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13 hours ago, Azamagon said:


So impact tenderizes them, puncture breaks up the armor so other things can punch through and hit harder, and ye old physical cold shatter (hard frozen should double the effect for sure). all really nice actually. But definitely a very big focus on damage, which everyone loves, but is a bit of a power creepy moment.. but given how everyones modding goes now... I guess kinda warranted. :V

some real theoretical stonks damage there when the viral comes knocking and the enemy is impacted up and has been pincushioned and frozen to the bone.

But damn, you definitely spat the facts there with the slashes+puncturing example. But agreed. But I guess the slash to bleed is technically working as intended cause if the damage is reduced by armor, so is the bleed, but the bleed already being affecting them, ignores the armor cause it's technically a wound thats making them bleed out, and you can't armor vs loss of blood already inflicted. but then it falls over when you go back to the shields blocking slash thing, since I dunno how you bleed energy shields except for game balance reasons.

Edited by Darkmega18
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11 hours ago, MrWrightPlays said:

This is a bit of a broader problem, but I do hate how we as a community refer to specific things as "additive" or "multiplicative". Damage mods like Serration or Hornet Strike or Condition Overload are called Additive, but then other mods that do effectively the same thing but for Critical Chance are then referred to as Multiplicative. Just kinda muddies the water that Additive for Critical Chance is a completely different concept than Additive for Damage, which is why I tend to just refer to any mod bonuses (that aren't faction mods) as Additive. Rant over, sorry if it seems targeted, isn't meant to come off that way.

The problem stems from terminology.

Additive is like you wrote, mods that add together.

Hornet + Arcane + Magnum = (1 + Hornet + Arcane + Magnum) in the equation

Works same with critical mods.

Point Strike + Galv Scope = (1 + Point Strike + Galv Scope)

Multiplicative is each of them being their own multiplier (like eclipse/roar)

Hornet + Eclipse + Roar = (1 + Hornet) * (1 + Eclipse) * (1 + Roar) 

Then there's the 3rd option like Avenger, this should be called Flat bonus.

Point Strike + Galv Scope + Avenger = (1 + Point Strike + Galv Scope) = Final Crit from Mods +45% on top

Then there's the debuff category which i believe the critical damage portion of the change fits into.

Should work like Equinox' Rage, Nova's Mol. Prime, Nezha Chakram = this effectively multiplies total damage/crit value after the entire damage equation.

In any case, we will know more once it goes live and we can test it, after all we are just Beta testers for DE.

Edited by FiveN9ne
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This is going in the right direction, however Impact is still trash. The main problem has always been the stagger flailing making it hard to land headshots, reducing your damage done by a LOT. And the status effect is still junk, it is not worth building for impact just for mercy kills, which dont even get offered on most enemies at all and with strong builds it is not really that efficient to go in for mercy kills.


Also, all the shieldless frames without even overguard from abilities are still suffering from oneshots. Wouldn't be hard to add some overguard acquisition to some abilities in Inaros and Nidus for example...

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17 hours ago, (NSW)BIGFO0T said:

This is just a nerf to impact damage. Literally no one uses impact for finishers as literally no one relys on finishers—single target kills—to accomplish anything outside of niche meme builds that get dumpstered by meta builds that clear entire rooms with one button. What a garbage change do yall even play this game outside of streams?

Haha thats actually kinda funny.

Cause I use it very regularly. weapons I use for FUN has impact damage. Nice change for me I guess.

Besides that tho, awesome changes. I wanted to change the size of damage numbers seperately for quite some time now, its like devs are reading my mind o0o 

Excited to try out all the changes. Great work, thanks DE!!

Edited by Raelf113
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0.5s invulnerability is SUPER SHORT!!.

if kullervo cannot die by one shot then it means kullervo just die right after 0,5s ended. if people focus on that overguard as defense(by building him with less health and armor), how are u expect could react for that short amount of time? eventho people keep watching their bar health all the time it still crazy short, not to mention that ability has certain time animation when casting.
i dont want get blinded by other buff and just ignore THIS.


Edited by r2in
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On 2023-07-24 at 7:09 PM, (NSW)BIGFO0T said:

This is just a nerf to impact damage. Literally no one uses impact for finishers as literally no one relys on finishers—single target kills—to accomplish anything outside of niche meme builds that get dumpstered by meta builds that clear entire rooms with one button.


