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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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1 minute ago, ZabaYaga said:

Also just want to add on here that since Fashionframing is for many people Warframe's Endgame, putting full fledged entire new official non-tennogen skins behind a paywall it feels EXTRA bad over 'just' the monetization shift. 

I will defend DE a tiny bit here. Because its a free to play game i feel like its completely fair to place skins behind pay walls. If done so, the skins should be fairly priced. That is not what they did here. The bundle nor the price is okay.

1 minute ago, xMarvin732 said:

Also i love how the pricing is almost the same as for the Diablo 4 game.

I got armored core 6 for cheaper lol.

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6 minutes ago, (PSN)Tactless_Ninja said:

Prime accesories are real money only. 

There's items in the game that you need to spend exorbitant amounts of plat to get. The lich bundle is $70 for a few pieces of armor. 

Why weren't there complaints about those?


Personally, I can forgive the accessory bundles, but largely because of the boosters. Those kind of pay for themselves. I also don't purchase them every single time. If the accessory stuff has some things that I really like, I will typically try to buy the pack. With the bundle(s) currently being discussed, it's...really not worth it like it is with the accessory bundles.

Edited by Lionsheart89
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33 minutes ago, _Eclips3_ said:

No...they made it luxury artificially, my point is, in reality its worth is no more than other delux skins. Meaning it's not luxury. Would you pay $50 for a chicken nugget because it's "luxury?" How is this chicken nugget more luxury than the $1 nugget?

High quality chicken meat, seasoning and processing to make it "luxury"

Still won't make it taste any different than $1 nugget anyway

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32 minutes ago, xGryphus said:

Yes, exactly. Just as Gucci or Prada purse is no better then any well made purse. Price tag is the limiting factor. That's the very definition of luxury.

No it's not. Luxury would be a well made watch that uses premium materials, are powered by advanced and complex movements, and are often (at least partially) hand-made. Another example would be a car with above-average to high-end levels of comfort, features, and equipment. Often more expensive materials and surface finishes are used. There is nothing to justify the price of the skins.

Edited by _Eclips3_
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Just now, (XBOX)Itz2Cat said:

I will defend DE a tiny bit here. Because its a free to play game i feel like its completely fair to place skins behind pay walls. If done so, the skins should be fairly priced. That is not what they did here. The bundle nor the price is okay.

I get where you're coming from, but they already have Prime Access for that as a pretty elegant solution (in my personal opinion). If not for that I'd just be shocked by the steep price, not by the act of selling skins of money only. This on top of prime access is just nasty. They donated 200k to charity, they're developing 3 games, they're able to host Tennocon and give away 10k USD to a cosplay contest for funsies. They definitely are in no need for money and the only reason they put deluxe skins behind a paywall is for the sake of greed. Nothing else. 

In another setting, I would say it's fair. Here I just don't think so with what I just said on top of fashionframing being such an integral part of the game (and f2p gaming experience!).

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I saw this pack last night before any announcements and laughed.  Ive spent thousands over the years and will not buy this.  I don't want/need/have a use for that regal aya.  Quit tacking it on to dig into my pockets.  Theres been no good content recently and with how the Wayfinder launch went DE is losing credit fast.  But if running off all the people that made you rich to build a new base of phone users is your plan, youre headed in the right direction.  I love WF but haven't played in weeks over boredom and pulling stuff like this is gonna make it easier to turn weeks into for good.  Now remain silent or say you didn't think it would make everyone mad, so typical of game management these days.

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I saw this pack last night before any announcements and laughed. Ive spent thousands over the years and will not buy this. I don't want/need/have a use for that regal aya. Quit tacking it on to dig into my pockets. Theres been no good content recently and with how the Wayfinder launch went DE is losing credit fast. But if running off all the people that made you rich to build a new base of phone users is your plan, youre headed in the right direction. I love WF but haven't played in weeks over boredom and pulling stuff like this is gonna make it easier to turn weeks into for good. Now remain silent or say you didn't think it would make everyone mad, so typical of game management these days.

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1 minute ago, ZabaYaga said:

I get where you're coming from, but they already have Prime Access for that as a pretty elegant solution (in my personal opinion). If not for that I'd just be shocked by the steep price, not by the act of selling skins of money only. This on top of prime access is just nasty. They donated 200k to charity, they're developing 3 games, they're able to host Tennocon and give away 10k USD to a cosplay contest for funsies. They definitely are in no need for money and the only reason they put deluxe skins behind a paywall is for the sake of greed. Nothing else. 

In another setting, I would say it's fair. Here I just don't think so with what I just said on top of fashionframing being such an integral part of the game (and f2p gaming experience!).

Yeah, i'm nearly 100% on your side but again. Imagine the skins come out and you can buy a bundle for £15 that has both the skins, and a color palette in it and maybe the emote or some plat. And then you could have all the other expensive ones as tiers above that, I wouldn't have even batted an eye and just spilled my money.

