11 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

The problem with themes is I don't think even DE bothers to follow set themes that closely. Protea stands out, she's an engineer with a bunch of buildables for abilities... and then for some reason a time-themed fourth ability?

Ironically Protea's primarily known for her time abilities in-lore, Parvos didn't really need her to build a turret for him while his ship was exploding.


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20 minutes ago, YUNoJump said:

I am kinda tired of Exalted melee, most of them aren't particularly interesting to actually use, it's just melee like usual. I REALLY hope they don't to a stat-stick ability, they really need a better way to do those at this point.

If they want to do an Exalted melee, make it do something unique, like how Excal and Baruuk shoot energy waves. Don't do a third energy wave ability though.

Ironically Protea's primarily known for her time abilities in-lore, Parvos didn't really need her to build a turret for him while his ship was exploding.


Sylvester Stallone Facepalm GIF

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I might roll my eyes a little if we have another exalted claw ability. Valkyr, Garuda (sort of), Sevagoth and were-frame... it's definitely been done to death lol.

I'd be more interested if it can summon exalted Kubrodon companions, and/or offers excellent health regen capabilities. a "Canine Khora" of sorts would have a lot of appeal IMO. 

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10 minutes ago, Ethorin said:

It is worth noting that they explicitly DON'T want to do a standard werewolf.

Yeah, they've been pushing Wolf themed instead of Werewolf themed because they already have enough frames with Clawed Berserker abilities.

If people really want to go full Clawed Berserker. You can subsume War Cry + Augment + Claws on any frame you want.

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all good ideas and what not but the official thread wont be opened up to our suggestions untill the donations to the fundraising reach a certain threshold according to the official post.  i dont recall exactll how much as was only brief read between missions and i slept since then i didnt look at it in detail at time

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6 hours ago, Pakaku said:

The problem with themes is I don't think even DE bothers to follow set themes that closely. Protea stands out, she's an engineer with a bunch of buildables for abilities... and then for some reason a time-themed fourth ability?

I mean, Booben is also touted as an engineer and he has an orbital cannon.  Either DE thinks peak technology is just being a crazy scientist or they're leaning hard into high science fantasy.

Personally I can't wait for the Wolf frame to drop and see the forums thread with titles such as "This is what Valkyr should've been."

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These are two builds I am using for her right now, one is a regular build with all of Gyre's skills and the other one is Tharros Strike over Rotorswell

I'm sorry I didn't actually upload last night when I said I would, life got busy!



I feel like after saying that I really like her and play her in Steel Path I should still acknowledge her limitations  - she is lacking in armor stripping capabilities so you have to go out of your way to build them in and also her skillset mechanically is "specialist" so she is not good in every mission mode. She also like.. Literally needs a build like this to feel good.. But she actually is mechanically really strong, and fun to play. I think she's like spammy Vauban! The Tharros Strike build even needs a little bit more power strength still because it takes a few kills for it to get full strip (there is 1 red +10% strength shard not shown in photos, I think it will be 3 red or 2 Tau red to get full strip before having to scale with Augmented). She definitely needs a really heavy build before she starts to shine but she eventually does ^^;

Also I mentioned the Spellbind build the other night.. I think it has some advantages, like energy regain and not being able to be knocked over helps a lot with survivability but now that Archon Stretch is available it's a bit easier to support this much skill spam, and the knocking over thing can be fixed with other means so I might honestly drop that build and experiment with something else.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Cargan2016 said:

all good ideas and what not but the official thread wont be opened up to our suggestions untill the donations to the fundraising reach a certain threshold according to the official post.  i dont recall exactll how much as was only brief read between missions and i slept since then i didnt look at it in detail at time

It's 80,000 just checked if we reach it then the community can either pick a really great name for her or... a terrible one.

I'm excited and scared at the same time 😱

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14 hours ago, EdinaMonsoon said:

lavos was amazing on release and then they buffed him which was incredible when he was already strong

one of the best tank AoE frames out there

Yep, he's one of few recent releases that have actually gotten improved and was already strong at start. My only dislike with him early on that made me not play him was that his #3 wouldnt reduce cooldowns of skill that were still in play, which just made him feel horribly clunky. When they changed that so you can just unload 4 followed by 3 without perfect timing he became my go-to frame. The newer releases have either arrived as a dodo or gone the way of the dodo shortly after, sadly Styanax recieved the same fate. 

Though Woof-Woof may surprise us and become the next Lavos or Protea, or as the worst best case scenario, the next Sevagoth.

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Honestly, I was a tad sad when they were like "guess what, wolf frame!" Looked awesome, then sudden chest size. Sigh... why...

But when I look at things: a lot of the female frames have been good recently. Except Yarelli, god no... so really it's ok. 

I look at her as a frame incarnation of the mighty Sif. I just hope she's good. Then I can add the chest to the mighty Ghosty Booty.