On 2023-07-24 at 7:41 PM, VladYvhv said:

I think people complaining about it being a nerf are the ones using impact procs for the "convert impact procs to slash procs" mods. In that sense, it's a nerf.


On 2023-07-24 at 7:59 PM, (NSW)BIGFO0T said:

Thanks this is exactly what i was worried about. Might wanna include this bit in the post to avoid further worries

These posts serve as a constant reminder to be careful on the type of feedback one should take on games. Cause a reality you have to take into account is that your player base might have reading comprehension issues, head cannon their own doomsday worries, then tries to blame you for their mistake. How do you get "impact procs mercy kill build up is faster for easier mercy kills" to "impact procs will trigger less across the game regardless of damage distribution and status chance"? Also, there're game play benefits in doing mercy kills, granted if you have mods, and everyone aren't meta whores.

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18 hours ago, IDystopiaI said:

The impact changes make Impact worse, making the detrimental part of the status more pronounced while trying to make mercy kills more common. Now enemies are going to be flailing around more making headshots harder to land, and will still die before someone gets a chance go up to the enemy to use a mercy kill. This also ignores the fact that you're expecting players to jump into Eximus units, most of which will stagger you and hit significantly harder than the rest of the enemies just to do a mercy kill on a single enemy. There's also the problem that by the time Overguard is destroyed, there's enough DOTs and other status procs present to kill the enemy most of the time, and that mercy kills are only usable on some enemies. Impact makes your weapon worse in all other cases.

Hopefully a better test showing how Impact Procs get progressively worse as more procs are added:


  • At 5 procs, the enemy starts raising its arms in front of its head and the torso starts swaying and some randomized lateral movement is added.
  • At 10 procs, it looks like a backpedal animation is added, replacing the animation of the enemy taking a slight step back to steady itself.

Previous videos which don't do a good job showing progressive stages:

  Reveal hidden contents

Differences between Impact Proc animations below and at cap:

Below 10 Impact Procs - some flailing but not too extreme, more of a minor annoyance.

Shooting enemy that has hit Impact Proc Cap - fairly extreme flailing and will be more common if the cap is reduced to 5.

*Removing the Heavy Stagger when at the Impact Proc Cap I thought the Wiki had specific wording for a 'Heavy Stagger/Flinch' at 10 procs but that does not seem to be the case. Reducing the intensity of staggers would help with mitigating this, or replacing the stagger with something else entirely. As it is I don't think anyone actually uses impact intentionally for the brief stun it provides, and changing the effect to something desirable would go a long way to having players consider adopting weapons like this. (Please no more band-aid mods like Hemorrhage/Internal Bleeding, make the actual status effect useful instead hiding the "fix" behind mods).

Adding an offset for weapon damage numbers would be helpful in cleaning up clutter around the reticle.

There is only ever a single use case where I'll intentionally build for impact. It only works on Vulkar (Wraith) and Grinlock (Prisma), and that is when I use Internal Bleeding mods (35% chance to apply a bleed proc, 2x the chance if fire rate is below 2.5). This is because the impact will affect the chances to proc slash and the damage tic it will make. But again even for these weapons the impact status effect does nothing, it's the slash that is being built for.

Impact has a fundamental issue with the proc effect and what it does. It's effect makes the guns worse in most cases and mercy kills are just not realistically usable in 99,99% of use cases within the game. It should be changed to something else and I feel like mercy in general is a system that doesn't bring value other than in spy missions, and only just even then.

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17 minutes ago, PR1D3 said:

How do you get "impact procs mercy kill build up is faster for easier mercy kills" to "impact procs will trigger less across the game regardless of damage distribution and status chance"?

Yeah I don't know how people got this either, lol. Reducing the max number of stacks has no bearing on how OFTEN the status effect can actually proc, and any additional procs above the maximum just refreshes the duration. You'll still be getting Impact procs just like normal even if the target has full stacks—this was true before, and there was no indication that it wouldn't be true after the change.

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On 2023-07-24 at 7:09 PM, (NSW)BIGFO0T said:

This is just a nerf to impact damage. Literally no one uses impact for finishers as literally no one relys on finishers—single target kills—to accomplish anything outside of niche meme builds that get dumpstered by meta builds that clear entire rooms with one button.

You have still yet to explain how it is nerf tho?


On 2023-07-25 at 11:59 AM, Mr.SpookSpook said:

This is going in the right direction, however Impact is still trash. The main problem has always been the stagger flailing making it hard to land headshots, reducing your damage done by a LOT. And the status effect is still junk, it is not worth building for impact just for mercy kills, which dont even get offered on most enemies at all and with strong builds it is not really that efficient to go in for mercy kills.

