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Poll: Who's Angrier?


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11 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

Cavalero's army sergeant attitude cannot compare to the wrath of Simaris whenever a synthesis target is brutally murdered

I'll be honest, I feel more frustrated disappointment from Simaris. Biz however gets VERY grumpy when you accidentally kill animals, honestly makes me feel bad for use anything with AoE.

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1 hour ago, Olphus said:

I'll be honest, I feel more frustrated disappointment from Simaris. Biz however gets VERY grumpy when you accidentally kill animals, honestly makes me feel bad for use anything with AoE.

Partial seconding. I argue with Biz whenever a conservation critter attacks me and I smack it with a sword bigger than it is. Similar boat with Son.
If I could opt out of conservation, I would... instead I get all kinds of NPCs mad at me,. one of the few things that has me argue with NPCs.

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CLEM is angrier. We just didn't understand it. It's not like "I am Groot" where we started to understand him if we know him. WE just can't figure out what the actual meaning of "Clem" and "Grakata" in his head, we just assume it's a grineer word ("get clem" means "get them" and "grakata" is the sound of the weapon) but apparently it's a different translation of curse words for him due to the deteriorating clone genes. 

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I get the impression Cavalero wants to be angry, but he's a little too... Dead to really muster anything more than basic territorial bloodlust

Simaris gets genuinely mad, but it's diluted by disappointment. More "oh come on" than anything.

Fortuna, they get mad. And they have reason to be. They're slaves to the worst evils of capitalism. Biz and Smokefinger, they have serious venom behind their words when they start seething.

Lodun feels like cheating. He isn't so much angry as he is anger. A subtle but crucial difference.

Vay Hek is tempting. This is a man that just stays cranked up to 11 at all times, and all he wants to do is break things. It feels like he's actively looking for reasons to be angry just so he can start punching his pillow (though he's not stupid enough to be purposefully incompetent)

Moving up another rung we have the Wolf of Saturn Six. He's been compared to the Doom Slayer for a reason, this guy has so much hatred, so much righteous indignation for his comrades, so much drive he broke out of brainwashing multiple times. Blew up a prison, nearly killed Alad V, escaped from a Ropalolyst. It took two Murex ships and a Narmer mask just to keep him stabilized, and the sheer amount of drugs dueling it out with the rage in his system should have torn his body up like a WW1 trench but he just keep trucking -- Daughter is terrified that what's left of his "body" is still technically alive.

So Wolf should win, right? Man literally too angry to die? Well no, there's someone else who edges him out:

Executioner Garesh. Yeah that slippery little bastard who's the hardest to hit in Dog Days. The Tenno tried to kill him, and failed. The Grineer tried to kill him, and failed. We the players try to kill him in Dog Days, and half the time we fail. Garesh's rage is so potent nothing in the story can touch him and it starts seeping into the gameplay mechanics. Man literally too angry to die

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Cavalero never struck me as that angry. more gung-ho no pun intended, and more of a tough guy exterior, that betrays a warm heart. Cephalon Simaris came off more condescending, Lodun is cheating, Vey Hek is just loud, and proud. Its Chipper with the anger issues. He's really twitchy. You ever go idle at his store and he starts to amp up really quick. He starts to get antsy, wondering whether you will actually buy anything, he starts to get passive aggressive over your lack of purchase. Then he tries to stab you with a fork and calls you a Mu--er. Chippers a simmering stew of anger issues, strewth. 

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Vay Hek, I mean does he ever not yell at something (besides Kahl)?

Lodun, well to be 100% fair, he is the embodyment of anger and the guy's name sounds like he is named after Thor's mother. I'd be angry if I was named after a woman aswell. And image, if they just removed the L his name would have sounded like he was named after Thor's father instead!

Those two are definently contenders. But the one I think is most angry but hides it with a giggly "I'm just pranking y'all" attitude is Wally. He's probably brewing and when he finaly gets a release all hell breaks loose, maybe even literally.

Simaris just seems like that annoying parent, uncle, grandparent or something that is never satisfied and is just grumpy for the sake of being grumpy and feels a need to correct you.

Cavalero is likely poser angry. If he starts yelling about ripping my head off and S#&$ting down my neck I might start to consider his anger.

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regarding Cavalero.. what? I don't think I've ever really seen him get mad: he usually just gets excited when I'm killing stuff at Halako Perimeter (usually testing out a new Incarnon for the first time) and the only time he really barks is in Void Armageddon when he tells you not to waste the Argozene, but his sense of urgency is warranted because these defenses are needed to help against the onslaught of enemies and also to slow down the Void Angels who are after the Reliquary Drive. even then, he's a pretty swell guy the rest of the time and never even gets close to Vay Hek levels of anger.

as for Simaris, I suppose he does get mad if a Synthesis Target bites the dust, but that's because it's a major blow to the Sanctuary. that said I've always found him to be somewhat creepy, mainly because of his total disregard for personal space: like bro, I don't care if your form is holographic, get your pixels outta my face.

the REAL contest IMO would be between Lodun and Vay Hek: let's compare:


- is the literal embodiment of anger in Duviri (but also Self-loathing, as he shows before his transformation into the Orowyrm that he is mad at himself most of all)

- actually uses profanity, which i find amusing, yet also had to think about how some of his dialogue would contradict the game's own profanity filter. so is profanity ok now that Lodun exists, or..?

- has multiple layers of anger. sometimes he just explodes into yelling and cursing, but a lot of the time, he takes this hushed, sinister tone, like that of someone who is plotting how to kill you in the most gruesome way imaginable.. you know how some people get mad but don't raise their voice, they get really, unnervingly quiet, and it's somehow just as scary, if not more so? that's Lodun.

Vay Hek:

- despises the Tenno with an unmatched level of zealotry; others would see us killed too, sure, but Vay Hek wants to erase even the faintest memory of the Tenno existence. it's a level of pure, unfiltered hatred that only a truly evil person can achieve. you know you've ticked someone off to the absolute maximum when they talk about wanting to throw you into the sun!


- seems to have very little going on besides the destruction of the tenno. I still want to know how Vay hek was persuaded into an alliance, or at least a truce/temporary ceasefire against us during New War. this is the same guy that literally let the infestation run wild on the plains in Plague Star hoping that it would kill the Ostrons for them so that they could then walk in and claim Cetus without further issue. 

I guess it ultimately comes down to which you find "angrier"; a focused, disciplined sense of vengeance, like what many action heroes have, versus the absolute, unadulterated tidal wave of screeching REEEEEEE that encompasses Vay Hek. personally I think the quiet ones are the ones to watch out for the most...


Edited by (PSN)robotwars7
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22 hours ago, Olphus said:

Biz however gets VERY grumpy when you accidentally kill animals,

Don't forget Biz has a past as well. He's using the conservation as therapy and when you mess that up, whoo boy.

Unlike Teasonai who is all "Well that sucks, you goofed that up. Try to be more careful next time, okay dude?"

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I don't really see either cavalero or simaris as angry.

Cavalero sounds more like violence crazy yahoo than anything else , aka stereotypical amerucan.

And simaris sounds more like a crackhead needing his next fix (that gets denied to him if you kill the target) 

The truly angry ones I feel would be vay hek and lodun.

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