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Update 32.3: Citrine's Last Wish


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  • Valkyr’s Prolonged Paralysis stun duration now causes a knockdown on affected enemies instead of a standing stun.
    • In the Lua’s Prey Update, we re-worked the Prolonged Paralysis Augment Mod so that pull distance didn’t scale with Ability Strength, and the enemies were stunned standing instead of a grounded stun. We thought players would prefer standing finishers due to synergies with other Arcanes and modifiers, but in response to feedback, we are changing it back to a knockdown for grounded finishers outputting raw damage.


I... it never scaled range with strength, it scaled duration with strength. And the issue was that the augment was bugged and not increasing duration with strength, and had the wrong initial value (was only increasing by 100% instead of 200%).

Oh God. Well, we'll see how it looks when I get home. I am very worried now.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

The Steel Path Honors store now has a limit of 25 per week for each of the 10,000 Kuva and the Relic Pack offerings. 

  • We have made this change to Teshins store as it is an unlimited source of Kuva and Void Relics in-game. We took a careful look at Steel Path and decided this would be the best method to ensure a small handful of players couldn’t buy absurdly large quantities of these resources at once, without making changes that would affect all Players on the Steel Path. 


2 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Changed Synth Charge’s bonus damage on final shot applying to the Tenet Plinx’s and the Azima’s alt-fire. 

  • Synth Charge is only intended to apply to the last shot in a weapons magazine, but the Alt-fire on both the Tenet Plinx and the Azima were receiving the damage bonus from Synth Charge on the entire magazine. Synth Charge should only apply to the final shot in a magazine of multiple rounds, and not to the entire magazine being dispelled in one shot. 


What is this load of something?


2 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

 Fixed being able to select Operator/Drifter skin colors from general color palettes by selecting the “All Colors” option. 

  • As a reminder from when we released the Refacia Kit, our desire is to maintain a lore-driven feature that fits within the ecosystem of Warframe for all to enjoy. The “All Colors” option being selectable was not intended and allowed access to colors that aren’t lore appropriate. 


And we still see pink Rhino memes and all the other clown-colored Warframes running around, have stupid wings and just this Nightwave got about the most generic pistol skins ever? What is lore even?


2 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Fixed extremely bright FX when using the Concealed Explosives Mod on throwing Secondary weapons. 

Glad to see this much reduced, but it still doesn't take energy color!? Was hoping to completely get rid of it with black.


2 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Fixed being unable to interact with your pets in the Dormizone. Time for scritches! 

Impressed this bug was even found, because I don't know anyone using the Dormizone ever.


2 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Fixed weapons that formerly used Sniper ammo appearing when using the term “sniper” to search in the Arsenal despite not being categorized as a Sniper weapon. 

  • This would affect a weapon like the Lenz, which now uses Primary Ammo. It can still be found in the Arsenal when searching using the term “Bow”. You can still find your Rubico Prime using the term “Sniper”, so worry not!


Nice, this had always bothered me when I searched for 'Sniper' before a Sortie mission.

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my pc is lag so bad after the update and the same settings didn't change i went to 15-20 fps hardly in the new map! in my first try to it also lag in each mission i play for no reason! the game wasn't like that and it was fine before the update all the day before 

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54 minutes ago, Tyreaus said:

Realistically, the change keeps people from getting addicted, dumping hours after hours after hours ramping up Kuva gains to reroll Rivens like the slot machines they are. It's the same sort of reason for the change to Kubrow fur patterns back in the day that could be rerolled for plat: player health and wellness.

What even I don't...

You know there is this thing called Kuva Survival and stuff? How does it differ other than worse Kuva per hour?

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3 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

The Steel Path Honors store now has a limit of 25 per week for each of the 10,000 Kuva and the Relic Pack offerings. 

Welp, steel path is dead now. The reason for this change doesn't matter, punishing players for playing the game will kill any content. That and steel path was literally all that warframe still had going for me, so A+ on self destruction here DE. Whats next, limiting arbitration missions to 3 a day?

As for the new gamemode, being defence means dead on release, at least for me, defence is easily the worst gamemode type for me personally.

Edited by Joezone619
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23 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:
  • Valkyr’s Prolonged Paralysis stun duration now causes a knockdown on affected enemies instead of a standing stun.
    • In the Lua’s Prey Update, we re-worked the Prolonged Paralysis Augment Mod so that pull distance didn’t scale with Ability Strength, and the enemies were stunned standing instead of a grounded stun. We thought players would prefer standing finishers due to synergies with other Arcanes and modifiers, but in response to feedback, we are changing it back to a knockdown for grounded finishers outputting raw damage.


I... it never scaled range with strength, it scaled duration with strength. And the issue was that the augment was bugged and not increasing duration with strength, and had the wrong initial value (was only increasing by 100% instead of 200%).

Oh God. Well, we'll see how it looks when I get home. I am very worried now.

The range isn't scaling with strength--although more about that in a second.  The duration is, although I haven't attempted yet to see if it's doing so properly.

The thing that seems a lot different now is the knockback.  Just to copy what I said earlier in the thread about it:

I do have an observation:  If it was reapplied to targets before they'd started to get up off the ground, the old knockdown version would often ragdoll them away.    It's doing this again, but -I think- it's even more extreme than it was.    It's super noticeable with high strength, as this lengthens the window during which they'll be flung and increases the distance they'll go.