Well impact as a proc is supposed to provide staggering of enemies and soft CC that’s literally it’s use…

if you are planning to get a headshot kills with an impact based burst dps weapon and you haven’t managed to kill it before the stagger effect or it’s not viable for hunter or internal bleeding mods ect then you are most likely building the weapon against its function imo… trying to remove impacts stagger effect completely just so your niche headshot build works “better” (and only if you aren’t sure your aim just sucks) is peak copium.


On 2023-07-25 at 3:01 AM, Encinos said:

With the puncture proc cc buff, Devastating/Devouring Attrition would diminish a lot. I thought DE was encouraging us to build for non-crit/status-based builds more with the introduction of them, turns out it was just a mirage after all, we will be forever stuck with this crit-hm-viral-slash-heat meta.

Incarnon modes no longer proc or even deal puncture damage on Phenmor and Laetum never dealt puncture damage in the first place hope this stops some of your worries friend DE probably already thought of this WAY in advance

On 2023-07-25 at 4:16 AM, Raijinmeister said:
Thanks for gutting the non-crting builds with the changes to impact and puncture.
Phenmor, Felarx, and Laetun have very good non-crit builds that you are destroying here. And before someone mentions -cc rivens, hell no. If a weapon needs rivens it means it's a crap weapon, and those weapons are far from it. Now from optional, they will become mandatory for builds. The prices on those rivens for those weapons are already ridiculous, imagine after this change.

Set some test servers to have proper feedback from players and stop making "one solution fits all". If you want to go the crit route make those procs letting enemies more vulnerable to crit damage, increasing the dmg from crits, and call it a day.
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Once again neither of those weapons deal puncture hope you guys atleast know what your talking about before making statements…


Okay so if I’ve managed to decipher anything from this thread it’s that Warframe players have absolutely no idea wtf they are talking about 90% of  the time… 

The Idea that weakening enemy damage through Puncture Procs is “UsElEsS” is inherently wrong especially considering players who aren’t that optimised in their builds and take on bosses such as Liches Sisters The Wolf SP bosses like Vay Hek not everyone revenants or shield gates get a grip… 

Theres some disparity about the Attrition effects on incarnon weapons… I’m here to clarify NONE of the incarnon forms of Phenmor Laetum and Ferlax proc puncture or even deal puncture damage so the additive 25% Crit from puncture damage won’t affect them unless coming from a separate source. Furthermore ONLY Ferlax has a reasonable puncture distribution on its base form and Phenmor having only 30% and 70% slash which is irrelevant anyways because you shouldn’t really be building for these weapons base forms anyway.

Also the Idea that impact stagger or mercy kills are also useless is very weird because you can often mercy kill Eximus and priority units significantly faster than you would usually especially in high level missions. Considering they will always drop energy health and ammo you can easily use them to get yourself out a tight spot.

Also I knew Warframe players REALLY didn’t know what they were talking about when said the changes were a nerf to impact because they thought it would limit the amount of slash procs from Internal and haemorrhage despite those being completely different effects yet somehow before even asking “huh is this gonna effect these mods this way” they jumped and screamed saying “YOURE RUINING IMPACT 🤬” and got likes for it I can’t man 😭😭😭😭

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9 minutes ago, thetoy323 said:

I feel like Blast also need some help.

maybe make it do more Boom stuff would fill someone fantasy.

Hmmmm blasts effect of of reducing enemy accuracy is lacklustre but the thing is blast as a proc or damage type isn’t really supposed to be good itself due to the fact it’s the large portion of most AOE damage distributions…

seeing how prominent AOE and viable aoe weps are because obviously a wider range leads to more enemies being killed making a subtle change to blast that won’t completely make AOE go off the scales again is going to be a challenge and frankly any change I see is either going to be once again lacklustre or overpowered with very little middle ground

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20 hours ago, (NSW)BIGFO0T said:

This is just a nerf to impact damage

Impact proccs doesn't deal damage, and if you're saying the stacks are lowered by half, the effects are also doubled. Imagine working half the week and getting the full salary. What essentially happened is: it now takes less proccs to get the full effect. I will however say DE didn't address the issue that enemies are simply 1 shotted regardless. Eximus should have a 1-2 second down state before they bleed out so we can actually procc the parazon mod bonuses if we wanted.