(I believe you also have to keep in mind the game itself. It is quite a wonder that it is the way it is in today's online game climate)

But yeah, the stuff you pointed out with the charity and games and everything else has definitely began to poke holes in my opinion the more i think about it.

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23 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

I'd be lying if I say that I'll stop playing today just because of the price of Heirloom skins

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't considering it.

The omen of this bundle is merely making a "hm at a safe distance" kinda choice more of a "I could jump right now, wonder how far I'd fall. All it'd take is a single step." kinda look at a cliff.
That is to say "Not fully, but I can't say the future isn't looking bright enough for me to consider."

16 minutes ago, ZabaYaga said:

Because if collecting matters to you be prepared to have to dish out this money on a regular basis starting now.

"Just remember! It's perfectly okay to buy a sandwich made in 2 minutes at a Subway for 2000$."

"W-what do you mean that's too much money? You like your saaaaandwiches right? Yeah, sandwiches! Eat 'em up. Yum yum yum! Just don't look at your wallet!"

Now replace "sandwich" with cosmetic and the obvious belittling after that with whatever the shills are saying this time.
I reject the bundle simply because of that prospect. Where these prices become the norm.


But my main issue with the FOMO aspect. I can at least shill out 40$ if I have a surplus of cash on some cosmetics if I'm enjoying the game.
I don't want to feel like DE is trying to force my hand. Cosmetic or not.

Excalibur Prime was the ONLY unique scenario because they actively made it clear that they need the cash and respect the people who made the gamble.
In fact, it's STRICTLY that respect is why we all agree on it.
There is no such thing here, it's brazenly scummy and we're not wanting to sully the name of Warframe over it.

So yeah, I can't exactly say it's a nice idea to see this being a possibility.
... and with those new updates on the horizon too. Sours the idea when I can't even enjoy speculating about it.

14 minutes ago, Talendro said:

I also not be following my tradition of buying 2-3 Prime Access a year

Best part? If you're looking to buy ONLY the Heirloom skins? Y'know, excluding those emotes and profile pics that WILL go unused?

You don't even get the Platinum bonus! That means you can't even contribute to that economy that makes Prime Access kinda a plus.
Instead, you get Regal Aya.

... the same thing that's for Prime Accessories.
Of which ALSO gave (and still gives) Platinum.

Also, y'know... the fact that Prime Access also comes back every now and again. Regal Aya is strictly designed so you can pick and choose which accessories you get.
(Which, in my opinion? Is a fair tradeoff at least if you're looking strictly in terms of what Prime Access does already. We don't need other bundles sneaking it in.)

I can't even have the peace of mind that it might come back next year.
And unlike the Loki Verv or Octavia Iridos sets from Amazon Prime?
There's absolutely NEGATIVE reason they can't put that into the Prime Resurgence every now and again as well.

Hell, you know what would've been a cooler idea?
Making it so every time Mag or Frost pop up in the Prime Resurgence, you could use REGAL AYA to get these skins!!

That way, it's always something. People will buy the Regal Aya and you can even sell the occasional extra goodie in the bundle.
... but no, that's too simple for DE.

27 minutes ago, Talendro said:

$99 Aussie dollars. For that price I could buy BG3 or AC6 and have change left over. Not only will I buy games instead of this FOMO cash-grab, I also not be following my tradition of buying 2-3 Prime Access a year. Hell of a way to celebrate a 10 year anniversary. "Hey, lets celebrate by gouging the player base".

Wanna know the best part? Saw this in another post:

23 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

Yaknow what's funny though. These converted prices aren't even correct depending on where you're buying from XD

$90 USD
£60 GBP
$100 AUS

But get this, in Argentina, the pack is equivelant to $13.31 USD. THIRTEEN BUCKS! Yet in America, anyone buying it has to shell out $90.

So it seems the prices aren't even accurate. Like DE rolled the dice LITERALLY and chose a price that way.

22 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

The problem ain't the price - okay, it's a bit of a problem - but the fact that the skins are time limited.

That's garbage and they need to backpedal on that. They've said in the past that they'd never do a thing like Excal Prime again.

Remember how Prime Resurgence initially dropped?
It's this all over again. Let's hope the community can echo the mistakes DE already made again until they break and fix it again.

Only for this to happen again in the future.


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1 hour ago, xGryphus said:

This is another thing that people don't get. To quote, it "celebrates 10 years of Tenno valor". Not your 10 years in game. It can be compared to collectible coins made to commemorate a specific occasion.

All the more reason to reward its dedicated player-base. Spending one's hard-earned cash to display an accomplishment, whether personal or otherwise, doesn't sound right in my book.

Edited by Renathy
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Something tells me this is going to be another regal Aya situation again. At least i hope.

I hope they speak on this ASAP on Monday and right their wrongs.

Right now i fear silence. I thing the bad ending to this situation is silence from DE.

That will actually be Armageddon at that point.