It's super-comical and fun with really high strength...but  if this could get addressed the augment would be more practical.   (And soothe some of the complaints from people who didn't like the original version at all.)  If its technically difficult or undesirable to remove the ragdoll entirely, even just changing it so that it the distance was smaller and/or didn't scale with  strength, that would be a big improvement.

It seems way, way more pronounced and consistent to me than it was in the pre-Veilbreaker version.  AFAICT there's no knockabout at all without the augment, even though it still lists a knockback percentage.


@(NSW)AegisFifi@taiiat Curious what yall think. :P


Edited by Tiltskillet
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5 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Well that's lame. Guess I'll not use an interesting alternative damage mechanic and just use one of the same damage mods I use for everything else in the game.

It was fun outdamaging baruuks and khoras with a silly little pistol that goes boom, all good things come to an end sadly

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3 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

The Steel Path Honors store now has a limit of 25 per week for each of the 10,000 Kuva and the Relic Pack offerings. 

  • We have made this change to Teshins store as it is an unlimited source of Kuva and Void Relics in-game. We took a careful look at Steel Path and decided this would be the best method to ensure a small handful of players couldn’t buy absurdly large quantities of these resources at once, without making changes that would affect all Players on the Steel Path. 


At this point please delete rivens

Not only is it a cancerous unfair RNG slot machine, but it's clear you hate players that actually put time and effort into grinding for kuva

Or you could actually do something about those "small handful of players"

3 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Changed Synth Charge’s bonus damage on final shot applying to the Tenet Plinx’s and the Azima’s alt-fire. 

  • Synth Charge is only intended to apply to the last shot in a weapons magazine, but the Alt-fire on both the Tenet Plinx and the Azima were receiving the damage bonus from Synth Charge on the entire magazine. Synth Charge should only apply to the final shot in a magazine of multiple rounds, and not to the entire magazine being dispelled in one shot. 


This change literally makes ZERO sense

Does the final bullet in the magazine not get fired? Do i not get sick if i drink a glass of water mixed with a spoonful of poison vs a spoonful of poison by itself?

Update: upon testing in game i guess synth charge actually works as intended as per description(?), as in the final shot gives extra damage, vs the whole magazine giving the extra damage(?)

More tests needed

Edited by addamrobin2
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I wish this "new" game mode was more interactive instead being timer-based, maybe shorten the timer by 0.2 sec when we collect crystals, or make the amount of enemies limited so when everyone is dead next wave starts earlier, or make it so that enemies themselves drop crystals , currently it is just plain boring, and i've only played it for 1h

Edited by EvillNooB
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2 hours ago, Monolake said:

So you have a bunch of blatant bot users farming Steel Essence for 24 hrs straight - and you do nothing about it. Instead you punish every honest legit player with these limits?

Myabe you should actually address the problem with these "small handful of players" who exploit the system botting the hell out of SP survivals?

This is probably because they don't want to upset their asian demographic. That's where a lot of this abuse is present.

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Thanks for the update. I see a few nice fixes in here. The changes to SP honors are abysmal, this needs to be reverted and adds to the many painful cons of continuing to play Warframe. Whether or not this weighs out the pros is for each player to decide for themselves. Also, I haven't seen anything about it, so I'll mention it again.. please add a toggle for post-new war players to host in pre-new war cetus/fortuna/vallis/plains as many of us do not want to play in the post-new war variants and shouldn't be locked in to doing so. Please re-enable arbitrations for players who previously had them unlocked (pre-AoZ) and still have vitus essence in their inventory, unable to spend it if they don't wish to complete the new nodes. Please bring back Void Dash. Please update the codex, there are a lot of missing and bugged entries.

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Imagine screwing up your own game little by little for your most veteran players limiting what they can do and what not, I completely disagree with the limitation of kuva considering that most of the rivens after changing the statistics 98% come out pure garbage and an incredible amount of kuva is spent....

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20 minutes ago, lolrace123 said:

Oh wow limiting relic packs to tone down "bots" ye sure

Yeah we all know thats a flat out lie, its against TOS to bot, especially in a manner that would actually make this a problem. Therefore DE would just ban the botters.

Edited by Joezone619
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1 minute ago, Joezone619 said:

Yeah we all know thats a flat out lie, its against TOS to bot, especially in a manner that would actually make this a problem. Therefore DE would just ban the botters.

DE isn't lying. It's very easy to see from leaderboards and specific missions like Steel Path Elara in the Asia region that there's an unchecked problem that isn't being addressed likely to not offend these players.

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1 hour ago, Voltage said:

likely to not offend these players

Which is complete garbage if true. If they're using automation, ban them for break of TOS. This is the same crap we had back when SE dropped from eximus units and them telling us that "blah blah due to rampant automation need to nerf this" instead of just banning the offenders and going on with life as usual...

Edited by 60framespersecond
Typo rampant
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21 minutes ago, Voltage said:

DE isn't lying. It's very easy to see from leaderboards and specific missions like Steel Path Elara in the Asia region that there's an unchecked problem that isn't being addressed likely to not offend these players.

So instead they opted to offend everyone else? Math ain't mathing here, on either end.

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