Guys, I know simple math can be hard, but remember number lower is not always bad. Lower debt, lower expenses, lower prices, etc, are better

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20 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

That’s all for now, Tenno! See you July 27th for the Echoes of Duviri and Wisp Prime launch! 

Anyways nice changes I’d change how overguard protects Kullervo specifically like how Hildryn has with her shield gate probably an extended guard-gate time of 1.5 or 2’s but definitely less than Hildryns shield gate of 3’s. Why? Because Hildryn also uses her shields as a means of energy meanwhile Kullervo only uses it a a means of defence but due to have no shields or other damage reduction abilities an extended shield gate on him is necessary imo.

Also Any possible chance of Titania getting an augment that allows all her Tribute buffs to be caste at once like “fused reservoir” also a change to some of the buffs that allow the revival of fallen razor flies and change/replace entangle. 

Can Nyx also have an augment or ability syngergy for the two following A. Force her Mind Control Unit to preform their unique attacks/abilities like the Heat Eximus waves ect

B. Allows damage absorbed by Absorbe to be transferred/added to the damage output of MC units

i think these changes would make her really fun and significantly more powerful thnx.

Edited by (PSN)RB3-Reloaded
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On 2023-07-24 at 7:09 PM, (NSW)BIGFO0T said:

This is just a nerf to impact damage. Literally no one uses impact for finishers as literally no one relys on finishers—single target kills—to accomplish anything outside of niche meme builds that get dumpstered by meta builds that clear entire rooms with one button.

what kind of how is literally making it max out 2x faster a nerf second if you only play star chart yah this dose nothing but if you do long steel path endless it makes an eximus unit less of a pain to deal with its why i carry a status impact side arm. literally 4x10=40, 8x5=40 the heck kind of math man just admit you wanted to complain


my thoughts on the changes to status are ice seams interesting but I don't think it needed it I think viral is just way to needed a lot of the time but i agree with bring things up and the puncture change ill wait to see because this can potentially free up space on some weapons. but I think the problem with impact is its just outclassed in its job by other damage types and status a lot of the time i never thought it came online to slow, i just think its a hinderance with it being a damage nerf against like 70% of the enemies in the game.  i think blast needs a look at because it effectively dose nothing because enemies just ignore accuracy changes (or at the least it feels like it) on top of considering blast weapons tend to have ludicrous damage not needed most of the time even in high level steel path I think rad is fine just usage varies hard on unit and mode, gas is weird and I'm still messing with it magnetic is fine and base elements are fine with least reliable being shock and even then still a good one. corrosive is a little week imo even against armor units because well viral dose it better.  corrosive IMO takes way to long as a status for what it dose. The HUD stuff for numbers is nice now if only we could make our screen not be a cluster truck from buff icons 

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5 hours ago, Darkmega18 said:

So impact tenderizes them, puncture breaks up the armor so other things can punch through and hit harder, and ye old physical cold shatter (hard frozen should double the effect for sure). all really nice actually. But definitely a very big focus on damage, which everyone loves, but is a bit of a power creepy moment.. but given how everyones modding goes now... I guess kinda warranted. :V

some real theoretical stonks damage there when the viral comes knocking and the enemy is impacted up and has been pincushioned and frozen to the bone.

But damn, you definitely spat the facts there with the slashes+puncturing example. But agreed. But I guess the slash to bleed is technically working as intended cause if the damage is reduced by armor, so is the bleed, but the bleed already being affecting them, ignores the armor cause it's technically a wound thats making them bleed out, and you can't armor vs loss of blood already inflicted. but then it falls over when you go back to the shields blocking slash thing, since I dunno how you bleed energy shields except for game balance reasons.

Yup, that's pretty much it hehe. As for the powercreep, that is definitely a concern. But I'm of the mindset that our power need to be redistributed.

For example:

Buffs for us:

* Nerf enemy armor, by for example giving it a reasonable cap (this indirectly is also a nerf to the potency of our  armorstrips/armorignores - which imo is a HEALTHY change)

* Buff up weaker elements (making various elements a bit more fair across the board). For example, the changes you saw me suggest here.

Nerfs for us:

* Viral definitely needs some toning down. Potentially Slash and Heat could need a bit of adjusting as well.

* Nerf some of the raw damageboosting mods/arcanes (Raw damage and crit damage are two mod/arcane-areas of power I'd tweak down our numbers a bit first, as these are the most straightforward and "boring" boosts we have)

If you read the thread I linked, you'll see  more what I mean.

