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Hildryn Prime: Hotfix 32.3.6


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3 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

So i noticed a big problem, i had a 13 day resource booster and i think 1 day left on a drop chance booster before the hotfix... they are both gone now.

I suggest you visit http://support.warframe.com/ and click Submit a Request. They will be able to look at your profile and fix any missing items/boosters.

Edited by LillyRaccune
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vor 37 Minuten schrieb Stickman949:

My Tenno in christ, why on earth would you try to survive that long, you're just asking for a death shot at that point

goal is doing level cap on every gamemode in the game , only index is left now.
As to why, flexxing ,proving it to myself and ofc fun doing level cap /figuring out strats to do it.

Also you have to abort defense if that happens because you cannot proceed so any loot you gained is lost either way, i just dont care

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Exalted weapons on hit effects (such as Hunter Munitions, Hemorrhage, Internal Bleeding, Life Strike, Shattering Impact, and Valkyr Talons' built in life steal) are broken since February, and it has been a known issue. 
Valkyr Talons' built in life steal is an intended yet not functional feature, and it's been nearly an entire month.

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1 hour ago, Halo said:

This was edited into the Cert Bug list, which is listed here: 

I noted this in the previous hotfix, so the issue seems to be too big of a problem to be a simple fix, hence why it's on the list.

ah, they mustve added that just today after the update then i suppose, i checked when it came out after testing to see and it wasnt there yet lol

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13 minutes ago, .BralessToaster said:

Exalted weapons on hit effects (such as Hunter Munitions, Hemorrhage, Internal Bleeding, Life Strike, Shattering Impact, and Valkyr Talons' built in life steal) are broken since February, and it has been a known issue. 
Valkyr Talons' built in life steal is an intended yet not functional feature, and it's been nearly an entire month.

Not only is this already a known issue (that will be fixed with the next cert update), the situation was already covered on the first page of this same thread - as well as in practically every hotfix thread since it became known. Let them get on with it.


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2 minutes ago, iPathos said:

Not only is this already a known issue (that will be fixed with the next cert update), the situation was already covered on the first page of this same thread - as well as in practically every hotfix thread since it became known. Let them get on with it.


Yes and we have been told this time and time again, to the point it isn't funny by any stretch of the imagination. 
Vauban's repelling bastile was the same, so was the stack decay bug and galvanized status mods as well.

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Alright, now I'm angry. 

I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me the past week or so, but it turns out they weren't. 

Nidus with a good chunk of chest plates on are MISALIGNED on ALL SKINS excluding the Prime and Phryke Skins

I will be using the Hexis Chest Plate as an example for this. Many other chest plates also do the same on all skins except the Prime and Phryke skin. 

1. Hexis Chest Plate on my fan-favotited skin, the Technocyst


2. Hexis Chest Plate on the BASE SKIN FOR NIDUS (this is upsetting)


3. Hexis Chest Plate on the Prime Skin works fine (also works fine on the Phryke Deluxe Skin) 


This is my frame, my livelihood, my bread and butter, and the frame whom I use the most and adore. 

I sure as heck hope this gets fixed upon the next hotfix or the next cert update.

Unlike all of the other current unspoken of and or known issues in the game that I might bring up occasionally, this is one I will not sleep on or accept until it is fixed. 

Edit: The only fix is toggling Prime Parts On... Yeah, I'm not having that either, should be fine with or without that on.

Don't mess with my baby boy's fashion, all he wants to do is look nice.

Fashion is a staple after I've owned everything for a long time now, and I would like it to be working as intended, please and thanks. 

Edited by Halo
Further Clarification
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16 minutes ago, .BralessToaster said:

Yes and we have been told this time and time again, to the point it isn't funny by any stretch of the imagination. 
Vauban's repelling bastile was the same, so was the stack decay bug and galvanized status mods as well.

Guess what? It's an improvement on not being told anything and we still have not had a mainline update since we were initially told this.

It's just a case of you being impatient and nothing else. (I am a Valkyr main and have been for nearly 7 years, the issue is completely able to be worked around in the meantime.)

Let's just go over what DE themselves explain at the bottom of their known bugs list:


What is a cert update? What is a hotfix?
Warframe updates in one of two ways; cert updates and hotfixes.  A cert update generally means a big title update that has been validated across all platforms. In other words, we make changes to the game’s code that must be “certified” by our platform partners before release. A hotfix on the other hand involves changes to non-code content, meaning we are able to launch a hotfix at any time without the certification process.

If an issue requires code changes to fix, we do our best to find a temporary non-code workaround fix, but that is not always possible depending on the nature of the issue. In the latter case, it would then be planned for release with the next cert update.

They have very clearly explained the reason that the code has not been fixed yet and we are already aware that the next mainline update is coming in April. Work with it.

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2 hours ago, Voltage said:

Also, please consider reverting the caps to Steel Essence purchases on Kuva and Relic Packs. The general playerbase shouldn't have to collectively suffer because of a minority of abusive players that aren't being dealt with effectively or at all.

I really wonder what the curve looked like for what portion of players were buying how many packs. I see a lot of recurrently vocal complainers about it. I'd highly recommend DE to either come clean about how absurdly it was being over-farmed for, so that we can see that the number on the cap is justified, or for them to adjust the cap to whatever the vast majority of players don't ever hit.

e.g. if it's only the most abusive 5% of players going ham on purchasing from the store after spending hours using meta steel essence farming strats, and there's a sharp falloff in purchases by everyone else, where 90% of players buy less than 50 packs of each (kuva/relics) then making the cap at 50 and *justifying* that decision with the stats would be good.

Capping at 25 though, if so many people feel stopped-short by that cap, just reeks of player-hostile over-monetization.

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Can you please fix Titania ? Not just her tributes shoot into sky not being able to be collected and often ending out of bounds, but when using Dex Pixia, pressing melee key (def. E) instantly switches to diwata BUT pressing fire key (def. L.Mouse) DOES NOT switches back to dex pixia and does absolutely nothing instead. She have been broken for about half a year.

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Thank you for the hotfix and Hildryn Prime!

For a future update, please consider giving Voruna some small changes. She's very close to being absolutely perfect and I'd love to see her at peak potential. For starters, please let her 2nd and 4th abilities proc her 3rd ability's health and energy orb drops. This will open up her very VERY fun ability playstyle and allow compensation for her steep energy costs.

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