Let's all just be glad it's a menacing cerberus inspired Gothic looking thing and nowhere near the "waifu" Yarelli was or... dare I say... furry inspiration. *shutters at the sheer thought of the dodged bullet*

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I mean, we don't know what their ability set is yet, right? We still might get a quite-werewolfy ability set, like a lunging bite/clawing/dashing attack or a full-body transformation, possibly even quadrupedal.

We really don't know anything other than a 3D image of her.

And they very well could tone down how chesty she is, if you're pressed about how much volume she has, or it could be different on her Prime or Deluxe skins.

We literally don't know if either of those things will be problems, y'all need to slow your roll and just state your preference instead of pre-emptively declaring disappointment based on the slimmest evidence available worth complaining over.

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On 2022-10-03 at 12:30 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

you could always cover the boobs with a chest guard... though something tells me this frame will typically be seen without one..

You tried putting chest armor over a Warframe with boobs? It does not look right nearly 80% of the time! Nothing on Protea looks right unless it's Saturn Six Armor! 

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I've seen a lot of hype for the new wolf inspired warframe next up on release, and I want to be so excited for the frame, but everytime I see more news about her, the more I feel like DE baited me to be hyped and then switched out what I wanted for something else.  I have a few points and I wanted to start some discussion on the matter, get some input and see if there's anything I'm missing.


1.) What makes a werewolf? 

Werewolfs have always been a symbol of an inner beast, a physical manifestation of pure masculine, beastial rage, rigor and in some cases warrior spirit(That doesn't mean all werewolves are male, but masculine in nature).  So to me, when a game like warframe creates characters based on a well known theme, I have the expectation they honor the details of that theme.  One of the major aspects of a werewolf is transformation, the beast is usually hidden in an unsuspecting or elegant form to contrast their vicious beast form.  The frame we're getting removed that aspect, already that feels like a disregard for the theme.  Secondly, when talking about representing a theme, this frame should be male, each frame's gender is symbolic of their theme, equinox for example is purely female, yet her night form is more feminine and her day form is more masculine just like the lore behind yin and yang.  So what you're representing a werewolf by theme, a feminine appearance doesn't make any sense, it feels disrespectful they gave our werewolf the Mesa treatment and turned our wolf into an overly busty erotic model.  That's not what werewolves are about.  They clearly know this because the foil to a werewolf, a vampire, was done correctly seductive when Garuda released.


2.) Appearance:

When a fan created the Fenrir art (link at bottom) for a werewolf frame I was hyped out of my mind because it looked like the perfect blend of werewolf and warframe.  Even the name felt right with how many mythological names are in the game.  But then DE released their consept art...and I found myself looking at a boney creature with dragon skulls for armor.  How is that anything like a werewolf?  The art looks downright incredible, outstanding really, but not as a werewolf.  I would be unbelievably happy if she was released in a two part Christian lore theme, where she is a demon and the next frame is an angel.  It would both fill out more mythological themes and match the art.  But I digress, Hildryn looks more like a werewolf than what's currently being teased.  The designer or Fenrir, anzuarden_art hit the mark spot on, in normal form Fenrir has an elegant almost regal appearance, but as a beast, every attribute is accentuated and more vicious.  Instead of the amazing contrast in both gameplay and fashion frame, we only have one fixed appearance and it looks nothing like a werewolf to me.


3.) Gameplay impact:

When Titania released, she added and entirely new play style to normal mission nodes.  We could now take the interesting but under utilized arching gameplay and use it on any mission, amazing.  A werewolf frame should have done the same.  If transformation was implemented (like they have already done with Titania) they could create a new way to experience combat and a new form of movement.  While something as drastic as crawling on walls like a xenomorph would be hard to implement, something like volts speed mixed with a Goliath leap from evolve and something like a kubrow run would make for something unique and fresh.  DE said many times they didn't want to make another Valkyr, yet the werewolf wouldn't need to be, instead of a single button hack and slash, they could flesh out his melee, make unique ground pounds, grabbing enemies, combos, howls and jaw focused moves and make him totally unique from her.  Furthermore his designe could have been the inverse to Baruuk, like having a meter build up with the more violence and bloodshed you cause, maybe the transformation is uncontrollable and happens when the meter is full, though I would prefer it not to be it still would have been better than the generic unwolf like thing DE is showing us.


In short, I'm angry with the current concept because it feels like a bait and switch, they teased a werewolf and gave us nothing of the sort, killing all the potential of what could have been for both a werewolf and the art Joe Mad made.  His picture is worthy of a unique hellhound or enchantress or demon, but instead their forcing in a wolf concept.  I seem to be the only one feeling lied to and just want to hear if anyone else agrees with this; and if you disagree feel free to let me know on what points and why.  Is there a bigger picture I'm missing?  Because I think a werewolf should have combined elements from Titania, Baruuk, Styanax/Atlas(summoning companions/pack), and fresh mechanics, but now none of this is coming.


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