As for Slash armor-ignoring: Yeah I guess we have to chalk it up to ultrasharp weaponry - there is a point where a blade/projectile can be so sharp, it can cut through basically anything (monofilament blades, for example). So I guess it's just something scifi like that here *shrugs*.

Shield-bleed though? Yeah that is just a necessary game balance thing, for sure.

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18 minutes ago, Legendknightc said:

what kind of how is literally making it max out 2x faster a nerf second if you only play star chart yah this dose nothing but if you do long steel path endless it makes an eximus unit less of a pain to deal with its why i carry a status impact side arm. literally 4x10=40, 8x5=40 the heck kind of math man just admit you wanted to complain


my thoughts on the changes to status are ice seams interesting but I don't think it needed it I think viral is just way to needed a lot of the time but i agree with bring things up and the puncture change ill wait to see because this can potentially free up space on some weapons. but I think the problem with impact is its just outclassed in its job by other damage types and status a lot of the time i never thought it came online to slow, i just think its a hinderance with it being a damage nerf against like 70% of the enemies in the game.  i think blast needs a look at because it effectively dose nothing because enemies just ignore accuracy changes (or at the least it feels like it) on top of considering blast weapons tend to have ludicrous damage not needed most of the time even in high level steel path I think rad is fine just usage varies hard on unit and mode, gas is weird and I'm still messing with it magnetic is fine and base elements are fine with least reliable being shock and even then still a good one. corrosive is a little week imo even against armor units because well viral dose it better.  corrosive IMO takes way to long as a status for what it dose. The HUD stuff for numbers is nice now if only we could make our screen not be a cluster truck from buff icons 

First off, agree with the HUD remarks. While it is a good step in the right direction I would love to see more UI changes. Not just an overhaul but to allow us to edit it as well. A better health and energy display with teammembers' info. Also an icon legend for buffs somewhere in game. I would love to also have something where there would be a list of buffs that can trigger from you but you can set specific ones as 'favorites' where when they go active there's a special icon or reuse the current one, but it would be near your reticule. You know when something is going off soon or know some special ones that rarely go off (think arcane blade charger) and you want to take advantage of them in a timely manner.

Second, double yes on the status effects. How long have we been saying that though? Damage 3.0 was scrapped and was supposed to address this all the way back at the launch of PoE. Heck hardly anything takes enhanced damage from blast other than fossilized infestion and grineer machinery. Accuracy debuffing isn't all that bad (realistically it and evasion could have larger roles/picture but they need to give us ways to mod it and also make everything projectile based) but I would consider it a part of the statuses that really should be a debuffing effect that can/should come from WF support abilities. Blast, Radiation, and Puncture effects should just be used somewhere else and they're given new effects.

Corrosive is in a funny place. First it could strip armor completely but then they changed it where you can only do a certain percentage. Then they do buff stripping on abilities but leave Corrosive the same. But Corrosive only strips a percentage of the current value. So if you used an ability to remove 80% corrosive won't get rid of that 20% completely, just reduce 85% of the value of that 20%. If it could strip everything again it would make it where it worked in tandem with other armor stripping abilities where you won't have to fully max out their effectiveness at the task. However, I suspect they're afraid to do it for one reason: Sayrn. I know she's good now but I'm debating if that would make her really cracked out.

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43 minutes ago, BETAOPTICS said:

Pay-to-win how? It's not more different than buying gear from the market for things you can obtain in hours regardless. Whom do you win over even?

No is not. Those weapons by themselves, even unmodded are very powerful
You win anybody else who didn't shortcut to buy them. There's always a competition aspect in any game, even a pure pve one like WF.
This semantics of "what is pay2win" is old and disingenuous. This game is super pay 2 win and now with adapters being sold, they killed the circuit. Why bother doing that if I can just get from the NPC the item? 
DE created the problem of placing these adapters behind the weekly rotations and the more items they made the worse it will be to farm for specific ones. But hey, you can buy them now, isn't awesome? You create a problem to sell the solution. 

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9 minutes ago, Raijinmeister said:

No is not. Those weapons by themselves, even unmodded are very powerful
You win anybody else who didn't shortcut to buy them. There's always a competition aspect in any game, even a pure pve one like WF.
This semantics of "what is pay2win" is old and disingenuous. This game is super pay 2 win and now with adapters being sold, they killed the circuit. Why bother doing that if I can just get from the NPC the item? 
DE created the problem of placing these adapters behind the weekly rotations and the more items they made the worse it will be to farm for specific ones. But hey, you can buy them now, isn't awesome? You create a problem to sell the solution. 