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The pricing is just awful which S#&$s all over what this game initially did right and helped it reach/survive for 10 years. DE why do you gotta piss over Warframe being 10 years old with a move like this? I feel like they have been slowly escalating stuff like this with the supporter packs and as a grandmaster founder it absolutely shames me to see them doing this. 


I could buy an entire game for that ridiculous price. Most of Tennocon 2023 was good apart from this stupid S#&$.

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The price or the time limit are not the problem here. DE has an in game currency that they are not happy with, those past years. With this bundle they are taking the temperature’s feedback of the players. They may want to stop platinum because some trades are making to money (namely the rivens).

I have been an FTP player for nine years and I earn more platinum than I spend and yet I buy skins, arcanes and rivens.

Edited by (PSN)HeartCoreGamer
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No the inclusion of regal aya is intentional.  They want to push the second premium currency since the appeal for it is basically next to zero for any long term dedicated WF player.  Prime resurgence is quite literally the devs trying to bilk people out of money for something that's long existed in the game now.  Trying to re-sell that for only irl cash is gross and they know it.  So ofc they're going to forcefully bundle it with pretty new cosmetics that people don't have and would very much want.

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3 minutes ago, Kaokasalis said:

The pricing is just awful which S#&$s all over what this game initially did right and helped it reach/survive for 10 years. DE why do you gotta piss over Warframe being 10 years old with a move like this? I feel like they have been slowly escalating stuff like this with the supporter packs and as a grandmaster founder it absolutely shames me to see them doing this. 


I could buy an entire game for that ridiculous price. Most of Tennocon 2023 was good apart from this stupid S#&$.

I bought a AAA game that came out yesterday for cheaper.

And i always thought that DE was different because they functioned off reputation and not anti-consumer tactics.

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1 hour ago, wizardeiges said:

The 6 regal aya is priced by DE themselves at $40 on this website. So the two skins would be $30 if they didn't make you buy regal aya. So by that, it's a regal aya bundle first and foremost since it takes up more of the cost.
Shouldn't have to buy $40 worth of stuff I can't use just to get 2 skins. 

The plat in the higher tier bundle is worth around $35 by DE's price standards. Again, more you have to pay out just to get the Heirloom items. The majority of cost in all of the bundles comes from the padding thrown into them, not the heirloom items based on DE's pricepoints around plat and regal aya which is sad.

I can buy regal aya and plat elsewhere from DE as they offer both at the same price as they are in these bundles elsewhere on DE's website and in game. If I wanted plat or regal aya i'd buy it from the already available bundles they offer outside of the heirloom bundle.

I could almost live with the "bundle" aspect but the 6 aya is a bruh moment.


I dont need it. At all.

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6 hours ago, Binket_ said:

I mean, I still want to PLAY the game.
We're not trying to kill it, we're trying to correct a mistake.

Unfortunately, the only ones with the power to do that are stubborn until you make such a massive fuss.
It's the only reason Revenant and Wukong remain unnerfed.

How about putting that power to a GOOD use?

There were other backlashes that were just as intense and for some nothing changed. The current power being used results in a lot of hot-or-miss endings. If all you do is bark without meaningful bite then chances of it being a miss is high.

Remember, I said scare them. Since your perception of "not playing the game until this is resolve will result in killing the game" then good chances are you already lost faith DE a long time ago, and you're only here because of nostalgia, sunk-cost fallacy, there aren't any other games like it to scratch that itch, or whatever other things that ties you here. Warframe is literally the only product that is keeping them alive; Soulframe is still way out there and Wayfinder isn't doing anywhere close to be a substitute. I am no where near the belief that DE would let Warframe die when it's their only money maker. Scaring them enough so they won't do something like this again would be valuable and we finally get something in history as proof.

Destiny 2 (D2) had sbmm in the past and there were debates over keeping or going cbmm. It just kept going on, and on, and on, and on; always theory, but never in practice. When they did switch to cbmm there's was a great honeymoon period, before it all went to hell after. Everyone now knows that the the matchmaking system needed be some kind of mix between connection and skill. They now have a practical history between connection- and skill-base matchmaking and have this lovely tweet.



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12 minutes ago, (XBOX)Itz2Cat said:

I bought a AAA game that came out yesterday for cheaper.

And i always thought that DE was different because they functioned off reputation and not anti-consumer tactics.

They used to. DE used to be the type of company that, when they accidentally put a slot-machine in their game with the kavat genetics rerolling, and saw how some people were spending obscene amounts of money on it, voluntarily removed that gambling aspect from the game in a hurry. This was pre-acquisition, iirc.

I don't think today's DE has the integrity to do something like that.

They're welcome to prove me wrong.

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

i dont think anyone at DE expect people to buy cosmetic skins over a great game like BG3. That shouldve already been your plan if you didnt have it already. 

I didn't mean that I didn't already intend to buy BG3, I meant that before this I planned to buy regal aya packs and tennogen, but now I'm more likely to make extra steam accounts to buy BG3 for, since the main reason for either would be supporting developers I support.

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