Yes, warframe is definitely p2w always have been, but it's also a very f2p friendly game that anyone can trade for the plat and buy it themselves.

Edited by (PSN)Dyin-Kyo
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4 hours ago, r2in said:

0.5s invulnerability is SUPER SHORT!!.

if kullervo cannot die by one shot then it means kullervo just die right after 0,5s ended. if people focus on that overguard as defense(by building him with less health and armor)

Personally I feel like it should be super short, and people who ignore ehp on him should have a Plan B or just enjoy the glass cannon playstyle.  I'm not taking him to level cap though.

Frankly I wish they'd given Recompense a direct armor and/or health synergy instead of status immunity, but Kullervo's already really good and only going to get better with these changes.

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18 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

The nice thing about Puncture's debuff compared to most of the CC-based damage reductions is it applies to many targets that are immune to the latter.

I'm not saying it's great.  But it's biggest problem to me is that it's kind of invisible.  Even when people are playing the kind of content and frames where they're benefiting from it, they won't really be aware that they're benefiting.  Blast's accuracy debuff has the same issue.  (But doesn't affect a lot of enemy attacks, so is even worse.)

Well, fair enough!

All my whining aside, im still looking forward to the new status changes. I just would've liked for them to clarify how the critbonuses from cold and puncture will actually work.

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23 hours ago, IDystopiaI said:

The impact changes make Impact worse, making the detrimental part of the status more pronounced while trying to make mercy kills more common. Now enemies are going to be flailing around more making headshots harder to land, and will still die before someone gets a chance go up to the enemy to use a mercy kill. This also ignores the fact that you're expecting players to jump into Eximus units, most of which will stagger you and hit significantly harder than the rest of the enemies just to do a mercy kill on a single enemy. There's also the problem that by the time Overguard is destroyed, there's enough DOTs and other status procs present to kill the enemy most of the time, and that mercy kills are only usable on some enemies. Impact makes your weapon worse in all other cases.

Hopefully a better test showing how Impact Procs get progressively worse as more procs are added:


  • At 5 procs, the enemy starts raising its arms in front of its head and the torso starts swaying and some randomized lateral movement is added.
  • At 10 procs, it looks like a backpedal animation is added, replacing the animation of the enemy taking a slight step back to steady itself.

Previous videos which don't do a good job showing progressive stages:

  Reveal hidden contents

Differences between Impact Proc animations below and at cap:

Below 10 Impact Procs - some flailing but not too extreme, more of a minor annoyance.

Shooting enemy that has hit Impact Proc Cap - fairly extreme flailing and will be more common if the cap is reduced to 5.

*Removing the Heavy Stagger when at the Impact Proc Cap I thought the Wiki had specific wording for a 'Heavy Stagger/Flinch' at 10 procs but that does not seem to be the case. Reducing the intensity of staggers would help with mitigating this, or replacing the stagger with something else entirely. As it is I don't think anyone actually uses impact intentionally for the brief stun it provides, and changing the effect to something desirable would go a long way to having players consider adopting weapons like this. (Please no more band-aid mods like Hemorrhage/Internal Bleeding, make the actual status effect useful instead hiding the "fix" behind mods).

Adding an offset for weapon damage numbers would be helpful in cleaning up clutter around the reticle.

Status effects for blast and impact need to be swapped so if you want the slight stagger (from explosions now) you need to build for it specifically. 99% of players either don't care about the not useful at all stagger or it is actively detrimental and should not be on a base status you can't get rid of.


There is a small fringe case of people intentionally using it for parazon buffs from mercy kills, but that is not common and should also be able to be achieved via any finisher making finishers as a category kind of useful again to some degree.


Could also swap them but then get rid of the old impact status (now on blast) and change it something that fits thematically and is actually useful...like blast procs now deal the hits damage in a 5m radius with aggressive falloff, or blast procs now spread procs already on the enemy to nearby enemies (although that one would be better for gas tbh)


Could also just change impact to give the shattering impact effect at base, but for both armor and shield. Then you have slash for doing DoT, puncture for boosting crit damage, and impact for chewing through defenses.

Edited by Altimit89
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Personally less is more, I'd much rather see us get a Status effect only mode that hides damage numbers while showing our status effect application more. Either that or just numbers when crits and status application are achieved to keep the chaos a bit more manageable.

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